The Struggle of Returning to The Other World

50. I don't have time to indulge in the hot weather either

The innkeeper put hot water in the hot tub, so I thanked him for the bath.

"Ahhh, I'll come back to life..."

It wasn't that long it rained cold, but it was apparently getting cold from the core of my body.

Of course, I can't imagine in my normal life purposefully boiling and bathing a bath just because it's wet in the rain. This was a special bath by Master Ardina.

At first, I did the same thing. But not only Master Ardina, but Noel and Mr. Sotini even recommended bathing, so I finally couldn't say no. Although I told the others I was sorry that I couldn't take a bath, everyone else didn't seem so attracted to the act of grabbing a hot tub, and they gave it back to me, "We don't care at all".

I didn't know how serious the words were, but that's why I haven't enjoyed a bath of nostalgia in a long time.

It's been a long day, and there's really a lot going on.

No, not today, but every day passes dizzily after the witch pilgrimage begins.

It shouldn't have been so many days since we joined the pilgrimage yet, but I kind of feel like a month has passed by.

And I can't believe that journey is about to end.


I left my head at the end of the hot tub and looked up at the ceiling.

(I wonder who the hell re-summoned me)

The biggest problem is running out there.

Like everyone is suspicious, like no one is suspicious. Think about it, I'm not going to be able to derive an answer.

(... yeah, no. Me, you just don't want to think about it properly)

I seriously don't want to face the problem of who summoned me for what.

Throughout this period, when I say I'm here now, annoying a lot of people, I get blamed for my irresponsibility. Dear Aldina, I knew there was nothing I could do about it.

But the task of questioning someone feels terribly heavy on me, and I feel like I've had a fog on my head.

(... bath, let's get out)

If I use it in the hot tub as it is, I think I will be able to put it up.

Apparently, he's using demon props to boil water, and the water never cools down.

The towel I had prepared was a dish that had no less colour than what I used when I was a witch in the royal palace.

With the towel over my head, I think this has been treated almost equally to Master Ardina.

Did you say something like that about Master Ardina relying on me, so my handling rank went up or something? If so, that's a little troublesome. I really can't do anything. It's just your stuff.

As he wiped his head in the cool field in fear of war, one shadow shook there.

It's Mr. Ars.

"Oh, Hulka's in the hot water, too? Hey, you never thought you'd get caught in a hot tub here. But it was sappy ~"

This one seems to have enjoyed bathing without feeling at all, Mr. Ars, who was similarly a flight into the line and had a bath prepared.

"Sure, I'm kind of sorry, but I guess it felt good"

I was a little wary and returned my words to Mr Ars.

You should be aware of such a circumstance here, but Mr. Ars doesn't see how he cares at all and sits back somewhere next to me.

"Good for you, Harka. I want everyone to accept it."


"No, don't look so scared. Don't worry. 'Cause I'm not gonna force you to."

Now, it's imperative that the last word stick, of course.

"But you know there's no way it can be accepted unconditionally, right?

"... I know that"

"I wonder if it's true. Because of this, Haruka has done her best on her own. I'd be pretty sad if Noel told me to bone me and I did what he told me."

I shudder like that in a tone that I can't even joke about.

I mean, what are you trying to say, this guy?

"Is that the kind of Mr. Ars who was glad to join the witch pilgrimage? Didn't Lady Frahamti tell you to get me right away?


Mr. Ars showed a bare gesture of thinking a little.

"That guy never shows people how panicked he is when something unexpected happens. I'm sure you're still not calm inside, but thanks to the way you seem to be able to afford it, this one's pretty helpful. 'Cause I can do some' gaps' that I like to swing."

…… I mean, what do you mean?

"I have not acted against Lady Frahamti's will, and I do not intend to. But this is also what I like and do. That sort of thing."

Smile and Mr. Ars replied so.

Uh, after all, I mean, what do you mean?

"Ahhh, Mr. Hulka!!

At that time, the tall voice covered us, so me and Mr. Ars turned to the flying voice, all together. I blink my eyes a little when I realize that Quinn, Dear Aldina's entourage and knight apprentice, stares at this one in a haunted shape.

"What are you doing, in that place!

"Uh, and I just took a bath up..."

"You'll catch a cold, so get back to your room quickly. Is that good?

"Oh, yes."

I was pulled off the spot by Mr. Quinn and sloppily dragged out.

Mr. Ars, who was later to be left behind, watches us like that with a bitter smile. Oh, does this mean you've been pulled away from Mr. Ars?

"Um, Mr. Quinn. I'll be fine."

"What's okay!

Already Mr. Ars lost sight of the shadows and shapes in the hallway of the room, Mr. Quinn finally let me go. But her sword curtain still doesn't look like she can lurk the shadows, and I'll be in battle.

"It's speechless to be alone with Master Ars. It's dangerous, already."

"Does Mr. Quinn know about Mr. Ars, too?

"Yeah, that said, I didn't have any direct knowledge. I also know that he is definitely the knight of the country. But I'm talking about people who can't read their thoughts at all from time to time, so I hope I don't trust them. In the first place, even without it, he tried to force Mr. Hulka away, didn't he! Then it's more impossible to be alert."

Most likely.

But right. Mr. Quinn said he was a knight apprentice, so he also knew about Mr. Ars.... and Mr. Ars, you were a real, real knight. Throughout this period, I still have myself who could not believe that he was an identifiable knight.

Me and Quinn sat on each other's beds facing each other back to the room to which they were addressed.

"You must be tired of everything today. Can I get you something warm to drink? Drink that and get some sleep today."

"Thank you. But if you want to pick up a drink, let me come with you."

"No, don't worry about that. I'll be right back."

That said, Mr. Quinn left the room.

- Ugh, I could be tired for sure.

I fell straight into bed on my back.

A reasonably resilient bed, not too hard or soft, takes my back.

Looking at the simple patterned ceiling blurred, that alone made my eyelids heavier. Because I've had a hot tub for a long time, my body and mind seem to relax as much as I want.

Oh, how easy it is for me.

I can't believe so many things have happened, and I haven't solved anything yet, but I just rolled into bed and fell asleep early.

When did you really get so fat...

When I couldn't stand the weight of my eyelids anymore, the sound of a cone and a modest knock sounded.

That draws my consciousness back, and I cursorily get my upper body out of bed.


I thought Mr. Quinn was back.

So at all, I replied without preparing any mind - though.

"Coming in."

It was the figure of someone who never expected it at all that opened the door and showed himself.

It was Noel.

Don't worry about me being stunned and hardened, Noel cleverly closes the door with his back hand.

On his left, there are two teacups with hot air.

Oh, that!? Where did you switch with Mr. Quinn?!?

"No, Noel"

"Have you almost slept?

"No, yeah. That's okay, though."

That would be a bad toothpick reply.

"Uh, Mr. Quinn..."

"We just met in the hallway. They asked me to ask for this because I'm going for a little walk. Well, it's like I told you to."

Yeah. Mr. Quinn, what are you so weird about?

One stunned me, Noel offered me a teacup. A faintly sweet fragrance drifts with the burning hot air. I thanked him and received the cup. Yeah, I don't know why anymore, but let's just have some tea and settle down.

"How are you feeling?

"What, mine?

I sit back on the bed and wrap the cup with my hands, while I raise my face.

"There would have been a lot going on today"

"Uh, yeah. You're right."

No, there was a lot going on.

"But it's okay. Thanks."

That's what I said, I put my mouth on the cup.

An indescribable silence wraps the room. A faintly tense, mixed air, but not strange and uncomfortable.

"... finally, you have time to talk a little slower"

"Yeah, you are."

Somehow, smugly I nodded.

Sure, talking to Noel alone has been since the first day I was flown here.

"What about Master Ardina? Are you feeling calm?

"Oh, I'm fine. I took care of it. I already gave it a rest today."

"It is."

I was relieved.

"After noon tomorrow, we're headed to the last town of Tenanya, so pack your bags."

"Oh, so you mean pray all day today and the church in this town is over?

"That's what's gonna happen"

Noel nodded like nothing.

"It's Ardina's own hope. He must have gotten hungry, too. If you spend the day praying and can't help yourself, you'll have no choice but to extend your stay."

Master Ardina's determination.

Even this, and the church in the town of Tenanya, if it wasn't handy.

- I wonder what will happen.

I'm a little scared of what's waiting for me.

(But no matter what happens, I decided to look it over)

I put my strength into my hand holding the cup.

"... you accept Ardina."


To the abrupt Noel groaning, I raised my face again, which I was about to lean over.

"I said I want you to watch him. Give me his wish. I didn't think you'd snort so easily."

"Ya, I knew it was bad?


Noel shakes his head small.

"A little, relieved. I thought you were you."

What does that mean?

If you flinch your eyebrows suspiciously, Noel will soon give you back with a bitter smile.

"If you ask me, I can't say no because of something. I tend to prioritize people over myself."

"Eh, I wonder"

Noel kept his hips in the chest just on the side of the bed as he wrapped his share of the teacup in his hand.

"You since you came back here, unlike before, would have tried to move forward with your own will and power. He made me realize more than once that I didn't have to protect him anymore. I'm a man of the past to you."

"No, that's not true."

Instead, it's me who's dragging you so much! I can't say...

"I've always been grateful to Noel, even since he was re-summoned. He said he should be busy, but he'd appreciate it if you cared about me or something. I feel like a relic of the past to Noel."

"Number five, number six, number hundred, if you care, that's fine," he said.

Ugh! You dig that line back here, you bastard!

Noel is too bad for Tachi because he steams back like he suddenly remembered, knowing and flushing his opponent's rudeness for a while!

But I'm not.


or threw a rushed reply, Noel looked straight at this one.

"I don't like being positioned centenarian in you. I'm glad you cared, for God's sake, I'm not at all happy to be appreciated for other people's behavior"

"Hih, will you not kettle me for people's gratitude?

"I'm telling you, number five or six isn't enough."

More respect. You want me to say thank you from the bottom of my heart?

As he secretly fought (his), Noel exhaled softly as if he were powerless.

"... well, I know I'm not in a position to say that."

"So that's not true."

I wonder what.

I'm in trouble because I'm not sure what Noel wants to say.

If you want me to rely more on you, I know that's what this is about, but I'm desperate for independence, too. If that's how you're drawing my feelings, I don't want you to tell me easily that you can count on me.

"Well anyway! The pilgrimage is one more place to go. I've disturbed you so much, but from now on, I'll try not to pull your legs! I'm sorry, but for a little while, nice to meet you."

I didn't really want to drag on this topic, so I tried to get in the direction of forcefully summarizing the story.

but Noel is very dissatisfied. Oh, and I got a big sigh of relief.

"... fine. Why don't you ask me?"


"Why am I accompanying you on this journey, or something? More importantly, who summoned you, etc. There 'll be a lot of things."


I do want to ask.

If everything is to be revealed in Noel's words, I want to hear it. But.

"Noel doesn't know everything, either, does he?

"Well, we're exploring the situation."

"Then maybe I shouldn't ask now, I think. I promised I'd see the end of Mr. Ardina, and if that was soon, I'd rather see for myself what was really going on..."

Sometimes Noel tells me he's not sure he can stay calm. Saying something great, maybe I just want to postpone the problem.

But that's not all. In the end, I have full confidence in Noel. Noel believes he's the only one who won't do anything that's sure to plunge me. If Noel didn't decide he should tell me, I wouldn't have to rush to find out. So I'm sure, because it won't be bad.

I guess this is how I can stay calm, even without any clear justification or justification.

"That's the thing. On the contrary, I'd like to ask you something."

Unexpectedly, the tone of Noel's voice changed.

He's been watching me for a while, watching me calmly.

I'm calm - no, I'm not. It's a very serious, strong thing.

Noticing that meaningful gaze, I stopped my hand on the way to carrying the cup to my mouth and it stiffened.

"Ugh, yeah. What?"

I stretch my spine and prepare for Noel's next word.

"You - what are you going to do after you've got a piece on everything?

Noel asked quietly.

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