The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 49th Floor (2)

It was only after I took people inside the building that I was able to get a closer look at them.

I was in better shape than I thought.

I didn't see any hunger or illness.

It was said that he had been hiding in this shrine for months, so he must have been feeling better.

At least we were able to secure food without a problem.

The building was a structure reminiscent of a high ceiling cathedral.

On the other side of the entrance, symbols were stretched alongside the monolith, making it feel like a temple.

I gathered the people and went up to the top before starting the story.

I would just like to speak in a comfortable position, but this position is not to fill my sense of superiority, but to imprint on people and give them peace of mind through him.

“Here we go, people. ”

However, it was hard to follow the speech of a bishop.

When my childhood friend gave me chocolate pie, it would have been helpful if I went to church with him.

It was a shame.

I was forced to just recite what I wanted to say in order.

“You'll be safe for a while now. ”

People stared at me.

I want to say something dramatic to cheer people up.

Oh... I was sorry that the horses wouldn't follow me.

“Do you have enough food? ”

In silence, words like "Yes" or "No" were mixed together.

I disagree.

We needed to be sure about the food situation.

“… do any of you represent? ”

There is silence again.

People stare at each other, but they don't see anyone who stands still.


Usually, a definite leader is at the center of a crisis like this.

There was also a military centrality of people gathering towards the point of concern, and it was natural to think about the impact that a proper leader had on survival in this crisis situation.

However, a group of survivors did not see a leader who stood in front, rather as a leader or senior advisor.

I looked at the composition of people.

Surprisingly, it was mostly women, children and old people.

A species with blue skin, on the other hand, had strong muscles.

The tribe alone was made up of a large number of small males.

It was strange.

Why did the physically vulnerable members of the tribe survive to the very end?

Did they instinctively protect weaklings for their own survival?

It's just a coincidence.

“Pick someone to speak for. I'm going to go out for a moment and look outside. ”

That's how I left it.

People were too passive.

I have faced all sorts of odds, but I have never been able to protect such calm people.

Crisis stimulates human survival instincts.

Usually people who are in the midst of this kind of crisis run wild in order to survive somehow rather than accepting it quietly.

So, usually in this case, the chance of encountering a madman who is chaotic without an answer is better than the chance of encountering such a quiet and quiet person.

Something was wrong with the people here.

If there is a cause, we need to find it and solve it first.

As you open the door to the building and exit, you see the couple flying around slaughtering monsters trying to cross the bridge.

I recalled the stage's clear objective.

Protect people.

This is natural.

Kill the monster from the source.

This is the problem.

The beast's combat strength won't be so high after seeing that you have to kill him without any helpers.

Even the way the monster from the source pushed the planet away was using a monster called a contagious creature, not its own power, so it's almost certain.

However, it is quite difficult to find and kill a monster of only one origin in a world where contagious substances rule the entire planet.

If I'm wrong, this could go on a few times.

It was a difficult stage.

While guarding the people, we need to find a monster from a source that will be stranded somewhere on the planet.

Even if I left my husband and wife to guard the bridge, I was troubled if people didn't come actively and give it to me.

At least they have to wait for my return with hope.

If we keep people in the building with rotten eyes like that, they'll start killing themselves.

I was pretty sure.

I have witnessed such a scene several times in person, and recent events have happened in real time on the first floor of Hell difficulty.

The first floor of Hell was literally becoming Hell.

Although the government prohibited entry into Hell's difficulty, there were occasions when one person entered by mistake or by chance.

As those people piled up, the population on the first floor of Hell difficulty suddenly exceeded thirty.

It was a small town.

Vigilantes decided they could form and live among themselves.

So did I.

But it wasn't.

They continue to deteriorate, and they continue to deteriorate rather than advance.

Instead of consoling each other as one, they divided and hated each other.

Then someone committed suicide leaving a note.

Since then, suicides have continued to occur in a single car, as if relaying.

There were only five people left on the first floor.

I understood the despair they would feel.

I've been there.

Being isolated from the world and locked up in a waiting room is enough to drive people crazy.

And when your stay is over and you're exiled to the stage, another hell begins.

Even though I sit at the beginning of the stage and wait for nothing, it's not as simple as it sounds.

It's not unusual to survive a month alone at the end of a dark corridor.

There is an arrow trap aiming for the heart.

What a first-floor challenger feels at the beginning of a stage, facing the dark front, is death hiding in darkness.

I remember the moment I first got hit by an arrow and then went straight to the waiting room to challenge the trap for a second time.

I felt like I was going to die.

I think I am who I am because I overcame that fear.

It's also the first time that God of Adventure was interested in me.

Maybe they're more afraid than I am.

Challengers on the first floor would have given up and settled there and accumulated as much fear as the time they spent there.

After a month like that, I'm back in the waiting room again.

It is a positive thing to be able to see people's faces, but if you do nothing for 3 days and just stare at each other and just yank the jerky, that will give you a sense of meeting.

Eating only jerky and water will have a bad effect on your mind.

While the healing effect of the waiting room will restore your body, unlike your health, your taste buds have a big impact on your life.

I was weird when I only ate jerky and water until I ate edie's food on the 12th floor.

Finally, they had no hope that the current situation would be better.

In order for the vigilantes to attempt an attack with the item backed up, you need to go up to the 2nd floor by magnetism.

The auction window is activated after clearing the first floor.

A muzzle of despair that cannot escape.

For those trapped there, their only hope would be suicide.

After death, there's a game-over, like a game going back to the main screen.

Imagine you can be freed from hell once you're dead.

Or optimism that death would be easier than this hell.

It was a pity.

I could just pass it on, "I'm sorry.

However, Lee Hyun-jin who was managing them and also having a close relationship was the problem.

Since the beginning of suicide, Lee Hyun-jin has been suffering from asthenia and depression.

Although he did not say so himself, the dialogue through the message was clear enough that he felt self-loathing.

Lee Hyung-jin is as isolated on Hell difficulty as those who will kill themselves.

However, it is the difference from the first-floor challengers that are moving forward slowly, just like me.

Fortunately, Lee Hyun-jin was on the 13th floor of the stage.

He feels limited by his abilities and says he'll give up on Clear for a while.

Until you can repeatedly challenge the 13th floor and achieve significant growth.

Monks on the 13th floor are friendly and generous to challengers with valuable advice.

I wanted the monks to give me some encouraging advice to Lee Hyung-jin.

I don't think I can do this.

When I came out, I noticed a flying sword.

It seemed impetuous, but every time I flew around, and every time I used magic, I was slaughtering infectious bodies in a heap.

[What do you think?]

The couple who found me flew over and asked me.

“Fuck it. Get some rest. I'll take it from here. ”

[Yes. I was about to be captured by my magic.]

You turn your head toward the father and wife who are retreating backwards.

There is still one thing for the couple to do.

“Father, I'm sorry, I have to close up. ”

Why, again.]

“Blow it up. ”

I broke the silence for a moment and said as if the couple were complaining.

[Can we not do that? I don't have magic.]

“No, I can't. ”

My father and wife muttered things they couldn't understand (it must have been a curse), sighing and saying.

[Go and pack as far away as you can.]

What are you talking about, taking a shit in the far woods?

On second thought, that's not so wrong, he decided to blow it up from afar.

I walked behind my elongated couple, grumbling toward the other side of the bridge.

Shortly after, I encountered an infectious body rushing towards the building.

The contagious bodies were different.

There were things that looked like wildlife, things that looked like monsters, things that looked like humans.

They were literally contagious and mutated monsters.

It's like a zombie in a movie.

You raise your hands to them, drawing air from left to right.

“The Heart Blade.”

The blade of invisible error splits the infectious bodies across.

You notice a strange catharsis as the transmission of the fever breaks in half and fades.

[Stirring your hand in the air, what does that mean?]

Ceresia said.

“It's cool.”

And if you look at it, you'll think it was my hands that cut off the contagion.

That's what it means, to be honest.

The infectious organisms rush toward me without hesitation as they see their comrades half-cut.

Such a foolish judgment was their strength.

Widespread magic was the answer for the runners who only trusted the runners.

“Firewall. ”

A flame rises from the floor.

The infectious bodies that were rushing towards it were seared and seared.

While magically blocking the infectious bodies' approach, you pull out your soul blade and send it straight ahead.

Several hundred meters flew away and got bitten by the sergeant on the ground.

[Do you want to?]

“Yes, open it. ”

At the same time as I answered, the souls sealed by the Soul Sword were released to the world.

Souls collected through soul collections.

I was unable to control them, but Serena, who was assimilated with the Soul Sword, was able.

The souls that escaped the Soul Blade cling to the contagion.

I don't know how many infectious substances there are here right now, but it shouldn't be more than the souls sealed by the Soul Sword.

I could be sure.

There's no more than a billion units of transmission around here.

Checked that the souls were well attached to the contagion and used the skill.

[Spiritual Exploitation]

A power skill gifted by the God of Death.

This skill has been used really well since clearing the 6th floor.

Weakens enemies and restores their health when they are killed.

It also damages the mind or spirit.

It was no exception to the souls attached to the infectious bodies.

The souls struggle with the pain, and the aftermath is even for the infectious.

There's no way it won't affect the suffering of souls clinging to their souls.

To put it simply, it's like putting a blue tape on your soul and then ripping it off all at once.

I don't know how it works.

While training, I knew that this skill was possible with a message from the god of death and Kirikiri's advice, but that was it.

It will take a long time to fully understand and apply this technology

As all of the infectious substances began to stagger and convulse on the ground, my vision became clear.

I saw several infectious bodies struggling with the crackling of their feet.

There was not much response to external shocks.

I didn't think this would bother the couple preparing for the settlement.

You retrieve the Soul Sword and spread its wings.

I started flying to find the perfect place to blow up a big one.

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