The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 235 What! Is the virus invalid? (For order)

The statement is an emergency measure of Visoft. When faced with threats, most of the company's emergency measures are to keep users alert to competitors' products.

Guge was also reading a joke at this time.

After the last technology summit, Guge hoped that the US chip company could find ways to prevent the expansion of source code on the chip through various methods and means.

However, when Xia Guo increased its purchase of chips, Gao Tong and other companies were unwilling to give up their interest in Xia Guo as high as 100 billion soft sister coins each year.

Weiruan was still watching Guge's jokes at that time, and she didn't know the truth about lip and tooth cold.

Well, the market of Weiruan is also threatened. Of course, Guge can only read the jokes. It is waiting for Weiruan to feel pain. It takes the initiative to contact itself to see if the two companies can deal with Singularity OS.

Visoft issued a security threat warning to users around the world. The basis of the warning is that the PC version of Singularity OS has not undergone relevant security audits in the United States. This reason is actually quite sufficient.

As the founding country of computers and the Internet, the United States has the world's most advanced computer and Internet technology, and their security assessment agency is also the world's most authoritative security assessment agency.

For a long time, global security software, security protection networks, or security technologies have been proud of obtaining security assessment certification from relevant US agencies.

In Xia Guo, the original 360 and Penguin security steward were also sent to the relevant departments in the United States for safety assessment to confirm its safety.

Moreover, for a long period of time, both security software and security technology were developed with technical support provided by Microsoft. After all, the so-called computer security protection in the past is actually to protect the WIN system.

As soon as Visoft’s warning came out, everyone guessed it was for the PC version of Singularity OS.

The more authoritative computer and network weekly magazines around the world also reprinted the warning from Weiruan.

Among them, "CSJR" (ComputerScienceJournalRankings) commented: "The current global computer security risks are in a high-incidence area. With the advancement of electronic money and e-commerce, computer security will face new risks. A few days ago, Xia Guo We call on users to choose carefully the computer system for security evaluation."

"CSJR" is already very authoritative, and being able to make such a warning is almost on the same front as Weiruan.

During this period of time, Singularity OS has been killing all quarters in the system field, and it took a very short time to wipe out the market established by Android and Visoft, which caused a great shock in the western technology community!

This time, public opinion in the United States does not need to be mobilized, and they are absolutely on the side of Guge and Weiruan.

The "New York Times" directly relayed the comment of "CSJR", saying: "Companies that do business with Xia State, please note that if the other party uses the Singularity OS system to do business with you, pay attention to information security!"

The "Washington Post" also commented: "When a system without authoritative security certification and unable to confirm its security enters the global Internet, it will definitely become a hotbed of all computers and Internet viruses, and it must be isolated. "

Media such as The Washington Post and The New York Times have always been good players with rhythm. Under their reports, Western public opinion quickly reached a consensus that the PC version of Singularity OS has many viruses. .

There are many marketing accounts on Facebook and Twitter, and they all start to attack Singularity OS.

Similar to the users of Singularity OS, all the money on the online banking was stolen, personal information was stolen, and important company information was stolen, and so on.

The more exaggerated caution is that the source code company is about to go bankrupt, relying on Singularity OS to steal user information for profit.

"This logic." Zhou Xiao saw the report from the United States, and laughed at it. "If the system and the virus are equal, the US media is also very powerful."

The success of the PC version of Singularity OS shows that the global PC market needs fresher, more dynamic and smarter products, and Singularity OS has proven its value in many fields.

Ma Xin said: "By this time, the software companies in the U.S. have not yet come to their senses. The architectural applications jointly developed by us and Xia Ke Xia Jian have made breakthrough progress. If it succeeds, it will be sooner or later to replace industrial design software such as Autodesk. These American companies don’t want to integrate into Singularity OS as soon as possible. Instead, they slander us as a virus database and deserve no market in the future."

Zhou Xiao's hands are the "Washington Post" purchased by Xue Ninglu from the Internet, and the front page headline is about Visoft and the source code company.

Zhou Xiao said: "The American technology company has dominated the computer and the Internet for so many years, and has formed its own inertial thinking, and it also sees Singularity OS. But whether Singularity OS is a virus database, it is not the media that has the final say. It’s the actual use the user has the final say."

Ma Xin also talked about: "Ari recently replaced some office computers with Singularity OS computers and is now testing the security of Singularity OS. If our security is higher than the WIN system, Ari may develop a Click on the server architecture under OS conditions."

As Xia’s largest shopping, financial, and personal information company, Ari attaches great importance to security. Being able to test Singularity OS this time fully demonstrates that Singularity OS is absolutely safe in terms of security.

Why does Zhou Xiao have absolute confidence in the security of Singularity OS?

Because Singularity OS is developed based on the Chinese language compiler, the underlying code is not similar to those virus codes currently on the market.The performance of the Oracle compiler launched by the source code company to the market is under the real Chinese language compiler. All applications developed must be reviewed by the Singularity OS before they can be put on the shelves, and they absolutely cannot be used to develop viruses.

Based on this situation, the most advanced virus attacking Singularity OS is like a plant virus attacking humans. It is cross-border and has no effect.

Zhou Xiao suddenly wondered: "Should the source code company organize a competition?"

Ma Xin wondered: "What game?"

Zhou Xiao put down the newspaper in his hand, "Invite hackers from around the world to attack our Singularity OS. If anyone can find the security vulnerabilities of the Singularity OS, they will reward 10 million soft sister coins for every security vulnerabilities found to defeat this security system. One hundred million rewards."

"So much!" Ma Xin was in pain.

Similar competitions have been held in the past with security software such as Penguin Security Manager and 360, but the bonuses for vulnerabilities are mostly more than 100,000 or hundreds of thousands, and the bonuses for completely defeating the security line will be millions.

Zhou Xiao's heart is so big, find a loophole to reward 10 million soft sister coins?The defeat of the system actually rewarded 100 million!?

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