The Tutorial Is Too Hard

The tutorial is too difficult 19 floors (8)

Things are better than worrying.

The villagers weren't chasing him away, and whoever was torturing him was probably killed by the ghosts.

Now that you've lifted the curse, my job is done.

I leaned against the backrest of the chair.

I feel tired from my nervous body.

“Would you mind waiting for a moment with some tea? We are preparing food for him. I'd like you to wait a little while and deliver the food to him. ”

I didn't need their help because my inventory had enough food.

But they also said yes because they knew they were worried about him.

I'm working on it for a while, but I have a question.

“The place where I met him was the center of the forest. Why was he there alone? Even if I couldn't get near it, I could have left the food at the promised place near the village and helped him. ”

Larari replied with a slightly red face.

“It was his choice. Our tribe loves to help others, and they live for him. ”

“I've heard that many times. ”

“And I'm... reluctant to be helped... by that reaction. ”

“... You're going to starve to death, and you left for the center of the forest because you didn't want to be helped by others?" ”

“Yes... It is our identity that helps others and does not cause trouble, and it is our pride..." ”

No matter how much I thought about it, it was an overly tenacious tribe.

Dobby is not this sincere either.

I could understand their logic, but I couldn't empathize.

“If you get big help from others in any way, you will repay them for the rest of your life. I'm sure he'll want to serve you for the rest of his life. Him, me, me, me... for you... ”

Larari, who was still soaking her face red, became suspiciously red.

Larari covered her face with both hands and continued to offer her lifetime of service for me.

Either way, Larari, or this tribe is either ashamed or hand-covered.

“You don't have to serve me as long as you deliver food. ”

It's a little overwhelming, to be honest.

Besides, I'm leaving soon.

Even though I appreciate that, I can't get any reward.

“Oh, no! My role is to manage the lives of the village and people! It was my job to help him, and it's natural to repay you for helping him! ”

Larari still screams, covering her face with her hands and closing her eyes.

I know that her stubbornness is not merely a matter of her self-esteem, but one that she has determined to uphold.

That's how I reacted when I tried to help him when he was working.

It's her job to repay me.

I just said yes, I said yes.

How will you serve me when I am gone?

I accepted everything she said, but Larari still told me there was one thing left to ask of me.

“What, again. ”

“You'll feel burdened when you see the food prepared, and you know it's our help. And if you say you're going to stay with him to protect him, he may go into the woods again. ”

Given the way he looks and the nature of the tribes I've heard about here today, I think it is true.

Turning to me, I didn't say I'd take you to town, but it was a divine move I asked you to take me out of the woods because I was lost.

“You're asking me to hand it over as a lie, right? Okay."

“Thank you. Thank you very, very much. And he doesn't know exactly what happened to him. Please... ”

“Okay, I'll give you an idea. ”

Soon there will be no ghosts around, and all you have to do is tell me that I don't have to worry anymore.

Larari expressed her elongated gratitude with tears flowing from her eyes.

A beauty the size of her is crying and thanking me, so this is one thing...

“Oh, you haven't even asked me her name yet. Can you tell me your name? For the record, I'll keep you posted for generations. ”

I hope you don't have to do that kind of pressure.

I knew I couldn't hear you say that, so I just told him my name.

“Hojae Lee.”


“Lee Ho-jae. Last name, Ho-jae. ”

“Ho, ho... ashes? Yes?”

“Oh, my name is Lee Ho-jae. ”

Larari suddenly got up and ran out of the reception room.

I hurriedly ran, knocking over the tea cup on the table, and jumping over the chair.

If I'm not mistaken.

I think Larira went out, right before she closed the banquet hall, boom, boom.

It's the mood.

Larari returned to the reception room about five minutes later.

She packed barley food with two other Demibeasts and looked peaceful, unlike before.

You pushed the rations Lararira gave you into the Sub-Space Bag.

“You have something useful. By the way, a little while ago, I had a lot of excuses. I'm so sorry. I apologize for my rude behavior. I didn't think you'd suddenly make such a joke.... ”

“No, I'm not kidding, my name is Lee Ho-jae. ”

“Puh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh. ”

“Turn it off, Cough, Cough. Huff-puff, Cough. ”

What an amazing reaction.

The two Demibeasts who came in with Lararira showed tremendous reaction as soon as they heard my name.

One of them bursts into laughter without even knowing it, pinching his side.

The other man coughs in his sareh while enduring a smile.

And Larari turned her back on me.

Seeing her shoulders trembling, the laughter seems to be unbearable.

Is this supposed to be angry?

I can be angry, right?

* * *

Of course, now I know my name sounds ridiculous to the Demibeast.

There was an incident with Kirikiri.

But a bad mood is a bad mood.

I knew they didn't mean it, but I didn't want to let them.

Lararira and the Demibeasts, who are anxious and sorry, asked them to treat the Silver Man separately and left town.

I felt more uncomfortable than I felt refreshed.

Lararira and the Demibeasts were very sinful.

When I saw them blame themselves, I was sorry that I was angry.

Eventually, we left the reception room feeling insecure.

What does my name mean, by the way?

In the end, no one tells me what it means.

Do we have to use our quota of information to find out?

Or should we put in a quest to gather information through the vigilantes?

What does the word Hojay mean in the language of the Demibeast?

No, that's embarrassing. It might spread to others.

I left the village and returned to the forest.

Fortunately, the souls guarding him seem to be doing nothing.

“Get out of the way. ”

The souls do not move.

Ignoring him, I tried to get closer, and he shouted.

Seeing you raise your narrow arms and roar, you lose your sense of humor.

Meanwhile, they tangle, clash, and try to stop me.

You guys, you like him too much.

“Be gone.”

Luckily, he replied, "Go away."

As the surrounding souls disappeared, his appearance was revealed.

He lies facedown on the ground, not round.

And I was still sniffing.

I sat down next to him.

He turns his head to see if he knew I was here.

I still couldn't see his face.

“I'm sorry.... ”

I'm sorry, Ra.

He also said he was sorry for the mumbling earlier.

What's there to be sorry about?

Does he think he's become a lung to me and the villagers?

I raised my hand and stroked his head.

“Thanks to you, I was able to get out of the woods. Thank you, Chubby. ”

My words raised his head and made eye contact.

What a face.

I took out my handkerchief and wiped my tears.

In the meantime, he took a handkerchief and wiped his tears himself, uncomfortable helping him.

It looks much more relaxed than before.

“I think I'm going to stay here for a while. ”

“… here? ”

“Yeah, right around here. If it's okay with you, will you stay with me? ”

The godmother tries to forcibly awaken the existence, but she doesn't know how long it will take to awaken it.

Maybe we should fail to wake her up and wait for the godmother to wake up through the ritual Lararira told us about.


“Yes, I want you to stay with him and cook, talk, and take a walk. Or he hates staying with me.... ”


“Is that so? ”


His face became brighter.

There is a saying that if you smile when you cry, you will get horns in your butt.

It looked good.

“And hey, I heard a little bit about you in town. ”

“Ugh, yeah…. ”

It's getting dark. Oh, my God.

“The villagers say that if the godmother wakes up, there won't be any ghosts around anymore. ”

“Really? ”

“Well, we'll have to wait a little while for the godmother to wake up. ”

He tried to resist, but eventually started to shed tears again.

It wasn't a sad tear.

It was tears of relief and joy.

I gave him a hug.

* * *

I checked the face of the sleeping bag and came out of the tent.

He was very tired because he was crying all day because of his unhealthy health.

I ate some food with the ingredients that the villagers gave me, set up a tent, and went straight to bed.

You summon the souls to guard the tent and head for the garden you saw during the day.

When I came out to the plain, I could see the night sky for a long time.

In the forest, too many dense trees made the sky invisible.

The moon is visible through the stars that seem to be pouring down.

It was a new moon.

While looking at the night sky, I immediately came to the garden.

I know the way.

Lararira didn't tell me the way to where the godmother was sleeping.

But I knew exactly where the path was.

Headed to the place where an enormous amount of magical power was gushing out, you see a cave where only one person could pass.

In front of the cave was a fragrance, food, and other traces of the ritual of sacrifice.

That's what Lararira said.

You can also see the stone towers stacked with only one stone in the palm of your hand.

In front of the Stone Tower are these words.

Pray for health. Pray for longevity. Pray for happiness. Pray for eternal love.

It seems that the town's stone towers have been piled up praying to their wishes.

I walked into the cave.

The man-sized cave grew larger and larger as the ceiling later grew to more than 4 meters in height.

And I met the godmother at the end of the oyster.

The giant fox lies crouched, not rounded.

I don't know exactly how many, but I see multiple tails.

As soon as I confirmed the godmother's existence, I developed magic by pulling the sword out of the sword.

It is time to strike the backside of a late sleeper who ignores the sound of an alarm.

Back up, back up, godmother!

[Welcome, funny man.]

What? What?

[Draw your sword. I'm already awake.]

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