The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 334 Containing the Origin Group Alliance

What Lvye S1 robs is not more than one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand mid-to-low-end cars, but a luxury car market of over 500,000 yuan.

The sales of Lvye S1 reached 70,000 vehicles, but the sales of BBA and other luxury models were sacrificed.

With the production of Lvye S1 able to keep up, many car owners who originally bought BBA felt that BBA was not fragrant at all, and they chose Lvye.

So last month, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi handed in very embarrassing answers.

In the Xiaguo market, in addition to the C series, Mercedes-Benz's E series and S series have fallen very seriously. Last month's sales were less than one-fifth of the same period last year. The only city SUV series that can maintain growth.

This is not how well Mercedes-Benz's urban SUV series is doing, but that the Green Liquid series models do not have SUVs.

BMW's situation is equally not optimistic. The sales of the 3 series of the mass models are cut in half, and the sales of the 5 series are less than three-digit.

The monthly sales volume of the 5-series is less than three digits. This is the first time the 5-series has been sold in Xia Guo.

Not to mention Audi, the reputation and quality are not as strong as Mercedes-Benz and BMW, and the sales volume of 6L models is also less than three digits.

When these data were sent to the headquarters of the European BBA, the top executives of the headquarters couldn't believe their eyes and thought that the statistics in Xiaguo were wrong.

After repeated verification and repeated confirmation of the authenticity of the data.

Everyone is really panicking!

The most reliable global market for BBA is Xia Guo. If Xia Guo's sales are gone, the global market will be over.

Ben Chi first made the decision to replace the person in charge of the headquarters in Xia Guo, and let the vice president of the head office go to Xia Guo to fight the fire.

But Ben Chi doesn't know that it can't change the traditional luxury car sales without changing people.

Reuters commented: “BBA’s sales in the Xiaguo market have experienced the greatest decline in history. Benchi has replaced the head of the Xiaguo market, but this time BBA sales have also declined. It has nothing to do with the economy or personnel. It is technological innovation."

Reuters said: "If Xia Guo’s report is true and the new energy model adopted by Origin Group Green Liquid S1 is true, then BBA’s continuous decline in the Xia Guo market is a foregone conclusion. Now, Western car companies such as BBA should guard against Green Liquid S1. To counterattack the European market, global technology companies should prevent Origin Group from forming a monopoly in the larger global market and industry."

Reuters is a conscience media to the West, and its comments hit the nail on the head.

The facts have been placed in front of Westerners, and there is no reason for everyone to doubt the authenticity of the achievements of Origin Group.

A terrible Xia Guo enterprise is emerging. Although its market value is not as high as that of Western technology companies such as Pingguo, its potential has far exceeded everyone's imagination.

This potential foreshadows the rise of Xia Guo's domestic technology supporting industries, and means the rise of Xia Guo's national strength. This potential has come to the time that Western technology companies must guard against.

Western technology companies like foundry or processing and packaging companies like Lianxiang, and absolutely dislike innovative companies like Warwick, DJI, and Origin Group.

The offensive capability of Origin Group is far greater than that of Warwick.

Reuters reports have been widely reprinted by major Western media.

Then the "Times" published an article: "Beware that we live in the shadow of Xia Guo Technology and become slaves in the new era."

This article is more intense than Reuters. The article analyzes that Xia Guo's products have covered every corner of Westerners' lives. Now, Science and Technology companies such as Origin Group and Warwick not only want Westerners' bodies but also Westerners' soul'.

Such a vicious report attributed Origin Group's contribution to the development of human science and technology history to maliciousness.

This report has indeed caused a strong sensation in Western technology and business circles.

For a long time in the past, Western technology giants have been targeting Warwick and other technology companies. This time they suddenly discovered that there is a giant behind Warwick, the Origin Group!


KUKA looked at the "Times" in his hand but did not read the Times' report on Origin Group. He had actually realized this problem a long time ago.

Last time, KUKA went to Jiangcheng in person. After meeting with Zhou Xiao, he knew that cooperation with Origin Group was absolutely impossible.

Cooperating with Origin Group is tantamount to seeking skin with tigers. At that time, not only will the market of Xia State be unavailable, but even the market of the U.S. headquarters cannot be kept.

"Sir, the time has come." The assistant reminded KUKA.

KUKA checked the time, stood up and said, "Let's go."

This time KUKA went to the Gaotong headquarters.

The staff has expired in the conference room of Gaotong headquarters.

In addition to KUKA, CEOs and executives from companies such as Gaotong, Samsung, Cisco, Visoft, Intel and other companies gathered together.

This time, they will hold a closed-door meeting. The content of the meeting is how to deal with the impact of Origin Group on major companies.

Pingguo has lost one-third of Xia’s market, and Samsung has lost all of Xia’s market. Weiruan will not say anything. The system and OFFICE market is almost completely occupied by Singularity OS. Intel is currently still Live, but when to die, Intel has no bottom.

KUKA first spoke and said: "Xiaguo's biggest weakness is the semiconductor and microelectronics industries. The tassel mobile phone is still using Kirin 710F, which shows the problem."

KUKA continued: "Now the energy of Origin Group is on new energy vehicles, because they also know that in the field of consumer electronics, chips cannot be innovated, and products cannot be innovated. We should all be very clear about the technology of Xiaxin International. Let 12nm Technical mass production is already his greatest strength. It is a fantasy for them to produce 7nm chips in a short time."

In the chip field, Intel has the most say.

Intel CEO Roth said: "Neland Germany has stated that ASML has decided not to sell any Xia Guo company or its affiliated company lithography machine, so Xiaxin International will never let 7NM technology Mass production, which means that the current Tassel 1 mobile phone is already the pinnacle of Warwick and Origin Group."

Roth said: "The backwardness of hardware equipment cannot be changed with software. We still have opportunities."

The Samsung representative laughed, "Everyone, calm down, calm down. Don’t care too much about Xiaguo’s market. Although Samsung’s mobile phones do not have much market share in Xiaguo, we have created a new high in global revenue. Because most of Xia Guo's technology companies are assembly companies. They use our memory, our screens, our flash memory and even our screens. Everyone, I think we should change our thinking."

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