The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 873: 872 [Father of Chicken Soup for the Soul]

   There are two books that Jews believe in throughout their lives, one is called the Bible and the other is called the Talmud.

   In 586 BC, the Jewish kingdom was destroyed, and a large number of Jews were trapped in Babylon. There are countless Jewish sages and religious personnel gathered here. They can't run, and they have nothing to do. They spend hundreds of years compiling a book of Jewish oral law. The whole book is about 40 volumes and a total of 2.5 million words. It is called "Tamu". Germany.

  The Talmud is all-encompassing, with a large number of myths, historical legends, folk customs, astronomical geography, medical arithmetic, and botany knowledge. It is part Jewish history, part encyclopedia, and part philosophical masterpiece.

   If the Bible is the spiritual conversion of the Jewish people, then the Talmud is the Jewish survival guide.

   From childhood, every Jew receives "Talmud education" from his parents, and is naturally Jewish in the process of growing up. This is the main reason why the Jewish nation has not dissipated for more than 2,000 years.

  After the founding of Israel, Orthodox Judaism even tried to make the Talmud the law of statehood.

  As the leader of American Judaism, Stephen Wise naturally studied the Talmud seriously, but today he received the Talmud - Why Can Jews Be Rich? ", but made Mr. Wise's expression extremely complicated.

This sample book was sent by Zhou Hexuan, and it was written like this at the beginning-a child of a Jewish family, almost always had to answer a question when growing up: "If one day your house is burned down, what will you run away with? ?" If the child's answer is money or diamonds, the mother will further ask: "There is a baby that has no shape, no color, no smell, do you know what it is?" If the child can't answer, the mother will say: "Child, What you want to take away is not money, nor diamonds, but wisdom. Wisdom is something that no one can take away, as long as you only have her, wisdom will always follow you.”

   Stephen Wise said subconsciously after reading this paragraph: "Nonsense, my mother never asked me this question!"

   But when you think about it, this nonsense makes a lot of sense, and the opening intentionally sets up a positive image of wisdom for the Jewish people.

  Stephen Wise patiently read below, the content made him laugh and cry. The whole book is divided into two volumes, "Doing Business" and "Managing the World", which distort the ideological meaning of the "Talmud" in various ways.

   But Stephen Wise has to admit that once published, this book is bound to sell well, and it does a lot to promote a positive image of the Jewish people.

   This book also quotes many golden verses from the Talmud, such as—

   "God gave you a fruitless birth into this world, not for you to leave it with your bare hands."

   "Make money as a matter of finding happiness, otherwise don't think too hard."

   "Angels are happy because they have wings, and humans are happy because they have dreams."

   "There are no unsellable products in the world, only people who can't sell them."

   "You should think of your business as your lover, so that your relationship is full of passion and fun. The more sincere you are in your relationship, the more you will get in return, and the happier the business will be."

   "There are four scales on which people can be measured, and that is money, alcohol, women, and attitudes toward time. These four scales have something in common - they all have something attractive, but you can't indulge in them."

   "In the eyes of the Jews, everything depends on the woman. In marriage and love life, a good woman is a school."

  Innumerable golden sentences dazzled Stephen Wise and read it with endless lingering charm. But he swore that he had studied the Talmud all his life and had never seen some of the sentences in it, so they were all made up by Zhou Hexuan.

  There are two types of books that sell very well in the book market, one is chicken soup for the soul, and the other is learning about success. Zhou Hexuan's book has all the books.

In the first volume of "Doing Business", the first chapter of Zhou Hexuan instructs readers to establish a correct view of money, such as money has no distinction between high and low, cash is the first, no idle time for half a year if you have money, and making money is justified and so on, and the second chapter teaches readers how to learn The ability to make money, Chapter 3 teaches readers to sharpen their minds in the face of adversity...

   It’s a straight-forward statement, but it’s actually very nonsense. However, if anyone can implement it seriously, then he will definitely be able to make some small achievements.

   There is a lot of interesting content behind, how to master information, how to use eloquence, how to stay mysterious, how to seize the opportunity, how to deter opponents, and so on. Anyway, messing around with the Talmud and Jews, even a rich man like Rockefeller couldn't point out the shortcomings.

   In terms of religion and national sentiment, Zhou Hexuan's book is a blasphemy against the Talmud, but Stephen Wise laughed like an old fox after reading it.

  Western white people have a natural hostility to Jews, one is from religion, and the other is from money.

   The first volume of Zhou Hexuan's book, "Doing Business", allows readers to identify with the Jews unconsciously, and actively learn the Jewish business philosophy. As for the second volume, "Life", it can eliminate the readers' misunderstanding of the Jews and wash away the face of the greedy philistines of the Jews.

  Good book!

   Now everyone is chanting the "American Dream". In fact, to put it bluntly, they want to make a fortune. Immigrants from all over the world want to pan for gold in the United States. Success studies and chicken soup in the heart are what people desperately need. This stuff is like spiritual opium, which can make people in the middle and lower classes of society read sleeplessly.

This book Zhou Hexuan directly copied from "The Talmud - The Bible of Jewish Business Wisdom and Life". He was flipping through the book while traveling to relieve his boredom. . Many business methods, business skills, chicken soup for the soul, and success theories in the book were summed up by later generations for a long time, and they were extremely lethal in the 1930s.

   Even, as long as you strictly follow the theory, this book can really guide you to do business and make a fortune - most people can't stick to it and can't implement it well.

   Helping the Chinese publicize the anti-Japanese, helping the Chinese publicize the repeal of the "Chinese Exclusion Act", in exchange for a best-selling book on whitewashing Jews, Stephen Wise feels that it is very cost-effective. What's more, that propaganda is also good for Jews, and it would be even better if they could open up Jewish refugee areas in China.

Stephen Wise took out a pen and paper and wrote a message to Zhou Hexuan: "Dear Mr. Zhou, thank you very much for your understanding of the Jews. As an Oriental scholar, your research on the Talmud is A forever friend of the Jews."

What Zhou Hexuan did not expect was that his chicken soup for the soul was successfully learned, and it was republished countless times in the next half century. and other books, which became his best-selling classics.

  After the reform and opening up of New China, magazines such as Reader and Yilin, citing this book by Zhou Hexuan, fed a whole generation of Chinese people with poisonous chicken soup.

   Some netizens even called Zhou Hexuan "the father of chicken soup for the soul" and nicknamed him "Chicken Soup Zhou".

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