"Gentlemen, it is indeed difficult for us to win in this war. However, we cannot give up hope just yet. If we can make peace with the Third Reich, even if we have to pay a certain price to end this war, it will be very beneficial to us. Next, we will sit down and try our best for a while. Eventually, we will be able to rise again. God has given us a rich land, a chosen country, and we must not let it go to waste." Franklin said

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"The senior officials of Yingjiang Country responded one after another.

As the senior officials of Yingjiang Country, they naturally hope that Yingjiang Country can rise. They also firmly believe that Yingjiang Country will definitely rise. Nowadays, Yingjiang Country is just It's just temporary difficulties and twists and turns. After this crisis is over, the Eagle Country will have a chance to make a comeback.

Perhaps many people, including Franklin's administration, may not see that day. But they Believe that that day will come eventually

"Hopkins, you serve as my special envoy to negotiate with the Third Reich. I hope you can do your best to promote this peace negotiation. And, try our best to ensure our interests." President Franklin went on to say

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"Hopkins said.

Although, Hopkins knows that this will be a very difficult task. But for their country, he must try his best.

This may be the only one that can save the country. opportunity. It is also the only chance that Eagle Sauce Country can have hope.

However, the Franklin administration and other senior leaders of Eagle Sauce Country think all this is too simple.

If Eagle Sauce Country continues to resist, the next Of course, the Three Reichs will pay greater costs and casualties. However, this will allow the Third Reich to eliminate the Eagle Country once and for all. By occupying the Eagle Country and dismembering the Eagle Country, it will completely eliminate the influence of the Eagle Country on the Third Reich. The threat of hegemony. Even if it consumes a lot of financial resources and pays more casualties, it is all worth it. Moreover, the

Third Reich can also make up for these losses by occupying the Eagle Country after the war. What's more ,

Hess, the current ruler of the Third Reich, is very aware of the potential of the Eagle Country. How can it be possible for the Eagle Country to have a chance to make a comeback? Therefore, these high-level plans of the Eagle Country will never succeed in the end..

The foreign teaching department of the Eagle Country immediately contacted the Third Reich.

Although the two countries are at war and the diplomatic communication channel has been cut off. However, this does not mean that the two countries can no longer communicate. They can still communicate through Contact the embassy established in a neutral country.

When the Eagle Country expressed its willingness for peace talks, the Third Reich responded and agreed to conduct a peace negotiation with the Eagle Country.

Of course, including Hess, all members of the Third Reich The high-level officials did not have much hope for this peace negotiation. Hess and the military leaders of the Third Reich undoubtedly hoped to use war to solve the Eagle Country once and for all. Therefore, unless the Eagle Country can accept The harsh conditions of the Third Reich. Otherwise, the peace talks will not be successful. The war will continue.

After receiving the response from the Third Reich, Hopkins, as the plenipotentiary representative of the Eagle Country, took a plane The transport plane converted from a B-17 bomber flew directly to Bolin, the capital of the Third Reich.

According to the results of the communication between the two countries, Hopkins's plane will fly from the mainland of the Eagle Country to New Zealand Island, and then to New Zealand. The Azores Islands controlled by the Third Reich will then fly to Europe.

The Third Reich is no worse than the Eagle Country in large bomber technology, or even better. Therefore, the Eagle Country will not worry about their technology being leaked..At the same time, the Foreign Minister of the Third Reich Ribbentrop and Hess were discussing what conditions the Third Reich would put forward in this peace negotiation.

"Your Excellency, the plenipotentiary envoy of the Eagle Country is already on the way. It is expected that we will arrive in Bolin tomorrow. So, what conditions does the empire want to put forward in this peace negotiation? asked Ribbentrop

"Your Excellency, in my personal opinion, this peace talk will not have any effect at all. Although the Yingjiang Kingdom's navy was completely defeated, they still had a strong army. This means that the Eagle Sauce Country will not be slaughtered by us. They will still try to resist. Therefore, even if we put forward some harsh conditions, they will not accept them." Hess said

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Ribbentrop said

"Unless Yingjiang Country is very sincere, otherwise, it will be difficult for both of us to reach an agreement in this peace negotiation."Ribbentrop also knew this very well.

"No matter how sincere the Eagle Country is, the gap with our conditions will be very large. The geographical location of Yingjiang Country is very advantageous, and it is called the Chosen Country. It does not expand at all. Therefore, a unified Eagle Country will pose a huge threat to us. I originally hoped to defeat the Eagle Country through war and then dismember them. This will completely eliminate the threat posed by the Eagle Sauce Country to us. However, it would be best if Yingjiang Country could agree to this. Of course, the possibility of Yingjiang Country agreeing is very small, almost non-existent."Hess said.

Ribbentrop nodded. It is naturally impossible for the Eagle Country to accept this. Otherwise, they would not choose to negotiate peace with the Third Reich, and would just fight to the end.

"Land cession and compensation are naturally indispensable. All the overseas colonies of the Eagle Country must also be given up and transferred to the empire. In addition, the Eagle Sauce Country will be broken down into several countries. Their territories in the west and southwest must be returned to the Moxigo people. This is our commitment to the Moxigo people. In addition, the empire also wants to occupy a piece of land on the land of Eagle Sauce Country and establish a territory that belongs only to us. Consider the Great Lakes region or near the Appalachian Mountains in the northeastern part of the country." Hess said

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!" Ribbentrop replied

"The military power of Yingjiang Country must also be limited. From now on, the Eagle Country will limit the size of its army to less than 100,000 people, and it will no longer have an air force or an army air force. The navy is also no longer allowed to have warships and aircraft carriers with a displacement of more than 10,000 tons, and it is no longer allowed to build submarines, etc.!" Hess said

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"Ribbentrop knew that it was absolutely impossible for the Eagle Country to accept these conditions.

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