Morning news.

Under normal circumstances, the people in Grand do not care about morning news. If you live forever, you are not really interested in current affairs. However, based on what happened yesterday, Zack was concerned about what will be in today's news.

Barton ’s media workers met Zac ’s expectations. The report on the first day of voting as the mayor ’s election yesterday took up most of the time in the news, including-

One. The people who voted on the first day far exceeded the past record of Patton City. Based on the current population base of Patton, the number of voters this year will also far exceed the past record. This is a good thing, proving that citizens have been attracted to this year ’s “Citizen Badge” and travel subsidies and are more willing to exercise their rights.

two. Interview with candidates for mayor other than Anthony. One of them said something to the reporter, "I never thought I could become the mayor, but this is a very valuable life experience, hey, we only have one life, right ~ cough, thanks for providing me The campaign funded 'xx bedding shop', I may have let **** down, but hey! "Refers to the camera," **** bedding shop, will never let you down! You will feel heaven when you lie ... " The lens is cut away.

three. Interview with Ysera. Asked if he regretted withdrawing from the campaign, only Mayor Anthony was competitive based on this record-setting vote. Esra ’s answer was, “Of course not. Everyone knows my personal relationship with Mayor Anthony, huh, huh, it ’s a bit complicated. During the campaign, aside from the Smith family ’s defilement of this 'career', I also noticed some People, after breaking away from working hard for the future of this city, after this goal, I began to use my relationship with Mayor Anthony to do some small actions. "Refers to the lens," I will not let "you" use the future of this city to meet "You", huh, wild hope ... "

Louise in front of the TV, "Isela is adding drama to herself. No one cares about her relationship with Anthony."

"Smart, she basically tells everyone in front of the TV that she quit the campaign not because her campaign failed to compete with Anthony after the scandal, but because she did n’t want to use the city ’s future as a bargaining chip for her own win, and it ’s a good shift of focus. Skill. She, bought a bunch of hearts. "Zac.

"She will regret it." Louise, "her current exposure has seriously threatened her life as a vampire."

"Her exposure has always been like this. This is her job." Zach objectively commented, "She is just accumulating all the resources she can accumulate in human life as much as possible. Let her do it."

We continue the content of the news.

four. Not surprisingly, the military ’s question was raised again, and this time, with the news anchor ’s mouth, “a message sent back by a reporter from our Patton Daily said that the Fang controls mass incidents ... "

Zac glanced at James eating breakfast.

The news on TV continued, "... it was the military hiding many military operations that killed civilians." Then the topic turned a corner, "our reporter interviewed citizens on the street to see what they said about the matter. The view, especially when we are likely to let a mayor with a military background continue to lead us for four years now. "

Then, the person in the Grand Entertainment Room 'Surprise' saw Benjamin on the screen and was frightened.

None of Benjamin in the screen spoke, and Zac's mouth ripped a little, "Did 'Benjamin' come back last night?" Notice the quote Benjamin.

"Obviously ... no." Louise.

Benjamin across the screen, "The military background and the military are two things." Benjamin seemed a little impatient, and he kept looking at the reporter who was interviewing him, switching between the cameras, "As far as I know, from your news As reported here, our mayor only occasionally takes care of veterans, for example, um, the warden of the southern prison, the one who escaped from the previous summer ... "

Zac raised his hand to cover his face, "Uh, it's Benjamin." Non-quotation marks Benjamin, "Can't he think of any other examples. Uh. Should I say this?"

"But what about the Midway House project afterwards? Isn't it good too?" Benjamin probably realized that he picked a bad object and forced it to turn, "Also, Director Cologne, right, the original North District Yes, the one who came to the Southern District later, but he broke the previous self-explosive case, right. "

The reporter asked a little uncertainly, "Do you want to say that our Mayor Anthony is still quite correct in choosing people?"

"Yes. That's what I want to say." Benjamin began to move away from the camera. "Have you finished asking, I'm going home."

"Oh, thank you for your cooperation ..." Benjamin had already gone away, but the street visits continued, and the question was the same, but he answered--

Someone mentioned the security company that the veterans opened—Sedier Security. Someone mentioned the Quinn Group ’s shelter project. Someone mentioned it, Detective James Lance.

"I'm going to the police station." James said goodbye at the last bite of breakfast.

Zac said to James' back, "At least Benjamin said that the military background is different from the military. If everyone maintains a positive view of Anthony, your future will not be affected."

James left without responding.

The next news began to be boring ... no.

Fifth, Quinn Group announced that Boqi Quinn refused to inherit the directors of the group.

Sixth, the progress of the new port in the Southern District is far behind the expectations of the trade agreement between the federal government and the Republican government. While reaching the maximum cargo load at the Port of Massa, the Falcon Group paid a huge fine for the extension of the project.

Seventh, the legal process of a drug promoted by the Smith Group was determined. The drug named 0711 can now be prescribed by a few psychiatrists normally. In the list played on the screen, Zach saw Emilia Browning.

Eight, the evening school of Back Bay Community University, officially joined the Republican-Federal language course, and the Republican immigration registration course can use the immigration status to enjoy the discount.


Zac failed to continue to watch the news, there was a phone call.

Zac went to the office to answer the phone and was stopped halfway by Alice who came up to say goodbye. Staring at Zac for a while, "I went to Parker Elementary School."

Zac nodded, "Yeah."

Know what Alice is looking at, seeing if Zac will hang up today.

Answering the phone, Zac guessed who was calling. The first guess is Anthony, about whether he got news from Gina. The second guess is Benjamin. After Benjamin ’s appearance on the TV just now, Zac felt that Benjamin ’s consciousness would call and say ... 'If you talk about anything on TV after I come back, I won't tell my wolf yesterday Late investigation results. ’

Zac guessed wrong.

"Hey ~ Mr. Grand! It's me, Joe!"

"Joe?" Zac thought for a while, "Oh, Joe." Uh.

"Hehe, I said I will contact you yesterday, hehe."

Zac is actually not sure what the other party is ‘haha’. Remember, the business card that Zac handed out is the business card of the Grand Funeral Home. Did someone ‘haha’ when contacting the funeral home? "Joe, do you have something to find me?"

"Yes! I have something, uh, personal things that need your grand help."

"Oh." Zack blinked. "I'm sorry."

"what why?"

"Yeah." Zack blinked again. "You are calling a funeral home to say you have a personal matter that needs help."

"Oh! God! No! No one died! I don't need funeral services! God, no!" Joe over the receiver seemed to react.

"Oh." Zac pouted, be vigilant, because Joe said yesterday, Grande is famous among the police, if Joe is not in need of funeral, then ... "Joe, what do you need?"

"Well, can you come to me? I want to talk to you in person. Ha ha, for the sake of old acquaintances?"

Zac was confused. Grande was denied the identity of the funeral industry by the two ‘identities’ required by this society. Is the other Grand ’s ‘identity’ suitable to be discussed in Joe ’s? After all, we all know that Joe's is all police.

"Inconvenient." Zack didn't want to go.

"Um ... then I'll go to your side?" Uh, the other party doesn't seem to give up, "I just use, um, find someone to help me, hehe, you know, these policemen need their coffee and things, hehe ,Ha ha."

Hey. Zach is a caring gentleman, "Okay, I'm going."

"Okay!" Simply agreed, "Then I will wait for you!"

Zac put down the phone.

Go back to Louise, "Follow me to the North District."

"Too lazy to move. I'll go down to the counter in a moment."

"We only said yesterday that we should go out together." Zac was quite helpless.

"Also." Louise hesitated. "Who is going to look at the counter? The old Hank cannot go."


"Yes, there is nothing to do in the barn anyway." Cyrus is no longer working in the southern port, remember. Before his construction team received a new job, he was bored.

The two vampires made a simple travel preparation and went to the North District.

On the way, Louise is bound to ask about Joe, for example, what kind of person he is, what he might want and the like.

Zac's answer was strange. Even the name was reminded by James. You can guess how shallow Zac's impression of this person was.

The boring ride is narrated, we enter Joe to find Zac business.

Believe me, it is a surprise--

In the corner of Joe's bar, Joe gave his police customers the power to enter and exit the bar and kitchen at will, and sat opposite Zac and Louise.

"I'm sorry to let you run this trip, but, I believe, God let me know your identity at this time, it is useful!"

This opening is as ominous as it is.

"Are you religious?" Zac asked.

"Uh, no, I will start now. Because if there is no **** guiding me, I don't know what else can be done."

Before Joe's words became more inexplicable, Zac decided to come straight to the point, "What do you need Grande to do for you?"

"I need Grand ..." Joe looked at Louise for a while, "You are ..."

"My girlfriend, Louise." Zac quickly ended the introduction. "You continue."

"Oh, I need Grande to give me ..." Looking at Zac, and looking at it for a while, "One person."

"Give you a person." Zac repeated it, "Give you a person." Repeat it again, and still don't understand the meaning of Joe, so repeat it a third time, changing the tone, "Give you a person?"

"Hey." Joe, sighed, then shook his head, "What should I say ..." His eyes looked back at the policeman in his shop, some people were looking at this side clearly, some were not Look clearly here. It seems that Grande is really famous among the police.

"Talk about it." Based on Joe's speed of speaking, Zac gave him encouragement.

"I have a friend." Joe suddenly turned around and stared at the policemen looking here. "I'm not ashamed to admit that he is my friend!"

baffling. But Zac tolerated Joe's inexplicable actions and decided to wait patiently for Joe to finish--

"He ... many years ago, committed some crimes and went to jail." Joe turned back to look at Zac. "I got the news that he came out a few months ago, but he didn't contact me, I can understand ... … "Joe seemed to be doing something inexplicable again. It doesn't seem to be true. He turned back, facing the police, "Yes! You, my friends, have finally come out, but you can't come to me! Do you know!"

Zac and Louise glance at each other. A little wanted to leave-before they came, they predicted that they would come here because of the special attributes of Grande and the police who knew Grande, but now, Zac and Louise feel ... Ignore ...

The focus is all on the inexplicable Joe.

A policeman responded, "Save it, Joe! We will do you a great favor!"

"You save it! Notice that I can't keep a waiter here for many years! It's you guys who help me a lot!"

Uh, what a wonderful relationship between the police and the people ...

If Joe continues to ignore Grande's attention to himself, Zac is really ready to leave, so, "Joe, what the **** do you want to talk to me about? I still have a funeral home to run."

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Qiao turned around and glanced at Zac with regret. "My friend, a friend after he was released from prison, didn't contact me. He entered a community adaptation project made by the municipal government." Ke and Louise, "Midway House Project, here, you Grandry."

Surprise. Zac and Louise glanced at each other again.

"Wait a minute." Zac frowned and looked at Joe, lowering his voice a little. "You said that Grand was famous among the police, not because I helped Anthony before ..." Zac waved and skipped, "Now Help Lance ... "Skip your hands again and skip," Is it because of the Grand House Funeral Home's Halfway House Project? "

"Yeah!" Joe stared at Zac, and then overwhelmed his voice to be smaller than Zac. "Of course I know you helped Anthony ..." and waved it over. "Now Detective Lance ..." , "They don't know! You haven't been here for years! Who remembers you! And I remember you, Mr. Citizen, who doesn't order anything every time I come!"

"Uh." Zack was a little ... disappointed. I have also swaggered in and out of the police station many times. No one has connected myself to the mysterious informant who provided clues to solve the case several times. Huh, it seems that Darcy and James have done wrong with the informant's identity protection work. often. it is good.

"Hey!" Keeping his voice pressed, Joe looked at Zac, "That's a good thing! I've seen too many people brought here by the police who appeared on the news one day and turned into corpses, nobody knows you are Who is a good thing! Trust me! And ... "Joe looked back at the policemen again," It's useless to let these little characters of no level know your identity. "Looking back at Zac," You should continue to stick to yours Vision, former Anthony, now Lance! "

"Thank you." If this is to say that Zac is just right to show his ability in front of the right person-after all, the Pattonians know how good the Grand Funeral Home is now, who gives it? Mayor Anthony. That Zack took the praise. "So, the reason most policemen talk about Grande is that there are ex-criminals gathered in Grande." This is a reasonable guess.

"Yes!" Joe affirmed, "Plus that the owner of Grande was still dead on the news once, and then the original chief of the gang of police, the Cologne, came out to apologize again (Zac's fake death for Eli's arrival ), And then Grande was attacked by self-detonation again, you still have dead employees, right, the Southern District Police Station also came to the North District Police Station to mobilize people to protect you. Hey, the guy here is talking about Grande if he is fine. "Joe pouted."

Zac also wanted to whisper, and Grande's image in the eyes of the police was somewhat worrying.

Then Zach asked directly, "Who, your friend. Name."

What a surprise!

"Evan." Immediately, "Oh no!" Joe stared at Zac's face. "You just heard the name's expression! Oh no no! What is he doing in Grand? Is he again?" Are you in trouble? "

"No, I didn't make any expressions." Zack denied, "I made expressions? Louise?"

"No, you don't." Louise shook her head. "I didn't make an expression. This is my normal face. Don't look at me."


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