The Tutorial Is Too Hard

165. tutorial 27th floor (5)

“This way.”

It had been three days since I wandered around the middle class following the child's guidance.

At this point, I can guess a little about the location of the guides.

Those who can lead the way in the middle class that cannot rely on sense of direction, magic, magic, etc.

I just thought their senses and physical abilities were excellent, but their abilities were of a much more special kind.

At the time of seeking guidance from the middle class, the sponsor will be an unlikely force to meet.

Not only this child, but the woman I met in town is not easy to deal with.

Because they will usually stand in Eugene's shoes.

It's ambiguous to refuse a quest carelessly, and their job is very dangerous.

Moreover, once you enter the dungeon, you don't know how you will be harmed.

So I thought this guide job was a very dangerous, hard, dirty 3D job.


The child who was walking quietly stopped.

In front of him was a new fork in the road.

When I got out of town, through the entrance of the dungeon, through the top and middle floors of the dungeon, and then I got to this middle floor.

They are the packs.

“Just three days. ”

The child took the little watch out of his arms, checked the time and said.

It's been three days since I entered the middle floor.

“I see.”

“There could be thousands, maybe tens of thousands, unfortunately in the dungeon. It could be more. ”

The child started talking.

I would like you to proceed as quickly as possible.

“But there's a famous story. You know, the story of Sodmaster Ehram? ”


“The story of Swordmaster Ehram, the continent's greatest strength, starving to death in the middle floor of this dungeon. Ehram entered the dungeon with a guide, but on the third day after entering the middle floor, he argued with a guide. ”

That was the obvious story.

I'd like to skip this conversation.

“An angry guide leaves the dungeon first, leaving Ehram. And Ehram said he was yelling at that guide. You can go out there alone. And Ehram, who was left alone in the middle of the dungeon, was found to be a skeleton the following year. ”

[The time has finally come to kill! Bravo, have you killed many children?]

[Bravo, I'm starting to feel unbearably bad. Would you mind putting that on the other side of the waist if you could? I want to stay as far away from it as possible.]

... Okay.

The sword tied to the left waist with the soul sword is moved to the right waist.

My child seems to think my actions are a threat.

“Let's kill me. You're not getting out of here without me! ”

He is shouting in the face of evil.

“I don't care if I die here. It doesn't make a difference whether you die here or out there. But what about people who have as much to lose as you? ”

What does he want?

More money? A sword and a soul sword, or an apology for using violence earlier?

I have already communicated my physician to my child several times, directly or indirectly.

Let me know if you need anything.

I'll give it to you if you think it's reasonable.

But he's the one who ignored my doctor.

“If you're going to take this wand, you'd better stop. This wand can only be used by my clan. This wand won't work unless it's born in our clan's blood. ”

Yeah, I bet you are.

Stick your finger in the trench at the bottom of the wand, it needs blood to work.

I thought there would be some kind of constraint.

And it was a sufficient constraint to predict the appearance of a child using such a precious wand too confidently in front of me.

[Hoo, hoo, hoo, my blade is roaring!]

[Soldier, just put him in the sub-space.]

I put the Sword in my inventory, just like Cedria said.

Then I raise my hand and spread my magic.

I watched the magical power dissipate for a moment.

There were three paths in front of me.

The magical power emanating from your fingertips disappears, chaotically wandering the air.

The magical movement seen before disappearing is highly irregular.

But after observing it several times over the past three days, I could see that there was a pattern among them.

This mid-level maze is special.

There are many special things, but what is also special is this magical disruption magic.

And this is not a natural phenomenon.

Someone deliberately cast this kind of wide-area magic here.

That, too, is permanent.

The intention of magic is clear.

Making it difficult to find a path.

But there is definitely a way here.

The path to the lower level.

I picked up a few clues and deduced them.

About the magic caster.

Two guesses were possible.

If it was magic used to trap someone, the magical caster would have used magic at the upper level of the dungeon, i.e. the exit of the dungeon.

In this case, the purpose of magic will be to prevent you from finding your way to the exit.

Then spread the magic backwards in the direction we are coming.

We came straight from the exit.

Knowing the correct answer, it would only take a few attempts to determine the pattern.

But it wasn't.

The next best guess was this.

This magic was cast in the lower level of the dungeon.

Do not carelessly enter the deepest dungeons.

Considering that the objective of this stage is the treasure of the soil dragon and the soil dragon, this second guess seemed more plausible.

Widespread disruption magic on the way to Dragon Rare.

It can't be.

Secondly, if the purpose of this enchantment is to prevent it from heading downstairs.

I had to add a new guess here.

How did the Magic Caster cast magic?

It is not easy to spread magic within a certain area, both endlessly and endlessly.

No, it's impossible.

In the casting of magic, the most important are conditions and mediators.

While he was walking down the street, he suddenly said that he was the middle class from here.

The shape of the intermediate layer is continuous with narrow passageways and cavities.

Magical interference at the ceilings, walls and front of the passageway.

and the limits of the technology of magic.

With a few conditions put in place, it was easy to see what a magical caster used to be a magical medium.

A passageway.

That's one of the many forks in the road.

At the deepest end of the dungeon, a straight line to the exit is used as a mediator.

Magic exerts influence throughout the middle class, centered on the passageway into which it becomes a medium.

You spread your magic again.

Here, the magical power disappears whilst wandering the air by the forces drawn from all directions.

But there was a strange place where the pull was.

However, it was impossible to get in that direction.

Magic will wear off in an instant.

However, the second magical power spread differently.

It memorizes the pattern of bewildering magical power and manipulates it by its own design.

It adds my strength to my pulling power.

Pull the thread from both sides to easily break it.

But if you pull it from one side, it just moves in that direction.

The magical power dissipates as it is pulled towards the first passage.

The first corridor is correct.

[I have no idea.]

It is a type of residue that cannot be used as a cerebral.

I couldn't even get my sword stuck in my inventory.

The pattern should be observed and remembered for a short period of time.

And you have to carefully manipulate your magic according to those irregular-looking patterns.

Finally, just before the magic wears off, you need to find a way to direct it in a moment's time.

If you're not an extremely good wizard, you won't be able to do it.

I did it.

“This wand, which my family's ancestors created.... ”

The child was still explaining about Wand.

He wants to explain its value and take charge against me.

He still didn't tell me what he wanted.

“A calculator that spreads magic and reads its patterns, moments in the process of disappearing. ”

It wasn't hard to guess about Wand.

On the surface, that wand had only two capabilities.

It just spreads magic into the air.

And it shoots a scene of its magic disappearing.

That was it.

It is very irregular and confusing to see the magical power dissipate as it floats through the air.

patterning that irregularity.

And we can find the answer in contrast to the many patterns embedded in the Wand record.

I am not sure, but it was considered more likely than 7.

It was an efficient tool.

In fact, the performance itself is excellent.

Filming momentary magical movements will require a high difficulty level.

Whoever invented it must be the Grand Wizard.

“Get out of the way, don't block the way. ”

I pushed the child who seemed embarrassed and went into the first passageway.

“I can't find my way without you! ”

The child chased after me and yelled.

“You found it.”

* * *

“No way.... ”

It was the murmur of the child following me.

The child chased me around with a self-confident attitude.

You said I'd never find my way.

But when I found the right path five times in a row, I became half-hearted.

[Are you going to let that happen?]

Yeah, I'm fine.

[Wouldn't it be better to take care of it?]

That's enough. There's no need for that.

I don't think it's useless to kill.

She's not going to make it out of here alive anyway, so I don't need to get blood on my hands.

The child kept chasing after me.

The child will have no choice.

In this middle floor, monsters that a child can't handle hide in the dark and live.

Dangerous humans are camping on the upper middle floor, and they want sacrifices.

Without a guardian, everything you have will be plundered and captivated.

So for the child, there was no other option than to chase after me.

Even when I'm terrified that I might turn around and kill myself because of what I tried to threaten myself with.

The child could not leave my side.

It's a pity.

“Wait… Prosecutor, wait a minute. ”

He couldn't follow my steps, so he breathed like that and called me.

A child cannot be left behind.

“Please... please. Save me, Prosecutor. ”

I've heard that one before.

Not long ago.

“… Mr. Prosecutor. ”

The echo of a child's voice is quite far away.

“Gems, I'll return the gems I received and the bag! I'll give you everything I have! ”

The child's voice became a shout.

Instead, I stopped.

I don't know if I wanted to follow me and convince myself that I wanted to stop my footsteps screaming out of place.

“I'll do whatever I can, if I can! Prosecutor, please! ”

[What a pity.]

What do you mean?


I don't think so.

The child's shout from behind has now become a scream.

At a distance that couldn't even see my back, the child was spitting out anything in a panic.

There was a curse on me, there was a curse on the world.

Hearing those words, I could see why the child was obsessed with it so early, and was overly greedy.

It was a fairly compelling, long story, but it didn't stop me from walking.

“Prosecutor, I'm actually a girl! ”

This time, I had to stop.

This is ridiculous.

What am I supposed to do?

“I know!”

You yell out to the back and start walking again.

He knew that the child was dressing up with a hoodie and short hair, that he was deliberately trying to sound like a boy, that he was hiding a pretty face with a sinful and smelly look, and that he was afraid of being found to be a woman.

Since the first day we met.

But what does that have to do with anything?

I asked myself:

It had nothing to do with it.

What was important now was the soil dragon that would be waiting for me downstairs.

The soil dragon's name was not an alias for worms.

In any novel, monsters of this kind do not use this kind of high-level magic.

It is the dragon that occupies the bottom of this dungeon.

I moved with excitement.

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