The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 921: 920【Writer promotes chicken raising】

   Chengdu during the war was still so leisurely, it seemed that the bombing could not speed up the pace of the city.

  The three of Zhou Hexuan drove to the gate of the city. There were already many gentlemen from the Chengdu Branch of the All-China Association of Literature and Art Circles (hereinafter referred to as the "Art Association") waiting here. Lao She got out of the car and introduced Zhou Hexuan one by one.

   Zhou Wen, a native of Sichuan, joined the Communist Party in 1932. He served as the head of the organization of the Left Alliance. He is currently the director of the General Affairs Department of the Chengdu Branch of the Cultural Association. He will soon go to Yan'an to host a newspaper, and later he will be the director of the Education Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

  Li Jieren, a native of Sichuan, a writer, and an industrialist, whose masterpiece is "Stagnant Water", is currently the chief director of the Chengdu Branch of the Cultural Association, and served as the deputy mayor of Chengdu after the founding of New China.

  Tao Xiong, a native of Jiangsu, a playwright, graduated from the Foreign Languages ​​Department of Beijing Normal University, and is currently the executive director of the Chengdu Branch of the Cultural Association.

  Chen Xianghe, a native of Sichuan, joined the Communist Party in 1939, a good friend of Shen Congwen, and is currently a director of the Chengdu Branch of the Cultural Association.

   Ye Shengtao, Zhu Guangqian... I won't go into details about these famous ones, but Li Getian is worth mentioning.

  Li Getian, a native of Henan, under the pseudonym Muye, the son-in-law of Ye Shengtao, the director of the Chengdu Branch of the Cultural Association, and the editor of the journal "Pen Array", he is now a writer. After the founding of New China, he changed his career as a screenwriter. But he is a bomber pilot and a flight instructor. He has carried out bombing missions many times. Last year, he recuperated from illness and wrote articles.

   Until 1943, Li Getian finally recovered from his illness and returned to the army to accept Chennault's command. He fought as an air force and wrote articles as a military reporter. Once, when the American reporter McMoore set off with the army, the driver Dong Shiliang introduced that Li Getian was also a reporter with the army. After the plane took off, the two reporters were chatting happily. Dong Shiliang suddenly had to go to the toilet, and Li Getian immediately took over as the pilot, making McMoore look confused and hurriedly asked the Chinese Air Force reporters if they had to. Know how to fly.

   "Mr. Zhou!"

   "General Feng!"

   "Mr. Shu!"


   Everyone came forward to greet each other, and the one that was mentioned the most was "Black Soil", which was published not long ago by Zhou Hexuan.

   That night, everyone held a literary evening in Chengdu to celebrate the second anniversary of the establishment of the Cultural Association, and the next morning was a symposium. Zhou Hexuan, Feng Yuxiang and Lao She delivered speeches respectively, and then discussed the work of saving the nation through literature and art this year, and focused on the anti-Japanese thought in the novel "Black Soil".

   In the afternoon, Zhou Hexuan and the main members of the Chengdu Branch of the Cultural Association came to a chicken farm on the outskirts of Chengdu.

   This chicken farm was co-founded by the Agricultural College of Central University and the Agricultural College of Jinling University.

   Although Feng Yuxiang was placed under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, he did not forget his identity as the leader of the Scientific Chicken Raising Promotion Team. In fact, the main purpose of taking Zhou Hexuan to Chengdu was to promote chicken farming. As soon as he entered the chicken farm, he said to the writers: "The chicken farming here is scientific chicken farming, with low cost, high egg production and fast growth. It is of great benefit to the common people. I hope everyone will take a serious look at it, go back and write articles and do more publicity, and strive to attract those rich people to come here to learn how to raise chickens.”

   Zhu Guangqian said confusedly: "Raising chickens is still about science?"

   Feng Yuxiang laughed: "Mr. Zhu, you don't understand this. Regardless of industry and agriculture, you must understand science in production."

   The person in charge of the chicken farm first took them to see the earthworm breeding pond, and explained: "We dug ten ponds in total and composted with human and animal manure, which is enough to provide the daily consumption of thousands of chickens."

  I saw that the pond was densely packed with earthworms, and crawling around could make the scalp numb to those who were densely afraid.

   Tao Xiong said with a smile: "It's a really good idea. Earthworms don't cost money, and they don't waste food when used to raise chickens."

  The person in charge of the chicken farm said: "Not only does it save grain, but feeding chickens with earthworms supplemented with a small amount of grain will grow faster and lay eggs earlier and bigger than chickens that eat only grain."

   "Go and see the chicken, go and see the chicken!" Li Jieren couldn't wait.

  Li Jieren is not only a translator, editor, writer, educator and social activist, he is also an industrialist. He has served as the director of Minsheng Machinery Repair Factory and the chairman of Jiale Paper Factory, practicing the ideal of serving the country through industry. Even if he didn't meet Zhou Hexuan, he would devote himself to the papermaking industry next year. Now, when he met the scientific chicken raising technology, Li Jieren immediately became interested.

The chickens are kept in neat bamboo cages. The person in charge of the chicken farm said: "There are hens there, and here are roosters. As soon as the chickens hatch, we will breed them by category, and the hens are specialized It is used to lay eggs, and the roosters are sold as meat."

  Li Jieren also came from a difficult background when he was a child. He studied in France on work-study programs. His family used to raise chickens.

   The person in charge of the chicken farm smiled and said: "This is thanks to Mr. Zhou. The 'anal separation method' he invented is very easy to use. You can identify the male and the female just by opening the chick's buttocks."

   "It turns out that Mr. Zhou still has such skills." Everyone was greatly admired.

Chen Xianghe said: "Why keep all the chickens in the cage? This is too unfree. If the chickens are not free, it will be difficult to be happy, and if they are not happy, they will not grow well. In my opinion, when raising chickens in rural areas, they must be kept free-range on time. Only chickens can grow strong and not get sick."

The person in charge of the chicken farm explained: "Rural stocking has two main functions. One is to save food and let the chickens forage on their own; the other is for health, and it is easy to get sick if you keep it closed for a long time. But we don't need to raise chickens scientifically. Because earthworms are enough to feed the chickens, and we clean the house regularly to keep it ventilated and prevent disease. The advantage of keeping the chickens is that it reduces the amount of exercise the chickens need to grow faster.”

  Chen Xianghe suddenly realized and praised: "Everywhere in the world is learned and taught."

  Other people are watching the flowers on the fly, thinking about how to go back and write propaganda articles. Li Jieren was much more meticulous. He inquired about various data in detail, including how much food was fed each day, how many eggs were laid, and how much economic returns could be made in a few months. It seemed that he had moved his mind to start a chicken farm.

Zhou Wen had received an order from the organization to go to work in Yan'an. He listened to all kinds of data and made up his mind to bring scientific chicken raising methods to Yan'an, so he said, "Can you give me a set of detailed chicken raising information? I want to systematically to introduce its benefits to the public.”

   "Of course." The person in charge of the chicken farm laughed.

   Feng Yuxiang said: "If you want to open a chicken farm, you can come to me. We are training technicians in Chongqing. As long as you open a scientific chicken farm, you only need to pay a small technical consultation fee to get regular guidance from the technicians of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry!"

   Zhou Wen used to be the propaganda minister of the Shanghai Left Alliance, and he was very famous. Not to mention Zhou Hexuan, even Feng Yuxiang knew that he was a member of the Communist Party, or at least he was inclined to the Communist Party.

   Zhou Hexuan whispered: "In Yan'an, someone has already brought the chicken raising technology."

   Zhou Wen was stunned for a while, then smiled: "Thank you for reminding me."

   As a publicity reward, each writer brought back a few eggs. As the person in charge of the promotion of scientific chicken raising, Feng Yuxiang can still mobilize a batch of funds, and it is more than enough to send these eggs.

   In the following days, articles about scientific chicken raising were published in the newspapers, which quickly caused heated discussions in Chengdu and surrounding districts and counties. From time to time, capitalists came to inquire about news.

   Just as Zhou Hexuan was about to leave Chengdu, someone suddenly came to visit the hotel: "Mr. Zhou, the sword fairy Li Tonglin in "Captain China", can there be prototype characters in reality?"

   Zhou Hexuan said confusedly: "Why are you asking this?"

   The man said: "I have been looking for experts to learn Taoism. After I finish my studies, I will go to the front line to fight the Japanese devils!"

   Zhou Hexuan admired this man's brain hole and asked casually, "I don't know your honorable name?"

   The man said, "My name is Nan Huaijin."

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