The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 871: 870 [Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act]

   The "German-American League" was originally funded by Hitler, so it developed extremely rapidly in the United States. They built Nazi camps in New York, New Jersey and other states. These camps not only conducted military training for American Nazis, but also convened German children to study fascism and opened fascist schools.

   In order to promote Nazi ideology in America, Fritz Kuhn localized Nazism in America. At the beginning, they respected Hitler and Hindenburg, and after being abandoned by Hitler, they immediately regarded Washington, the founding father of the United States, as their spiritual leader.

   Fritz Kuhn has great ambitions, he wants to be the American version of Hitler!

   Fritz Kuhn misinterpreted the causes and effects of the Great Depression, arguing that it was democracy and Jews that dragged America to the brink and that only fascism could save America. At the same time, he also engaged in racist activities and wanted to gain widespread support from non-Jewish whites.

  Some non-German Americans were also bewitched by Fritz Kuhn, whose loyal followers exceeded 30,000 in New York State alone.

   Fritz Kuhn's next plan is to build a party, establish the Nazi party in the United States, then participate in elections, infiltrate Congress, and finally become the leader of the United States and realize his own fascist rule in the United States.

  Well, I thought a bit too much, and the New York City police dispatched them to level them.

   Fritz Kuhn was soon arrested and prosecuted by the court, on a nonsense charge. He was not convicted for propagating Nazi ideology, nor for illegal assembly, nor for instigating murder, but for embezzlement of public funds.

  Are you surprised?

   Is it unexpected?

   "The German-American League" is a civil society, which was mainly financed by Hitler when it was first established. Later, Hitler couldn't bear the diplomatic pressure and ordered the organization to dissolve. After that, the funds were mainly donated by members and sponsored by the society.

  Roosevelt personally greeted the arrest of Fritz Kuhn, but could not find a reason for the sentence, so he accused him of embezzling public funds from the "German-American Union". It's like accusing Hitler of embezzling Nazi public funds. It's nonsense, but it makes perfect sense.

   Americans really follow the spirit of law, which made Zhou Hexuan feel sincerely.


   White House.

  Roosevelt looked at all kinds of newspapers with a headache. The propaganda ability of the Jewish consortium was not a joke, and the "Occupy Congress" incident quickly fermented across the country. Countless groups and forces also joined in, not only clamoring for war with Japan and Germany, but also demanding the repeal of the racial discrimination act and the abolition of the immigration quota policy.

   There are demonstrations and demonstrations every day, and people's grievances are boiling all over the country, so members of Congress have to pay attention.

   Polls show that nearly 85% of Americans want to end the U.S.-Japan trade agreement, and this figure is still rising. If Roosevelt does not introduce corresponding measures, he will simply not be the president of the United States.

   In fact, since June last year, the US government has ordered a ban on the export of aviation materials to Japan.

   This is not only the pressure of public opinion from the people, but also the pressure from the military and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Japanese not only bombed American warships before attacking Nanjing, but also stormed the American embassy in China last year and slapped American diplomats a few times in public.

  The national character of the United States is so insulted, can you not react?

   Also, after the fall of Guangzhou, the British capitalists suffered heavy losses, forcing the British government to contact the United States, and the British and American navies jointly demonstrated against Japan. However, this diplomatic proposal was rejected by the United States, and the United Kingdom was very dissatisfied, and it also formally wrote to the United States Department of Foreign Affairs to express its condemnation.

   Zhou Hexuan is playing a movie and publishing a book, which not only arouses the righteous indignation of the American people, but also makes the American church's sense of justice overflowing.

   Of course, there are interests involved.

  The rescue behavior of American missionaries in the Japanese-occupied areas of China accelerated the spread of Protestantism in China. Many Chinese people, either out of gratitude or out of food temptation, converted to Christianity one after another.

  The American church doesn't care about the international situation. They just want to preach quickly. It's better for the Chinese to believe in Protestantism instead of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Therefore, the American church continues to persecute the government, so that the government must increase its aid to China in order to gain a stronger favorable impression from the Chinese.

  The religious power in the United States is already strong, and there are Jews and interest consortia behind it. They actually smashed Morgan, Rockefeller and other consortia in Congress.

   At this moment, the unilateral abolition of the US-Japan trade agreement by the United States has been put on the agenda of Congress, at least two months earlier than in history.

   It is imperative to abolish the US-Japan trade agreement, and no one can stop it. As for what it can be discussed in the parliament, it depends on the confrontation of the big financial groups. At least oil will not be embargoed to Japan for the time being, because that is the lifeblood of some big conglomerates.

  Historically, even though the United States abrogated the U.S.-Japan trade agreement in the summer of 1939, oil trade was still protected. By 1940, the oil trade between the United States and Japan increased instead of falling, and the US oil exports to Japan increased by 21% year-on-year. Through the first five months of 1941, U.S. oil exports to Japan surged 50 percent from the previous year.

   "Dong Dong Dong!"

The secretary knocked on the door and reported: "Mr. President, Mr. Hu Shi and Mr. Zhou Hexuan from China are here."

   "Please come in." Roosevelt rubbed his face and put down the newspaper.

   Zhou Hexuan and Hu Shi entered together, smiled and shook hands and greeted.

   Roosevelt smiled and said, "What is the matter with you two eager to see me?"

  Hu Shi was also unequivocal, saying straight to the point: "Mr. President, racism is very dangerous, and the "Chinese Exclusion Act" based on racism is also barbaric. I hope the United States can abolish it."

   "I have to convene Congress to discuss this." Roosevelt said perfunctorily.

   Speaking of racism, Roosevelt had a headache, and now the newspapers are in trouble.

  Even at the beginning of the 20th century, racism was politically correct in the United States. Who let the WASP forces control the United States?

   Negroes, trash! Jews, trash! Indians, trash! Yellow people are also garbage!

   This is the consensus of mainstream society in the United States, so the Chinese Exclusion Act was released, and the terms are constantly added. In 1930, new Chinese exclusion regulations were still promulgated to prevent Chinese from entering the United States, and they made no secret of racial discrimination.

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Mr. President, support for the anti-Chinese 'Anglo-Saxon racism' has lost its basic stance. The racism initiated by the Nazis has threatened the United States, and the American Nazis are shouting to occupy Congress. Racism. Dangerous, Mr. President agree?"

   "Yes, very dangerous." Roosevelt said depressedly.

   Not only are the Chinese people clamoring to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act, but many white people are now clamoring for it too. There are no more than three reasons: first, the propaganda of the Jewish media; second, the Holocaust aroused sympathy for the Chinese in the United States; third, the American Nazis made things too much.

   But the abolition of the "Chinese Exclusion Act" cannot be opened. Once it is abolished, the immigration quota will be changed, and there are complicated interests behind it.

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and took out a Chinese newspaper and said, "Mr. President, this is a Chinese newspaper issued by the Japanese army in the occupied area. I have already had it translated into English, please take a look."

Roosevelt took a look at the newspaper, and the content of the newspaper made him frown quickly - Japan was hyping the "Chinese Exclusion Act" in China, exposing the crimes of the United States persecuting Asians, and then promoting "Asia for Asians" and "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity" etc. claims.

   If these things are reported in the United States, they will definitely cause public controversy. Now, in the eyes of the American people, the Japanese have become synonymous with beasts of the devil. Japan actually condemns the United States for abusing Chinese people. Are Americans even worse than beasts?

   Zhou Hexuan continued: "Mr. President, I just want you to repeal the "Chinese Exclusion Act". As for the discriminatory content in it, most of the discriminatory content can be retained, just in a different way."

   This is thinking about Roosevelt, at least it won't make him too embarrassed.

  Roosevelt nodded and said, "It seems to be considered."

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