The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 907: 906 [Captain of China]

   After the First Battle of Changsha, the battle situation in central China suddenly came to a standstill, replaced by skirmishes and frequent air raids.

  The planes transferred by the Japanese army from various fronts and the country were redeployed in Wuhan, and the air defense of the airport was strengthened. Next, Chengdu, Wushan, Yibin and Zigong were bombed in succession. Japanese fighter planes seemed to be afraid of Chongqing and dared not come to provoke the mountain city again.

   But it didn’t take long for the people of Chongqing to be happy. By the end of October, dozens of Japanese planes were transferred from the northeast to Wuhan. These planes were originally deployed on the northeastern border to guard against the Soviet Union, but now they are targeting Chongqing Guangyangba Airport.

  November 2, China and Japan fought fiercely over Chongqing.

   After more than an hour of fierce fighting, Japan won a tragic victory, and the Chinese Air Force suffered heavy losses. This battle is called "One-One-Two Air Combat". After this battle, only 18 Chinese fighter jets can be launched in the whole Sichuan area. Only 26 of the pilots Feng Yong brought back from the United States died; only 12 pilots of the former Air Force Fourth Brigade were left.

  No way, the Japanese planes hit more and more. The national strength is not as good as that of a human being, what a fool!

  Chongqing fell into a bombing nightmare again. Perhaps out of revenge, Japanese planes bombed Chongqing nine times in the next month. During these bombings, the surviving Chinese Air Force fought hard to stop and shot down 9 Japanese aircraft, but only 3 fighter jets were left.

   Until mid-December, the Soviet plane purchased by Zhou Hexuan finally arrived. The first batch of 46 were delivered, but only 30 were delivered to Chongqing, and the rest were allocated to other theaters.

   Although Japan's aircraft production rate is not fast, it has a steady stream, and even bought a batch of Polish aircraft from Germany, which had made war fortunes. On New Year's Day in 1940, the two sides broke out again in an air battle, causing casualties to each other, and the Chinese aircraft were consumed less and less.

  The war is about national strength, no matter how rich Zhou Hexuan is, he can't stand such a toss.

   For Chang Kaishen, he has almost given up on imported fighter jets, because no matter how much he buys, they will be wiped out. The subsequent batches of Soviet aid planes to China were all bombers bought specifically for bombing Japanese military fortifications in order to cooperate with the army's battle.

  Before the official formation of the Flying Tigers, Chongqing was almost an undefended city, allowing Japanese planes to come and go freely. Every time a new fighter is added, it will inevitably attract Japanese fighters, and within a month or two, there will be little left.

   Of course, these air combat resistances are not meaningless. The more Japanese aircraft are consumed in Chongqing, the more pressure it will put on friendly forces in other theaters. Japan's finances are even more difficult to support, and civilian life is becoming more and more difficult. It depends on who can't afford it first.


   Let's go back to the beginning of November. Although Zhou Hexuan's novel "Black Soil" was finished long ago, it is still being serialized. The "Xinghua Pictorial" co-organized by him and Feng Yuxiang finally published its first issue.

  Ma Jue has finally returned to China. She returned to China in the summer.

   Not long after Zhou Hexuan left the Southwest Associated University, Ma Jue flew to Kunming from Vietnam to serve as a lecturer at the Southwest Associated University Law School.

   Ma Jue's entire family stayed in Peking. His father, Mr. Ma Yuzao, did not move with Peking teachers and students because of his old age and illness. He stayed at the school with Zhou Zuoren, Meng Sen, and Feng Zuxun, and was known as the "Fourth Professor of Peking University Liuping".

  Ma Yuzao, Meng Sen, and Feng Zuxun all maintained their national integrity, and resolutely did not work for the Japanese puppet government, nor did they give lectures at Peking University, which was controlled by the Japanese puppets. Just the day before Zhou Zuoren became a traitor, Ma Yuzao persuaded Zhou Zuoren to never do anything for the Japanese.

   Zhou Zuoren invited Ma Yuzao to return to the school as a teacher several times, which made Ma Yuzao even more disgusted. Later, he closed the door and disappeared, and sent his youngest son to say to Zhou Zuoren: "My father said that he doesn't know you."

   This time with Ma Jue, there are also researchers (teacher and student) from Kunming Chicken Farm.

  The chicken farm has been very successful. The first batch of chickens has already started laying eggs, but the number is very small. At least March next year will be able to meet the food needs of teachers and students. This time they brought two hens to Chongqing as gifts, one for Chang Kaishen and the other for Zhou Hexuan.

   In addition, the more important thing, of course, is to promote the chicken raising project in Sichuan. Not to make money, but purely to contribute to the country. The biggest wish of teachers and students is to let front-line soldiers eat eggs.

  Shen Lu led the team this time, and Ma Jue was his assistant. Shen Lu has resigned from the position of General Secretary of the Southwest Associated University and only serves as Mei Yiqi's secretary. How to contact Chang Kaishen and government officials, and how to promote chicken farming in Sichuan requires Shen Lu to get in touch.

  As soon as everyone arrived in Chongqing, they were shocked by the devastation here.

  Although Kunming is often bombed, the situation is much better than that of Chongqing. At least there is no situation where more than 100,000 people live in shacks collectively—the houses are destroyed.

   "Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, Xinghua Pictorial!"

   "The patriotic pictorial jointly founded by General Feng Yuxiang and Mr. Zhou Hexuan, don't miss it!"

   A student from the Agricultural College of Central University immediately said with joy: "It's Mr. Zhou's pictorial, buy a copy and read it!"

"I have no money."

   "I don't have any money either."


   The teachers and students of Jinling University and the Agricultural College of Central University were not so poor at first, but they went to the Southwest Associated University to raise chickens for a few months and they all became poor.

   Ma Jue was also very cash-strapped. She even borrowed the toll to return to the country, and now she has less than five yuan left.

  Shen Lu smiled bitterly: "I'll buy it."

   Ma Jue took out the money and said, "I'll buy one too, everyone will take turns watching."

   The two pictorials arrived quickly, but instead of flipping through them immediately, I checked into a hotel first. The hotel was overcrowded and the price was outrageous, and Shen Lu only opened two rooms. One room was for Ma Jue and another girl, and the remaining six men squeezed into one room.

   Having eaten a simple meal, two women huddled in the guest room to read a pictorial.

   As soon as he opened the pictorial, the agricultural student of Jinling University named Yang Yusheng giggled: "It's too funny, this is actually a painting by General Feng Yuxiang."

   Ma Jue can't help laughing too, because Feng Yuxiang's cartoons are too magical.

   This cartoon is called "Lao Jun Refining Alchemy", and it depicts the first battle of Changsha. Several funny-looking Japanese soldiers were thrown into the alchemy furnace. Taishang Laojun held a whisk in one hand and a rifle in the other, urging the boy to add fire quickly. There is a poem next to it: "General Xue Yue is the best of Laojun. You don't have to panic when the devil comes and commits a crime. Throw it into the furnace to make golden pills. After eating golden pills, your morale is high, and all officers and soldiers are like generals in the sky. Soldiers can kill the enemy!"

   "Hey, this is Mr. Zhou's cartoon!" Yang Yusheng suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

  Ma Jue took a closer look, the name of the cartoon was "Captain China".

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