The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 57 (8)

Near the asteroid, several layers of boundaries were collapsed.

“Didn't I tell you before that the barrier was a territory that no human can touch? ”

[Yes… well, it was.]

The couple responded trembling.

Previously, the couple told me that resultant magic was not a man-made area in the first place, so it would be better to draw attention to it.

In addition, if it is necessary, it should be used with the power of God through divine spells or with a fetish.

[It's a superpower.]

“What are superpowers? ”

[Why, it's a world where even transparent frogs believe, and there's nothing strange about anything.]

It was.

After finishing the conversation, I decided to take a closer look at the results.

The wings of the Tallaria allow me to float in the air with no discomfort, but I feel uncomfortable standing still because of the strong wind.

Inside the seal is a black asteroid.

I heard there are aliens, but I didn't see them.

And there was one person.

That would be the SSS-grade superpower.

Superpowers and asteroids stopped as if frozen.

I was curious about how it works, but I kept repeating that I didn't know my father or father.

I touched the surface of the seal with my hands.

I touched it.

I squeezed and squeezed, but the boundary didn't budge.

Physical protective effect on the conclusion.

This seemed to me to be a clue that physical destruction was possible.

First, I asked my father and wife if they could undo this by magic.

The couple put some magic on the ledge and replied.

[It's difficult. I think we should take a moment to find out. I've never seen this form before, so I don't think I can do it right now.]

The father and wife have no choice.

Then we won't have to wait any longer.

I swung my fist at the boundary without hesitation.

* * *

You hear a commotion down there in the city.

Looks like I woke them up.

The noise resounded several times during the process of breaking the barrier.

If I had been nearby, I would have been deaf for a while, so those sleeping down there would have been enough to wake up.

Some people down there treat asteroids and sealed superpowers like gods.

In fact, most of the non-capable people did.

Some of the superpowers did.

At lunchtime every day, he saw an asteroid floating in the sky and praying or mindful of the superpowers who sacrificed themselves.

For those of us, the noise coming from nearby asteroids is like blue ceiling power.

Perhaps the superpowered will return, or perhaps the barrier will be broken and the asteroid will start to fall again.

I'm sorry about this.

But I approached an asteroid, thinking it was something I had to do.

The asteroid is fortunately still in the air.

And there was a little guy floating near that asteroid.

It was easy to see that the man who was struggling with sweating with his red face was using his superpowers with all his strength.

I could not feel any sign of the expression of my superpowers or my own, but after staying here for a few days, I could see that the superpowers were using them.

“Hey, who's there? ”

The man glanced at me and shouted.

Who is it?

This was a very embarrassing question to answer.

It was vague to tell him who I was, not because I wasn't sure who the answer to the anatomical question was.

Instead of giving a vague answer, I was silent.

It was a chance to see the best superpowers on the planet do their best to unlock them.

Maybe we can get something out of it.

It just looked like a constipated patient trying to poop in the air somehow.

“Damn it! Over time, I thought the seal had stopped, but did you break it? ”

A psychic shouts.

He was not a quick sighter.

“Answer me! Did you break it?" ”

The superpower demanded my answer.

If I broke it, what would change?

I was curious as to why he wanted to hear my answer.

“Well, I broke it. ”

“Damn it! ”

I gave him a gentle warning, but all he came back with was insult.

[Maybe it's because we can't reuse it by repairing the loose end. Because the original sequencing can be reused by re-energizing it, even if it fails over time. You know, reusing ancient closure spells for generations to come.]

It was a reasonable thing to say.

So was that superpower planning on sealing himself and the asteroid once the barrier is lifted and restarted forever?

Maybe it was the idea that a great superpower would emerge to save himself over time.

He was actually planning his escape from the Society of Superpowers.

The superpower has been using its superpowers with great ferocity and evil.

When I carefully listened to him, I could see that his own words were all insulted.

I thought he was cursing as he got into extreme situations, but I could tell he was referring to a specific person.

It was a name I've heard a few times recently.

The Vice Chairman of the Society of Superpowers.

Do you think I'm the one who sent you?

I was curious about the lining.

Well, I wasn't curious enough to dig it up.


A psychic shouts.


“D-Help! ”

I thought about it for a while.

I need your help.

“I don't know what you're capable of, but you've broken the rules! Help! If this asteroid falls, you, me, everyone down there will die! ”

His voice sounds angry, but I can feel his desperation.

Of course you're desperate.

Desperate is desperate, and I continue to worry.

The goal on this stage is ultimately related to that man and his asteroid.

Only on stage I was asked to gather as much information as possible, and at the same time I had to gather information as a soul after I died.

In other words, there was supposed to be an apocalypse on this planet, and that was the right move.

If I had helped that superpowered person and I had truly prevented the dangers of the planet from fully flowing, the stage could have flowed strangely.

He may fail.

I decided not to help but to watch.

After finishing my worries, I looked back at the superpower.

The superpower was still struggling with his whole body.

Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be anything I could learn or learn from his use of power.

“Hey! Help me! ”

Instead of answering him, I opened my inventory.

On my way back to the Institute of the Eleven Hundred, I picked up a bag of snacks I had bought.

[And… toughness…….]

* * *

Suddenly, I ate all the sweets, and when I got bored watching the superpowers swell, I saw a strange look.

The psychic's head was counting white.

My skin was wrinkled like an eighty or so old man, and my body was even rounded.

The mouth that was spitting out an elongation blasphemy was closed quietly, like a cloak of mute.

The forces that were stirring around him began to fade away.

I think that superpower is finally dying, but this mutation has occurred.

A new force was gathering for him.

The problem was that the power was out of me.

Because it's time for him to die, he's using someone else's power against himself.

“Mister, you can kill me first. ”

I gave him a warning, but the superpowers could not hear me.

Is he ecstatic?

I just don't think the superpowers looked so good to me.

Is this also the ability of closure that is taking my power?

I asked my father and wife, but they didn't answer me properly this time.

It is uncommon for a couple to be unable to answer because they lack the ability to practice magic, and he feels awkward for not answering the question.

It was a ridiculous ability, by the way.

Taking someone else's power and using it yourself.

I was wondering if it was possible to violate the dominance of others through it.

I was eager to keep my strength from being taken away from him as much as possible.

I understand his desperation, but I have no intention of empowering myself.

If I had no experience on the 56th floor, I didn't even know how to resist, so I felt that I might have been taken away from him by a bludgeoning.

Then there was a strong energy coming from down there.

To be precise, the people down there who were looking at the asteroid that was ringing all the time.

I was nervous.

Below, most of the people were not capable, and were not capable of providing the power that superpowers were wielding.

I was more likely to be exhausted from my grass than to pass on power.

I thought so, but the power that was immersed in him was immense.

The power that flowed like a giant tidal wave was completely focused on him.

I felt it.

I was also linked to him.

In my case, he wasn't being empowered.

The power drawn to him grows stronger.

At the same time, the linking rings connected therewith were also even clearer.

I could feel the superpowers in the situation they were in.

How intensely focused and desperately empowered he is.

And I could feel the people who were empowering him.

I could feel the variety of emotions they felt connected to their heroes, their upbringing.

I was offended by the feeling of confusion.

One difference from that was that the connection was unilateral and the end of the link was focused on that man.

And the connection was that people's power was rushing towards that man.

What the hell?

I'm not collecting it.

[Mighty warrior, how about a little fall?]

[… let's do it.]

It was dangerous and I did not feel the need to take risks and be adjacent.

I think it was like a bomb.

The power gathered by the people of a planet is contained in one thing, and it cannot not explode.

The human body is not that great.

However, it was not thought that the body of a superpower could withstand it, not just a normal superhero.

Away from superpowers and asteroids.

I retreated to the outside of the broken barrier.

There is something strange about observing the power that flows through the connections to the superpowers.

The sheep didn't notice much, but there was too much flow from one person.

I was giving that superpower a tremendous amount of power, even if he was an ordinary non-powered person.

Seeing that everyone was giving so much power at the same time, the superpowers were gathering such ridiculous amounts of power.

If you really want to measure that amount of force, you'll have to use planet-scale units.

Asteroids were already halfway extinct in front of the overwhelming forces that the superpowers were wielding.

It appears that the aliens hiding beneath the surface of the asteroid have already been wiped out.

Nevertheless, the connection of forces is not broken.

You continue to draw people's power, even though the enemy's danger has waned, as if you still need more power.

Every second, the situation was changing.

The asteroid is completely extinct.

Only the faint looking dust around testifies to its existence.

After the asteroid disappears, the connections to the superpowers begin to feel pain and cries, not emotion and joy.

People were terrified that their power was still escaping even though the goal was achieved and they didn't know how to break the link.

I was feeling worse about what I'd been through before.

Now even my strength begins to seep out.

I tried my best to stop it, but I began to get a little overwhelmed by the power that flowed out of my control.

Do I have to kill it?

I was thinking about it, and my father and I stopped it.

[I think we're about to blow ourselves up.]

It was actually a reasonable point.

But the superpowers never exploded, just as the couple said.

The power gathered in the psychic's body consumed the body instead of exploding.

His body was no longer a vessel of power.

Strength itself.

And the power was divided.

Like a cell.

There are no humans there already.

Even being human, an oddly shapely lump of flesh floats in the air, drawing power from the planet's inhabitants.

The flesh begins to form gradually.

It still did not look like a common creature.

But it was quite similar to the strange creature that had already been seen several times.

It was the source.

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