The Tutorial Is Too Hard

138.Tutorial 19th Floor (7)

I thumped and looked at the closed table of contents.

Next, he bowed his head.

You look at the last portal that appeared beneath your feet.

This is me riding the portal, Mal.

After clearing on the 18th floor, there were still suspicious people coming to the island.

But this time it seems a little different.

Not as time goes on, but as soon as we get him back to town with clear objectives, new things begin to unfold.

There has never been a stage like this on Hell difficulty before.

I have never heard of such a stage on any other difficulty level.

He managed to get out of the forest and to get Chihuahua to the village, and Chihuahua managed to arrive safely to the village.

Then you see a clear message and a portal.

This is the end of the story.

It had to be.

However, the door of the village was tightly closed in front of his eyes, and his head was lowered and his mouth was closed.

Even if the stage was cleared, I could not leave without peace.

Beyond the closed binder, there was no response.

There was no voice to refuse entry, no word to leave.

I just closed the door and locked it.

I bent down on one knee, trying to match my eye level.

However, there was still no sign of his face facing the ground.

To lift his head, he touches his cheek and suddenly starts running backwards.

I looked quietly at the back of the man running toward the forest.

I couldn't keep up.

His face was filled with tears.

I got up and looked at the town's wooden ledge for a moment.

I can see a face on the table of contents.

Red fox ears.

It was the face of a woman in her 20s.

I wonder if he's got a padlock on it.

I wanted to ask what the hell this was, but first I decided to go after him.

I chased him back into the woods.

He hides behind a large tree, as expected.


He didn't answer.

I just cried quietly.

I wanted to make him talk somehow, but he didn't seem to be able to hear me.

He murmured as he cried.

I didn't know what it meant.

The knowledge skills before Babel cannot be translated because the form of the horse is unclear.

But I've heard him mutter a few times.

Let's guess by delaying the memory of that time, one of two words was mumbling.

I'm sorry or I'm scared.


Neither one of them liked it.

After sweeping his back for a moment, he got up from his seat and left his head still unconscious.

[Soul Collection]

[Number of Souls Collected: 211,659]


They summoned over 200,000 souls.

The area is full of ghost souls the size of a finger.

“Protect him. ”

As you have seen before, the spirits surround their teeth tightly.

This should buy you some time before I get back, no matter what.

I turned around.

I pulled two latrines out of my inventory.

One to the longsword, one to the sword.

The Longsword is tucked into the sword and kicked to the waist.

I've made a commitment before.

If something happens to him as he goes through this stage,

We're gonna figure this out.

That commitment will be kept.

It's a commitment we have to keep.

I left the forest and headed back to the village of Chongqing.

The bookshelf, which had been tightly closed, was open again.

I turned my outfit upside down again.


I breathed out loud.

I still don't know how this is going.

So I tried to be as calm as I could, but I had no choice but to keep my head up.

Traces of the abuse that remained on his body and the bookshelf that was closed in front of him.

I thought there might be some connection between the two.

If the perpetrator is in that village.

As I approached the town entrance, I could see the Fox Man walking towards me.

A moment ago, I saw a female Demibeast on a wooden rack.

If she had shown me any hostility, or if her eyes had not shed tears, I might not have been able to bear the anger and pulled out the Longsword.

Or just rush in.

Looking at her sad face, her bloodless head calms down a little.

I exhaled slowly again.

Even my mouth felt like it was hot because of my hot stomach.

“Are you the one who brought him in? ”

You nod.

And so I decided.

Let's figure out what's going on and get moving.

You can't solve a problem with a fever in your head.

Besides, it's not my problem, it's his.

Even if you're angry, let's postpone that later.

“Did you defeat the giant ghost that appeared in the forest, too? ”

You nod again.

“I see……. Where... is he? ”

“I'm crying in the woods. ”

The Demibeast woman's ears sag.

I don't think he has a bad feeling about this guy.

“… Got it. It's going to be a long talk. Would you like to come in? ”

Seeing that he's trying to get me into town, I think it's probably because he locked me up.

I wanted to understand the situation quickly, so I said yes to her.

Then you follow her forward and backward into town.

The town was neat and tidy, as you'd seen outside the wooden fence.

However, there was little popularity.

I spread my magic.

I could feel some human presence, but it was too small for the size of the village.

I wonder if they've all gone abroad.

Walking through the streets of the village, you can see a gentle garden far away.

An invisible garden in the direction of the forest.

I felt a strong presence in the garden.

It was too much magic.

* * *

As you try to take a seat in the reception hall, a few Demibeasts approach.

Reflexively, the body is tense and alert.

They pull the chair back and set the seat free, prepare the table and tea, and then step back.

I felt a little creepy seeing them slipping out of the room without any noise.

None of the Demibeasts who just went out will have a lower stealth skill than me.

I can't believe those skillful people are just in uniform, taking out chairs, setting tables.

It's not a very tenacious tribe. I can't do it.

“Let's start talking. ”

That's it. Ask him a question.

I told the female Demibeast sitting in front.

It wasn't until I sat down in the reception room that I could properly examine the appearance of the female Demibeast.

Unlike the cute puppy merchant Roundy, the Demibeast woman was a typical fox beauty.

“I'm Lararira, the town manager. First of all, thank you for protecting him. Do you know anything about our tribe? ”

“I had no idea until I met him. I haven't heard much from him. ”

I told him I heard briefly about the traits of the tribe.

“I see……. I don't know where to begin.... ”

I didn't seem to be the confident type around the word Larari.

“Let's start with why it's locked. ”

It's better to ask questions one by one.

“It seems that once the ghost enters the village, the ghosts will start attacking the villagers. I had no choice. ”


“Aren't ghosts supposed to appear in the forest? ”

“Ah... you didn't know that either. The ghosts are coming around. to be precise, the ghosts that are chasing people that are approaching the area. ”

Ghosts don't just come out of the woods, they come out of nowhere?

Let's go back to the memory.

The message said that when describing the stage, there were rumors of ghosts appearing in the forest.

The ghosts must have come looking for me.

It wasn't like I stumbled across the forest without a trace.

We have been actively pursuing, even if we avoid our position.

He was not afraid of the white ghosts.

White ghosts have seen a lot and said they are familiar.

The Black Ghosts who were afraid of him first appeared after killing the White Ghosts for a few days.

By the way, Lararira's words seemed reasonable.

“So why do ghosts appear around him? ”



“Yes, we don't know the details, but it looks like someone was badly harassing him while he was working abroad. ”

I remembered the scars on his body.

But what does that have to do with the curse?

“A curse on him, I suppose. ”

“Can you elaborate on that? I don't get it at all. ”

“Our tribes usually go out and work. That's all you know, right? ”

I nodded and expressed my positivity.

“When my tribe first started working abroad, they were harassed by other races. ”

I was able to nod without difficulty.

I thought you might.

It's a tribe that likes to help others and makes it their life's work.

I didn't think any of the men who hired them would bother them.

Most people are cruel to the people who work for them, and the people under them are even more cruel if they are naive.

“So we asked the godmother for help. ”


“Yes, to our Guardian God. ”

Lararia didn't add a compensatory explanation as to whether I thought I would know about the guardian god of course.

I had a hunch about the existence of the godmother.

A garden I saw while walking the streets of the village.

It must be the godmother who slept under the garden.

“The godmother cursed those who afflicted our tribesmen. That's the curse of ghosts. ”

“Then the one who tortured him.... ”

“Yes, he was killed by ghosts. ”

Even though White Ghosts may not have high combat strength, they are fearful enough for ordinary people.

Ghosts appear without even trying, but not many people will feel nervous or stressed.

Moreover, even if you overcome the white ghosts, then you will see black ghosts with physical attack power.

As the number continues to increase, there is no chance that the person who bullied him is still alive.

I felt relieved and disappointed.

If I had the chance, he'd beat me to death with my bare hands.

I was a little relaxed.

There was no bully here, nor was he rejected in the village.

It was only a matter of resolving the curse.

“Then why does a ghost appear around him even when he's dead? ”

“In order to punish and warn those who afflict our tribesmen, the goddess places a permanent curse upon them. Until He lifts the curse. ”

“The area? Isn't the curse acting as a mediator? ”

“Actually, the curse is cast on the corpse... as a medium. It comes after a tribesman is killed. ”

“What else……. ”

“Yes, of course he's alive. We are speculating that Zhuo miraculously survived the Great Depression. He was badly wounded enough to receive the curse after he died, but he somehow recovered and came back to town. In fact, this has never happened before, and we're not sure. ”

Larari told me they were unsure of their conjecture, but even from what I heard, her conjecture seemed to fit all the angles.

If you ask him, you can find out.

“So this is how the curse goes on forever? To anyone who approaches you? ”

“No, he's been awakening the godmother every full moon since he first appeared in front of the village last month. If she wakes up, the curse will be lifted. ”

“When will the godmother wake up? ”

”Well, it depends on how deep she sleeps. You may wake up in a few days if you're short, but it may take years. ”


I couldn't help but sigh.

I thought you said there was no time at all.

“So I... I... have a favor to ask you. Can you take care of her while we wake her up? ”

I said yes.

Lari said it might take more than a few years, but it won't take long.

I need to awaken the existence of the godmother.

Anyone who cannot get up without hearing the alarm should wake up with a slap on the back.

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