The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 19 floors (9)

[I'm already awake. Draw your sword, mortal.]

The godmother's voice rang in my head.

But he neither withdrew his sword nor stopped his magic from spreading.

The great body of godmother.

There is an unbelievable amount of power in that body that has been asleep.

I could feel it so clearly.

Besides, that godmother has magic.

It was overwhelming.

The amount of magic, the purity.

The magical power of the godmother mixed in a deep concentration in the ambient atmosphere and the magical power sleeping in the body of the godmother resonate in real time.

Just watching the phenomenon seemed to fascinate me.

There is a limit to the amount of magical power you can store in your body.

But what if he could spread his magic around like that?

A magical power that has been stored up to its limit in the body and scattered around it.

Allows you to operate a greater amount of magical power than you would naturally use.

Usually it will disperse quickly as soon as it spreads its magic.

But the godmother holds on to her magic.

Through magical resonance.

How do we do that?

What tricks are hidden.

It's not just about using more magical power, there may be other uses.

I was curious.

I wanted to find out by bumping into it.

[Human, draw your sword.]

The sound of the godmother's words seeping into my head.

This is not a voice made by nature.

The will of godmother's magic.

[Is this how you do it?]

I have already learned from the Governor about the phonograph using magic and will.

I heard the tips and saw how to use them several times, so I was able to do it right away.

In addition to that, the godmother used the phonemes in a slightly different way, and I was able to grasp the concept a little more clearly.

I was able to succeed immediately to see if what I had been practicing consistently was meaningless.

[… I recognized him when he appeared in my visions, but he was also an unusual man.]

[Did I come out of a dream?]

The godmother did not answer.

[Wouldn't that only happen through consciousness?]

[Usually. If I hadn't been impacted by a giant ghost vanishing. It was you, right?]

You nod.

Suddenly, he woke up unconscious, and the giant ghost appeared to have woken up from that shock as it disappeared.

Why haven't you lifted the curse from Zhuo when it happened?]

[What do you mean, human? As soon as I woke up, I unlocked all the rituals that were on my child.]

On second thought, since the giant ghost disappeared, no ghosts have appeared around him.

I thought it was respite time before a new ghost was born, but the curse has actually been lifted and no more ghosts have appeared.

[There must have been a misunderstanding. Now draw your sword, mortal.]

I didn't reap the black.

[... Why are you doing this to me?]

Instead, I stepped forward with my sword.

[You idiot! What the hell do you want? No matter how strong you are against Humans, you still think you can beat me! You won't last a moment. You'll die!]

I think so, too.

Between me and that godmother, there is definitely a difference in power.

But I took one more step.

[This $50,000... My brave and confident human, please stop!]

You're changing your tune.

[Treasure, I give you treasure! Or I'll give you the elixir for greater power!]

I stopped.

“I don't need much treasure. ”

Prior to the battle, he said to save his magical power.

[Then I'll give you the elixir! That's good!]

There was one question.

“Why do you want to give me the elixir? You're literally a lot stronger than I am. Can't you just take me down? ”

The godmother is strangely sleepy.

He did not seem to want to clash with me until he gave me the treasure and elixir.

Does it have something to do with the prophecy I mentioned earlier?

The godmother did not answer.

I took one more step.

If you fight, you will surely be crushed.

You will be bludgeoned like a rat in a single strike.

The godmother has the power to make it possible.

But I couldn't back out in front of that godmother.

As the weight difference is overwhelming, I should dig as hard as I can to fight.

Take a leap and aim for godmother's lower jaw.

The godmother will open the streets in a crouched stance.

The next flying thing is the front foot or the tail of a godmother.

Or they may respond with magical force without moving at all.

In my head, I thought of the following actions, one by one, in response to the godmother.

Increases concentration limit without using focused combat skills.

The pulse starts to beat like crazy.

As the blood boils, my body heats up.

I even tried to calm my flinching arms and legs, wanting to run forward even now.

It was too long.

The Pokémon hasn't seen the right opponent in a long time.

After entering a 12-story stage that I had to play on my own, I had a difficult and dangerous situation, but it never brought death to me.

Except for that godmother right in front of you.

The difference in power is obvious.

But at the end of this battle, I will not draw the picture of my defeat.

But once or twice in a ten-year-old situation.

Before the 12th floor, I used to fight like a normal person.

Above all, I am now at my best.

I am confident that I can turn the tide of battle upside down.

Hey, human! I am proving my credentials to be an apostle of a devoted god! Don't you agree? I can feel the traces of God from you!]

God of dedication.

It's a fairly relevant god.

God who doesn't feel sorry for me every time.

[Can you not understand me who is preparing to become an apostle? We should live among those who want to be apostles.]

It seems that the godmother was being tested to become an apostle of the god of devotion.

Well, I'm interested in the power to become an apostle, so I don't want to be an apostle of anyone.

I don't want to give it to anyone who wants to be an apostle.

[The god of adventure is disappointed.]

Ignoring Lord Punsu's message, I stepped forward again.

We're well within range.

Then take a step.

[Well, if you think of my children as friends! If I get hurt, they'll be sad!]

This is how it comes out...

The atmosphere that was heated up was completely cooled down like cold water.

The godmother also noticed it, rolling her eyes back and forth quietly looking only at my eyes.

“Don't you think that's a little too much? ”

[But it's true. My children must be devastated if I get hurt.]

“... Then why don't you just fight for a bit? Just so they don't hurt each other. ”

[No, I'm definitely going to get hurt.]

The godmother had a conceited corner.

The godmother refused to ask me to use magic unilaterally, not in battle.

Finally, I decided to take only the elixir and leave.

I got what I came for, and I have nothing else to do, so I decided to go back.

[I will tell the children the curse is lifted. You don't have to go around looking for children and tell them.]

Thank you for that.

Things were easy.

Not only did the curse that I thought might take a long time be resolved, but I also received a free elixir.

She lightly walked out of the cave and said behind her.

[Farewell, funny man. Don't come back.]

Of course, it would never come back, but I was strangely offended.

I went back and asked him what my name meant. I just walked out of the cave.

It was still dark outside.

There were still stars in the night sky, and a faint crescent floated.

But something changed.

After the sun sets, the town's wooden ledge is wide open.

And just a short distance from the open wooden book, the Demibeasts gather.

I focused my eyes and looked at it closely.

More than twenty Demibeasts huddle around each other, weeping bitterly.

Souls surrounding them illuminate their surroundings like fireflies.

There were a mix of familiar faces.


The godmother said that the curse of Jehovah would be lifted.

As soon as I heard the godmother's words, the Demibeasts of the village seemed to run out of town and meet each other.

It was so far away, and it was so dark that I couldn't get a good look at it.

I couldn't hear them.

But I could feel the warmth coming from afar.

You try to move your legs again and walk towards them.

But I didn't think I needed to get involved there.

It was already a finished painting and a story.

And I was outside the story.

If we had to break up anyway, it would be better to break up now.

Instead of going down the garden, I sat down.

Then I looked back at the night sky.

It was a beautiful sky that never got tired of looking at it.

It was different from the night sky in Seoul, where only one moon was faint.

I looked up at the night sky and heard an old question again.

Is the world really made?

The gateway to the 19th floor stage was not just a test to lead him out of the forest.

There was a history and a story of him.

There was a tribal tradition and culture, and the goddess of the tribe, the guardian of the tribe, predicted my appearance through her visions.

Is this really the world created to test me?

My hypothesis about the question was this:

It's a real world.

It was a time when the world existed.

It is a fact-based fiction that shows up with actual events and characters caught up in them.

There were a lot of other opinions in the community, but that's what I thought.

So when this story first unfolded, what was the end of it?

Could he have survived alone in the woods until the curse was lifted?

If someone had met him in the woods like me, what would he have done in front of him?

Could he have defeated the ghosts and brought him back to town?

And could he smile at Lararira and meet the end of the story?

What other stories unfold at the end of the story?

I wonder what kind of disaster happened to Aoeo Island, addicted to the drug Paramals....

I returned the topic from the original story to my last story.

How do I deal with the end of this story?

A fiction that existed.

In short, it's just a fiction.

The fictional villages, fictional Demibeast villages, and fictional godmothers and fictional night skies.

Should I only treat them as fake made up?

I sighed.

Recently, sighing has become more frequent.

Bad habit.

Beneath the garden you see a plain stretching beyond the horizon, and above you a gorgeous night sky.

But I felt stuffy.

What will happen to him now?

If I go through the portal into the waiting room, will this story be over?

And will I go back to the dreaded jungle and repeat this story with the next challenger forever?

My memories with me are all gone.

as a challenge to the challenge of the tutorial.

It was an unknown answer for now and an unsolvable question.

I just jumped out of bed.

I looked at him for a moment and raised my hand.

On his finger was a flower finger made by a chisel.

You place your flower ring on the stone tower.

And as the Demibeasts did, they prayed.

May he be healthy and happy.


I've been driving a portal that's been following me since noon today.

Moved from the dark field to the light field.

A bright voice welcomed me as bright as the sunlight.

“Hello! Interesting name! Ah-ha-ha-ha.”

Kirikiri covers his mouth with his hands and chuckles.

When he laughed, he looked really cute, but Kirikiri never looked so grumpy.

* * *

You drop the fork on an empty cake plate with a sweeping sound.

Kirikiri, which was tangled all the way through the cake, fell apart.

The water bottle was removed from the inventory to rinse off the sweet mouth.

The cake tasted very satisfactory.

I also felt very satisfied.

In front of you, you see a cricket squatting on the floor.

Like a lost child, my mother was bawling and crying.

I was so sad that tears poured out of my face as I was lifting my head toward the sky.

There was one other difference between Kirikiri and Zhuo.

When I saw him crying, I was so sad, but the world was happy to see Kirikiri crying.

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