The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 874: 873 【The Secret of Success】

   Zhou Hexuan is certainly not the "father of chicken soup for the soul", Dale Carnegie is.

  This gentleman came from a poor family, and was excellent in his studies, excellent in eloquence and proficient in speeches. Therefore, he became a salesman after graduating from the normal school. He has sold ham, soap, lard and cars. He is an excellent professional salesman.

  Carnegie was still a young man with dreams——

   He wanted to be a star, so he studied acting, but failed.

   He wanted to be a writer, quit his job to write a novel, but failed.

   His job as a salesman was gone, and he couldn’t make money teaching night school, so he went to a speech class to be a trainer. He specializes in giving young people chicken soup for the soul. Although he is not successful himself, he can teach others how to be successful.

Dale Carnegie has become more and more famous in the field of adult education, so he began to publish books. His representative works include "The Weakness of Human Nature", "The Strength of Human Nature", "The Glory of Human Nature", "The Beautiful Life", "Happy Life".

   These chicken soups were well received, and Carnegie became a spiritual mentor for American youth. Even with his wife and sister, he also painted gourds in the same way, and wrote best-selling books such as "Writing to Girls" and "Smart Tips".

  Carnegie's success studies have some credibility, let alone, but he is definitely the grandfather of modern training institutions. The various training classes, inspirational classes, entrepreneurship classes, and speech classes in later generations used teaching modes and methods that were all learned from Carnegie.

  The word "success" comes from Carnegie, who created the so-called "personal success", which fooled young people all over the world.


   McKinley is such a young man who urgently needed chicken soup for irrigation. His grandfather's family immigrated to the United States from Ireland. My grandfather was a shoemaker and my father was a shoemaker, but McKinley didn't want to continue to be a shoemaker, he wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor.

  Due to the impact of the Great Depression, the income of the family's shoe shop plummeted, and McKinley had to drop out of school to work. He engages in sales during the day, attends training courses at night, and enrolls in two courses, Carnegie Sales Class and Carnegie Speech Class. Fortunately, the Carnegie Relationship Class, Carnegie Management Class, and Carnegie Personnel Class have not been created yet, otherwise he will definitely finish the application. .

  Inspirational young student McKinley used most of his income to support his family, and gave the rest to Carnegie, his spiritual mentor.

   After only three months of study, McKinley felt that he had learned a lot. He dared to yell in front of passers-by on the street. He knew how to seduce a salesman. Although he was still eloquent when chatting with friends, he could talk to customers for hours without repeating the same.

   This is the basic quality of a good salesman, but also... nothing more.

At the end of the 1930s, the spiritual mentor Carnegie was only a great magician, and he did not cultivate to the realm of the **** of law. A series of successful study classics such as "The Advantages of Human Nature" did not come out. His masterpiece at this time was "How to Win Friendship and Influence" others".

   Recently, Mr. Carnegie published a book called How to Stop Depression and Start a Life.

  As a die-hard Carnegie supporter, the young McKinley rushed into the bookstore for the first time and took this bowl of chicken soup from the bookshelf like a treasure. He feels that he has been a little depressed recently, and he really needs to start his life. After all, being a salesman is too hard and tiring, and you don't earn much.


   McKinley glanced at another book on the shelf. It was called "The Talmud - Why Jews Can Be Rich."

   McKinley did not like Jews because he was a Puritan of Irish descent. But he is very fond of money, and dreams of becoming a millionaire. As for the Talmud, the devil knows what it is.

The Talmud is a compilation of countless Jewish scholars over hundreds of years. It is a tome of 2.5 million words. Even few Jews can read it carefully, and many Jews have never seen this book in their entire lives, let alone the American ones. Puritans.

   McKinley opened the book curiously, and was immediately baptized by a bowl of fresh and refined chicken soup, like a traveler in the desert who encounters an oasis and reads it hungrily.

   It was getting dark, and the clerk reminded: "Sir, do you want to buy a book? The store is about to close."

   "Of course, I want these two." McKinley hurriedly took out the money and included tomorrow's lunch expenses. He had only budgeted for one book.

   Holding two bowls of chicken soup for the soul, McKinley hurried to the Carnegie training class to study, and didn't return home until after ten o'clock in the evening.

  I couldn't wait to open "The Talmud - Why Jews Can Be Monopoly" again. McKinley spent the whole night reading it, and it felt as if the young heroes who had just entered the arena had obtained a peerless secret.

  A lot of the theory in the book overlaps with the Carnegie training class, but there are more new things. For example: women are natural consumers, are good at legal loopholes, make decisive decisions to seize momentary opportunities, save money for an early tomorrow, be highly sensitive to information, use other people's reputation to make money, make full use of your relatives and friends Helping you sell...

   God Book!

   This is a divine book!

   As long as you master it, you can become a peerless master!

   McKinley was convinced of this, and when he came to his senses, he remembered to see the author, which was actually the new work of the Far Eastern wizard Charles Zhou. It is no wonder that the secrets of doing business can be written so clearly, and people are masters who can predict the Great Depression!

   McKinley spent two days reading the first volume "Doing Business", and then began to read the second volume "Managing the World".

   If the first volume teaches you how to make money, then the second volume teaches you how to be a person. The contents in it are summed up as "self-control", "good at learning", "self-confidence and self-improvement", "how to make friends", and "correct treatment of marriage and family". Chicken soup instantly lifts the soul - it's all bullshit.

  Before Carnegie had completely completed his chicken soup theory, Zhou Hexuan's book was a killer that surpassed the times.

   At least, McKinley completely forgot about Carnegie, and instead regarded Zhou Hexuan as his life mentor. At the same time, he also believed Zhou Hexuan's nonsense, thinking that these views were summarized from the "Talmud", and his impression of the Jews was much better since then.

   McKinley has worked hard to save every penny as a reserve fund in accordance with the teachings in the book, and seized the opportunity to join the meat industry two years later. McKinley put pressure on his parents and his own family, and ordered a batch of live pigs from the farm at a low price. The war quickly led to the sale of raw materials for luncheon meat, and McKinley made a fortune - a full $2,000.

   Immediately, McKinley turned to the print market, bought a large number of female star posters, and ventured to the naval base to sell to soldiers. Well, when the Japanese bombed, the ship capsized, McKinley lost everything, and almost saw God because of it.

  But McKinley was not discouraged, he followed the teachings in the book to sharpen his mind in adversity, and returned to his old business as a salesman again. But it was too hard and tiring, so he simply went to fight in the army, and made a small fortune selling war souvenirs after the war.

   McKinley returned to the United States and invested all of his funds in the distribution of new drugs. As a result, when the US government rectified the drug market, the new drugs did not meet the specifications, and they hit the streets again!

After more than ten years of ups and downs, McKinley's father died of illness. He could only go back to inherit the family business - a small shoe shop. Since then, he has become an excellent shoemaker and even founded a leather shoe factory in the 1980s.

   McKinley succeeded. He believed that his success was inseparable from the guidance of his spiritual mentor, Mr. Zhou Hexuan. That classic success study book taught him to learn knowledge, use wisdom, pay attention to information, seize opportunities, make friends, and persevere...

  The great Mr. Zhou has made countless young people find their goals in life, and he has benefited all mankind.

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