The Tutorial Is Too Hard

164.Tutorial 27th Floor (4)

Once I reached the passageway to the middle floor past the upper level of the dungeon, I was able to escape the chaos.

Adventurers and mercenaries who use the subcontinental passageway between continents and search for herbs or monster carcasses usually use only the upper floors of the dungeon.

Thanks to you, I was able to walk quietly today, two days after entering the dungeon.

“How far is it to the middle floor? ”

“It takes about three days. ”

It's long.

It's just a passageway between the upper and middle floors. It takes three days.

“Too long for a passageway. ”

“It's not just the passageway. It's not an official name, but it's more middle class than a hallway. ”

The middle floor.

When he explained the dungeon before, he had never heard of the middle class.

Then, I didn't explain the middle class.

Now that I think about it, there was nothing nutritious in the description that my child gave at the time.

“What's on the middle floor? ”

“The upper middle floor is used as a shelter rather than an intercontinental passageway. There are a few villages that are outside, where people are condemned. ”

Is it the size of a town...?

“It's a lot wider than I expected. ”

“Yes, it's wider than the upper floors. But we're going to take a direct route to the middle floor, so we should be able to get through in three days. ”

Unlike in the village, I heard a fairly nutritious explanation.

I could see how accurate and clear the child's description was.

“Toll tax.”

You take over the alley, and take a look at the bandits demanding money as if it were natural.

Should I just give it to him and pass?

[As if you didn't know, how about a clean kill, warrior.]

You be quiet, psychopath.

I looked at him, but he was facing me as if the toll had to be paid.

And it didn't look like I was going to pay the toll myself with the money I gave you yesterday.

[Sir, we don't have any change right now. I have to pay for the gems, but once I get them, I'll try to rob them more than just let them go.]

Of course you are.

I decided to pay toll just in case.

If there are any surveillance crystals in there, things will get annoying.

This is an underground passageway.

If the bright ones in the surrounding geography were enemies, they would have been able to collapse the passageway and be buried.

You threw a gem out of your inventory.

“This should be enough, right? ”

The thief's leader, who received the jewels, ponders for a moment and asks.

“May I ask where you're going?

Ceresia's predictions were wrong.

You're more docile than I thought.

“I'm in the middle.”

The child suddenly said next to him.

The man looks up at the child and says,

“A guide.”


The man turned to me and asked.

“Do you have any business on the upper middle floor? ”

“Yes, I'm going down to the middle floor. ”

The child said again.

“Then may we show you the way? ”

“Yes, of course. ”

The child accepted the Thief Herd Captain's invitation.

I don't know anything about this place, so I decided to stay quiet.

After the child talks a few more words with the bandits, we begin to move again.

Me and the kid, three guys who added one thief to the pair.

“Explain to me what happened earlier. ”

About 30 minutes after the three of us started walking, I told him.

The child took a look at the thief behind him and began to explain.

“I told you that people form villages on the upper middle floor? ”

“Yes, I did. ”

“There's a war going on between those groups. So if someone who looks as strong as you shows up, he'll be worried that you might want to join him on the other side. They often encourage or force you to join them rather than just pass them by……. ”

Rather, I was satisfied with the line of checking that I was definitely going down to the middle floor.

“I liked that guy better than you. ”

I solved the curiosity and continued to walk forward.

With a beautiful child.

* * *

“From here on out, ”

The man who followed you to the guard station said he'd lead the way was just leaving.

The child's face, explaining that it is the entrance of the middle class, looked uneasy before.

“Monsters are really dangerous in the middle. Besides, there's no lighting stone... And……. ”

“Yes, we know it's dangerous. Let's go. ”

“… and… you can never come back out without a guide from the middle floor. ”

“Yes, if something dangerous happens, I will protect you first. ”

The child was not relieved by what I said.

I thought, looking at the child who was constantly worrying.

In order for this child to guide me downstairs, I would have to convince him with jewelry, violence and what he paid in advance.

I thought it was the latter.

If you want to persuade them to take the jewelry you gave them in advance, you will be forced into an atmosphere of coercion.

Fortunately, the child began to move before my troubles were over.

First, I picked up a short wand from the large backpack I was carrying.

And I began to move on.

Following him down to the middle floor, I could see a distinct change in the landscape.

Unlike above the well-constructed underground passageway, the middle floor was a dark, crooked tunnel.

It was a narrow passageway through which only one adult could barely pass.

“It's too small. ”

“You'll get bigger if you go later. because the middle floor has a narrow passage and a wide cavity. Each one is so big, it has a lot of space the size of a town, but some roads are too narrow to crawl through. ”

That narrow path might be a bit uncomfortable.

When I finished answering, I saw a child walking with a slight tremor to see if he was nervous.

I don't think that's the first time he's been in the middle floor.

Words and actions reveal it.

Can we make it to the lower levels?

[Bravo, I have a feeling that child won't be of any help.]

Ceresia said.

No, I think he'll help.

I replied to Ceresia.

Honestly, I'm relieved.

Before entering the dungeon, I had two concerns when I brought the child in.

It's late, but why don't we go back to town and get another guide and just go into the dungeon without one?

But I eventually discarded the first idea because it bothered me, and I gave up the second thought in case I didn't know.

Thank God for that.

If I had come here alone, I would have had to return to the village.

To find another guide.

[It's been hundreds of years since I became a sword, but I've never felt this way before. What can I say? Hmm…….]

The sword mutters quietly.

[I think I'm going to throw up.]

Me neither.

[Is that so? I don't feel anything.]

So she can't spread magic on her own.

This mid-level dungeon had special properties.

The magical forces that spread to get a sense of the surroundings shake.

The wandering magical power does not leave your surroundings, but disappears.

In conclusion, it is impossible to detect the surroundings here using magical powers or to find a path.

And if this middle floor is very spacious, and in addition to it has many mazes of narrow and bumpy paths, it's impossible to get out of here alone.

Just like he said.

[With cognitive decline, with magical diffusion interference, I don't know what it is, but there seems to be some kind of suppressive magic... There's a mix of things. I can't distill it, I can't tell what it is.]

When I see the sword talk like that, I'm also going to have a hard time getting out of this state by magnetism.

Fortunately, that child walking in front of us will have a way to find his way here.

The man I met on the upper floor told me that we were going to the middle floor and that he was a guide.

The woman I met in town introduced me as a guide who will take me downstairs.

Surely the child has a means to find his way.

And the means are probably the wand he pulled out.

I organized my thoughts, took out the ore from my inventory, and quietly followed behind her.

Walking in the dark was not difficult for me, but it will be difficult for the child.

As much as you need a child, you need to be considerate.

With excellent senses, you can walk around in the dark, but in these narrow caves, you can easily get hurt by hard, bumpy walls or floors.

The child is worried that the light will summon the monsters, but I insist it's okay.

Lighting, attracting monsters, two birds.

* * *


I looked at the corpse of the dead monster and asked the child.

“Is this all there is in the middle floor? ”

“Yes... Well... Yes... Most monsters are like that... ”

I was disappointed.

All the monsters in this dungeon hid themselves in the dark, and then came out of nowhere and attacked.

After that, it relies on sharp claws or teeth to attack enemies with quick, flexible movements based on instinct.

That was the end.

Of course, he had very fast and strong power, but that was it.

Luminescent Ore was roughly inserted into the inventory.

If living in the middle floor of this dungeon was the only monster, I didn't want to lure them and kill them.

[Are you not satisfied, warrior? I haven't seen blood in a long time. It's hot, it's dirty, it's red! Yoo-hoo! Warrior, can you swing at me next time? What? I'm asking you this. 45117;?]

Crazy bastard.

The Sword is revealing its blood now.

[That's not funny. Since I'm starting to live as a sword, I wanted to kill my swordsman. I wish I had the slightest intelligence, even if I didn't know how to use a sword.]

Sergia's reaction was not particularly favorable, but I agreed with her.

Monsters here are too intelligent.

“That monster... is a species called Cabe Clark. Given being in the middle of the dungeon... it was a class 2 hazard. This isn't the kind of monster that would die with one sword... ”

The child suddenly pulled it out of his bag and searched through the drawers.

I saw that the Luminescent Ore was turned off, but I saw that I was reading the diagram, and it also seemed that I was not greatly attracted to the darkness.

The monster you just defeated was quite dangerous, considering the speed of movement or the rigidity of the leather.

But I already told you once, my intelligence was too low.

“Where should I go next? ”

There are four forks behind the corpses of the monsters lying around on the ground.

In front of the fork in the road, the child held the wand in his hand tightly and focused his mind.

It's like every time I see a fork in the road.

About five minutes later, the child opened his eyes.

I opened my eyes accordingly.

“The leftmost street, this way. ”

* * *

He hasn't left the middle class in two days.

Depending on the orientation first, drawing a map of the middle class in my head gave up on the first day and a half.

Obviously, even if you follow the fork in the road to the area you went before, you will find a place for the first time.

I asked him, this is a different place than the one before.

Same location, but it was downstairs.

I asked him why he was going higher. When he found his way down, he said he was going up.

Then why didn't you find it up there? There's no direct route up that road.

The journey in the dungeon was more tiring than I expected.

Although I did not have physical constraints, I felt mentally fatigued by the fact that I continued to wander in a narrow, dark, roaring, strange smelling place.

After circling around for two days, I got rid of all the maps in my head.

Instead, whenever the child met a fork in the road, he focused on the moment of gathering his mind with the wand.

Five forks.

The two forks are up and the three forks are down.

However, the direction of the fork in the road is not only that, but when we go, we don't know which direction the fork in the road is headed.

However, the child is unhesitantly choosing a fork in the road.

Although I have been staying on this middle floor for two days, it's because the middle floor is too wide, not because the child can't find his way around.

He said he knows the geography of this place, but that's a lie.

This is not something you can memorize and go to.

If I didn't memorize it, how do I find a fork in the road?

You can't spread your magic and look ahead.

Draw a map in your head and choose the right path?


Are there any signs at the crossroads that can only be recognized by a guide?

I searched thoroughly for two days, but there were no similar markings.

Just by being judgmental and predictive?

Equally impossible.

If the child is using his knowledge and wisdom to find this path, it is close to prediction.

The last thing I can think of, of course, is that wand.

Wand serves as a navigator.

I have a question here again.

Then how does that wand, a type of tool, find its way?

in this dungeon with extensive magical interference.

The child closes his eyes.

I closed my eyes together.

The child pretends to concentrate his mind in front of the fork and secretly strokes the bottom of Wand's handle.

At the next moment, Wand exerts his magic power.

Its magical power does not stretch towards the fork in the road.

It just vanishes away while wandering around.

Just like my magic.

The child opens his eyes.

I opened my eyes together.

“Second street from the right. This way.”

* * *

In front of the four forks, which are not up and down, the child stops walking.

As I had so far, I grabbed Wand.

The child closed his eyes.

I closed my eyes, too.

Not the first.

Not the third.

The fourth one... It's a little ambiguous.

[I have no idea.]

I think it's the third time, sir.]

Not the third.

I don't think it's the fourth time either.


Now let's see if I chose the right path.

The child opened his eyes.

I opened my eyes, too.

“Second from the left, this way. ”

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