Returning to Grande, Ceres came over and handed over the information left by Benjamin. Zac did not rush to see it, so he went to the living area first.

Old Hank was very wary of Zac's appearance in the living area, "What are you doing!"

"Find Evan." Honesty is always the best way to cope.

"he died!"

Zac glanced at Old Hank, shook his head and ignored it, and walked to Evan's room.

Don't mind the words of Old Hank, he said ... it is helpless.

To be honest, we seriously judge Grand employees, these former criminals. Can meet the old Hank's expectations of Grande's future-the people who are mixed in the gray area of ​​this city, ha, yes, who is the moral corrupter in the normal sense, who?

Without further thought, we also remember the names of two of these Grand employees, one Logan and one Evan. Now, where is Logan? Well, Evan's current state ... is not useful-this is a very accurate description. So, for Old Hank, Evan is really dead.

Zac pushed the door and looked at Evan lying on the bed. "Don't you need to work." He closed the door.

Don't forget Evan's work, maintenance of living area. Sweeping the floor, washing, brushing, repairing ...

"Are you here to pick me up." Evan, keeping Zucker on the bed, asked Zac.

"No," answered simply.

Evan turned over and turned away from Zac.

Zac looked at Evan for a while and sat down on the vacated bed opposite Evan's bed. Remember, nobody wants to share a room with Evan. "You know." Zac said, "Your performance ..." Zac used the words, always accurate-"It has been taken by Dr. Browning."

Evan didn't say anything.

Then Zach continued, "what messenger of **** came to pick you up in another world, huh." Zach shook his head. "To be honest, when I first heard you, I was surprised by you. I never thought People like you will have such ... interesting ideas. But now. "Zac lifted his foot and kicked Evan's bed." You can stop using this show to disguise you like your experience in Bishape Manor Everything. "

Obviously, Evan's body tightened once. Zac said, Emilia Browning, had taken Evan through.

Zac touched his chin. "You understand the Grand Halfway House project, it's just a project. People like you can join this project or complete it." Zac tilted his head. "As Your supervisor, if I evaluate that you already have the ability to reintegrate into society, you can leave Grande. "Zack kicked Evan's bed again," Do you want to leave Grande, in a word. "

Evan turned back and looked at Zac, "Will you let me go?"

"Do I have any reason to want you to stay in Grand?" Zack asked back, and this was also the answer.

Evan turned over completely and looked at Zac, "I can be free again."

"Theoretically, the moment you leave prison, you are free. Grande, here is just a buffer. What you don't have, you don't have, just how long the buffer has to judge." Zac was right Make an expression, "Now I am proposing to give you the right to make this judgment. If you say that you want to leave Grande, I can go and start the procedure now. In a word."

"Why do you do this for me?"

Uh. Is Zac not clear or what? Zac is just asking for an accurate sentence, so many questions come from!

Zac replied, "For you?" Still asking, the kind of self-answering, "No, for someone I know."

"Who." Perseverance ~

"Joe." Zac looked at Evan.

"Do you know Joe ??" Evan looked puzzled.

"Are you really surprised that I know Joe, considering my relationship with the police?" Zac laughed, but since everything is said here, "You know my Grand identity is fake." Ha ha, Anything to avoid, the creatures in Grande know this, "When I came to Patton, when I didn't even have an identity, your friend Joe was one of the few people who knew me. But I guess then You are already in jail, we failed to meet earlier ~ "

Evan stared at Zac. "He's not my friend." The point of concern was actually this.

"Uh, whatever." Zac waved his hand. "Just like me and Bisharp are the messengers of the hell, they should take you to hell." Understand what Zac is saying, don't understand. Looking at Evan, "Anyway Joe asked me to help this, I agreed. So, I now ask if you would like to leave Grande, the last resistance to freedom."

"I won't go back to Joe."

"All I can do is send you out of Grande. I haven't done so much business, no matter where you go."

Evan sat up from the bed and faced Zac, "Can you really decide if I can leave Grande?"

"I sent Logan to the west, didn't I." Zac gave an example of not being 'correct'. After all, strictly speaking, Logan was a Grand employee. Going to the west was just a business trip.

"What Hank said." Evan is not too stupid. But his concerns are superfluous.

"Old Hank is not Grand." Zack's answer was very simple. "No need for his opinion."

"You can't have such a great power." Evan frowned. "Midway House is a municipal government project. It is impossible for you to say what is the system by yourself."

Uh, as a guy who has been in prison, when it comes to the system, he has a say. And it is correct. It is determined that any Grand employee can ‘graduate’ from the Halfway House project, after a rigorous review, analogy, it is probably the parole procedure, at most, it is more relaxed, after all, the person has been out of prison. But it can never be Zac alone.

Zac pouted and looked at Evan, "To tell the truth, you have lived in Grande for such a long time, not to mention the career that Old Hank prepared for you. Oh, there are Grande before and after All kinds of characters, there are all kinds of things that happened in Grande, there are Logan, Dale ... "Zach shook his head," There is the Baine family who can observe and judge, and you all know me Grande Identities are false facts. With all these things right in front of your eyes, you are still questioning my power, grace, and power to use in this city? Do n’t you believe that I can give a bottom-level civil liberty like you? "

Evan's face was awkward, "I'm not blind! I'm not stupid! I know you are related and have resources! But it is also true that the people around you are disappearing! Danny? Sam? Dead! And Benjamin! Ink! Even your dog left you! "Uh, is Evan talking about gold? "You are still actively sending people around you to leave! Logan? Russell? Charlie?" Evan stared at Zac. "So what if you're a good person? Who can you let go at any time?" Will you be willing to stand by you ?! And then believe you ?! "

Zac deviated from his sight. It was Evan ’s words that made Zac think of something— “To be honest, are you counting on everything that I have will fall naturally when Old Hank succeeds in letting me disappear in Grande? Go to Old Hank. This makes ... "Zac looked back at Evan," You who choose Old Hank's side, really become the master of Grande. "

Evan stared at Zac, "Anyway, someone wants to take over Grande! Why not us, Hank is the old man! He may die at any time! And Alice, hum, the only surname Grande is a woman. ! Hum, no, it ’s a girl! This makes things easier! "

Don't evaluate Evan's wishful thinking.

"Oh." Zac raised his eyebrows and looked at Evan again. "You are really, typical, bad guy." Zac sighed a little, "No wonder you worship so much, 'hell'."

But this typical bad guy, Evan, is a tragedy—

"I used to think that." Evan, "Rogan is smart, hum! I really don't know how he chose your side! West? Oh, what's in the west ?! You are holding Zachary Grande Your life is in Barton! Your resources and relationships are in Barton! What can you do in the West in a business trip? Stupid! People who believe in you can only get one result like this! Stupid! "

Zac opened his mouth and then closed it, as if there was nothing to refute, Evan's world view.

It is indeed true to think about it. This is the Zac non-human attribute that we have stripped away. He appears in the eyes of a human who can observe him at close range but never touch Zac ’s true attributes. Evan's judgment is not wrong.

Zac said again, "So if you plan to stay in Grande in this way, you will definitely have a" bright "future. After all, the other people in Grande are not worthy to compete with you for power in Grande. "In other words, haven't we seen Evan fight for power in Grande?" Have you seen it? How did he ask for the positions of Matthew and Benjamin? How did he actively incite others to drive Zac away? This typical bad guy Evan, his self-motivatedness, can't be more obvious, "So, back to what I just asked you, do you want to leave Grande?"

"Do I still have a choice?" Evan stared at Zac. "I was isolated! Thanks to you! Everyone knows that I was the one at Bishape Manor ..." Slightly, "I'm in Gran Germany has no chance !! "

"Oh." Zack confirmed the answer he received. "So you have to leave Grande."

"Yes! I'm leaving Grande! This ghost place !!"

Zac nodded and stood up. "I'll start preparing documents." After looking at the time, "You should prepare. Procedurally, you still probably need to be reviewed by the above ..." Zac looked up and down at Evan Clothing. Hey, just sitting up from bed, everyone thinks, "At least, get a decent suit."

After talking, Zac left the room. With a lip curled, it's a wonderful mood. Everyone must feel that in the four centuries of life, people of all kinds have been seen. But in fact ... Everyone knows that when we are summing up the various qualities of human beings, it may be possible for tens of thousands of individuals to establish a model that meets various standards. That's why we worship heroes and sing praises to saints.

Evan? It is definitely not a commendable thing, he is a typical bad guy. Uh, he used violence for pleasure, he used the **** of faith to decorate his x desire, he used the most malicious hope to calculate his own interests, and he found that the way he exists no longer applies to his environment, let all When people are far away from him, what is he going to do? Leave, yes, leave. He said that he was leaving here to pollute the other party's land.

Bad guy.

Zac thought back in his heart, as if really, really, he had never encountered such a pure villain. Quite strange.

Don't take Eli the matter, Eli sells the bad Zac showed, it is for survival, this is quite reasonable.

"Today I will take these people to vote!" Zac was stopped by Old Hank.

Zac nodded, bypassing the old Hank and preparing to leave.

Old Hank stopped in front of Zac again, and said nothing.

Zac is not sure what Old Hank wants, "Okay, go vote."

"I can't control so many people by myself!"

Uh. Zac frowned, "Did you care about it at the funeral." Zack wondered if these former criminal employees had not acted collectively. And we all know that the funerals given to Old Hank and these employees are not involved in Zac's side.

"That's within Grande's range! Up to the church, this time! Is out!" Old Hank stared at Zac.

Zac blinked, "Is there a difference? You just write clearly on the trip record."

Old Hank also blinked, seeming to find Zac's question incredible, "Grand has you! There is a security guard! Outside! Polling point, no! Only me old man and many, many civilians !!!"

Zac didn't know how to respond for a moment, happy? No. Zac moved his mouth, "Then take it out in batches, one less time."

"I, I can't ..." Old Hank's voice was somber, so, so ... everyone felt for themselves, "Behaving in front of them ... weak!"

Correspond to Evan's words that Old Hank is an old man who will die at any time.

Zac, glanced at Old Hank, "Don't you feel a bit weird about this kind of thing." Isn't the line between Zak and Old Hank drawn by him. So, what does old Hank mean now? Regret? Humph.

Old Hank said nothing but stared at Zac.

Zac shook his head, bypassing the old Hank and went on, "Find Alice. She is your only backing after I left Grande." Meaning? The literal meaning is not to say, under the literal, Old Hank already has the consciousness-he is not backed by himself, he is nothing.

Zac returned to the office and prepared Evan's documents. At the same time, you can see the result of the commission for ‘Benjamin’.

Yesterday morning, the Bartons, whose souls swelled in the city government square, did leave Barton recently.

"Big Q, gratitude and dedication at the end of the year." Zac is only reading the report of "Benjamin", "Luxury Travel Experience Award ..." Uh.

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