Singularity OS’s security offense and defense competition is only the first step in the development of the system. Ma Xin is very reasonable. To improve the system’s ecological chain and better serve users is what the source code company should do now.

Zhou Xiao watched the live broadcast in the office and said to Xue Ninglu: "The old horse is too modest!"

Ma Xin's summary conference was indeed too modest. Therefore, after the Singularity OS offensive and defensive exercise, the powerful security performance and perfect office performance of Singularity OS have attracted more and more users' attention.

From Jiangcheng to Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, major enterprises, institutions, schools, hospitals and other service-oriented public places began to actively replace the Singularity OS system.

In addition to enterprises and institutions, major private companies have also installed Singularity OS.

Security is the most important thing for users, and the super-smart office performance can also save the company a clerk's expenses, and the system is free, no installation or installation.

Many individual users, especially computer novices, actively ask sellers to install Singularity OS when purchasing computers.

Shen Wei, a girl who just entered college, bought a Warwick laptop and chose the Singularity OS system.

How troublesome the WIN system is!

What should I do if I get a blue screen?What about the system card machine?What if I can’t install software?What should I do if the software is installed on the system disk and the system runs too slowly?

The problems encountered by the system cannot be dealt with by a little girl, and Shen Wei has no boyfriend yet.

It's ready now!

How convenient is the Singularity OS system. The system security is relatively closed for users, and it is also very safe. If there are any problems, the system will be the voice assistant of Xiaoyuan directly, so you don't need to trouble your boyfriend.

The boys in the school didn't expect that they were not competing with other boys but a special system.

It is not only the boys in colleges and universities that have suffered cross-border competition, but also the Penguin Safety Assistant and the 306 Safety Assistant.

When the Penguin Network Security Department and the 306 Network Security Department watched the live broadcast of the source code company, they felt very complicated.

On the one hand, they hope that the source code company can be proud of Western technology companies, because the source code company does not represent himself, and Singularity OS represents the highest level of domestic operating systems.

On the other hand, I am also very worried that if Singularity OS is very safe and does not need security software at all, then Penguin Security Manager and 306 Security Manager will have no market at all.

Domestic security stewards on the market are indeed free, but they also have their own industrial chain and interest chain behind it.

For example, 306 desktop pop-up advertisements that can never be banned, if you accidentally click into it, it will be able to get money.

There is also the monopoly of security butlers on user desktop applications.

If you are a computer expert, that's okay. It's up to you to install a certain software, but if you are a computer novice, then the security butler has the final say.

For example, if you want to install a certain input method and there is no commercial consensus between this input method and the security steward of your desktop, then the software steward is likely to remind you that this input method is dangerous, and it will be deleted automatically after the countdown.

Computer Xiaobai may not pay attention to this problem and cannot install the input method.

This is the logic behind the seemingly free security butler.

Although it is free, it gets more things than charges.

Now such privileges are gone, not by other security stewards or anti-virus software, but by a system, which feels very bad.

Penguin is okay. There are other industries besides security butlers, but 306 is difficult. Cutting off 306 security stewards is almost cutting off 306's average income, which is unacceptable.

306 held a meeting overnight to discuss solutions and make a system to compete with Singularity OS?

Do not make jokes!Where is the system so easy.

Develop a virus to attack the Singularity OS, and then 306 stepped forward to eliminate the virus and told the user 306 Niu!Let Singularity continue to use 306?

Haha, yesterday, hundreds of millions of attacks were ineffective on Singularity OS. Where is the virus that can break through the defense of Singularity OS?

The times are moving forward and technology is developing.

There is only one way left for 306 to integrate into Singularity OS as soon as possible, contribute to the ecological construction of Singularity, and occupy the high ground of the ecological chain as soon as possible. Only in this way can we have a chance to survive.

The source code company's security competition on Singularity OS shocked the world.

The first one that was most shocked was Warwick.

The strong security of Singularity OS made Warwick firm its determination to equip mobile phones and laptops with Singularity OS.

The second one is Ari.

Ari values ​​the security of Singularity OS!

The Ari data center has the private data of almost everyone in Xia, as well as the data of users in more than 200 countries around the world.

These data are not only as simple as the name ID card, but very three-dimensional data for a user.

Through this data, Ari can analyze what your personality is, what you like to do, how good is your consumption, where you work, and even know your living habits and health status.

Such important data can never be measured by money.

The data in Ari's hands is also a treasure and treasury in the eyes of domestic and foreign hackers.

Under this circumstance, Ari’s server is attacked several billion times a year, and Ari’s annual network security expenditure is even more than tens of billions of dollars.

Even so, Ari will have data security issues, and even some corporate projects and data leakage problems have occurred, causing irreparable losses for Ari and some companies.

The extremely high security of Singularity OS gives Ari another choice.

Can Ari get to the thighs of the source code company and use the protection mode of Singularity OS on core data?

At the internal security summit of Ari, it was discussed internally whether to use Singularity OS to protect core data.

This proposal has actually been widely debated.

A security engineer said: "This time the performance of Singularity OS is very good, but because it is a new system, the specific security performance still needs to be tested by time. It is true that no one can break the security of Singularity OS. But what about the future? In the future, as more and more people understand Singularity OS, will Singularity OS have security vulnerabilities?"

"Although our security mechanism is not perfect now, it has been operating for so many years and has a certain degree of risk resistance. Our data is so important. I suggest that we should not try to change the security protection method lightly."

"The future of the domestic system must be bright. Even if our current security mechanism is developed by ourselves, we still rely on Western technology. The trump card is in the hands of others. No matter how safe I am, I have no bottom."

After some controversy, news from Warwick made the engineers shut up.

Warwick and the source code company will jointly establish a computer network security mechanism based on Singularity OS, and all future Warwick data will be placed under this mechanism.

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