Leaving the White House, Zhou Hexuan and Hu Shi went to the embassy in a car.

   Zhou Hexuan took out a cigarette and prepared to light it. After thinking about it, he put it back and asked, "Is brother Shi's condition okay?"

   "It's nothing, it's healed," Hu Shi spread out his hand, "give me one quickly, I haven't smoked since I was hospitalized, I'm almost suffocated to death."

  Hu Shi suffered a heart attack at the end of last year and was not discharged from the hospital until late February. He was dragged by Zhou Hexuan to see Roosevelt before he continued to recuperate.

   took a camel cigarette from Zhou Hexuan, Hu Shi took a full mouthful intoxicated, exhaled the smoke and said, "Mingcheng, do you think the "Chinese Exclusion Act" can be cancelled?"

   "It is possible to cancel in name, but it will take at least 20 to 30 years to cancel in essence." Zhou Hexuan said.

  Hu Shi said with emotion: "It is very rare to cancel the "Chinese Exclusion Act" on the surface. I don't expect so much. I just hope that as the ambassador to the United States, I will actually do a few more things for the country."

   "It's good to have this heart." Zhou Hexuan said.

  Hu Shi suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, how does Mingcheng feel about Kong Yongzhi?"

  Kong Yongzhi is Kong Xiangxi, Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Why did you think of mentioning him?"

  Hu Shi explained: "Fu Mengzhen (Fu Sinian) wrote a letter recently, saying that he wanted to 'punch the Kongjiadian' again, and asked me to join forces to make a name for themselves."

   Kong Xiangxi's life was very difficult. When he was just promoted to the chief executive, he was attacked by Defense Senator Fu Sinian, and he even brought a bunch of officials and politicians to stand up against it. Kong Xiangxi had no choice but to retreat, and applied to Chang Kai for his resignation, but was repeatedly comforted and retained by Chang Kaishen.

   Four months later, news of Kong Xiangxi’s misappropriation of donations came to light, and Fu Sinian made another effort, accusing Kong Xiangxi of lacking the ability to govern, condoning his family’s accumulation of money, and asking Chang Kaishen to withdraw Kong Xiangxi. Then Guangzhou and Wuhan fell again, and Fu Sinian joined 52 people to write to Chang Kaishen, including Zhang Lan, Liang Suming, Ma Junwu, Liang Shiqiu and other celebrities.

  From the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War to the present, every decree issued by the Ministry of Finance under the chairmanship of Kong Xiangxi will inevitably lead to a plummeting currency value, soaring prices, boiling public grievances, and a series of scandals such as corruption and fraud.

   Zhou Hexuan did not answer directly, but instead asked: "What do you think about this matter?"

  Hu Shi said: "I don't think Kong Yongzhi's chief executive can be easily replaced. Throughout China, only he is the most suitable chief executive."

   Zhou Hexuan thought for a while, and smiled bitterly: "It's really only him who is the most suitable. Brother Shi, it seems that you are not in vain as an ambassador to the United States, and you have finally matured politically."

   In fact, when Fu Sinian attacked Kong Xiangxi a few months ago, Hu Shi stood up and praised him, but now he really understands the situation.

  There are only a few people who have the qualifications to be the chief executive of the Kuomintang Party, such as Kong Xiangxi, Wang Zhaoming, and Sun Ke. They may have all kinds of shortcomings, but the prestige, qualifications and connections are there, enough to stabilize the situation of the National Government.

   If someone else were to be the chief executive, he might have more than enough abilities, but it would definitely be a mess. Factional struggles could be a dog’s brain.

   Take Song Ziwen as an example, this gentleman has qualifications and abilities, but he has no prestige and connections. He has offended too many political enemies, and Lao Jiang did not dare to let Song Ziwen be the chief executive.

   The rest of Wang Zhaoming will not be mentioned, he has already been cast as a traitor. As for Sun Ke, hehe, if Sun Ke is the chief executive, brothers Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu are probably going to fry the pot.

  Only Kong Xiangxi, although he is also a leader and faction, but his interests are tied to Lao Jiang, and he must cooperate with Lao Jiang's anti-Japanese policy. Replaced by Sun Ke and Wang Zhaoming, even if the CC department does not block them, they will stand up to block Lao Jiang.

  Lao Jiang is also really pitiful. The Kuomintang is in chaos, and he can't find a qualified executive director. Even if he is dissatisfied with Kong Xiangxi, he can only admit it through gritted teeth, ignoring the opposition from the court and the opposition, and try to ensure that Kong Xiangxi can continue to do it.

   In a few months, Kong Xiangxi will not be able to sit firmly in his seat, and everyone from the CC department to the Sun Ke faction is unanimously opposed. At that time, Lao Jiang could only serve as the chief executive himself, and let Kong Xiangxi be the vice president to continue to preside over the work.

   So, the naive Hu Shi has finally matured. In the past, he wrote articles and scolded people very smartly, but now that he is an official, he realizes that it is difficult to do things.

  The head decides the head. During the May 4th Movement, Hu Shi called for hitting Confucius' family shop. He said: "Since the feudal autocracy for thousands of years has been orthodox by Confucius' thought, then Confucius' thought will naturally be responsible for the autocracy."

After another two months, Hu Shi was invited to preside over the opening ceremony of the Confucius Memorial Hall at the University of Pittsburgh. His speech was: "China is influenced by Confucius' democratic thought and educational methods, so it is rich in democratic thought. The reason why China can become a liberalism And democratic countries, Confucius's teachings have been extended."

  You see, at the time Confucius was the source of autocracy, and now Confucius has become the teacher of democracy.

   In order to win relations with the Americans, Hu Shi also worked hard, giving speeches all day long and saying nonsense words that he did not believe.

The car quickly returned to the embassy. As soon as the two entered, the embassy staff whispered, "Ambassador Hu, Miss Lowitz is here again."

  Hu Shi's expression changed immediately, and he subconsciously turned around and ran away.

   A tall and beautiful woman suddenly walked over with a smile and shouted, "Shi, why didn't you tell me when you were discharged from the hospital?"

  Hu Shi's face returned to normal in an instant, and he smiled and said, "I'm in a hurry, I just met Mr. President." He immediately changed the subject and introduced, "This is my friend, Charles Zhou."

  The beautiful woman hurriedly greeted: "Hello, Mr. Zhou. My name is Rhodes Lowitz. I'm a good friend of Mr. Hu Shi. It's a pleasure to meet you."

   "Hello, Miss Lowitz." Zhou Hexuan shook hands.

  Hu Shi added: "Mingcheng, Miss Lowitz is Mr. Dewey's private secretary."

  The "Dewey" here is John Dewey, a famous American philosopher, educator, one of the founders of pragmatism philosophy, a pioneer of functional psychology, and a representative of the American progressive education movement.

  Before Dewey, the stereotyped and rigid old education was popular in the United States. After Dewey, the United States began to implement new educational concepts, which gave a new look to American education. Therefore, some people call Dewey "the Confucius of America" ​​and "Second Confucius".

   Hu Shi happened to be Dewey's beloved disciple. When he came to the United States as a special envoy, the first thing he did was to visit Dewey. Because Dewey has a wide network of contacts and a big name, he helped Hu Shi introduce many celebrities in the political, business and academic circles, allowing Hu Shi to quickly open up a diplomatic situation in the United States.

  By the way, Hu Shi also hooked up with Dewey's secretary, Rhodey Lowitz.

  Rhodey Lowitz was quickly convinced by Hu Shi's knowledge and demeanor, and he fell in love with him so much that he couldn't even care about his boyfriend who was far away in Africa.

  Hu Shi was dashing and happy at first, but he soon became unstoppable. Because Rhodey Lowitz was actually acting real, forced marriages, and even set a date, requiring Hu Shi to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise she would go to Africa to marry her boyfriend.

   How dare Hu Shi? He also has a tigress at home.

   When he was young, Hu Shi originally liked his cousin, but was forced to marry Jiang Dongxiu by his parents. After accepting new ideas, he felt that he could break through the cage of arranged marriages, so he filed for divorce from Jiang Dongxiu.

  Jiang Dongxiu turned her face horizontally after hearing this, and ran to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife. Hu Shi was so frightened that his face turned pale, and since then he mocked himself as a "PTT (Fearing Wife) Club Member".

  Perhaps, this is why Hu Shi likes to be a matchmaker for marriages. If he can't get it himself, he is just as happy to see others get it.

   Hu Shi had many lovers in his life. Now he not only has an ambiguous relationship with his teacher's female secretary, but also has a female student in China who keeps correspondence with him. From the point of view of later generations, this guy is a scumbag who often puts on his pants and doesn't recognize anyone. Take that female student, for example, Hu Shi is doing cold treatment, so that the other party can consciously cut off contact.

  Rhodey Lowitz is a Jewish girl, very beautiful, not inferior to Hollywood female stars. She was elegant and well-spoken, and she gave Hu Shi a lot of face. Instead of crying, making trouble, and hanging herself in front of Zhou Hexuan, she chatted with Zhou Hexuan about the recent affirmative action and the anti-Japanese and Chinese ideology.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that Rhodepy Lowitz said to Hu Shi: "Shi, I plan to go to Africa in the summer, and you have four months to reply to me." After speaking, she smiled and stood up to give a salute, " Mr. Zhou, I had a very pleasant chat with you, and I hope we have the opportunity to meet again."

   "I'll send you off." Hu Shi followed.

   After a while, Hu Shi sent him back, and Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "She's a good girl."

Hu Shi grimaced: "I know she's a good girl, but... sigh, I really admire Mingcheng, you are responsible for your feelings, but I'm a coward in love. That's all, it's a national disaster, and nothing else is mentioned. When are you going to return home?"

   Zhou Hexuan said: "I have cooperation with the Jewish guys. Since they help with propaganda, I have to come up with something. I will go back immediately after I give the Jews an explanation."

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