The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 906: 905 [The Fall of Poland and the Victory of Changsha]

   Germany's blitzkrieg against Poland made everyone stunned.

Poland is generally regarded as one of the most powerful countries in European military power. It fought a "Soviet-Polish War" at the beginning of the resumption of the country, forcing Lenin to cede Western Ukraine and Western Belarus to Poland and pay Poland 30 million Financial compensation in rubles.

   At the time of the German invasion, Poland's total army of 1 million seemed to be no worse than Germany's 1.6 million.

  According to the expectations of Britain and France, Poland can support it for at least two or three months, and it will take a long time to kill 1 million pigs. As a result, the Polish forces were completely stunned by the Germans before they had time to expand. They were the first to learn what a "Blitzkrieg" was.

   In just one week, the main force of the Polish army was basically divided and surrounded, and the rest only depended on how the German army cleaned up the mess.

  The Soviet Union also participated in the partition of Poland, but they claimed to be the recovery of sovereign territory. This brings us back to the "Soviet-Polish War" we mentioned earlier. Poland considered it its own homeland, and the Soviet Union also considered it to be the legacy of the Russian Empire.

   The last time the Soviet Union lost, the territory was taken by Poland, but this time it was easily taken back.

   As for whose territory it is, it has long been unclear. Today is yours, tomorrow is mine, for hundreds of years, the land has not stopped.

  Poland may seem innocent and pitiful, but this country is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

   At the end of the First World War, Poland's three overlords - Germany, Austria and Russia were all defeated, and Poland was successfully restored. Under the circumstance of internal and external troubles, Lenin recognized Poland's independence and promised to return Polish territory. However, the Polish government was ambitious and took the initiative to provoke a war with the Soviet Union in an attempt to establish a Great Polish Empire that controlled the entire territory of Ukraine and the Baltic Sea coast.

  The territorial dispute between Poland and Germany will not be discussed, because it is unclear. Just half a year ago, when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia, Poland not only did not help to resist, but instead took advantage of the fire and occupied the Czech region of Czechoslovakia, without knowing the truth.

   This kind of hacking is very hateful, so when Germany invaded Poland, the Czechoslovakian servants who were attached to Germany were very heroic - I told you to stab you in the back!

   On the other side of the battlefield, when the Soviet army attacked Poland, the local people also led the way to help, as if ushered in the long-awaited liberation. Ethnically speaking, many Poles here do not consider themselves Poles at all, they belong to Ukrainians and Belarusians.

   Even without the Soviet invasion, the locals rebelled frequently, and the Polish government used brutal repression throughout.

  In this way, the Soviet Union took back the homeland of the Tsarist Russia era, Germany occupied other parts of Poland, and the Soviet Union and Germany cooperated and tacitly divided Poland.

  Britain and France apparently did not learn the lessons of Poland's Blitzkrieg, and they dreamed of a Soviet-German war after the partition of Poland. However, nothing happened. Germany and the Soviet Union seemed to have a good relationship, and they did not follow the script written by the British and French at all.

  What is Hitler doing?

  Hitler issued secret orders to attack France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg half a month after occupying Poland. But obviously the time was not ripe. These secret orders belonged to the Führer's hot-headed decision after the victory. After calming down, Hitler decided to capture Denmark and Norway first to ensure that Germany has a strategic maritime base and the supply of Swedish iron ore.

   It was under this international situation that the First Battle of Changsha ended.

   In the roundabout battle that lasted for half a month, the two sides had victories and defeats, but neither achieved the expected goals. Xue Yue's combat strategy was actually well formulated, but due to the inferior equipment and the poor execution of some units, the Japanese always broke through the encirclement at a critical time.

   Not only that, but the Japanese army, which was surrounded by layers and layers, turned and gathered around Changsha.

Chang Kaishen obviously had no confidence in holding Changsha, and he gave instructions to Xue Yue: "If the enemy's takeover of Changsha has been exposed, our army should give up Changsha at the beginning of the battle rather than make a tough resistance in front of the Changsha battle. When the foothold in Changsha is uncertain, it will strike a fatal blow. If the counter-offensive plan can be carefully arranged and used properly, the greatest victory will be achieved."

   These are obviously nonsense. Lao Jiang's real thoughts are nothing more than abandoning Changsha to preserve his strength, fearing that the troops of the ninth theater will be lost in a battle.

  Xue Yue formulated the "Tianlu Warfare" to induce the Japanese army to go to the outskirts of Changsha to conduct a counter-encirclement, and then wait for the opportunity to fight the invading enemy.

   The two talked on the phone almost every day, and they said they couldn't convince anyone. After that, Lao Jiang simply stopped answering the phone. In desperation, Xue Yue had to call Song Meiling and let Song Meiling convey her determination to stick to Changsha.

   Lao Jiang panicked immediately, and hurriedly called Xue Yue and asked him to find a suitable time to abandon Changsha. As a result, it was Xue Yue's turn to not answer the phone this time, and Lao Jiang was so anxious that he could only send Bai Chongxi to Changsha to deliver orders, but Xue Yue still disobeyed and disrespected.

   Hearing that Lao Jiang was so angry in Chongqing that he slapped the table, he said: "If you don't obey the order and withdraw the Miluo defenders, the area south of the Yangtze River will suffer in the future, and you will be held accountable!"

   Xue Yue couldn't help it, so he could only order a retreat and let the Miluo River line of defense out of the way, and the Japanese army took the opportunity to drive straight in.

  Old Jiang thought that Xue Yue had obeyed the soft orders, but Xue Yue re-disobeyed and resolutely defended Changsha. Lao Jiang had to send Bai Chongxi to persuade him again, and this time he also brought Chen Cheng, but both Bai and Chen couldn't persuade them even after they said their words.

   Lao Jiang finally no longer opposed, with the psychology of a gambler, let Xue Yue give it a shot, maybe he can win.

  The area between Laodao River and Liuyang River is a natural pocket formation. Xue Yue described this pocket as a heavenly furnace, and he wanted to throw the Japanese army into the furnace to make alchemy.

  Okamura Neji led a large group of troops into the pocket, and suddenly felt that every step was difficult. Not only did the Chinese defenders fight bravely, but the local people also burst out with strong patriotic enthusiasm. Not to mention all the main traffic roads were destroyed, and even those rare leveled land were dug up by the people. When it rained heavily, the ground was muddy, and Japanese tanks, trucks, artillery, motorcycles... all lay in their nests.

  It was a fart. The two sides did not engage in any fierce fighting, so Okamura Neji decisively ordered the entire army to retreat.

   This situation made Xue Yue unbelievable, thinking that the Japanese army had some conspiracy, and ordered all the ministries to follow and pursue, but do not start a fierce battle without authorization. It was not until three days after the Japanese retreated that Xue Yue was sure that this was true, and immediately let all the troops fight the pursuit with all their strength.

   But it was too late, the main Japanese army had already withdrawn from the pocket formation, and the Chinese defenders only chased down a small amount of remnants.

   The first battle of Changsha ended here. China claimed more than 40,000 casualties of its own and more than 30,000 Japanese casualties; Japan claimed that its own casualties were 3,600 and the national army more than 48,000 casualties.

   Regardless of the actual casualty figures, it is clear that China has won, the whole army is excited, and the people rejoice.

   Fortunately, Xue Yue always insisted on disobeying orders, otherwise Changsha would have disappeared.

   It can't be said that Chang Kaishen is too brainless. In fact, the entire national army is arguing, and even Bai Chongxi advocates abandoning Changsha. It is because of the previous battles that the high-level generals have no confidence, and they have been frightened by the Japanese invaders. No one expected that they would be able to hold Changsha, and it would last for several years.

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