The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 870: 869 [Capture the United States]

  1939 is coming soon.

  More than 100,000 American Puritans jointly wrote a petition to Congress. At the same time, relevant consortia and church forces put pressure on Roosevelt to immediately abolish the US-Japan trade agreement. Left-wing forces headed by the Communist Party of the United States also organized strikes and marches one after another, calling on the United States to impose diplomatic sanctions on Japan.

   Countless criminals followed suit and looted Japanese goods stores in various states of the United States, and even some police and mafia were involved.

   What a gibberish?

   On January 15, the book "Nanjing Massacre" co-edited by Zhou Hexuan and Rabe was successfully published in the United States.

   Although this book did not sell well - it was too bloody, but it attracted huge attention from the academic world. Interest groups in the United States who are eager for war and opposed to war have used this book as propaganda, which has led to a high level of fear and anti-Japanese sentiment among the American people.

   There are even more Jews behind the scenes, joining forces with the American left and blacks in an affirmative movement, demanding the repeal of racist regulations and the expansion or even cancellation of the annual immigration quota.

   And more messy…

   Early February 1939.

New York.

   Hundreds of people marched through the streets, with mostly black people and a few Asians. They held up banners and shouted in unison:

"racial equality!"

   "Repeal the Inequality Act!"

   "Against racial persecution!"


   On the balcony of a building on the street, a white man witnessed the whole procession and sneered: "This group of despicable and dirty **** do not deserve to live on the earth at all."

The white youth next to him held a submachine gun and said: "Leader, let me kill all these bastards. The Aryans will rule the world, and the United States is also the land of the Aryans. Today, we will start the occupation for the head of state. America's first shot!"

   "Don't worry, we're not ready yet." The white man laughed.

   This person was named Fritz Kuhn, the leader of the "German-American Union", which was also known as the "Nazi Fifth Column" in private. Hitler's original idea was to engage in "peaceful evolution" in the United States, turning the United States into a Nazi state through a coup d'etat.

   Fritz Kuhn secretly set up a paramilitary training camp and madly promoted anti-Semitic ideas in the newspapers, arousing strong opposition from the American people. Roosevelt was also mad and made a solemn protest to Germany, forcing Hitler to announce last year that he would not recognize the organization and order it to dissolve.

   But Fritz Kuhn not only did not dissolve the "German-American Union", but became more arrogant and frequently organized public activities to promote Nazi ideology.

   February 20.

  New York, Madison Square Garden.

  More than 20,000 American Nazi fanatics organized an unprecedented scale of Nazi activities under the banner of celebrating Washington's birthday.

   Rows of Nazi stormtroopers with guns walked through the streets of New York in neat steps. Dressed in Nazi uniforms, they held up a portrait of Washington, the American flag and the Nazi flag, to the horror of the American crowd along the street.

   Hundreds of stormtroopers and more than 20,000 Nazis completely occupied Madison Square Garden.

   Fritz Kuhn, who was wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses and had a gentle appearance, entered the field in a sedan, and there were more than a dozen cavalry guards before and after him. Said to be cavalry, but they were actually German-Americans riding tall horses and wearing Nazi uniforms, but they all had guns attached to their waists.

   "Hi Washington!"

   More than 20,000 people raised their arms in unison and gave the Nazi salute to Fritz Kuhn. The atmosphere at the scene instantly fell into a frenzy.

  The portrait of Washington, the founding father of the United States, is placed in the most prominent position, flanked by the American flag and the Nazi flag.

Fritz Kuhn stepped onto the rostrum and delivered a speech in front of countless reporters. He imitated Hitler's expressions and movements and said: "Recently, there are some people with ulterior motives who promote the idea of ​​equal rights in the United States. I support equal rights, but This kind of equal rights has nothing to do with blacks, yellows, Indians and Jews. The great founding father, Mr. Washington, led the Puritans to establish the United States. This land belongs to our Puritans, and no inferior race is allowed to blaspheme... Some people even oppose the Nazis, even slander Nazis. But the Nazis have a long history in America. Our great founding father, Mr. Washington, was the first Nazi in America. America, our free country, was built by the Nazis... The Jews are abominable, they control Wall Street, Taking control of the American economy, leaving countless Americans unemployed and bankrupt, they are vampires and assholes... Our goal is a socially just, white, non-Jewish America!"

   "Long Live Nazi America!"

   "Long Live Washington!"


   More than 20,000 people chanted in unison, and the Nazi flags fluttered in the square, as if this was not New York, but Berlin, Germany.

  Zhou Hexuan watched from a distance across a whole street, and couldn't help sighing: "The United States is really a free country, and all kinds of monsters and monsters have popped up."

   Stephen Wise was very angry. He had already called the police, but the police did nothing, and even stood next to him chatting and eating hamburgers with a smile. Because this Nazi rally was legal, they had no bullets in their submachine guns, and those things were already reported.

   This is a grand Cosplay wearing Nazi uniforms, using Nazi flags, promoting Nazi ideas, and specially celebrating Washington's birthday.

   The U.S. Constitution gives them the right to play that way.

  The Nazi rally lasted for a long time. Stephen Wise saw that the police were not good enough, and immediately called in a Jewish protest team of hundreds of people.

   So the scene became nonsense, with more than 20,000 Nazis cheering on the one hand, and hundreds of Jews protesting on the other. In terms of momentum alone, the Nazis won.

  Finally, the Nazi rally was over, and they happily walked out of the square, facing the Jews who were protesting on the street.

   The two sides disagreed, and immediately yelled.

   Suddenly a Nazi rushed up and shouted: "Kill the Jews!"

  Most of the Nazis chose not to do anything, but a few rushed forward. The Nazi stormtroopers, with red eyes, chanted the slogan "Long Live Washington", and threw up their unloaded submachine guns as sticks.

   Fritz Kuhn, the leader of the American Nazis, could not stop him at all. The stormtroopers under him are not real stormtroopers, they are a group of fanatics who usually engage in various occupations and only receive short-term paramilitary training.

There were about 2,000 Nazis   . They beat hundreds of Jewish protesters, and the battle was instantly known.

   "Shoot!" Zhou Hexuan said suddenly.

   Stephen Wise puzzled: "What?"

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Mr. Wise, ask your bodyguard to shoot at the crowd and shout a few slogans for Occupy America."

   Stephen Wise's face was gloomy and uncertain, but he finally made up his mind and whispered to his entourage with a gun.

  The entourage sneaked around to the edge of the "battlefield", aimed a shot at the crowd, and then shouted: "Kill all the Jews, Occupy Congress, long live Nazi America!"

   With a gunshot, the incident escalated, with many Nazis shouting the slogan "Occupy Congress".

   Without the deliberate guidance of Stephen Wise's entourage, some radicals were red-eyed and marched in groups to Albany, the capital of New York State.

   "Calm down, calm down!" Fritz Kuhn was quite frightened. Although he was fanatical, he was not a fool, and he knew that a coup d'état would not be possible with this.

   But the scene was not under Fritz Kuhn's control at all. Those Nazis had long been excited by his speech, and now they were stimulated by the beating of Jews and the sound of gunfire, and they rushed towards Albany frantically one by one.

   Even cars along the street were robbed, their first target was the train station, and they planned to hijack a train to attack the state government.

  The situation was completely out of control, and the police at the scene reported to the commander one after another. New York City urgently mobilized nearly 2,000 police officers to take down these fanatical Nazis at the train station, setting a police record since the founding of the United States.

   In this incident, 7 Jews were killed, more than 500 Jews were injured, 3 station employees were beaten, and 28 cars were looted.

  The next day, various media controlled by the Jewish consortium began to report with great fanfare such news as "the Nazis are about to occupy the United States" and "racism will surely destroy the United States".

   Roosevelt's face was black enough to drip ink when he received the report.

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