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The second disadvantage is that it is invalid for the disease.

The only thing the fairy beans can restore is physical strength. Back then, Wukong's heart disease was caused by the invasion of an external virus. However, the fairy beans failed to cure Wukong, so they could not drive the virus out of the body, so they could not cure Wukong's heart disease at all. In the end, I can only rely on Trunks' special medicine.

The combat effectiveness will be greatly enhanced after the healing of Dragon Ball Z -Asian people from the edge of dying, and Xiandou is the best and fastest tool for restoring physical strength. On the way to Nami Kedxing practice and in battle, Goku and Vegeta took their physical strength and improve their combat effectiveness after taking them respectively.

There is only one celestial bean in total, which is quite expensive.

Zhong Jing really was cheap and sold well. In fact, one capsule was quite good.

I really thought this thing was Chinese cabbage.

The eighth thing was about the size of a palm, with the words"Taishan Stone Gandang" written on it.

When Zhong Jing saw this thing, he was really speechless.

This Taishan Stone dares to be a high rate of mirror. If he has nothing to remember, this is the twelfth appearance of the other party.

Appears every three or five.

Are you so connected to yourself?

There are many legends about Taishan Stone, and there are also specialized scholars and experts to investigate.

Some people think that Shi Gandang was a warrior in the Five Dynasties and Han Dynasty.

"Qun Sui Lu" written by Chen Duanru of the Ming Dynasty says:"When Liu Zhiyuan was in the Han Dynasty in the Five Dynasties, there were warriors named Shi who dared to bear the name. Did they admire the names of ancient people to express themselves? Is that the person who admired them?"

Yang Xinmin's"Surname Yuan Zhuji" also said It is said that"Liu Zhiyuan of the Five Dynasties served as the emperor of Jin. King Lu rebelled from Ke, and Emperor Min fled and met in Weizhou. Zhiyuan sent Shi Gan, a strong man, to serve as an iron hammer attendant. Jinzu and Emperor Min discussed matters, Zhiyuan rushed in, and Shi Gan died in a fight. Zhiyuan killed the emperor's right and left, because he burned the national seal. Shi Gandang turned bad luck into good luck in his life, and guarded against insults and dangers. Therefore, future generations will carve their wishes and write their surnames on stones at the strategic points of bridges and roads to protect the residents.."

This statement has always been in the folk.

There is even a TV series about this.

Some people think that Shi Gandang's Shi Jie (Shi Jie) has nothing to do with the Five Dynasties Warrior Shi Gandang, and there are good reasons.

First of all, after checking the old and new"History of the Five Dynasties", there are famous Shi Gandang and unknown Shi Gandang, let alone the Warrior Shi Gandang. According to the written records of Shi Gandang, he was revered as Shi Gandang. According to the"Old History of the Five Dynasties: The First Notes of Gaozu":"In Yingshunshe, Emperor Gaozu of the Jin Dynasty was in Changshan. Emperor Mingzong of the Tang Dynasty summoned him to go to Que, and he met Emperor Min on the way. He met Emperor Gaozu of the Jin Dynasty on the way and drove away. They all entered Weizhou and stayed in the post office. Emperor Min plotted to kill Emperor Gaozu of Jin Dynasty. The emperor secretly sent Shi Gan, the imperial eunuch, to stand behind Jin Gaozu with an iron hammer. But there was a change. He dared to welcome Gaozu into the same room and blocked the door with a huge log. He was looking for death. The emperor led his people to kill all the people around Emperor Min, so as to save Jin Gaozu from danger." According to the"New History of the Five Dynasties: Han Dynasty Summary No. 10","King Lu rebelled from Ke, and Emperor Min fled. Gaozu went to Zhenzhou to pay homage to the capital. When he met Emperor Min in Weizhou, he stopped passing on his family. Zhiyuan sent the warrior Shi Ganxiu to serve Gaozu with an iron hammer, so that Yu could change the situation. Gaozu and Emperor Min were still discussing matters, and they wanted to fight against him. Zhiyuan supported his ancestors in the house, and he dared to fight to death. Zhiyuan He immediately led his troops to kill all the people around Emperor Min, and left the emperor to pass on his family."

Although there is a slight discrepancy in the text between the old and new"History of the Five Dynasties", it is consistent that the warrior is Shi Gan and not Shi Gandang.

Secondly, there are Other historical books can prove that there is no such thing as Shi Gandang.

Therefore, the story of Shi Gandang should be a legend, not history.

Because among the people, there are many myths about Shi Gandang, and there are several versions.

Each is different.

Legend, There lived a young man in a village at the foot of Mount Tai.

His surname was Shi and his given name was Gandang. He was very brave and sympathized with the poor. He was very famous in the Mount Tai area. Some people who were bullied asked Shi Gandang to fight for them.

Tai'an There was a family in Wenkou Town in the south of the city. An old couple had only one daughter. I don’t know when, but every time the sun went down, I saw a demonic wind blowing from the southeast and going straight into the girl’s house.

As time went by, the girl changed She was sallow, skinny, and very weak. She went to many doctors but could not cure her disease.

At this time, someone said:"It seems that she is haunted by evil spirits, and it cannot be cured by just taking medicine. I heard that there was a brave Shi Gandang on Mount Tai." , why not ask him to come up with a solution?"

Shi Gandang said:"This matter is easy to handle. Find twelve pairs of boys and girls, each with a gong. Prepare a pot of sesame oil, rub the cotton into a thick wick, and a pot. , a chair, as long as these things are ready, I will definitely be able to catch the monster."

He put the wick in the sesame oil basin and lit the oil lamp. He held the basin with a pot, sat next to it, and used His feet were holding the edge of the pot. In this way, although the lamp was lit, no light could be seen in the distance.

It was dark, and with a whistling sound, a demonic wind rushed out from the southeast. Shi Gandang stepped on the pot and turned the oil lamp over. Immediately a dazzling light was emitted. Twelve pairs of boys and girls beat the gongs and drums at the same time. As soon as the monster entered the house, he saw the light and heard the noise, and quickly escaped and fled towards the south.

After Shi Gandang saw the other party escaping, he did not Continue to catch up, but this monster must continue to chaos.

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