The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 875: 874 [Successful Master Wang Yangming]

  During the 2008 financial crisis, among the top ten best-selling books in the United States, there were five books on financial management and investment, three on financial knowledge, one on the survival rules of Goldman Sachs Bank, and one on how women manage their money.

   Until 1939, the Great Depression in the United States had not completely eased, and Zhou Hexuan's new book obviously caught the reader's G-spot.

   sells like crazy!

  The sales volume on the first day reached 8,000 copies, and the word-of-mouth began to explode in the second week of its release. It sold 15,000 copies a day for more than two months, and the cumulative sales in the first three months directly broke the 1 million mark.

   Based on the price of $4 per book, Zhou Hexuan’s personal royalties plus the dividends from the publishing company, this book brought him more than $1.7 million in net profit after tax within three months. Of course, the profit of the publishing company is the largest, and the pure fee income is less than 400,000 US dollars (the US tax on professional writers is too harsh), so you still have to be your own boss.

   The profit of this book is continuous, at least it can be sold for decades, and every time it is reprinted, Zhou Hexuan can make a fortune.

   I don't know if it can catch up with "The Weakness of Human Nature", the book has sold more than 90 million copies, and pure royalties can make Carnegie a millionaire.

The New York Times, which is controlled by a Jewish consortium, immediately stood up and praised its stinky feet: "Success is so simple, as long as you follow the Jewish classic "Talmud" and the guidance of Mr. Zhou Hexuan, you can reap the huge dream wealth."

  CBS also missed the opportunity to invite some investment experts from Wall Street to frantically advocate the Jewish business and life wisdom around the "Talmud". To put it bluntly, I want to whitewash the Jews, praise Zhou Hexuan's erudition by the way, and then increase the sales of this chicken soup book by the way.

The propaganda effect of    is obvious. While the books are selling like crazy, the American people begin to agree with the Jewish money concept, at least they no longer regard Jews as pure vampires.


   It’s April in the blink of an eye.

  The U.S. Congress formally discussed the proposal to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act. Although most of the members were opposed to it, fortunately, they did not directly deny it, but continued to hold meetings to discuss how to make changes.

   As Zhou Hexuan said to Roosevelt that day, the Chinese Exclusion Act is rooted in racism, and racism is now notorious, and its continued practice is harmful to the image of the United States.

   In addition, the United States' tendency to aid China is becoming more and more obvious. The "Chinese Exclusion Act" is also an obstacle there. It is a matter of time when it will be repealed.

  This proposal was discussed for three months, and the U.S. government finally officially announced the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act. However, provisions that discriminate against Chinese still exist. For example, the annual limit of Chinese immigration is set at 105, which is equivalent to the existence of the "Chinese Exclusion Act" in disguise, but it sounds better.

   But this is enough to make the overseas Chinese in the United States excited. They have finally ushered in a legal "equal" status, and many Chinese illegal immigrants have also automatically obtained American citizenship - on the condition that they have reached a certain period of residence and have a stable income.

   This was impossible in the past. The provisions of the "Chinese Exclusion Act", which were supplemented many times in a row, almost completely blocked the way for Chinese to obtain American citizenship.

Just when Zhou Hexuan was about to return to China, Feng Yong came to New York with a copy of "The Talmud - Why Jews Can Become Monopoly" and said with a smile: "Mingcheng, I didn't expect you to be a businessman. expert."

   "It's just a trick, you believe it?" Zhou Hexuan said happily.

  Feng Yong casually flipped through the book and said, "Actually, it makes a lot of sense. If I read this book 20 years ago, I would probably go into business right away."

   Chicken soup for the soul is also chicken soup, and there must be some nutrition, otherwise it would not have been popular for so many years. For example, persuading people to study more, persuading people to strengthen their resolve, persuading people to be self-confident and self-reliant, persuading people to face up to difficulties, etc., are these useless? Of course it works!

  When people are frustrated and depressed, if they can pour a bowl of chicken soup, they can be resurrected in place if they can't.

   But you can’t drink too much of this stuff, just pick two classics to successfully learn to read and read them thoroughly, and then you can carefully understand and implement them. All day long to learn how to swear by success, that is self-deception, and you can only get farther and farther from success.

The study of success has nothing to do with the Jewish Talmud. These truths can be found in the Book of Changes. The two sentences "The sky is strong, the gentleman is self-improvement", "The terrain is Kun, the gentleman carries his things with great virtue". Words can guide life.

  If you still want to study in depth, then go directly to Wang Yangming's "Xinxue" to ensure that you will gain more from the way of success.

   "Yangming Mind Learning" is not just idle talk, let alone idealism, it is a very advanced and successful learning. As long as you truly understand the essence of xinxue and implement it carefully, you will definitely succeed. Those who fail to succeed are either lacking in IQ or too unlucky.

  After Wang Yangming's death, there were several schools of xinxue, each with very different interpretations, but they could not escape the four words "the unity of knowledge and action.

   "Knowledge" is not simple knowledge, and "to conscience" is also not the maintenance of conscience in the public sense. It is divided into two aspects, that is, to know one's own character and pursuit internally, and externally to know the people and things that one faces.

  Being able to accurately know oneself, others, and all things is "to conscience". This so-called accurate understanding is different for everyone, because everyone has different personalities and pursuits, as well as the environment they face.

   Once you have "conscience", you must do it. This is "action".

   "Doing" also needs to pay attention to methods and methods. It is certain to be persistent, but sometimes mistakes can be made, and you need to constantly adjust your "conscience".

Combining "knowledge" and "action", using theory to guide practice, using practice to verify theory, constantly making correct adjustments in the face of failure, and keeping the original heart unshakable, this is "the unity of knowledge and action", which is Wang Yangming's " "Mind study" is also the core of any successful study.

  It is easy to understand, but very difficult to do. If you can do it completely, you are a saint.

   None of this stuff imparts experience because everyone is different. Grumpy and calm people deal with the same thing differently. Wang Yangming did not require disciples to be calm and down-to-earth, as in the general success study, but made the most reasonable countermeasures according to his own situation.

  Sometimes, a violent personality can make things happen, and a calm personality is hesitant to miss the opportunity.

   In Zhou Hexuan's view, Wang Yangming is a master of successful studies. Whether in Japan in the era of democratic reform or in China in the period of the Nationalist government, the study of the mind belongs to the mainstream thinking of the two governments, and Lao Jiang is a complete follower of Wang Yangming's successful study.

  Feng Yong chatted with Zhou Hexuan for a while, and suddenly said, "I'm going back to China next week."

   "Let's go together." Zhou Hexuan smiled.

   After dragging on for a whole year, the plane problem was finally solved.

  The U.S. government promised Zhou Hexuan to transport the plane to China, but in order to prevent Japan from overreacting, it must first go around the territory of the Soviet Union. That is to say, first sell the plane to the Soviet Union, and then the Soviet Union sells the plane to China, so that Japan has no reason to trouble the United States.

   Zhou Hexuan has already contacted the Soviet ambassador to the United States, not only to transport his planes back in the United States, but also to buy more than 30 planes in the Soviet Union by the way, making up two complete squadrons.

   Of course, Zhou Hexuan paid all the money, and the money earned by the successful study was enough.

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