The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 242 Dear, I'm Really Not a Security Company

Warwick attaches no less importance to network security than Ari. Warwick is willing to put his confidential data under Singularity OS. What can Ari worry about?

Ari has always been known as the most secure network company in the country. Now, Warwick and the source code company have jointly developed network security standards and jointly protect users' data with new network security methods. So where is the future of Ari?

Singularity OS is a nightmare for Western technology companies.

But for Xia Guo's technology companies, it must be an opportunity, from system security to ecological chain to fully catch up with Western technology companies.

It is absolutely impossible for Ari to give up this opportunity.

In the end, Ari adopted a compromise approach.

Strive to cooperate with source code companies to jointly develop a new generation of computer and network security models.

This security model will be placed under Ari’s existing security model, allowing Ari’s data to be double protected.

If a hacker wants to steal Ari’s user data, he must first break through Ari’s existing security model, and then break through the security protection based on Singularity OS.

The matter is so settled.

Ari immediately sent a high-level representative to Jiangcheng to negotiate with the source code company. In the past, the two parties had a good cooperative relationship, and there should be no big problems in reaching new cooperation.

At this time, the source code company's appointment calls are full. Not only Ari and Warwick, but also many companies in the communications industry and foreign trade industries are looking for source code companies to solve their own network security problems.

Many companies have secured orders of millions or even tens of millions of soft sister coins.

Ma Xin is one of the first and two big companies. The source code company is a system and ecological company, not a network security company. Are these companies wrong?

Except for appointments made by Warwick, Ari, and other companies, Ma Xin will not refuse the appointments of other small companies. Ma Xin can only send the company's business representative or department manager to explain.

The source code company is very patient and knows what the customer wants.Whether the business can be done or not, it is always good to make friends.

Finally, there are too many people making appointments.

The source code company had to publish a statement on the official website and official Weibo that ordinary users want to solve their own network security problems, in fact, it is simple and does not cost money at all.Just install your own computer or server as Singularity OS.

It's that simple!

And Singularity OS is free!

Singularity OS is really a straightforward BOY, something that could make money originally, but you don't make money, just let others install Singularity OS directly.

Not all companies have professional computer talents. Many companies with hundreds of people don't even have a professional talent for building servers.

This allows large and small computer Internet companies to see business opportunities. Under the name of the source code company, they come to help users install the Singularity OS system.It is known for improving the security of computers and the Internet, and the fees are expensive.

Taking Jiangcheng as an example, the cost of reinstalling the WIN system on a computer is about 30-50 yuan, and now the cost of installing Singularity OS is as high as 300 yuan!

With such a high fee, many companies actually took the bait.

Due to the huge demand for Singularity OS, many computer stores are making a lot of money.

There are really business opportunities wherever there is a market.

After Zhou Xiao got the news, she was speechless.

The fool-like installation guide of Singularity OS is clearly written on the official website and official Weibo, and the installation video and flowchart are also made.

Users only need to click the link to download and then they can install it in a fool-proof manner.

However, some users are stupid and have a lot of money, so they don't want to watch the manual or the video.

I am willing to spend money, what do you want to drop?

Zhou Xiao: "It's good if you are happy."

In just one month, the source code company has gone from a little-known company to a small company that provides voice services to major mobile phone vendors to become a technology giant that can compete with Weiruan and Guge.

What makes everyone happy is that the number of companies participating in the Singularity OS ecosystem has reached one million, and there are already tens of thousands of program companies working on the further development of Singularity OS.

In Zhou Xiao's office, Ma Xin was reporting on a pile of data in his hand.

The data is nothing more than the number of OS devices at the current location, the set of applications most frequently used by users, and so on.

In just one month, the number of Singularity OS, PC and mobile devices exceeded 200 million, and the number of people covered and the number of people involved in the development of the ecological chain far exceeded 200 million.

There has been explosive growth in the number of users, but what embarrassing source code companies' price comparison is that the current ecosystem is almost unprofitable.

"Most of our profit comes from the mobile terminal." Ma Xin said: "Part of the profit on the mobile terminal is the system installation costs of mobile phone companies such as Xiaomi, and part of the advertising costs generated by the system ecology. The user makes a profit, so this part of the advertising fee is gone."

"On the PC side, we currently have no profit."

Ma Xin is the CEO of the source code company, and of course he is also the general manager.

"In general, we are currently losing money on Singularity OS."

It is normal to lose money, and the current loss is to seize the market.

Whether you were hungry or not, each group or Didi took a taxi, which one did not lose money while seizing the market?

When will you make money?

When your product is in an absolute monopoly, that's the time to cut leeks.

Zhou Xiao looked at the analysis data. On the PC side, the most frequently used application set is the office application set. On the mobile side, the most frequently used application set is the application set of Singularity OS, which breaks the social software type, and video and shopping applications. set.

These are all future profit points.

For example, the office emphasizes high efficiency and a clean office environment.

Zhou Xiao will never put advertisements. In the future, if office users buy annual memberships, there will be many companies willing to buy.

And the video application set, the user's favorite is free.

At that time, some advertisements were put on, and the eyes closed were all money.

Zhou Xiao handed the report to Ma Xin and said: “It’s not the time to consider whether to make money or not. What we have to do now is to grab the market frantically. Weiruan and Guge have not moved yet, that is, our market share is still Not enough, they haven't felt the pain yet. Wait patiently, and focus on expanding the market."

Ma Xin received the report and laughed and said: "I'm talking about cooperation with Blue Factory and Green Factory these days, and 50 or 60 million mobile phones will soon join our Singularity OS camp."

Ma Xin is full of energy now.

But did Weiruan and Guge really not get hurt?

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