The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 178 I have never seen such a shameless person

The person being treated is Professor Zhang Yiqing, a leader in the field of Xia Guo's microelectronics, and a key figure in whether Xia Guo's chip technology can break overseas barriers.

Zhang Yiqing is usually very low-key, so the public is not familiar with it, but in the industry, he is definitely a big-time figure.

If Zhang Yiqing passes away unfortunately, the blow to Xiaguo's chip industry cannot be measured by money!Chip technology will suffer setbacks.

Therefore, if there is a new medical treatment that can treat Zhang Yiqing, it would be best!

Compared to Zhang Yiqing's life, what are the rules?

And since Zhongshan Hospital and Origin Technology boldly treated Zhang Yiqing, they must have obtained permission from relevant departments.

Interview videos of Zhang Bing and Zhang Yiqing were also uploaded online.

Zhang Bing told reporters: "During this period, many netizens are curious about who the bionic digestive system is treating? It is my father. I hope that netizens will look at this matter with a tolerant attitude. The first clinical trial patient, the risk is borne by ourselves. Thank you for your relationship."

Zhang Bing's video was supported by students from Fudan University.

"What happened to an old man who has made a significant contribution to the country and a volunteer for clinical treatment?"

"Come, come, you come to study the chip!"

"Although there is indeed a saying that everyone is equal, Professor Zhang's contribution to Xia Guo Technology is obvious to all, and other people's clinical trials also voluntarily bear the consequences, so I hope everyone can understand."

Zhang Bing's presence directly calmed public opinion.

The matter is already very clear. The target of the clinical trials of Origin Technology and Zhongshan Hospital is Zhang Yiqing. If this is not approved by the relevant department, it is impossible to be true.

To Zhang Yiqing, an old expert and scholar who has made significant contributions to Xia Guo and Xia Guo science and technology, you really cannot give too much criticism.

"Support Origin Technology! If Professor Zhang can really be cured, there is nothing wrong with the clinical practice in advance."

"I am in the microelectronics industry. Professor Zhang Yiqing is a leader in our industry. You don't know his weight. I know very well that the biggest issue in Professor Zhang Yiqing's hands is the etching process of the chip. I only say so much. You know ."

Many netizens expressed their apologies in leaving messages on Origin Technology's Weibo.

"Sorry, misunderstood."

"Sorry! I sprayed you yesterday, I will apologize today."

This is the netizens, the rhythm area is very annoying, and will take the initiative to admit mistakes after being rational.

Therefore, it is very important to master the public opinion field.Such a field of public opinion includes the field of public opinion in academia and the field of Internet public opinion.

Mastering the public opinion field in academia, Zhou Xiao has taken measures, and the acquisition of Biomedical Technology is the most critical part of it.

And to master the Internet public opinion field, Zhou Xiao still needs to do some work at the right time.

Zhou Xiao did not expect Zhang Bing to stand up bravely, but he smelled the smell of danger-Johns Hopkins announced news that Origin Technology and Chungsan University’s experiments involved stealing scientific research from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Results.Those drafts some time ago were only the first step, and this was the other party's purpose.

Although domestic public opinion has not paid attention to Johns Hopkins University's announcement, it has almost made headlines abroad.

When Johns Hopkins University announced the news, it was widely reported by Western media such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and the Australian Herald.

"New York Times": The world's first artificial digestive system surgery technology came from Johns Hopkins University. Xia Guoyuan Technology and Zhongshan Hospital hope to take the dominant advantage after stealing the technology, so it violates the guidelines of clinical trials, from animal experiments to Clinical trials only took a few months.

CNN reported: Johns Hopkins University has sent a letter to Xia Guoyuan Technology and Zhongshan Hospital, requesting an explanation of the situation, requesting withdrawal of clinical trials, and requesting huge compensation.

Origin Technology and Chungsan Hospital actually received a letter from Johns Hopkins University.

This incident made everyone a little confused.

Dean Zhu of Chungshan University also called Zhou Xiao urgently to ask what was going on.

Zhou Xiao replied: "Don't worry about it, I can tell you responsibly, all the technologies of Origin Technology have complete intellectual and technological property rights, complete research and development processes, and we are understanding the issue of letters."

In academia, if similar problems arise, there will be very serious consequences. This is not only a blow to Origin Technology and Chungsan University, but also a devastating blow to Xia Guo’s academic community.

Zhou Xiao looked at the letter sent by Johns Hopkins University.

The letter uses strong words, requiring Origin Technology to publicly apologize and compensate within a week, and promise that it will no longer conduct the experiment and not be able to conduct clinical use, otherwise it will file a lawsuit in the court.

Everyone looked at the letter and found it quite ridiculous.

Mo Li was even more speechless: "He said that the technology belongs to them is theirs? Isn't this a lie, a robber!"

Chen Hao saw the compensation amount in the letter, 1 billion meters!Said: "The Americans are crazy!"

Zhou Xiao said: "Johns Hopkins University's medical school ranks very high, and it can even be ranked in the world. Why is it suddenly embarrassing this time? I don't think only Johns Hopkins University is involved."

Then Zhou Xiao shredded the letter in his hand and threw it into the waste paper basket, "He asked us to reply and we will reply? It's really funny!"

Zhou Xiao will not pay attention to any information from Johns Hopkins University, and will not terminate laboratory experiments.

Johns Hopkins University did not stop its campaigning activities. In addition to continuing to claim its ownership of the bionic digestive system technology in the Western media and academia, it also really sued Origin Technology and Chungsan University in the U.S. Maryland court. Request Origin Technology and Chungsan University to compensate 1 billion meters.

John Hopkins showed important evidence that his technology was stolen.

The first material is a paper on "Manually Reset the Stomach and Intestinal System" published by the relevant experimental team of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) five years ago. The paper contains some research results.

The second material is the relevant research process and data of Johns Hopkins University Laboratory.

The third material is the situation of the school laboratory being hacked.

The fourth material is more important. It is the personal information of Xia Guo's international students at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

These Xia Guo international students from Johns Hopkins University have long been engaged in scientific research and study in the research institute of the medical school, and returned to Xia after completing their studies. This is an important reason for the leakage of scientific research technology.

As soon as the evidence was released, the Western media was in an uproar!They have aimed at Origin Technology and accused Origin Technology of being a robber!

Origin Technology even received a subpoena from a court in Maryland, requesting Origin Technology to respond.

Mo Li was furious and cursed after receiving the summons: "These people are crazy!"

Zhou Xiao was not at all excited. He studied the relevant materials published by the Western media in detail, and said with certainty: "They are not crazy, they want to have sex."

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