This evil wind later came to Fujian and continued to dominate. Some farmers in Fujian were also plagued by evil winds and fell seriously ill. People asked around and heard that there was a Shi Gandang in Mount Tai who could drive away monsters, so they invited Shi Gandang to Fujian.

Shi Gandang used old methods to drive away the monsters······This demonic wind fled to the Northeast again. Some girls in the Northeast also became seriously ill. People invited Shi Gandang to the Northeast again.

Shi Gandang thought:"When I chased it away, it fled elsewhere. The country is so big, how can I run here? Yes, there are many stones in Mount Tai. I asked a mason to carve my hometown and name on the stones—— If the Taishan Stone is used as a monster, the stone will be placed outside the door of the house where there is a monster, and the monsters will not dare to enter."

After that, the story of the Taishan Stone being used as a demon to subdue monsters spread further and further. As a result, people carved the five characters"Taishan Shigandang" on the stones one after another and erected them on the roots of walls, streets, bridgeheads, and strategic points to ensure the safety of villages and houses.

Nowadays, Taishan stone is used in Feng Shui to resolve the disaster caused by missing corners in the house.

Placing a mascot with"Taishan Stone Gandang" written in cinnabar on the missing corner can resolve the evil spirits caused by the missing corner.

Later, Taishan Shi Gandang was passed down like this.

Of course, this is just a legend and not true.

There is also a myth and legend that Shi Gandang was the child of Lu Dongbin and Fairy Peony.

According to legend, after Lu Dongbin molested Bai Mudan, Bai Mudan had a son. Because he was an illegitimate child, he did not take his father's surname, but took Shi as his surname, and his name was Shi. The mother and son depended on each other, and their lives were difficult and they were scolded.

When Shi Gandang grew up, he went to school in the East Village across the river. Every morning and evening when he crossed the river, an old man with a white beard would humbly volunteer to carry him.

After a long time, Bai Mudan felt strange and asked her son:"Why don't your shoes get wet and your feet not cold when you cross the river?" Shi Gandang told her:"Every day, an old man carries me across the river on his back."

Fairy Peony He told Shi Gandang:"Tomorrow you ask the old man why he is carrying you across the river."

When crossing the river the next morning, Shi Gandang asked the old man in detail. The old man said:"My Emperor, you are the destined emperor, sent by the Emperor of Heaven." I will work for you, and in twenty years you will be the king of the land."

Shi Gandang proudly told his mother when he returned home. His mother was so excited that she looked forward to her son becoming the emperor every day.

When she was cooking under the stove every day, she would hit the statue of the Stove Lord with a fire stick and recite:"Stove Lord, listen: if my son becomes the emperor, I will avenge those who have a grudge and repay those who have an injustice."Three meals a day, she knocked on the stove prince and said three times.

On the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, the Kitchen God was going to heaven to report the good and evil in the world to the Jade Emperor. He truthfully reported Bai Mudan's words and deeds to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor didn't believe it, so the Kitchen King said,"I get knocked three times a day. If you don't believe it, look at the pimple on the little god's head." As he said that, he stretched out his head and showed it to the Jade Emperor with his hands.

Now the Jade Emperor was angry, thinking that Shi Gandang had taken over the world, was his mother still doing this? Then he ordered the Thunder God and the Lightning Girl to go to the foot of Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province on June 6 next year and drop stones to make the dragon tendons.

The next morning, Shi Gan went to school and came to the river. The old man who carried him across the river said:"I will carry you this time. I will not come to serve you anymore, because I will no longer be the emperor."

Shi Gandang was surprised and asked him why? The old man told the story of the Kitchen King's complaint to the Jade Emperor.

Shi GanDang was frightened and begged the old man to give him a way to save him.

The old man told him that if there is a heavy rain or thunder on June 6th next year, he must remember:"Shut up tightly and grit your teeth. Although the dragon's tendons are cramped and he can no longer be the master, he can still keep his golden mouth and jade teeth. The words are still effective. Never forget them."

Shi Gandang finally asked who the old man was, so as to remember his kindness. The old man said:"I am the Jade Emperor, and so is Taibai Zhenren." On

June 6 of the next year, The God of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning were ordered by the Jade Emperor to pull Shi Gandang's dragon tendons. On this day, Shi Gandang followed Taibai Jinxing's instructions and shut his mouth tightly and gritted his teeth.

After a sudden thunder and lightning, Shi Gandang collapsed on the ground. He tried hard to keep his golden mouth and jade teeth.

After Shi Gandang recovered, he hated the Kitchen God. He thought: I still have the miraculous effect of the Golden Mouth and Jade Teeth, so he found a gourd and wanted to put the Kitchen God into the gourd so that he could never come out. Holding the gourd head in his hand, he came to the statue of the Stove King and shouted loudly:"Stove King Mao Shen, put it in the gourd." When he saw a flash of fire, he put the Stove Lord in, and Shi Gandang covered the gourd plug..

When Shi Gandang saw that his golden mouth and jade teeth were really efficacious, he thought: These little furry gods in the world are not good people. He vowed to equip these little furry gods with magical powers, so as to eliminate the resentment of being cramped. So he went all the way north from Jiangxi, dressing up as he went, and all the gods in the south of the Yangtze River were not spared. Later, when he heard that Grandma Taishan had Taoist karma and was very spiritual, he became cruel again and pretended to be Grandma Taishan.

As soon as Shi Gan was on Mount Tai, the old lady took care of things and made some ingenious arrangements.

In June, Mount Tai was extremely hot under the sun, and the streams dried up to the point where there was no water at all.

Shi Gandang was walking hard on the mountain road carrying the big gourd he was carrying. He was thirsty and his tongue was dry, and his throat was about to smoke.

At this moment, suddenly a gray-haired old woman came from the bottom of the mountain carrying a bucket of water. When Shi Gandang saw water, how could he not drink it? He saluted forward and asked the old mother to give him a drink of water.

The old mother didn't give him anything to drink because of the hot weather in Mount Tai and the lack of water. He begged again and again, and the old mother said:"If you want to drink water, you must kowtow to me and call me your mother three times." Shi Gandang really lay down on the ground, kowtowed his head, and called me his mother three times. , just lay down on the bucket and drank until full.

The old grandma said:"Shi Gandang, if you drink my water, don't forget that I am your mother!" Shi Gandang thanked him again and again and agreed.

After drinking enough water, Shi Gandang felt energetic and went up to the top of Mount Tai in one breath. He wanted to go to Bixia Palace to pretend to be Taishan's old lady.

When he walked to the throne and pulled out the stopper of the gourd to pretend to be a god, he heard Bixia Yuanjun on the throne shouting:"Shi Gandang, Shi Gandang, you are ungrateful and unscrupulous, and you used the gourd to pretend to be your mother."

Shi Gandang looked up and saw that the person sitting on the throne was the old woman he kowtowed to and asked his mother to give him water. If he really pretended to be her, wouldn't it be really ungrateful? He was angry and regretful, so he threw the magic gourd in his hand to the ground and smashed it into pieces.

Only then did the pretended gods see the light, release their bonds, get up, and run up and down Mount Tai, escaping in all directions.

These fugitive gods all took their places on Mount Tai.

Therefore, ghosts and gods all over the world are afraid of Shi Gandang. Folks carve Mount Tai Shi Gandang on buildings at intersections to ward off evil spirits. This is also the reason why Mount Tai is so special. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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