The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 908: 907 [The Birth of a Super Anti-Japanese Hero]

   Regarding the comic "Captain China", not only Ma Jue looks good, but even Feng Yuxiang is addicted to it.

  Although the pictorial is co-organized by the two, Feng Yuxiang is only responsible for paying, and occasionally draws one or two cartoons, and Zhou Hexuan is responsible for recruiting people for the rest of the management work.

   This morning, the adjutant sent the first issue, and Feng Yuxiang read it while eating breakfast, and the long serial comic titled "Captain China" immediately attracted his attention.

As soon as    appeared on the stage, it was the "July 7 Incident". The Japanese invaders approached Beiping City, and the student army under Song Zheyuan was transferred to defend Nanyuan.

  The protagonist's name is Zheng Xiaofei. When he is about to graduate from high school, he responds to Song Zheyuan's call to defend North China and joins the army to serve the country. After only half a year of military training, he was sent to the battlefield, and his unit became the focus of the Japanese attack.

   Under the bombardment of Japanese aircraft cannons, the Nanyuan position was almost in ruins. What is even more frightening is that due to the urgency of time, the Chinese defenders have no time to build fortifications, and everyone can only bear the artillery fire with their flesh and blood.

   After each bombing, the Japanese invaders thought that the Chinese positions had lost their ability to resist. But when they attacked, there were always student soldiers who had not been killed yet stood up to stop them. These student soldiers, who had been bombed with blood, could actually beat the Japanese army with bayonets for a two-for-one record.

   Until the Japanese army entered the position for the fourth time, the student soldiers finally could not stop it. Zheng Xiaofei was captured due to lack of physical strength when he broke through.

  Beiping soon fell, and Zheng Xiaofei was taken to work as a coolie. Because he participated in the planning of the prisoner of war riot, he was tortured in every way by the Japanese invaders, and was immediately pulled to be shot and displayed to the public.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   After a series of gunshots, the first group of 16 prisoners of war were killed, and it was immediately Zheng Xiaofei's second group's turn.

   At this moment, a Japanese officer came over in a jeep and shouted in Japanese: "Stop immediately! Under the order of the Expeditionary Forces Headquarters, these prisoners of war will be handed over to me to take away."

  Feng Yuxiang is fascinated by it. The first chapter is actually "San Mao's Army", and the first serialization of "China Captain" has ended.

   It wasn't until the second week that Feng Yuxiang saw the follow-up content.

Zheng Xiaofei was taken to the Kagura Office on the south side of the west gate of the Temple of Heaven Park. This was originally the location of the Central Epidemic Prevention Office of the Kuomintang Party, but now it has become the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department of the Japan North China Expeditionary Army. The Peiping Branch of the 731st Unit).

   Zheng Xiaofei and other prisoners were kept in the epidemic prevention center. New prisoners were sent every day, and prisoners were constantly taken away, and those taken away disappeared.

   In the blink of an eye, two months passed. The Battle of Songhu was in full swing, and Zheng Xiaofei and his two comrades were also taken away.

   They were kidnapped by Wu Hua Da and taken to an underground cell. There were several Japanese people in white coats who looked like doctors and researchers.

   The leading Japanese in white coat said: "I will conduct an injection experiment today and tie them up more firmly."

  The Japanese soldier in charge of the **** said: "Dr. Aihara, please rest assured, this kind of cowhide rope is very strong, they can't break free."

Dr. Aihara shook his head and said, "I will inject them with the super soldier potion. Once successful, they will be as powerful as an ox. Therefore, each person's hands, feet and neck need to be shackled with steel again. You can find ten more guards here. , once there is an abnormality, immediately shoot to death!"

   "Hayi! I'll do it right away." The Japanese soldiers acted immediately.

   Zheng Xiaofei and his two comrades were quickly locked in shackles. After the three Japanese doctors injected them with medicine, they ran out of the cell immediately. Several machine guns were set up outside the iron bars of the cell.


   A comrade-in-arms screamed suddenly, the muscles of the whole body rapidly enlarged, and cracks appeared in the skin. In the end, the muscles stretched the skin, and the whole body exploded.

   Another comrade seems to have adapted to this mutation and became extremely strong. But his eyes were bloodshot, and he frantically destroyed everything around him, and even attacked Zheng Xiaofei.

   Dr. Aihara said to himself: "One failed completely, and the other lost his mind. It seems that the success rate is still very low. Hey, why hasn't the third experimental body changed?"


   At this moment, Zheng Xiaofei suddenly let out a tiger roar. His hands and feet were in two pairs of shackles and could not be separated, but they curled up into a ball, his legs slammed against the wall, and the whole figure shot at the iron railing like a cannonball.


   Zheng Xiaofei fell to the ground halfway, but the shackles around his neck had iron chains, and the other end of the chain was fixed to the wall.

   Even so, the chain was deformed, and it would definitely be broken after a few more strokes.

  The Japanese soldiers were like a big enemy, and they were ready to fire at any time with their machine guns.

However, Dr. Aihara went wild with excitement: "Success! The Siberian tiger gene can really work in the human body, my invention will shock the world, I can create thousands of super soldiers, and the Empire of Japan will rule the earth! (Note: In 1906, scientists formally proposed the concept of genes. In 1950, frogs were cloned. In 1961, Chinese scientists such as Tong Dizhou began to study cloned fish.)

   A soldier saw that the chain was about to break, and panicked: "Doctor, are you going to kill him?"

"No, wait, I need to observe more," Dr. Aihara pointed at the irrational prisoner and smiled, "There is another one over there, let them attack each other and see who wins. By the way, go get it Anesthetics, I'm going to keep them for research."

   Zheng Sufei fought helplessly with his comrades. The other party had completely lost his mind, and only the desire to destroy everything remained in his mind.

   Both were shackled and chained, and they could only collide with each other with their bodies. But Zheng Sufei is very smart, and every time he hits, he uses his skill, which is equivalent to using the strength of two people to break free.

  Finally, both chains were broken, and the shackles on their hands and feet were twisted and deformed.

The    soldier asked again: "Doctor, can you shoot?"

   Dr. Aihara said: "Use a sedative gun, I will keep them for research."


  The two people in the cell slammed into the iron railings, directly deforming the iron railings.


  Several narcotics stuck on them, but neither fell down. Instead, the irrational prisoner was aroused by his ferocity. He threw Zheng Xiaofei away, broke the shackles, and grabbed the iron railings with both hands and violently pulled them away.


   "Da da da da!"

  The Japanese soldiers fired wildly with machine guns. The bullets hit the prisoner and splashed blood, but they couldn't kill him at all.

   "My God, what kind of monster is this!"

   "It can't be killed at all."



   Zheng Xiaofei followed behind his comrades, and the two of them rushed into the Japanese soldiers together. He grabbed a machine gun and used it as an iron rod, and it was a large piece of it, killing the Japanese soldiers.

   Dr. Aihara ran the fastest. After he ran out, he even closed the door and said to the soldiers outside in a panic: "Throw bombs in there, and they will all be killed!"

  More than 20 grenades were thrown through the small window on the door, and screams suddenly erupted inside.

  The second issue of serialization is over...

   "It's really appetizing!"

  Feng Yuxiang felt itchy when he saw it, he threw away the pictorial and shouted, "Prepare the car, go to Zhou Mansion!"

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