What made Zhou Xiao most depressed was not only that he didn't publish a paper, but that the editor of "Biological Science and Medical Technology" might not have read the paper, and the machine checked the format and published it without plagiarism.

Therefore, technology products do not increase any monopoly value or disgust value.

Mo Li was very unwilling!

"Such an important paper, such an important academic discovery, is actually considered to be unreliable, and it can not be found and ignored. Better journals directly deny the authenticity of the paper without detailed verification. There is only a third-rate Magazine willing to publish?"

Mo Li was so angry!

Zhou Xiao can understand the ideas of the journal and magazine. Everyone is very busy. Who will send an expert to verify whether your paper is correct.

And now the academic industry has relatively strict requirements for papers in key journals. Well-known academic journals would rather be cautious than publishing controversial papers.

Since walking on the right path would not work, Zhou Xiao was not prepared to waste energy with those magazines.

When the conditions are ripe in the future, Zhou Xiao plans to set up an academic journal and magazine in the name of Origin Technology, so as to save so much trouble.

Zhou Xiao acted decisively and asked the experimental team to cut the audiovisual materials in the laboratory into a video of about ten minutes.

"Public video!?"

"Yes, we will publish the video online to announce our research results. After the video is made public, we will seek clinical trial qualifications from relevant departments and recruit volunteers worldwide."

The experimental team had no objection to Zhou Xiao's plan.

In fact, the effect of self-disclosure and journal paper publication are the same.

It's just that the authority of journal papers is much higher, and what you publish yourself will definitely face doubts from all parties.

But Zhou Xiao believed that as long as Xiaopang was displayed, all difficulties would be solved.

At this time, Wang Yulan called and had two things to report to Zhou Xiao.

The first thing is to ask Zhou Xiao to sign the remittance slip, and one million bursaries will be remitted to Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology.

"One million..." Zhou Xiao couldn't help but complain: "I spent a few thousand yuan to find an intermediary to publish a paper, and now spend one million? Give one hundred thousand a heart."

Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology would not be so cheeky to ask Zhou Xiao for one million in sponsorship.

One hundred thousand yuan doesn't need Zhou Xiao's signature, Wang Yulan just signs it directly.

The second thing, Wang Yulan wants to take time off and go home.

"Dad is seriously ill. I have to go back. It may take a week or two." Wang Yulan said with embarrassment, "Now that the company is so busy, I am embarrassed to speak up."

Wang Yulan's father's hometown is in Rongcheng, and her mother's is in Jiangcheng. Zhou Xiao had heard from her before that she was the only child in her family.

Although Wang Yulan's mother's sisters were in Jiangcheng, and she stayed in Jiangcheng after graduation, but her father and mother still stayed in Rongcheng and did not follow.

In the past few years, Wang Yulan has been doing business abroad, and her parents have no one to take care of at home.

Some problems cannot be solved by money. Now that his father is seriously ill, Wang Yulan says he has to go home for everything.

Zhou Xiao approved the false note and said: "You and Chen Ye will do a good job of handing over and let Chen Ye act as the general manager."

Wang Yulan was grateful.

After hanging up Wang Yulan's call, Zhou Xiao called Chen Ye again and said, "Sister Lan is going to go back to her hometown. You prepare one hundred thousand yuan in the name of the company."

After the arrangements were made, Zhou Xiao was also ready to return to the company.

This period is a critical period for Origin Technology to build a factory and cooperate with Bajicao. Zhou Xiao is worried that Chen Ye's ability is insufficient, and she cannot cope with many things as a girl.

In the company, Chen Ye was really busy.

Seeing Zhou Xiao is like seeing a savior, and exclaimed: "You can count as coming back."

Zhou Xiao choked Chen Ye to death, "I just want to see how busy you are when I come back."

Chen Ye:...

Three days later, Mo Li sent the cut video to the company.

Zhou Xiao considered it and directly posted it on the official WeChat account of Origin Technology and asked Anyang to forward it.

There are not many fans of Origin Technology on Weibo, only tens of thousands, but Anyang's fans have exceeded 10 million.

Zhou Xiao handed over the task to Chen Ye.

Chen Ye knows that Origin Technology has established a biological laboratory, but has never known what the laboratory is doing.

She was extremely shocked when she saw the cut video of the experiment!

After a long time, he murmured, "Is the symbiotic photosynthetic Chlorophyllum a product of the progeny of Chlorobacter?

"Yes!" Zhou Xiao affirmed.

Chen Ye is also a student of bioengineering and knows the contribution of the products brought by the laboratory to the history of human biology and medicine.

She immediately posted the produced video on the official Weibo of Origin Technology, and then reposted it on Anyang's official Weibo.

The cover of the video is very eye-catching-a little green mouse with a green skin on its back is big and fat.

Anyang official micro: "The latest experiment in the life science and medical laboratory of Origin Technology. This is an experiment that changes the future of mankind."

Chen Ye waited nervously for feedback from netizens. She asked: "We send out the video cut in the lab, and then?"

Zhou Xiao was rather calm, saying: "Wait for public opinion to ferment, wait for media interviews, wait for various big Vs and experts to question, wait for authoritative medical institutions to come and verify, then we will publish the full version of the experimental paper! It is very important that the paper is published. Since it is not possible to publish it now, let’s just speak with facts."

Zhou Xiao dropped these words and went back to the office suite to rest.

He was tired enough during this time and needed rest.

The power of the fans is indeed very strong. In just a few minutes, the lab cut video has more than 100,000 views and more than 100,000 comments, directly rushing to the top of the hot search.

Yang Rui, a clinical bachelor of Jitong University, is a fan of Anyang.

Because Yang Rui often stayed up late to study medicine, Yang Rui's skin was not good, so she finally used Bagel Anyang Mask on the recommendation of her classmates.

This use can be said to be put down and completely become a fan of Anyang.

Yang Rui followed Anyang's Weibo only to know the source of information, waiting for Anyang to send Anyang Bagel to make an appointment.

But the experiment video forwarded by Anyang today made Yang Rui completely stunned!

She is studying medicine, and her future direction is respiratory medicine.

She knows deeply that if this experiment of Origin Technology is real, it will mean to human medicine.

But is it true?

This kind of experiment not only subverted the most traditional medical common sense, but also subverted the common sense of modern medicine.

Is it true? Yang Rui posed a big question mark.

Yang Rui wants to see more information, but the video is not a complete paper.

Yang Rui was not the first to doubt.

The experimental video of Origin Technology soon received more suspicion and more criticism.

Professor Li, a doctoral supervisor of a medical school of a university, first challenged Origin Technology.

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