The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 35 (8)

[24th, Day 2. 13: 30]

As soon as I opened my eyes, I checked the time.

There was more time than I thought.

And now I have no resistance to fainting.

Thanks to you, I've been floating on the spring water for a lot longer than I expected.

I walked out of a dark fountain.

A fountain of contaminated water smells like a poking nose.

I can't believe all that black stuff came out of my body.

What's that?

I didn't poop on my skin.

I was far away from the fountain to clear up the change.

The growth of the Magical Power Circuit, which had been targeted first, was successful.

There were just as many changes as I predicted.

The body changed more than that.

The senses, including the field of view, became clearer.

Skin and muscle bones also became fundamentally durable, unlike before.

The distortion in the joints caused by the damage to the corners of life was also eliminated, and the flexibility of the muscles increased greatly.

In addition, his stamina and strength stats were well up.

Above all, the sensation of feeling magical and sensing was alive sharply.

I really felt like I was having a dislocation on a nonconfrontation.

Come to think of it, it was actually a dislocation.

Unlike a long time of training and growth as you level up, this time you've only grown the body of an ordinary lung for a few hours.

It was like a body reconstruction.

It was worth the pain I felt before I fainted.

The bonus was a lot of pain resistance, and stun resistance was level 1, but I was able to get it.

I would say you have achieved a somewhat outstanding goal.

Above all, I was calm.

Maybe I threw up all the bad things in my body, and my mind was as light and still as my body.

Before I fainted, the problems that complicated my mind remained unsolved.

But now I felt like I could face them more calmly.

I tried to use my magic as I walked.

The circuit has been checked and confirmed to be error-free at the fingertips.

It was also a satisfactory result.

It may not be comparable to the body before entering the 35th floor, but this is no longer enough.

Magically, I was able to remove any dirt that remained on my skin and dry my wet clothes.

It smelled great, but he also spilled it.

Usually when this happened, I used deodorant or even changed into new clothes.

But now with no inventory, no items, I had to dry them off one by one.

It was a different experience.

After I was convinced that I was finally becoming human, I started walking away from the fountain.

Walking like that, I was soon able to arrive at the fifth floor of the boss room stage.

Facing the door, my heart became complicated again.

Is it right to open this?

Or is it right to just spend time here and go to the sixth floor?

In fact, the answer was fixed.

I had no intention of retreating.

If I do not open this door, I will continue to regret that judgment, even if it was the right one.

My hesitation was about edie.

Regret is a separate matter from Edie.

This was my problem.

I forcefully opened the door with my hands.

A huge stone gate opened and a familiar face welcomed me.

“It's been a long time. Glug, glug. ”

* * *

Like when you were in the boss room on the fifth floor, you did not receive a message asking you to kill the enemy in front of you.

There was no wall between me and her.

I was just sitting on the floor staring at me.

“D-Dal 'Tar. ”


Ithamar's eyes gleamed with my inadvertent words.

Of course, Italtar's eyes were always shiny, but nevertheless, once again they were shiny.

“You know my name. Glug, glug. Have you heard from my people? ”

My heart thumped with the fact that I almost called her Edie out of ignorance.

Her real name and her nickname were the reference points that distinguished her.

“Glug, then you haven't heard very good things about me. ”

Italtar was unusually aware of this tutorial system.

I should have been confined to the boss room on the fifth floor, so I needed some knowledge.

Of course, he also knew that there were his own people outside of this room.

But there was one catch.

When I first came into this room, Edie said it had been a long time.

“Was there a visitor here before me? ”

I wanted to ask if she remembered a visitor before me.

“Glug, glug. ”

Edie shakes her head as she grunts.

“Then why? ”

“Isn't that more plausible? Glug, glug. ”


No, Italtar laughs on his own to see what's so funny.

I kept seeing Idi, who was dying in Italtar in front of me and the Shrine of the Dead Dragon, overlapping.

I was constrained from constraints, and I could not think or speak carelessly.

Even his own memories can't be manipulated and he can't even try to remember the rest of the past.

And he knows and acknowledges them all.

Nonetheless, her smiling faces overlap in front of her eyes.

In this confusion, anger and sorrow rose.

I tried to suppress them somehow.

I don't want Italtar or Idi in front of me.

Above all, nothing can be achieved by being overwhelmed by these feelings.

What I want is to solve the cause of this anger and sadness, not be consumed by emotion.

“Glug, you don't have to feel sorry for me. I don't know why you care so much about my situation. ”

“Glug, glug, this challenger is quite sweet. ”

She said I didn't have to worry about it, but I was dragging myself deeper into the pit of emotions.

He picked his neck and said,

“Kmm, hmm, it's not wise to hit someone's thoughts so quickly. ”

That's what she said one day.

“But I tend to read other people's feelings well. Glug. I'm used to being banished from my people since childhood and having to care about other people's interests in order to live. Once I became a great warrior and was empowered by God, I was able to read people's feelings almost perfectly. ”

I didn't ask her who the god who gave her strength was.

I know she's not answering.

“Glug, I don't know why you feel sorry for me, but I hope you enjoy this meeting today. When this time is over, even if you don't remember, why don't you have fun right now? ”

“Yes, of course. ”

She was right.

I didn't have to think about it complicated.

“So, Glug, glug. ”

Idaltar, who was giving a long speech, suddenly hesitated.

Through that experience, I was able to predict what she would say in advance.

“Do you want to mate with me.... ”

“I won't. ”


That's what I thought.

Did you just say that to make fun of yourself?

Realizing that the fun time she said was a little different from what I thought, it sounded different from what she said.


I was having a good time, like the whole world was falling apart.

“Why else would the grass die? Did I do something wrong? Was I wrong? I wouldn't even look so pathetic. ”

Italtar scratched his head and gave me a look.

“Glug, I can't believe this whole sympathy stunt didn't work. Too bad.”

* * *

I had one question for Itdaltar.

The female Lizard Man… Lizard Women rushed at me very harshly.

And as far as I'm concerned, the Lizards have the upper hand, and the winner has the upper hand in every situation.

When I first met Italtar, she was stronger than me, and she had the courage to ask me to mate.

Of course I refused, and Italtar was frustrated and ridiculous.

The same is true of Lizard Man.

The strong deserve respect, and most of the strong's demands are gladly accommodated.

The user also has the strength to choose a mate.

Therefore, the strong can comfortably demand from the opposing Pokémon.

On the contrary, the weak rush to their favorite opponent with all their dying power and try to win.

To have the right to demand victory.

Or even if you can't win, just spread out and appeal to yourself.

I think this sounds crazy just by looking at the description.

In fact, the Lizards themselves are a little less screwed up in the head.

Idaltar is very calm and rational.

Anyway, back to the beginning, I used to be unable to distinguish between Lizardman's females.

But now that I can clearly distinguish, the female Lizard Men saw that they were particularly aggressive to me and asked me a question.

“You like what it just looks like? ”

“Glug, glug. He's an ideal. He's handsome. ”

Oh, fuck.

Italtar said, "My face just looks like it's being eaten by Lizard Womans."

What is the face of a handsome human being common to Lizard Man?

“Just your face. Glug.”

I guess my face is being eaten away by celebrities among the Lizards.

Should I like it or not?

Suddenly, I remember the first time I met her.

I had then thought that recognizing her skills and praising her had made her a favourite for me.

But now that I heard her, I realized it was a mistake.

No matter what I said, she was in full swing.

“In that sense, Glug. ”

He grabs the spear that Italtar placed over his shoulder.

“Wouldn't you? ”

Her voice trembles with horror.

“Do not omit the object! ”

“It was meaningful. Glug. If I win, I'll win, right? ”

“I won't! ”

“Glug, glug, glug. ”

Italtar laughs, grunting as if it were funny.

“You're not going to fight, are you? ”

“Of course I will. ”

You can't easily find a contender with only her.

Skilled spear skills and cunning judgment.

It holds the power of a god who knows not his name.

Even if there was a stronger opponent upstairs, no opponent could compete as well as her.

Above all, she likes to fight more than talk and talk as much as I do.

A Lizard-man who was born a warrior in the first place.

I always prefer to fight, even if there is no mating involved.

“Glug, I see you have no weapons. ”


Instead, the error is pulled out over the back of both hands.

Magic power consumption was not greater than I expected.

Making a weapon magical, every moment, is constantly consuming its magical power.

However, such perfectly refined errors do not consume much magical power by themselves in maintaining their form.

I checked the length, thickness, and sharpness of the cloth that was pulled out over the back of both hands.

There was no Gilt.

“Glug, what a challenge. ”

Italtar said as if he were pleased.

“Glug, but I don't want you to be careless. Today, I feel like I can draw out the power that I normally cannot use. Please don't die in vain. ”

“A power you couldn't use? ”

“Glug, glug. ”

I can't say any more.

Maybe there was more hidden power I didn't know about.

She has a lot of unusual abilities.

Temporarily raises the Pokémon's physical ability and makes it invincible by smoking.

There, a force close to the curse can be attacked around the weapon.

I can't believe there's more power here than I know.

Which god's former apostle is she really going to be?

“Okay, let's do it. ”

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