The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 219: Weigh the Pros and Cons

The source code company issued a detailed profit distribution plan for Singularity OS and copied it to Warwick.

Warwick attaches great importance to this!

The attempt of MATE40 and other models to be equipped with Singularity 0S allows Warwick to see the future!

If a complete ecological chain can be formed in Singularity OS and Warwick will benefit from it, Yu Jiangdong is of course very happy.

Zhou Xiao attaches great importance to the cooperation with Warwick, so Ma Xin personally brought the plan to Warwick and Yu Jiangdong to talk.

There are many contents of the plan, but the most important benefit sharing is simple and clear.

In the first year, all profits generated by Singularity OS were given to the developers.

In order to support the ecological chain of Singularity OS, source code companies and mobile phone companies will not make any profits in the first year.

In the second year, the profit distribution between source code companies, mobile phone platform companies and developers is 0.5:0.5:9.

Although the platform channel fees began to be collected in the second year, the fees were very small, and developers still took the bulk. This was also to encourage the development and construction of the Singularity OS ecosystem.

In the third year, the ratio of the three parties is 1:1:8.

This is also the final ratio. The source code company and the mobile phone company maintain a low level of 10%. This is the source code company's confidence in itself and the confidence of Singularity OS.

Zhou Xiao always believes that more and more mobile phones will run Singularity OS in the future. With the powerful intelligent functions of Singularity OS, there will be more advanced and interesting applications that will bring more profits to the platform.

A profit of 10% is enough!

But the source code company really does not make money in the first year or will it only make a profit in the future?

Of course not. Singularity OS was created by a source code company. The top tools and teams for the design system are all in the source code company.

The source code company can design more suitable and fun APP application integration by itself, become an APP company, and make profits from it.

An office application that can correct typos and form a PPT by itself is the best work of the source code company, and it can be realized immediately.

Therefore, if the ecological chain is established and the number of users using Singularity OS reaches 100 million, Zhou Xiao will not care about that little share.

When Yu Jiangdong saw the plan of the source code company, he was silent.

He has no problem with the profit distribution, but the source code company hopes to allow more mobile phones to participate.

If only Warwick can use Singularity OS, it can indeed maintain Warwick's leading and monopoly position.

But this also has a drawback. To compete with Android and ios, it is far from enough to rely solely on Warwick.

Warwick, which lacks chips, is not Apple. It can grab a piece of fat from Android's mouth on its own.

To really get rid of the dependence on Android, Xia Guo mobile phone companies and major APP companies must work together.

The source code company has tested Warwick’s entanglement, but getting more mobile phone manufacturers to participate and building an ecological chain as soon as possible is also the most urgent thing for Singularity. Therefore, Warwick must agree to this condition.

Working with Xiaomi is the icing on the cake for Xiaomi, and cooperating with Warwick is life-saving for Warwick.

After all, Xiaomi currently has no worries about chips.

Seeing Yu Jiangdong still hesitating, Ma Xin will successfully persuade Jiangdong with a word.

Ma Xin said: "Just imagine, if the Gaotong (American Chip Company) chip of Xiaomi's mobile phone is also running Singularity OS, how will American technology companies react?"

Gao Tong is also a US technology company and will abide by US laws and policies towards Xia.

If the Xiaomi mobile phone equipped with a high-tube chip runs Singularity OS and is well-received by the market, and it squeezes the market of mobile phones such as Apple and Samsung, what considerations does Mi Congress have?

Will Gao Tong sell the chips to Mi?

If Xiaomi can't get high-end chips, it will lack high-end chips like Warwick. At that time, did Xiaomi find a way to purchase MediaTek or follow the principles of innovation?

Buying the chip of Unitech, if the U.S. wants to make moths, will Unitech dare to sell it?

At that time, Xiaomi had to choose the same path as Warwick, purchasing low-performance domestic chips or producing chips by itself.

In the industrial chain of domestic chips, Warwick has a much earlier layout than Xiaomi, and has an absolute advantage.

Yu Jiangdong suddenly realized that pulling Xiao Mi into the water is far more beneficial to Warwick than banning Xiao Mi.

Xia Guo's technology companies unite and fight together, which is more advantageous than Warwick alone.

Yu Jiangdong agreed to the source code company's conditions and signed the agreement.

Jiangcheng, the Xiaomi team also signed an agreement with the source code company.

Xiaomi's high-end flagship machine will become the latest model that can be equipped with Singularity OS after the Warwick MATE40 and P40.

Tian Yu got the news overjoyed!The smarter and stronger Singularity OS is very much in line with the ecological development of Mi Mi.

On the same day, Xiaomi announced that the latest flagship phones of the Xiaomi digital series, note series, and mix series can be equipped with Singularity OS.

If the above models are on sale in the mall, users can choose the Android system or the Singularity OS. The Singularity OS will be 400 to 500 yuan cheaper than the Android version.

Users who have purchased Xiaomi flagship phones can choose to upgrade the Singularity OS in the background. If they choose to upgrade the Singularity OS, Xiaomi will provide free online engineer service and on-site service.

Xiao Mi's choice of singularity os also has her own in-depth consideration.

Android is indeed free, and neither Warwick nor Xiaomi will pay any fees to Guge except for some of the patents.

Android’s achievements today are not the contribution of the Guge family, but the ecological chain created by major APP companies after years of construction.

Android is very good, and Warwick and Mi can continue to live in a comfortable home like Android without having to spend any effort to replace Singularity OS.

Although Android is free, this kind of free is like a sword hanging over Xia Guo's mobile phone manufacturers.

Just like the pigs on the farm are always eating free feed, if you eat too much feed and gain weight, you will get a knife sooner or later.

As Xia Guo's technological strength poses a threat to American technology companies, as the times change.

Whether it is Warwick or Mi, I never know whether I will pay a more painful price.

Will the US technology company allow you to surpass yourself?Haha I think too much!

Guge's ban on Warwick's GMS is a lesson for Xiao Mi. The ghost knows what strategy the American technology company will adopt next.

Xia Guo's Singularity OS is one of Mi's self-protection choices.

Even if Android still exists on the market in the future, Singularity OS can also give Xiaomi more choices.

Warwick and Xiaomi jointly support Singularity OS, and Singularity OS can bring users a more intelligent and convenient experience.

Xia Guo's major APP companies are moved.

The first action is Penguin, which is using the program development methods disclosed by the source code company to redevelop products such as Weixin and buckle for Singularity OS.

In addition, because it is a domestic operating system, Singularity OS has also won numerous reputations.

Xinlang also announced that it will develop a Weibo portal for Singularity OS.

Facing his own position being eroded step by step, Guge is ready to take action.

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