The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 243 Preferential treatment is typed out (for order)

How could Weiruan and Guge not hurt.

Weiruan hurts!

The replacement of the market by Singularity OS is the first step, the replacement of office applications is the second step, and the replacement of service applications and tools by Oracle compiler-related tools is the third step.

These three steps caused Weiruan's interests in Xia Guo to suffer heavy losses.

From a technical perspective, Weiruan has no way to compete with Singularity OS for the time being.

But in terms of management and market, Weiruan still has a way.

Weiruan has formulated two methods to resist Singularity OS's encroachment on its share.

The first method is to recruit talents, especially to let the staff of Weiruan Xia Guo work in the United States. The content of the work is to study the Singularity OS.

Most of the employees of Weiruan Xiaguo are from Xia. Although most people do not understand ancient Chinese, they at least understand Chinese language and culture better than Americans. It is better for them to study Singularity OS than for Americans to study Singularity OS. Much more spectrum.

Research on Singularity OS can only give Visoft a chance to catch up with the source code company, but it cannot save Visoft's current decline.

Weiruan offered its second big move-free!

Weiruan's system and office software are free in Xiaguo for five years!

This is the first time that Weiruan has broken the world!

The last time Weiruan was free was to encourage Xia Guo users to upgrade from pirated WIN7 or WINXP to WIN10, but the free time was only about one year, and subsequent WIN10 will continue to charge.

This time, not only the system is free, but the office software is also free, and the free time is directly five years!

In five years, I don’t know if WIN10 is still or not.

When Visoft’s headquarters held a meeting with Xia Guowei’s soft department, CEO Sals said very seriously: “Visoft is the world’s Visoft, but the most important market for Visoft is in Xia Guo. We must use all means to stay in Xia Guowei. country!"

According to the evaluation of the market department of Visoft, even if there are 200 million users of Singularity OS, among which there are 30 to 40 million users of the PC version, then there are at least 50 million PCs still using the Win system. This is Wei The soft basic disk is also Weiruan's speculation on the character of Xia Guo's users.

Weiruan believes that the effect of its free policy should be as good as the effect of the price reduction policy.

It's a bit similar to everyone saying that they support domestic mobile phones, but if Pingguo gives discounts for activities, it will be snatched immediately.

The news that Weiruan implemented the free policy within Xia Guo caused a global uproar.

Xia Guo's users are happy.

Because Weiruan’s free policy is only for users in the mainland of Xiaguo, users in other parts of the world still have to pay. This is really a strange story.

Netizens commented:

"I'm not mistaken! Is this the sun coming out from the west? Weiruan is actually free! And it's only free for users in the mainland of Xia Guo!"

"God! I have seen this news too! Users all over the world continue to pay to use Visoft's products, and only our mainland users are free. What is the logic? I have been an Internet user for so many years and have never seen it."

"Me too! Good things don't usually belong to the United States, Europe, and then the East. Generally, it is not Xia's turn. This time it is actually free for us, and other places continue to pay!"

"We have to thank the source code company, if it weren't for the Singularity OS developed by the source code company to push Weisoft into an emergency, how could there be such a policy!"

Users in the mainland of Xia Guo have been at the bottom of the global contempt chain for a long time.

For example, problematic cars need to be recalled, usually in the United States and Europe first, and then in other places outside the Asian mainland.As for the mainland, it is generally not recalled, unless it arouses public outrage.

Therefore, users who have been despised for a long time will be so excited when they taste the sweetness of priority this time.

One netizen’s comment received 100,000 likes and became a hot comment.

The netizen said:

"Weisoft’s free policy is based on our technology company’s fist, not asking for the special treatment. Think about it, if there is no singularity OS developed by the source code company, if our PC users still leave If you don’t open the WIN system of Weiruan, do you think Weiruan will implement the free policy? Dream it!

So, what we have to do is continue to support Singularity OS!Only when our country's scientific and technological strength becomes stronger and stronger can Western technology companies understand how to write the word'respect'."

I don’t know if Weiruan will vomit blood when he gets this news. Its free policy actually makes Xia Guo’s users more support for Singularity OS?

If Weiruan CEO Sals knew, he would have to slam himself on tofu.

The news of Weiruan here has not been digested by the market. Similarly, Guge, which has been losing ground in the Xiaguo market, has taken certain measures to save Android's market share in Xiaguo.

The first measure is to improve the treatment of developers. Android has re-signed developer cooperation agreements with major mobile application markets to give more profits to developers. In this way, web developers continue to stick to the Android ecosystem and don’t run into surprises. Where is the point of OS?

The second thing is to announce that the Android system will always be open source and free.

Android is indeed partly open source and free, but Guge has never answered this question positively. Today Guge announced this matter to allow global developers and mobile phone companies to use Android with confidence.

Another meaning is, please don't go to Singularity OS.

Whether this series of policies of Weiruan and Guge will receive feedback from the market still needs time to test, which will not prevent the source code company from following its own goals step by step.

During this period, Zhou Xiao has been brewing a major event.

With the development of Origin Technology and the source code company, there are more and more poor businesses and overlapping users between the two companies, but the management between the two companies seems to have an invisible wall that cannot be opened up.

This is very detrimental to the exchange of personnel, funds and technology between the two parties.

Zhou Xiao prepares to merge the company.

"What! Do you want to merge the source code company and Origin Technology into a group company?" Wang Yulan was shocked when she heard the news.

After all, the two companies have been doing their own things for a long time, and each other is in peace.

"Are you worried about the reaction of employees?" Zhou Xiao asked.

Wang Yulan is indeed worried about the instability of the military. As far as the personnel is concerned, Origin Technology has many and mixed personnel, with different salaries, while the source code company has few and sophisticated employees.

If the two companies merge, how should they be managed?Will the treatment be changed?

These are the issues that Wang Yulan cares about, as well as the issues that the employees are worried about.

Zhou Xiao said: "So I brought up this matter to you today, I want to discuss it with you."

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