The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 920: 919 [Shu Road Cauliflower Yellow]

   In February, Chang Kaishen went to Guangxi in person because the battle there was really ugly.

  The so-called "Kunlun Pass Victory" was propaganda to make the common people happy, and it was the only bright spot in the entire Guinan battle.

   The real situation is that the national army counterattacked Nanning with superior forces. Since Kunlun Pass was north of Nanning, the two sides fought here first. Tens of thousands of elites from the Central Army launched an attack on Kunlun Pass, but only 800 Japanese invaders were on the pass. After more than 40 days of onslaught, they paid a heavy price to finally win Kunlun Pass.

The    is even more nonsense. At this time, the Japanese reinforcements have arrived, and they have detoured to the left flank of the 37th Army of the National Army. Li Yannian, commander of the 2nd Army, who was ordered to garrison Kunlun Pass, was cut off by the Japanese army, so he could only give up the Kunlun Pass, which he had finally conquered. The 9th Division of the 2nd Army slammed into the pockets of the Japanese invaders and was directly defeated. The division commander Zheng Zuomin broke through the encirclement himself with a machine gun. The officers and soldiers found out that the division commander was dead after the battle, and quickly sent cavalry back to retrieve Zheng Zuomin's body Come.

  The battle of more than two months was in vain!

   Before Chang Kaishen arrived in Guangxi, Bai Chongxi and Chen Cheng were taken down, and Zhang Fakui took over as the front-line commander. When Lao Jiang arrived in person, Bai Chongxi and Chen Cheng were immediately punished with a pay cut and a leave of absence (both were demoted to second-rank generals). Eight generals of the 38th Army, including the commander-in-chief, were dismissed and investigated, and the 37th Army's commander-in-chief was handed over. Military court, the 9th Division of the 2nd Army was directly revoked its designation (renamed "Unknown Division").

   This battle is a shame for Lao Jiang. The Chinese side has an absolute advantage in terms of military strength, firepower, and even the air force (more than half of the Chinese fighters were transferred to the southern Guinan battlefield). As a result, after more than two months of fighting, the elites of the Central Army suffered heavy losses, and only one "Kunlun Pass Victory" was won by 3 for 1.

   Well, it can only be said that the Chinese army has won strategically and shattered the intention of the Japanese army to completely block China. The specific record is impossible to look at.

   The most ridiculous thing is that Chang Kaishen's itinerary was well known by the Japanese invaders. He was bombed by Japanese planes four times in three consecutive days, and Lao Jiang's guards were all injured 12 people. Needless to say, there must be some traitors in Guangxi who spy on them, and their positions are still very high. Especially in the bombing on the 21st, Lao Jiang was in the wilderness and mountains, and the Japanese aircraft could actually find his residence accurately.

  Compared to the messed up battle in Guinan, Yu Hanmo, who lost Guangzhou in a panic, was ashamed and brave. The Japanese army dispatched 70,000 troops to invade northern Guangdong to match their offensive in southern Guangxi, while Yu Hanmou had only 120,000 troops, and his weapons and equipment were very backward.

   In this case, Yu Hanmou relied on the mountains in northern Guangdong to resist hard. After learning that a Japanese army had left Guangdong to support Guinan, Yu Hanmou immediately launched a full-line counteroffensive and won the first major victory in the Guangdong battlefield.


   Just after the Lunar New Year, Zhou Hexuan was dragged to Chengdu by Feng Yuxiang, along with Lao She, director of the All-China Association of Literature and Art to Resist the Enemy.

   Zhou Hexuan was not in China when the All-China Association of Anti-Enemies in Literature and Art was established, but he was invited to join last year, and he was also given the position of an honorary director-in addition to Zhou Hexuan, Zhou Gong, Sun Ke and Chen Lifu were also honorary directors.

  This organization has dozens of branches across the country, and its main tasks are: leading anti-Japanese propaganda, helping poor literati, and rescuing progressive people.

   The anti-Japanese front line was fighting fiercely with real swords and real guns, and the literary and artistic front was also not easy. For example, the Japanese army often organized traitors to publicize the idea of ​​Sino-Japanese friendship to the people at the bottom in the form of quyi, cross talk, storytelling, and songs.

  Cultural soft knives are sometimes more terrifying than real knives and should never be taken lightly. Lao She brought in a group of cross talk artists. He wrote cross talk by himself and fought cross talk propaganda with cultural traitors. Even Lao She personally played, dragged Liang Shiqiu to talk cross talk together, and there was a joke that Liang Shiqiu had a unique trick.

   Actually, Liang Shiqiu didn't speak cross talk at all, so he was chased away from the ducks to participate in the performance. They performed several times for two consecutive nights. At the end of the second night, Lao She accidentally knocked off Liang Shiqiu's glasses, and Liang Shiqiu caught them. The unintentional actions of the two just matched the performance, and the audience thought they were doing it on purpose, and dropping glasses was a unique skill at the bottom of the box. The audience immediately shouted: "One more time, one more time!"

   Since then, the writer Liang Shiqiu has become a cross talk actor, often receiving performance invitations from various groups and units.

   When the car passed Aoki Pass, someone was selling roasted sweet potatoes.

  Feng Yuxiang immediately said with joy: "Hey, there are roasted sweet potatoes, I often ate them in Peiping when I was a child."

   Lao She smiled and said, "It's a coincidence, I used to eat sweet potatoes in Peiping when I was a child."

   "Then what are you waiting for, go down and buy a few," Feng Yuxiang quickly opened the car door, walked to the booth in three or two steps, turned around and said to Zhou Hexuan, "Brother Mingcheng, I'll pick a big one for you!"

   Zhou Hexuan said happily: "I'll pick it myself."

   The three of them were just like beggars, squatting in front of the booth and eating roasted sweet potatoes collectively.

   gnawed and gnawed, Feng Yuxiang said, "Why don't we write a poem criticizing Wang Zhaoming's treason and see who writes the best!"

   Since the "Wang-ri secret agreement" was exposed, the national public opinion was full of scolding. In early February, Yan'an held a meeting to discuss Wang. The Communist Party called on the people of the whole country to carry out a protest against Wang.

   Lao She agreed: "Mr. Zhou, start with a topic."

   Zhou Hexuan pointed to the roasted sweet potato in his hand and said, "How about the topic of roasted sweet potato?"

  Lao She opened his mouth and came: "Wuhu Wang Zhaoming, it's not as good as sweet potatoes!"


   Zhou Hexuan and Feng Yuxiang burst into laughter, Lao She often plays with Feng Yuxiang, this is learning Feng Yuxiang to write "Qiu Ba Poems".

   Feng Yuxiang urged: "Brother Mingcheng, you can take the next sentence."

   Zhou Hexuan continued to write the first two lines of Lao She's poems: "It's not only unpleasant, but the traitors stink!"

   "I'll pick it up," Feng Yuxiang said quickly, "the flies stink and slap them all to death!"

   "Good sentence, good sentence!" Zhou Hexuan and Lao She sincerely praised.

   After eating the roasted sweet potatoes, the three of them moved on. On the way, Lao She saw **** blossoms blooming all over the mountain, so he said, "Why don't we focus on cauliflower."

Poet Feng readily agreed, and by the time the car arrived in Longchang, he had already written more than 100 lines: "It was two or nine days, and the cauliflower in Shu was yellow. It was bright and pleasing to the eyes, and the wind was fragrant. This flower is proud and dares to fight. Fengshuang. The front is fighting the enemy, and the thief Wang surrendered... woohoo! Wang Zhaoming, his heart and liver are lost! Woah, Wang Zhaoming, it is not as good as cauliflower yellow!"

   Zhou Hexuan and Lao She finished reading and gave thumbs up: "Good poem!"

  For Feng Yuxiang, it is very rare that a long poem of more than 100 lines can be written like this.

   After Zhou Hexuan and Lao She pondered over and over again, and helped Feng Yuxiang revise a few words, this long poem was named "Cauliflower Yellow in Shu Dao", and it was going to be published in newspapers and magazines after returning to Chongqing.

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