The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 179 International Rogue

In the conference room, Zhou Xiao asked Mo Li to print out the evidence of the Johns Hopkins University accusation reported by the Western media, especially Fox News, and analyze them one by one.

John Hopkins’ first material was a paper published on JAMA, and Zhou Xiao asked Mo Li to find the original version of this paper a few years ago.

The paper was indeed published five years ago, and it is also about the artificial digestive system.

Zhou Xiao still understands English papers. The whole paper is indeed about the artificial digestive system, but the idea of ​​the paper is to cultivate a specific digestive system with human intestinal epithelial cells under laboratory conditions (mainly to cultivate artificial intestines). ), and then add beneficial bacteria that help humans to digest, such as Bacillus subtilis, lactic acid bacteria, and so on.When a patient has a serious digestive tract disease, the artificial intestine cultured in the laboratory can be inserted into the patient's body to replace the original damaged intestine.

This paper is not a big deal, because many laboratories around the world are doing similar experiments.

It is easy to imagine that intestinal epithelial cells cultivate an artificial digestive system.

The second piece of evidence, related research results and data.

This evidence is more fascinating.

Because the evidence comes from the Johns Hopkins laboratory, which is the internal data of the laboratory itself.

The reason why he is fascinated is that the content of the experiment is almost a copy of the paper "Digestive Bacteria in the Body" of Origin Technology, and even the data is the same as Origin Technology.

This time Johns Hopkins University no longer uses intestinal epithelial cells, but uses bionic materials. The colonies are no longer called Bacillus subtilis, lactic acid bacteria and other human colonies, but are represented by a symbol, saying yes A newly discovered colony.

This evidence shows that the date is two months before Zhou Xiao published the paper.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaohehe.

The experiments done in my own laboratory and the data I forged, of course I want to write the time as how long.

And Zhou Xiao is sure that all the data in this evidence of Hopkins is plagiarism!And it was disgusting to advance the time to before Zhou Xiao's paper!

As for the data that was hacked in the laboratory, of course you can provide it as you want.

The last material is also fascinating.

The names of more than 20 Hopkins International students are listed above.

The four pieces of evidence strung together to point the finger at Origin Technology.

It seems that the U.S. people have solid evidence, that Origin Technology has obtained artificial digestive system technology by using foreign students, hacker attacks, etc. In order to get the first opportunity, it bypassed a large number of animal experiments and directly entered clinical experiments, which made Hopkins University very passive.

In fact, such evidence seems to be logically clear and connected, but it is full of logic.

A very simple truth.

Now that Johns Hopkins University has entered the field of animal experiments, it is enough to show animal experiments directly, which is the most convincing evidence, but they did not do so.

Westerners may also know that this is the best way to prove the ownership of technology, but they are usually blind selectively, because they believe that Xia Guoren stole the technology more than these.

The logic of Westerners is simple.

Such advanced medical advancement is something Xia Guoren can't make, and even if Xia Guoren can't make it, it must be a stealing technique!

Zhou Xiao saw a familiar name on the list of international students——Xu...Xu Yang...

Zhou Xiao asked: "Xu Yang, have you studied at Johns Hopkins University?"

Xu Yang was very speechless when he saw the list. "Boss, I did go to Johns Hopkins University's medical school, but instead of studying abroad, I went to communicate while working. I only stayed for less than a month. , And I am going to exchange blood content!"

This is all right! The American people have more reasons. He doesn't care whether you are going to exchange visits or studying abroad. As long as you have been there, you will be caught by others, and you are stealing technology.

Moreover, Xu Yang is still a core member of Origin Technology Lab.

Xu Yang regretted it and said: "I went to Johns Hopkins University for a month. I originally wanted to communicate with them about leukemia targeted therapy. Where do I know that the core research technology of the other party will not be shown to you at all. Like a thief. I knew it would cause trouble to the company, so I won’t go."

Mo Li said, "If you go or not, the summons will come."

Xu Yang thought for a while, and seemed to have made up his mind, and said: "Boss, you can call me out of the laboratory, so there may be less gossip."

Zhou Xiao laughed dryly: "If you are transferred away, it will be over? Something out of nothing, do you think you are not in the laboratory, the other party will not say that we steal technology?"

Zhou Xiao said: "The U.S. is not stealing, but robbing it upright, copying our data, the thing is theirs, there is really nothing I dare to think about, I dare not do it!"

Zhou Xiao stood up and said, "Motivation, everything needs motivation. What is the motivation behind John Hopkins or the Medical League to do this?"

The obvious motivation is to curb the development of Origin Technology.

Zhou Xiao got the data provided by Wang Yulan.

Since Origin Technology has contacted many hospitals and travel agencies to provide medical travel projects for overseas patients, 5,000 U.S. candidates have chosen to treat lung diseases in Xiaguo. The total cost is 2 billion meters, and the average expenditure is 400,000 meters. about.

That is, the 2 billion meters of knives originally earned by the U.S. medical system were earned by major hospitals in Xia State and Origin Technology.

Moreover, more and more Americans are willing to go to the Xia National Medical Tour to treat respiratory diseases.

The advanced medical system is one of the leading representatives of the United States in the world, and now this position is being occupied by Xia.

If only the symbiotic protein treats respiratory diseases and the green fibrobacteria treats hair loss, then the Americans can still bear it.

But this time, the technology to treat digestive diseases is here again!

Next time?

What about next time?

The Americans care not only about the loss of medical funds, but also the subversion of their medical system by Xia Guo.

Moreover, the medical system of the Americans has always served the rich. Now that the rich take the money to Xia for treatment, sooner or later, the country’s medical system will collapse.

Zhou Xiao's goal at this time was still in China, hoping to treat more Xia people with advanced technology. He did not expect the United States to contain himself so quickly.

As long as you pose a threat to his own interests, immediately take measures to suppress you, and it is best to eliminate you.

The purpose of Johns Hopkins University’s lawsuit against Origin Technology is that the first step should be to deny the legality of digestive bacteria to treat digestive diseases, and to prevent rich Americans and Westerners from coming to Xia to treat serious gastrointestinal diseases. If there is no accident, the next step is to be The symbiotic protein is listed as illegal.

Under this logic, whether Johns Hopkins' evidence can withstand scrutiny is not important.

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