The Third Reich successfully won over the two largest factions among Tianzhu indigenous people, namely the National Congress Party and the Tianfang Sect Alliance. This is equivalent to stabilizing the basic market of Tianzhu indigenous people.

Even if there are still some local forces that will be won over by the Japanese, that is no longer relevant.

It is simply a delusion for the Japanese to win over the natives of Tianzhu to deal with the Third Reich. These natives of Tianzhu will only become the help of the Third Reich.

Although, the Third Reich promised to support their independence. However, it is very difficult to say whether the Third Reich will fulfill its commitments after the war is over. In other words, the Third Reich could find an excuse to return at any time. Even if the situation reaches the final tense moment, the Third Reich can still use the contradiction between the National Congress Party and the Tianfang Sect Alliance to seek more benefits.

With the support of the National Congress Party and the Tianfang Sect Alliance, a large number of Tianzhu natives were mobilized and joined the Tianzhu army led by the Third Reich.

It was originally planned to build an army of five million people, but it was filled to capacity in just three days. The Third Reich had to expand its scale once again, to eight million people.

After all, Tianzhu has too many people. Especially young people.

Serving as a soldier is also a good way out for them.

Both the National Congress Party and the Tianfang Sect Alliance attempted to control the army through this, and the Third Reich was also very clear about this. However, the Third Reich did not pay too much attention.

Tianzhu's army was originally equivalent to cannon fodder and did not have much combat effectiveness at all. Even if they resisted the colonial rule of the Third Reich after the war, they would not pose much of a threat to the Third Reich. After all, the training of these armies will not be perfect. The weapons and equipment will also be very crude, mainly light weapons and lacking heavy weapons and equipment. At this level, how could it be a match for the elite troops of the Third Reich? If they dare to resist, or dare to rebel. What will greet them will be the bloody suppression of the Third Reich.

I believe that after the large-scale suppression by the Third Reich, these Tianzhu natives will inevitably suffer huge casualties. Under such circumstances, do the natives of Tianzhu really dare to continue to resist? That's probably unlikely.

The Eastern Empire also learned of the cooperation between the Third Reich and the natives of Tianzhu, which made them very angry.

They have offered very generous conditions to the natives of Tianzhu, but these natives of Tianzhu do not trust them, but trust the Germans. This made the Japanese people very dissatisfied.

This also caused the Eastern Empire to change its attitude again. Since the Tianzhu natives were unwilling to cooperate, they naturally did not need to treat them well. Just brutally oppress and exploit them, or even massacre them.

And this further aroused the resistance of the native people of Tianzhu, making them more willing to cooperate with the Third Reich.

At the same time, the Third Reich sent troops into Tianzhu, and the time for a decisive battle with the Eastern Empire gradually matured.

After the complete surrender of the Eagle Sauce Country, the Third Reich and its allies have completely occupied the entire Eagle Sauce Country.

The army of Yingjiang Country has laid down its weapons and entered the prisoner of war camp to be detained.

The Third Reich and its allies have divided and occupied the Eagle Country. Countries have taken over their respective territories. Under such circumstances, the Third Reich and its many allies will no longer station too many troops on the North American continent. It is expected that each country will leave one-third of its troops for garrison in the future. The remaining troops will be withdrawn into the country in batches.

After the situation in Yingjiang Country stabilizes, the armies of various countries will further withdraw.

The troops withdrawn from the country will rest and recuperate. Then, plunge into the next war. Or, retire directly.

The only enemy of the Third Reich and even the entire Iron Alliance was the Eastern Empire. Naturally, countries no longer need to retain so many troops. It is entirely possible to disband the rest of the army.

After all, after defeating the Eastern Empire, the world would be dominated by the Third Reich and its allies. The world will also return to a time of peace from war. The number of troops naturally needs to be reduced. Otherwise, with so many armies, the military expenditure alone would be enough for all countries to bear.

If the troops of the Third Reich want to fight in the Eagle Country, they must first control the sea in the Tianzhu Ocean.

The Third Reich Navy was naturally the vanguard.

Compared with the Toyo Empire Army, the Toyo Empire Navy is undoubtedly stronger. For the Third Reich Navy, it can also pose a certain threat. Therefore, the Third Reich Navy undoubtedly attaches great importance and caution to the next battle.

In view of the powerful strength of the Toyo Empire Navy, the Third Reich Navy is preparing to use its main force this time.

However, before that, Navy Commander Marshal Dönitz and Chief of Staff Marshal Albrecht went to the ruling government together, hoping that Hess could approve the navy's expansion plan.

Although the Eagle Sauce Country was defeated by the Third Reich. However, there is no doubt about the power of the Eagle Navy.

In the shipyard of the Eagle Kingdom, the Third Reich obtained some warships that had not yet been completed.

At that time, those warships were being constructed rapidly. The completion progress is very good. The Third Reich Navy, which is very good at picking up leaks, is naturally unwilling to give up these battleships.

However, given the current size of the Third Reich Navy, it is already very large. Therefore, Navy leaders were very worried that Hess would not approve their expansion plan.

Therefore, the Navy made special changes this time and made it clear that it will only continue to build the unfinished capital ships and aircraft carriers of the Eagle Country.

"Your Excellency, given that the Toyo Empire Navy is a very powerful opponent. Therefore, we hope to continue building those unfinished battleships captured from the Eagle Kingdom. Including five Montana-class battleships, six Iowa-class battleships and 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers. If these battleships can be completed and put into service, this will bring the victory of the Imperial Navy to a higher level. The main force of the Imperial Navy can now safely and boldly engage in a decisive battle with the Eastern Imperial Navy. Even if you lose some, you can quickly replenish it!"Marshal Dönitz said

"Yes, Your Excellency. The battleships and aircraft carriers of the Eagle Navy are still very good. It would be a shame to dismantle it."Marshal Albrecht also said quickly.

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