The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 548 started from one thousand and one night

Seventy-three chapters

When the green gave flowers are released in the city, the observer sitting on the hot air ball is not very happy.

"This location is too out of the spectrum!" He muttered.

So he recorded his own position on a small card and specified, and then adjusted the distance of the half.

Immediately, he took the card into a metal box, and one of the ends of the square box was buckled on the cableway of the hot air balloon.

He knows that the engineer will continue to adjust the ball with this data he observed, thereby placing the final pop-up point near the wall.

After the proofreading, several poliors can turn around and use a variety of special warheads to rush from the city.

Then, the arms will take the opportunity to come out from the trenches, and the second round of the defenders under the wall;

Finally, it is the infantry, wearing the infantry of the activated carbon anti-drug mask. They will open the city walls on the wall, and finally capture the key towers, and open the city gate.

perfect! Why will there be such a perfect siege tactics in the world?

The only thing that makes him is somewhat uncomfortable, spring air is still cold, especially the position of hot air ball, the wind is more important than he imagined, blowing him to be cold.

Huh? Why did the defenders on the wall of Seville suddenly go? What should I don't have a hit wall?


Despite the hit a few meters around Amulus, since this target is bombed into too many hairy amenis, the explosive force is a bit short. In addition, the unsatisfactory soldiers reacted in time, rescued the power, so Amulus still did not hang it.

Just in this situation, he may hang up. Because of the rules, after the highest, the defenders will choose a new elaborate from the current officer.

Now, Amulus has not died after being rescued, so even if everyone will still select a new command, the new command cannot violate the original policy of Amulus because he is just "substitution".

This new command can have some headache ... according to his thoughts, the defenders should give the other party to the other party, waiting for the command of Khamham in Cordova.

In the process of resolutely resisting the front line, Harkham suddenly came to let them put down the news of the weapon, that more embarrassment. Do you have to stage a drama of "Chen, etc. who are waiting for death, what is your hometown?"

Now, Seville's temporary command is facing such a problem - and the Magley troops outside the city temporarily stop, even the peace talk is the policy, but the officers who are born in the city are resolutely not agree, and threatened I broke his private and enemies and talk about things to Cordoba.

This threat is very effective, but from the status, the command of Xiaokang's home is completely embarrassing, these homes, the aristocrats, even if they succeed, but these people choose the post-autumn, they still die.

Worse, these people are not less than those in Seville, or they can insist that now, they are basically in the home, and the new command is completely unable to ignore their opinions.

The ideas of these nobles are also very good - Alibaba is full of gold coins when he is sending the aristocrats around Heres. And this practice also gave the Seville aristocrats a kind of illusion, that is, the situation is bad, they can also take the money to leave, and if they kill the death, there is natural, the slave army is desperate, left and right. I can't hurt myself.

As the "main battle sent" of many dynasties in history, they advocate war is not because they have more bones, but because after launching war, people who take responsibility and consequences will not be their own.

For example, in the Northern Song Dynasty, the part of the Wenmu, such as the Ming Dynasty, the water is too cold, and the minister of the Qing Dynasty and the Military Aircraft Office of the World. Before the war, it was a vowed to have a vowed, a pair of passion, righteousness, but in the end, the consequences were still the loyal master, or the people who helped the ocean.

Under the helpless, the command has only gives up the idea of ​​talking and talking about the defense.


Alibaba didn't know that his ejector just called the enemy's casualties, and the commander of the enemy, if he knew this, I would like to think about it seriously.

Although Amulus has not woken up yet, he has a rumor that Alibaba is a worship of the speech.

Without a law, the aristocrats know that if the people want to choose their own, they will definitely choose the political power that will give them the land, which is absolutely impossible for the land aristocrats.

If they want to take advantage of these people, they can only use religions, and they can only use deception.

Ever since, the Magley army became a military team composed of worshiping the fire. They signed a contract with the devil, changed the devil's magic and poison, and only for pure beliefs, pure souls can be upgraded to heaven ...

Under the promotion of newcomers, this rumor is very happy in the city of Sevilla, and the flame heating from the hot air balloon, and the color fireworks that can be exploded from all positions in the city. It seems that These rumors.

Whether it is true or false, after Amulus falls, these eyesight is the use of their own methods, and truly put the army into a piece of iron, waiting for Alibaba's last attack.


After receiving the news from the engineers "Once the target, at any time can start attack", Alibaba has a good sleep.

The situation on the battlefields is a good thing, and it is necessary to complete the idea of ​​the economic belt. Now the Alibaba is so good.

In science, personnel, morale, and political situation, the gap between the two sides is more than a gap. In this case, Alibaba does not think that Seville's defenders can turn over the day.

"Play people to persuade a drop, then launch the general attack!" His opponent down.

Next, he also had to share with the East Road Army, to attack Cordoba, then negotiations with the northern lord, and the governors of the east, there is not much time in Sevilly consumption.

As a result, the monks who went to the city to persuade the messenger just halfway, and the wall was poured out of the arrow, and the messengers were so busy and shed back.

Alibaba picked up the eyebrows, the defenders actually arrived now, this is so hard, he is some beginning with no.

However, some things will be transferred without people's will.

He waved his hand on the ejection, and the schematic can start.

Seventh 144 - Six Chapters

After receiving the command, the project soldiers behind the command, could not wait to take the newly set of the newly loaded body.

Amulus guess is true, Alibaba's ammunition stocks are not too much, and in the current process of manual production, the output is really low.

It is also because of this, when attacking, you should pay attention to the rhythm and email, and you can't til your fire.

The first round of assembly is broken, and it is broken, pays attention to the maximum killing. As for impact, Alibaba mostly allocated giving arms soldiers.

It is probably a "colorful smoke target" for a few days to give the defenders a illusion, let them think that the power of Alibaba's harmonic hand thunder is so big: as long as it is not fried in a few meters of radius, the rest is As soon as the speed is enough, the big probability is just a hit wave.

Coupled with their chief to ensure that the number of weapons of the devil is limited, as long as the weapons from the blood sacrifice are finished, they will come to victory.

The guaranteed soldiers have gradually recovered some confidence, and the arms will appear on the wall.

The result of excessive confidence is that when the first round of break, they actually don't want to find a branch except for kneeling.

After the first explosion is caused, the explosive reaction force will be populated in the air in addition to the hit needles of the latter injection, in addition to the hit needles of the latter injection.

The air burst of the air burst, the order may be the most in the hairdressing force from instantaneous killing. Whether it is a small iron ball in the outer shell or a small iron ball in the explosion, it can cause catastrophic damage to the surrounding enemy, while the power of the air explosion is still a few times on the ground.

The observer on the balloon took a telescope to see the wall, found that the first few hairbrucks really fell on the wall, and two - it seems that even after the callout, the accuracy of the ejector still needs to continue to increase.

However, the effect caused by these two bursts is unexpected, and even the head is so good. The walls of the explosion of the explosion have become a small blood tun, and the explosion points are not enough to describe this scene in the 20 meter range.

And don't say those people who have already seen the original shape of the body, even if they are still in motion, the body looks no longer complete. They are talking about being struggling, but it is better to say with the last breath.

Even if you have a distance from the distance, the observer still feels that there is a little cold. He is not sure that this is because his position is too high, or because of the psychological effect.

"The two hair, the effect is extraordinary, and it is expected that the third round is suppressed." The observer shakes the twisted to write on the small card, lost.

He has secretly decided, even if it is necessary to lose 40 days of praise, he must drink some wine today, put this cold from the heart, I believe that the elderly of the holy call will not blame himself.

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