Hopkins, the plenipotentiary envoy of the Eagle Kingdom, arrived in Bolin on December 3, 1942.

At this moment, Bolin, although the weather is very cold. However, there is an atmosphere of joy in the air.

The Third Reich Navy had just annihilated the main force of the Eagle Navy in the western waters of the Atlantic Ocean and won a brilliant victory, which plunged the entire Third Reich into a carnival.

The people of the Third Reich seemed to have seen the day when the Third Reich defeated the Eagle Country and won the war.

After Hopkins arrived in Bolin, he took a special car from the Third Reich's Foreign Education Ministry and went to the Foreign Education Ministry to negotiate with Ribbentrop.

As for the empire's ruling Hess, he will not participate in this peace negotiation. After all, in Hess's view, unless the Eagle Country fully accepts these conditions proposed by the Third Reich. Otherwise, the peace talks will not be successful. His participation in the peace talks has no effect and is a waste of time.

"Your Excellency, Special Envoy, welcome to Bolin!"There was a smile on Ribbentrop's face.

In Hopkins' eyes, the smile on Ribbentrop's face looked like a winner's smile, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Your Excellency, Mr. General, I hope that this trip to Bolin will have an outcome that satisfies both of us. After all, both of us have paid a heavy price in this war. It would undoubtedly be best if this war could be ended through peaceful negotiations." said Hopkins.

"certainly! Ribbentrop said.

The Third Reich indeed paid a heavy price in this war. In particular, the losses of pilots of the Air Force and Navy carrier-based aircraft units have caused both the Third Reich Air Force and Navy to pay a heavy price. I am very distressed. If the losses of the Eagle Country were not much greater than those of the Third Reich, I am afraid that some generals would have backed down.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Yingjiang Country is very sincere this time. We hope to end this war with the Third Reich. We are willing to pay a war reparation to the Third Reich to redeem military personnel captured by the Third Reich. In addition, we can also transfer the overseas colonies of the Eagle Country to the Third Reich. This was undoubtedly a huge benefit to the Third Reich. On the contrary, if the war continues, it will be even more detrimental to the Third Reich. In that case, the Third Reich will pay a greater price!" said Hopkins.

"Your Excellency, Special Envoy, your country is indeed very sincere this time. However, there is still a big gap between the requirements of the empire." Ribbentrop said.

This immediately made Hopkins feel his heart sinking. He knew that the most worrying thing about Eagle Sauce Country might be about to appear.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, if the Third Reich is not satisfied with our conditions, we can continue to talk. For example, we can further improve war reparations. If the Third Reich is willing to end the war, we can pay the Third Reich 500 billion marks in war reparations!"Hopkins said.

You know, the fiscal revenue of the Eagle Country before the outbreak of the war was only 20 billion US dollars. Converted into marks, it is equivalent to more than 50 billion marks. The war compensation of 500 billion marks has already This is equivalent to the total fiscal revenue of the Eagle Country for ten years.

Of course, with the crazy investment of the Eagle Country in military power, the fiscal revenue of the Eagle Country has also surged. For them, 500 billion marks War reparations are nothing at all. As long as this war can be ended, the benefits they will get will be much more than 500 billion marks.

Ribbentrop shook his head:"Your Majesty, Special Envoy, these are just small problems." That’s all. The most fundamental issue you have been avoiding talking about"

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, are you referring to the military strength of the Eagle Country? The country can promise to disband its army, army air force and navy after a peace agreement is reached. It also guarantees that the military strength will be restored to the level before the outbreak of the war. Within ten years, the Eagle Country will not develop military strength again."Hopkins said.

Ribbentrop knew that the Eagle Country was already planning to make concessions in this regard. However, this was not enough for the Third Reich. The Third Reich wanted Eagle Country to make concessions in this regard. China could no longer threaten the Third Reich

"Your Excellency, Special Envoy, the Third Reich hopes that the Eagle Country will control the size of its army to less than 100,000 people and will no longer establish an air force or army air force. The navy of China is also no longer allowed to possess large warships with a displacement of more than 10,000 tons, and it is no longer allowed to build aircraft carriers and submarines. Ribbentrop said.

Obviously, the requirements of the Third Reich are much more stringent than the conditions proposed by the Eagle Country.

"Your Excellency, such conditions are too harsh. After all, we are not a defeated country, but a normal country and should not be subject to such restrictions." said Hopkins.

"Yes, you are not a defeated country. However, if the war continues, you will definitely be the defeated country. Therefore, it is appropriate for you to accept the conditions proposed by the empire. Ribbentrop said.

Hopkins was silent. The conditions of the Third Reich were even more harsh than the Eagle Country imagined!

"Beyond that, on the territorial side. The Third Reich wanted the United States to cede the areas surrounding the Appalachian Mountains to the Third Reich, including Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York. states and Pennsylvania, among other places. In addition, the territory occupied by Moxi Brother by Yingjiang Kingdom must also be returned to Moxi Brother. In addition, Eagle Sauce Country needs to be divided into several countries. For example, countries dominated by immigrants from the Third Reich, countries dominated by immigrants from the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, and countries dominated by immigrants from other European countries, etc.!" Ribbentrop continued.

After Hopkins heard this, his face became even more ugly.

The Third Reich clearly wants to dismember the Eagle Country!

Once the Eagle Country accepts such conditions, that one The unified and powerful Eagle Sauce Country will no longer exist.

Instead, it will be replaced by a country that is divided into fragmented small countries.

In the future, the Eagle Sauce Nation will no longer be strong, or even have a strong foundation. I want to A comeback is even more delusional. It is naturally impossible to pose a threat to the Third Reich.

Hopkins discovered that the Eagle Country's attempt to end the war through peaceful negotiations is simply a luxury hope. That's all. Under the cruelty of the Third Reich, this extravagant hope has come to nothing.

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