It was the clerics Mr. Rayburn and Mr. Sotini and the guards who greeted us when we arrived at the inn.

Of course, not a friendly welcome. It was as if they were neighbors who had no choice but to welcome sinners out of prison, all of whom shot us three sharply with a mixed look of anger, confusion and rejection. Though it was only through to the living room of the inn, it doesn't have a very comfortable atmosphere to sit back in a chair and make a soothing laugh at.

It was Mr Rayburn who was particularly visible and aggressive.

"Dear Noel, what is this all about? What about the man behind it?

He first hung on Noel with momentum from the jump. The man in the back, of course, means Mr. Ars.

"From what I hear, the man, he suddenly came to the inn and forced me to break in to let him see his daughter? No one should know she's accompanying us. - Except the one who sent her in."

"You're right. I'm the one who sent her here."

Before Noel could answer, Mr. Ars himself calmed down and opened his mouth.

It is surprising that this man will never move on any occasion as to how many training grounds he has ever dived through.

"... I mean, what's this all about?

Until then, Mr. Sotini, who was watching how things were going, also inquired in a quiet and reprehensible tone.

"So let's start with an introduction. My name is Ars-Elaine and I belong to the Royal Third Knights. It was the summoner, Luno, who sent Mr. Hulka to the scene. It's up to him to send her to play and pick her up."

"You say you belong to the Knights...?

"Summoner, Master Luno?

Mr. Rayburn and Mr. Sotini muttered surprised each other.

The guards present also look out for each other, lurking their breath and watching what happens. Only Mr. Elliot and Mr. Sizzle, who had some knowledge of the situation, had pulled their mouths together with a difficult face.

"Yeah, that's right. You are all familiar with the many actions that you have not clapped at. I flew Hulka, who called him to the royal palace in what he called an urgent business, to all of you because he seemed interesting. Tell you what, Mr. Hulka is the victim of Luno's bizarre behavior."

I don't feel comfortable explaining it to Mr. Ars.

I can't believe Mr. Luno did this to you. Can I just tell you that? Sure, though perhaps the stage of delusion is long gone.

Stealing Noel on the sidelines, he doesn't seem to be going to stop Mr. Ars, either, with a harsh look on his face.

"You can't leave your average daughter, an outsider, thrown into an important witch pilgrimage. That's why I came here in secret, ordered to pick her up. I was about to be driven back before I revealed my identity, so I became somewhat more forceful."


Mr. Sotini blocks Mr. Ars, as he is still unconvinced.

"I also hear that Harka turned you down and ran away. If you're simply here to pick her up, why would Harka want to run away from you?"

I felt that her inquiry was directed more directly at me than at Mr. Ars. But I'm not the type of person with a good mouth turning like Mr. Ars, so I get stuck in words.

"Well, I'm hated by her"

With a bitter smile, Mr. Ars glanced at me.

"I've actually known her and I for a long time before we got here. My boss tells me to keep an eye out for Mr. Hulka, so I've always cared about her. So whenever I see Mr. Hulka, I start talking to the public."

"Why do we need to pay attention to Hulka?

Mr. Ars returned his gaze to Mr. Sotini and set aside only a few moments.

"... you used to pull her and Master Ardina together. That has come to the knowledge of the upper echelons, and Ms Hulka has been perceived as a key figure in the country. I don't suppose you or Mr. Halka had anything else to do with it, but it seems that Mr. Halka herself, my boss, has told me a lot about it. So, my bosses hated me, too, Mr. Halka."

"... eh"

Mr. Sotini changed his complexion slightly and stirred his lips strongly.

I can't help but raise my voice.

"Don't say the right thing, Mr. Ars! Doesn't matter about Master Ardina, does it?

"Of course, that's not the cause of it all. Originally, the fact that she was in and out of the royal palace, as a normal person, was a problem in itself."

Mr. Ars continued his words in such a way as to block my protest.

Bad. By making Mr. Sotini feel responsible, he's trying to escape the quarrel.

The truth is, our relationship is in jeopardy for trying to imprison me as a former witch - I wish I could be clear.

"Mr. Hulka seems to think that if he follows me, he will be killed on his way back to King's Capital. Of course that's not possible, because you don't have the help to prove it. We decided to rendezvous with you once we were released from alert."

When Mr. Ars finished talking that far, silence descended into the living room.

No one stands out and denies Mr. Ars' story. But when something goes wrong, everyone remembers to hook up. Such subtle air spread carefully.

Naturally, but then we'll definitely make a pilgrimage together, and no one will say anything like that.

- I should have.

"I understand your story."

An unexpectedly clear voice broke the heavy silence.

Looking back, one shadow coming into the living room with his hands on a door that was half-opened.

Master Ardina.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Hulka. You were causing a lot of trouble to Mr. Halka because of my reckless behavior."

"Dear Ardina! You should be resting in your room......!

The cleric, Mr. Rayburn, rushed over to Master Ardina, but she slowly walked into the middle of the room, controlling it with one hand.

Master Ardina, dressed in a white piece and with her long hair unmade, may indeed have rested in her room bed until now. Still not so pale, so are you feeling calm?

Behind her is also the figure of Quinn, an escort and caregiver. As troubled as it was, I could see from Mr. Quinn's condition that he would obey Mr. Ardina, that Master Ardina had said he was unable to do so and had left his room.

"Rayburn, I'm not a decorative doll. If something goes wrong, I want to think about it with everyone and fix it. So please don't get rid of everything I don't know."

"No, the demise..."

"Yeah, I know. That's your kindness."

After telling her so with a slight smile, Lady Ardina stopped right in front of me.

"Mr. Hulka, I have a favor to ask. Could you help me, please?"


You want me to help you?

Master Ardina's hands wrapped my hands in a blink.

"This journey is almost over. So, together, I want you to keep an eye on the journey."

"Wow, I...?

"Yeah, please"

There was strength in Master Ardina's hand.

"I know that some of the executives in the country aren't comfortable with me. My lack of power is also causing unwanted problems to roll up. Some of them support and trust me with no power. Everyone on this pilgrimage is such a dear companion. I truly appreciate your presence."

But Master Ardina went on to say.

"That's why I was so sweet to everyone. Pilgrimages that don't go as far as I think are also totally used to being inspired by" It's OK, There's Next "and" Don't try too hard, let's take a break ". And I became a tragic witch and I felt sorry for myself."

Master Ardina looked at me firmly and did not try to divert her attention.

Connect words clearly and forcefully, one word at a time, not to worry about the eyes around them, but also to make them listen.

I don't see why she suddenly started talking like this.

But the fact that it's a very important story only came through painfully.

"Mr. Hulka, it is you, not my enemy or ally, who want me to keep an eye on my fate. To you who are supporting yourself and moving straight forward, in a completely different place from my world."

I can't return anything to Master Ardina without thinking.

But wait. I'm not such an amazing person.

'Cause I'm just spending a lot of time grumbling. Speaking of my awesomeness, only that I have the strong luck of being so blessed by the people around me. Master Ardina says he's getting sweet around him, but that's the same for me. Rather, I am more dependent on many people to live.

I'm not the kind of person that Aldina would appreciate.

... I know.

I know who I am best.


I, too, strongly wanted to watch the end of this pilgrimage - Master Ardina.

Succeeded after me, the end of this witch.

"... if I may"

I shrugged like that, and then I looked back at Noel.

Could it have been a shitty reply!?

But Noel nodded back at me like that.

"- Thank you, Mr. Hulka. Now I can't imitate too much."

If you want the beauty of Lord Ardina, who smiles like a prank when you say that.

"Please wait!

At that time, Mr. Rayburn's sharp and harsh voice broke in, as if to put life into my feelings of fright.

"I disagree. In the first place, I believe that accompanying an unrelated human being on pilgrimage was not in itself something that should have been forgiven. If a knight comes from the royal palace to pick up his daughter, hand her over and we should make an effort to end the pilgrimage in the right form"

"Stop now, Master Rayburn."

It was, unexpectedly, Mr. Sotini who flattered him like that.

"Aren't we here to support Master Ardina? I believe that's the kind of face that was chosen for the Witch Pilgrimage. If you're just obsessed with being physical and mindless about getting all shaped, aren't you the one who doesn't deserve this pilgrimage? If Hulka can be one of the pillars supporting Master Ardina, I would be happy to accept her.... Whatever she is."

To Mr. Sotini's words, I behaved.

Mr. Sotini gives me a glimpse.

Our gaze, entwined for a moment, quickly unraveled.

Everyone around you, nobody pinches a word. The slightly loose air in this room taught me that that meant understanding as it was. Speaking of Mr. Rayburn, it was against Mr. Sotini that the strong accusations were made, but he ended up saying nothing more and dressed to back off.

"Thank you Sotini, Rayburn, and everyone. Listen to my selfishness."

Master Ardina smiled and looked over at everyone.

That will soothe everyone's expression for a long time.

Master Ardina is really amazing.

But at the same time, I couldn't help but grieve that it was really me who was passing through selfishness. It is at my own convenience that I am forced to accompany you on an important pilgrimage because I do not want to return to Lady Frahamti. I must also recall that Mr. Rayburn's anger is inherently the best.

And -, I also know that it's no longer just a matter of me.

This journey was almost over, and the words of Noel, who told him so, now echoed once in his head.

It's not just the pilgrimage that ends.

I'm sure everything will be clear soon.

And Lady Ardina - she knows that.

That's why I was so sure at this time.

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