The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 234 Terrible market share (please order!)

(Please move to the starting point and subscribe! Guiqiu! Look at the d version again, the author has to change his career.)

Shu Mei didn't believe it very much, she called the completed file package.

The result made her a little happy.

There are two files in the file package, one is the interview draft that has been typeset and is well-documented.

When the file is opened, whether it is typesetting or controlling the timeline of news, it is absolutely full marks.

The layout is beautiful, and the interspersed degree between the text news and the photo news is also very good.

Of course it is not without shortcomings.

For example, some texts are relatively long and need to be deleted or simplified. This work must be completed slowly by Shu Mei.

However, Singularity OS has saved Shumei a lot of working time and greatly improved work efficiency.

Shu Mei was already shocked, and the more shocking scene is still to come.

The system also helped her generate interview videos.

Dozens of fragmented videos in the material will all be spliced ​​into a 60-minute interview video. The video cutting and splicing technology is very good, not to mention. Shu Mei incidentally said that the system was equipped with text for the interview process, and it was also possible. .

This makes Shu Mei feel incredible!

Because Shu Mei used Mandarin when interviewing the elderly, the system was able to recognize and dubbing was normal, but the elderly spoke in dialect, and the text was actually matched.

The logic of Singularity OS with text is listening and thinking.

Listening to what the old man said, then thinking about the logic of the context, and matching the text in the most appropriate way, Singularity OS already has preliminary artificial intelligence capabilities.

"Xiaomei, did you finish your news later?" Yang Ping asked.

"It's basically done!" Shu Mei said: "It's all the help of the system. After I modified it later, it basically took shape!"

"Brother Ping, Singularity OS is really a domestic system? The functions are so powerful!"

Yang Ping had just been fishing and didn't start working. Now that Shu Mei said that, he became interested in it and asked: "The system is powerful? You said that all your later stages are done by the system?"

Shu Mei began to show off her work achievements.

Yang Ping was stunned!Constantly shouting: "God! My god! My god!"

From the "Jiangcheng Daily" newspaper to major enterprises and institutions, to hospitals, schools, and private companies, Singularity OS has conquered users with its extremely powerful capabilities.

Singularity's fool-like intelligent operation can meet basic office needs, allowing many middle-aged people who use computers extremely slowly to quickly get started.

One week after Jiangcheng promoted Singularity OS, the PC-side Singularity OS accounted for almost 90% of the office market.

According to the background statistics of the source code company, there are 3 million Singularity OS desktops connected to the Internet.

It is also because of the strong office performance of Singularity OS that the office efficiency of major units and companies in Jiangcheng is extremely high, and many tedious and repetitive tasks are all handed over to the system.

In particular, some units write materials, do PPT, and fill in forms. In fact, they are not technical tasks at all but physical tasks. These rough tasks can be handed over to Singularity OS.

Jiangcheng, which improves office efficiency, whether it is a major enterprise or a private company, can focus more on innovation and fundamental thinking on the problem, rather than on mechanical documentation and PPT and filling in forms.

The office efficiency of Jiangcheng colleges and universities has been highly valued by the above. Starting from Jiangcheng, all major enterprises across the country have begun to popularize Singularity OS, and major companies are encouraged to popularize Singularity OS.

Representatives of enterprises and private enterprises from Shanghai Stock Exchange, Suzhou-Hangzhou, Chengdu and other cities all went to Jiangcheng to investigate Singularity OS and bring the new intelligent office era.

When I saw Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant assisting users with office problems with strong intelligence, it immediately indicated that this was an eye-opener!

The Shanghai Stock Exchange and Suzhou-Hangzhou have always represented the most advanced and smartest cities in Xia.

But this time, Singularity OS first runs in Jiangcheng, making these two cities feel that they are really behind.

Whether it is a computer or a system, its essence is to assist users in completing their work.

Singularity OS allows most users to get rid of the cumbersome operating steps of the WIN system and breaks the barriers between different software that cannot assist in office work. These advantages have been unanimously recognized by the inspection group.

Outstanding products are of course the introduction, not to mention the domestic operating system that the country has been vigorously promoting.

After some inspections, Jiangcheng commissioned the source code company to send technicians to these cities to assist in the installation of Singularity OS.

At the same time, as the largest representatives of private enterprises, Warwick and Ari have publicly stated that they will popularize the use of the PC version of Singularity OS in their companies. This statement has given the source code company a powerful boost.

Computer manufacturers such as Warwick and Xiaomi said that future notebook computers will have dual systems for users to choose-WIN system or Singularity OS.

As for Lianxiang, HP, Dell and other brands, they still haven't made a clear statement about Singularity OS, and continue to observe in secret.

In less than a month, Ma Xin received 20 million units of data!

The 20 million units are basically office computers in major cities.

Although Singularity OS has not yet fully won the hearts of game users, it has achieved a number of 20 million users and the results are not trivial.

Game users are the most stubborn users. They will change their mobile phones and computer equipment for a game, and they will not change the system for a favorite game.

For such users, Ma Xin has led the establishment of an ecological game department, ready to do what he likes, develop a game that is difficult to develop on the WIN system or on the Android system, and use the game to lead users to replace the system.

At present, the number of Singularity OS mobile phone and PC users has approached 70 million, which can be called a phenomenon-level product.

Wei Ruan is already gushing blood.

A few days ago, I was wondering whether Singularity OS will be used on the PC side. After market evaluation, I still think it should not be used on the PC side. How long does it take to know that 20 million users have been robbed.

The 20 million users are not pirated users who only use computers to watch news or browse the web without consumption, but high-end business users who spend money on products such as Weiruan offfice every year. A strong sense of crisis makes Weiruan was very uncomfortable.

At this time, Weiruan also realized what it was like when the Android market of Guge was occupied.

US, Washington, Weiruan headquarters.

The engineers also downloaded Singularity OS from the official website of Singularity OS and installed it on their own test machines.

Weiruan wants to see what kind of charm the Singularity OS has, which makes countless Xiaguo users crazy.

They are going to see, why is the PC operating system world that Weisoft has ruled for almost 30 years and it is facing collapse overnight!

In order to deal with the threat from Singularity OS, Visoft issued an urgent statement: The system that has not been assessed and passed by the professional computer and system security assessment agencies of the United States such as TCSEC has a great security threat, please do not try it lightly!

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