The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 82-Mr. Zhou is very depressed (seeking everything)

Zhou Xiao looked at a bunch of e-mail replies from academic journals, very depressed.

Western academia will not treat exploratory experiments without laboratories (the qualifications of Origin Technology's biomedical laboratory has not yet been completed) and no basic scientific basis as real biomedical experiments, but as novels or even jokes. .

Western academia is completely unable to follow this path. It is extremely difficult for Xia Guo's professional laboratory to publish academic papers in professional journals such as "Cell" and "Nature", not to mention the origin technology without laboratory qualifications.

If the academic road is unworkable, medical clinical trials will not work.

It's impossible for Zhou Xiao to find a passerby and drag him to the laboratory for experimentation!

Moreover, even if there are patients who are willing to receive symbiotic green leaf protein treatment, Zhou Xiao dare not do it easily.

When it comes to clinical trials or clinical treatment, if it does not comply with relevant laws and regulations, even if it succeeds in the future, Zhou Xiao and Origin Technology will face a lot of legal and moral risks.

In addition, if clinical trials cannot be carried out, Zhou Xiao will not be able to obtain any monopoly value or disgust value, and the system will be stuck with this technology product, which is equivalent to useless.

Passive waiting has never been Zhou Xiao's personality. Zhou Xiao is going to return to his alma mater, Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology, to seek help from his tutor Liao Hai.

Although the clear boundary between one and two schools was cancelled in the past few years, Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology is still at the level of two schools, which is more than one grade behind 211 and 985 Jiangcheng University.

The difference is a little bit worse. The School of Life Engineering of Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology is still in contact with major biomedical academic journals across the country. It shouldn’t be a problem to ask the school to help publish a paper?

Xia Guo is a society of human relations, so it is academically.

If your paper is authentic and effective, it will be easier to publish with the help of acquaintances.

After the publication of the paper, a certain degree of discussion in the academic community, Zhou Xiao has the opportunity to cooperate with the hospital to apply for clinical trial indicators.

This time Zhou Xiao went back to his alma mater not to go back empty-handed, but with full sincerity-donating one million stipends to the School of Bioengineering to help students from poor families with excellent academic performance.

Zhou Xiao’s postgraduate tutor, Liao Hai, who is now the deputy dean of the college, met Zhou Xiao at school.

When she saw Zhou Xiao supporting one million grants in the name of Origin Technology, her smile was piled on her face.

Origin Technology and Anyang Mask were actually created by Zhou Xiao!

In shock, Zhou Xiao's name was immediately recorded on the well-known alumni of Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology.

Zhou Xiao went directly to the topic, hoping to publish papers in regular domestic biomedical journals.

"It's easy!" Liao Hai said, "As long as there is no problem with the copyright of the paper, I can contact some journals to help publish it. How about "Biological Science"?" Liao Hai thought Zhou Xiaoshi needed it because of the company's qualifications. After publishing a few papers, I agreed.

"Biological Science" is a cooperative academic journal of the School of Bioengineering, Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology, and its impact factor is also good.

But when Zhou Xiao handed over the prepared paper to Liao Hai, as the deputy dean of the School of Bioengineering, Liao Hai thought he could still see a lot from the paper.

The paper Zhou Xiao handed over left Liao Haiman with only two words in his mind—I don’t understand!

Correct!Don't understand!

If Zhou Xiao wants to publish some simple papers, or even papers of low quality, there is no problem.

But Liao Hai thinks that what he is reading is not a paper, it is something very erratic and rootless.

The most academic taboo cannot be traced back to the source, and the new theory has no support from the old theory.

Zhou Xiao's papers go far beyond Liao Hai's phenomenon. Even people in "Biological Science" will have what expressions they will have when they see such a magical paper.

Liao Hai was still very polite to Zhou Xiao. He said: "Xiao Zhou, I don't know who your company wrote this paper, but it is obvious that the data cited in this paper is not based on enough basis, and the content...content..."

The basis is of course insufficient, because there is no basis for reference before the experiments of Origin Technology, and it is impossible to cite any reference experiments.

Liao Hai even suggested to Zhou Xiao: “If it’s for the company’s rating or something, I have a few topics that can be done here. You can see if the biological laboratory of Origin Technology meets the relevant standards. You can apply to the school. We will cooperate with the school to complete this experiment. We will write the paper and publish it in the name of your company."

Jiangcheng Institute of Technology trains a lot of talents, but few well-known talents. Even fewer successful entrepreneurs like Zhou Xiao and financing of hundreds of millions of meters.The school really hopes to cooperate with Zhou Xiao, but Zhou Xiao's thesis is really not available.

Zhou Xiao insisted on his own opinion and the paper must be published. If the school cannot find a way to help publish, then Zhou Xiao will find another way.

Based on the reason that Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology may still cooperate with Origin Technology in the future, Liao Hai agreed to publish Zhou Xiao's paper, but there is no guarantee that it will be "Biological Science".

"Xiao Zhou, the teacher took this matter to heart. Although I cannot guarantee that this paper will be published by Life Science, it must be a core Chinese journal."

With Liao Hai's words, Zhou Xiao was more at ease.

But a week later, Zhou Xiao knew that it was too early to rest assured.

Jiangcheng Institute of Technology wants Zhou Xiao's face.

However, in today's increasingly standardized academics, it is impossible for any core journal to publish papers that are not papers at will.

Finally, Zhou Xiao got the so-called journal for publication.

An unknown name C-type journal "Biological Science and Medical Technology" adopted Zhou Xiao's papers. Most of the papers in the C-type journal were not included in CSSCI but were included in the "Chinese Core Journals." "Overview" included.

Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology has kept its promise, but publishing such papers is tantamount to not publishing.

The papers in the journals that Xiao has never heard of this week are basically written in accordance with the format of the papers, and they can be published with money. They are meaningless in academia, and they will not even make a bubble.

This kind of periodicals and magazines are generally not saved by major colleges and universities, and they are reluctant to order. After such magazines are delivered to the school, teachers and students will basically not read them. Instead, they will directly throw the magazines into the cardboard box and collect enough. Sell ​​scraps after a box.

As graduate students' requirements for papers are included in SSCI, CSSCI, etc., third-rate academic journals similar to "Biological Science and Medical Technology" have narrowed their living space.

Zhou Xiao never thought that such an important paper would be published in the third-rate journal "Biological Science and Medical Technology", and it has not been included in the "Overview of Chinese Core Journals."

This means that after the paper is published, it has no influence, and the relevant institutions will not agree to your clinical trial because of your junk paper.

When Zhou Xiao put "Biological Science and Medical Technology" on the table in the laboratory, the five-person team looked at each other. Everyone was a person who had published papers. Of course, they knew that "Biological Science and Medical Technology" had no gold content at all. A junk magazine for the junior and middle-level titles.

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