After the Japanese military's Wuhan Airport was bombed, the Chinese Air Force would naturally not be idle. Instead of bombing the Japanese fortifications in Wuhan, they were transferred to the south to carry out missions. In September, they bombed the Japanese army's Guangzhou airport, destroyed dozens of Japanese planes, and destroyed the Japanese army's gasoline depot.

   This record has nothing to do with Zhou Hexuan, because it also happened in the original history. Before Kurishenko led his team to blow up more than 160 Japanese planes in Wuhan, they successfully blew up dozens of Japanese planes in Guangzhou, but now the order has been reversed.

   Two important airports were destroyed in a row, and the little devil finally has a long memory.

   At this time, the first battle of Changsha had begun, and Kurishenko was ordered to bomb the Japanese field airfield in Hunan. As a result, when they flew to the predetermined target, all the pilots were stunned. The airport was full of Chinese people, who were being used by the Japanese army with machine guns as flesh-and-blood shields.

  It turned out that the Japanese army had about 100 planes in Hunan, and they often went out to perform missions. They were afraid of being attacked by the Chinese Air Force again, so they forcibly kidnapped the Chinese people to the airport a few days in advance. These people are usually forced to work as coolies, but when they encounter bombing by the Chinese Air Force, they are taken out as hostages and human shields.

  Kurishenko ruthlessly issued a bombing order, and the Chinese bombards endured tears and dropped bombs at the Japanese airport...

   This situation is rare, but it is by no means the only one.

  For example, on New Year's Day in 1942, the First Brigade of the Chinese Air Force carried out a bombing mission to help the army in the third Changsha Battle to reduce air pressure. As a result, the pilots found that the runway was full of Chinese people, and the team leader, Chen Hanguang, could only carry out the mission hard-heartedly. After the successful return, everyone cried together.

The    military order is like a mountain, and this situation must continue to bombard.

   If there is a woman's kindness, it will definitely encourage the arrogance of the Japanese invaders. In the future, the Japanese army will only force the Chinese people to act as human shields.

The Japanese army is crazy now. While they are transporting new aircraft to Guangdong, Hunan and Hubei, they urgently increase the purchase of aircraft from Germany, and at the same time work overtime to produce aircraft in the country - the United States has embargoed aviation materials to Japan, and Japan's aircraft production extremely difficult.

  Unable to gain local air superiority in the short term, the Japanese army not only used the Chinese people as human shields, but also increased the frequency of the use of gas bombs. They were using gas bombs as the effect of aerial bombardment.

   Zhou Hexuan spent $3 million to order more than 80 new planes from the Soviet Union. But these new planes are not yet available, at least until the fall and winter.

   Juntong's side is even more nonsense. It was so mysterious at the beginning and even blindfolded Zhou Hexuan's eyes. As a result, the news leaked in minutes, not only the inside story that Zhou Hexuan helped decipher the code was spread, but even the news that Yardley was a core member of the Chinese secret power group was exposed.

  Dai Li was furious and called Wei Daming to scold him. Wei Daming immediately launched an investigation, and it turned out that it was the secret agent of the secret power group who made a slip of the tongue after drinking.

   That's how Feng Yuxiang knew that Zhou Hexuan helped decipher Japanese telegrams...

   And Yardley suffered an assassination. After he survived, he didn't even dare to go to the bar he used to go to.

   But the people of Chongqing are very happy. They finally don't have to worry about it all day long. The story of Zhou Hexuan and Yardley breaking the Japanese military code has been compiled into various versions, which has become a topic of conversation after dinner.

   As for Chang Kaishen, he couldn't sleep because of the news that Germany blitzed Poland and Britain and France declared war on Germany.

   As Zhou Hexuan "expected" at the beginning, the two major international camps have initially formed, and China is siding with countries such as Britain and France.

  Although Britain and France were still playing the appeasement policy after declaring war on Germany, the situation has reversed. The most obvious situation is that the British government began to actively engage with China and substantially increased its support to China.

  The situation in the world was once again predicted by Zhou Hexuan, which made Chang Kaishen have to pay more attention to Zhou Hexuan's article. In the room of his chairman's attendant, a "Zhou Hexuan Research Group" was specially formed, which carefully analyzed and summarized Zhou Hexuan's previous articles, and from time to time asked Zhou Hexuan to talk and ask for suggestions.

   Zhou Hexuan is of course actively cooperating with this. As for how much Lao Jiang can listen to and how much he can implement, only God knows.

  Chang Kaishen is notorious for being stubborn and pointing fingers everywhere.

   Don't look at Feng Yuxiang's flattering to Chang Kaishen, but he often complains in his diary, saying that Mr. Jiang has to take care of everything, which means he doesn't care about everything.

   Feng Yuxiang was deeply affected by it. When he was the commander of the third theater, he found out that an artillery unit was missing after the battle. He asked his subordinates to inquire, and the news made Feng Yuxiang so angry that he wanted to die. The artillery was actually transferred away by Lao Jiang's order.

  Chang Kaishen, as the highest military commander of China during the war, actually inserted his hand into the front-line troops, which made the front-line commander play?


   Britain, France and other countries had hoped for peace talks between China and Japan. After declaring war on Germany, they immediately turned to support the Chinese government in its war of resistance.

This change in the international situation also forced Japan to change its policy of aggression against China and formally adjust its war strategy: first, to abandon the quick and quick decision and prepare for a long-term invasion of China; second, to severely reprimand the impulsive behavior of the front-line officers and demand that military operations must be Serve the military strategy; third, limit the scale and intensity of the war to reduce consumption, because Japan's finances are already very embarrassed; fourth, begin to shift the focus of military strikes to the anti-Japanese guerrillas in the rear.

  Changsha, Guinan and Yichang became the key points for the Japanese army to break through, and the intensity of the remaining fronts slowed down.

Changsha, Hunan.

   Although the first battle of Changsha had already started, Changsha seemed relatively peaceful because the real battlefields were in northern Hunan, northern Jiangxi and southern Hubei.

  Under the command of General Xue Yue, China learned from past failures and finally became wiser. The Chinese defenders abandoned the positional warfare of layered defenses, and instead used part of the army to stick to the frontal positions, the main force made detours and attacked one after another, and concentrated their superior forces to encircle and wipe out the enemy in the predetermined area.

  Zhang Leping is drawing comics in Changsha. The real "Father of Sanmao", after being robbed of "The Wanderings of Sanmao" by Zhou Hexuan and Wanrong, is still a famous figure in the Chinese comics industry. After the July 7th Incident, he participated in the National Salvation Comics Propaganda Team, and now he has moved to the major front lines to carry out comic propaganda work.

The content of the    comics is nothing more than propagating patriotic thoughts, calling on young people to serve the country in the military, telling the people to persevere to the end, and at the same time providing some entertainment comics for frontline soldiers.

   "Leping, I have your telegram, which was sent by Mr. Zhou Hexuan!" a comic propaganda team member ran and said.

   Zhang Leping was a little puzzled: "I don't know Mr. Zhou."

   The team member smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou and General Feng Yuxiang are going to start a patriotic comic magazine in Chongqing. Mr. Zhou specially sent a message to invite you."

   "This is a good thing." Zhang Leping said happily.

   The team member handed the telegram to Zhang Leping: "Mr. Zhou also said that he would like you to draw a sequel to "The Wandering Story of Sanmao", called "The Story of San Mao's Army."

   For Wanrong, who was born as a queen, it was already very reluctant for her to draw "The Wandering Story of Sanmao". In many cases, she had to ask someone to compose the plot before she could draw a wandering story expressing the suffering of the people. Now let Wanrong paint "The Story of San Mao's Army", it's more appropriate to let the original artist do the work.

   Zhang Leping has traveled to Shanghai, Hong Kong, Suzhou, Anhui, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Fujian, and Guangdong, and often goes to the front line to communicate with soldiers. He knows the army and soldiers very well, and it must be handy for him to paint "Sanmao Congjunji".

   Zhang Leping likes "The Wandering Story of Sanmao" very much, and now Zhou Hexuan asked him to draw a sequel, and he immediately said happily: "Let the wanderer Sanmao join the army and serve the country? This is a great idea, as expected of Mr. Zhou."

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