The Xinhua Dictionary and Ancient Chinese Dictionary have become the most popular books in the Guge Laboratory, and almost every engineer here has one.

But ancient Chinese with a history of several thousand years is not something Americans can learn in a few days.

Guge’s laboratory almost went down, because the engineers were focused on learning ancient Chinese instead of doing their own work.

If Zhou Xiao knew about this, he might have to laugh out loud.

Engineers have almost zero knowledge of Chinese, and it is very hard to learn ancient Chinese.

A week has passed, everyone has done nothing, looking at the singularity os is still helpless.

The laboratory adults are determined to recruit graduate students majoring in Chinese language from Xia Guo.

In fact, Guge didn't know that the commercial version of Oracle compilers circulating on the Internet was not a singularity OS-style compiler. How could the real compiler be circulated on the Internet in the original Ma company’s laboratory?

Guge also didn't put all his hopes on the low-level code that can crack the Singularity OS.

They carefully analyzed the product launch of the source code company and obtained several useful information from it.

The first piece of information is that Singularity OS does not currently have a complete ecological chain. All applications rely on transcoding, which means that although the current Singularity OS does not use the underlying code of the Android system, it still relies on Android applications.

The second piece of information is the transcoding application of Singularity OS, which relies heavily on the high performance of mobile phones, and Warwick has no high-end chips.

It seems that now is the best time for Android to beat the singularity os.

If Android can seize the opportunity, before Singularity's power forms an ecological chain, and before Warwick finds a replacement chip, then Singularity OS may be short-lived. What Android has to do now is to find a way to block the application's transcoding function.

Pingguo spaceship headquarters.

Like Android, Pingguo's engineers also got the Huawei Mate40 prototype equipped with Singularity OS.

After analyzing and testing the mobile phone, the engineers commented very objectively and fairly that Singularity OS represents the future.

Pingguo is also very anxious. Singularity’s IOS represents the future, while Pingguo’s IOS represents the past.

Pingguo has a high chance of losing the market in Xia Guo. If the singularity os is available all over the world, then Pingguo may lose the global market.

This result is absolutely impossible to accept.

Consolidating the current market share and resisting the erosion of Singularity OS is the most important thing Pingguo has to do at present.

In order to achieve this goal, Pingguo is even willing to cooperate with Guge.

At the same time, Pingguo also gathered engineers from the IOS laboratory to study singularity os, hoping to find some clues from it.

Like Guge, the more Pingguo's laboratory studies, the more it feels that the gap is huge.

If Pinguo's IOS and Guge's Android are the same era, two different types of products.

When comparing Pingguo's IOS and the source code company's IOS, there is a huge generation gap.

Jiangcheng, the headquarters of the source code company.

The installed number of Singularity IOS has been summarized and reported to Zhou Xiao.

The installed capacity of 500,000 is a very satisfactory figure.

Be aware that many users don't actually install Singularity OS manually.

In order to continue to expand the number of users of Singularity OS, Warwick has taken some measures.

All Warwick's on-site after-sales service can help qualified users upgrade their systems to Singularity OS for free.

In addition, Huawei's online after-sales service can also help users complete the upgrade task of Singularity OS through cloud operations.

But this amount still did not meet Zhou Xiao's requirements.

After all, Huawei has a limited number of high-end flagship phones, and most users use mid-to-low-end phones.

In addition to Warwick, high-end mobile phones from Xiaomi, Blue Factory and Green Factory also meet the requirements of their singularity os.

If Zhou Xiao needs to expand the use area of ​​the system, he must establish a complete system use mechanism and benefit chain.

Allow more mobile phone manufacturers to join in.

Feelings can maintain a temporary friendly relationship, and interests are permanent.

Zhou Xiao has to convince Warwick, after all, in the process of creating Singularity OS, Warwick also paid a lot.

Zhou Xiao solicited opinions from Ma Xin and others.

Ma Xin's opinion is to establish the ecological chain of Singularity OS as soon as possible, and clarify the interest relationship between Singularity OS and developers and major mobile phones as soon as possible.

Ma Xin said: "We can learn from Android's profit method. The system must be free. You can think of ways from traffic advertising and top-up."

Zhou Xiao mentioned: "But we must ensure the profits of major mobile phone manufacturers. Profits must come from the daily process of users using mobile phones."

Zhou Xiao stood up and said, "I have such a proposal, let’s take a look at everyone's opinions. The system is free to use, and the profits generated by users through the application set are shared by the source code company, mobile phone manufacturers, and developers.

Because we are only a platform provider, our profit is smaller, and we have to provide more profit to the developers of ecological applications."

Ma Xin, Xue Ninglu and others agree with Zhou Xiao's proposal.

Zhou Xiao said: "Because our system has just begun to become popular, I propose that in the next one to two years, the system will not charge channel fees for the time being, and we should not do things like Pingguo."

Among all mobile phone systems, Pingguo’s channel fees are the most, up to 30%.

What is this concept?

It means that you are watching a live broadcast in a live broadcast room, you suddenly like a female anchor, and then you give her a gift of 100 yuan.

Generally, the platform and the anchor are divided into five to five, that is, the platform gets 50 yuan, and the anchor gets 50 yuan.

But in fact, if you are using a Pingguo mobile phone to give a reward.

Pingguo does not care about three, seven and twenty-one, first draw a channel fee of 30 yuan.

In this way, the amount of your reward is only 70 yuan, and then the anchor will share with the live broadcast platform, and can get 35 yuan.

Why is Pinguo the most profitable company in the world?

Why Pingguo's stock has been high, rising more and falling less.

It is because Pingguo Company has terrible profits, and low cost and high profit are the rules of Pingguo's survival.

You can't make so much money just by selling mobile phones. To operate your own ecological chain, channel rake is its important profit.

Zhou Xiao announced that he would give up the platform commission for the next one to two years in order to be able to occupy the market as soon as possible.

Zhou Xiao and Yu Jiangdong think that Singularity OS is in a race against time, and it must have a considerable number of users as soon as possible before Guge and Pingguo takes measures, and can have its own ecological cycle.

In addition to formulating the benefit chain, Origin Technology has to find a way to allow more APP companies to join the Singularity ecosystem instead of allowing Singularity OS to transcode before using the APP.

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