Hess also knows a lot about the battleships and aircraft carriers of the Eagle Navy.

Needless to say, the Iowa-class battleship is the most powerful battleship of the Eagle Navy in another time and space. Although the caliber of the main gun is not as good as that of the Yamato-class battleship. However, various soft powers are stronger than the Yamato class. If there were to be a duel, it would be very difficult to determine the outcome.

But it is a pity that in another time and space, these two warships have no chance of duel. The Japanese Yamato-class battleship was directly attacked by Takajima Navy carrier-based aircraft.

As for the Montana-class battleship, it is a more powerful battleship than the Iowa-class battleship. Especially in terms of firepower, it is even more powerful. The Iowa-class battleships only have three triple-mounted 509-caliber 406 mm main guns. The Montana-class battleship has four triple-mounted 50-caliber 406mm main guns, which is three more guns, making its firepower even more powerful. In addition, the armor defense has also been strengthened, making the defense more powerful.

The Essex-class aircraft carrier is the mass-produced aircraft carrier of the Eagle Country. It can be called the main aircraft carrier of the Eagle Country in another time and space. It was by building Essex-class aircraft carriers like dumplings and a large number of escort aircraft carriers that the Eagle Country finally defeated the Toyo Empire Navy and counterattacked the Toyo Empire in the Pacific.

The performance of the Essex-class aircraft carrier is also very good. It is no worse than the Qi Bolin-class aircraft carriers of the Third Reich. Especially the early models of Qi Bolin-class aircraft carriers are almost the same as Essex-class aircraft carriers.

Of course, the latest aircraft carrier built by the Third Reich is the Imperial-class aircraft carrier, which has more advanced and powerful performance.

If we want to continue to build these 6 Iowa-class battleships, 5 Montana-class battleships, and 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers in the Eagle Country. Then, the strength of the Third Reich Navy will be even stronger.

But is this necessary? Hess was deeply skeptical.

The strength of the Third Reich's navy was already strong enough. Even in the battle with the Eagle Navy, some were lost. However, the loss was not big, very slight. In addition, the first batch of Imperial battleships have already entered service. The strength of the Third Reich's navy did not decrease but increased.

Even if the Toyo Imperial Navy is not weak, there is no problem for the Third Reich Navy to defeat the Toyo Imperial Navy. Even if you have to pay a certain amount of losses. But the loss shouldn't be too big

"Your Excellency, the Imperial Navy will definitely suffer certain losses in its fight against the Eastern Imperial Navy. In addition, after the war is over, the Imperial Navy will also abolish some warships. For example, the capital ships and aircraft carriers of the Mediterranean Fleet. As well as other battleships with main guns with a caliber of 380 mm, as well as those giant-class aircraft carriers captured by the Never Set Empire. At the same time, the empire would already be the most powerful country in the world by then. In order to ensure the empire's sea power, the empire has to station considerable fleets in all the world's oceans. Therefore, this makes it necessary for the Imperial Navy to have a powerful enough fleet. The capital ships and aircraft carriers being built by the Eagle Country are undoubtedly very suitable."Marshal Dönitz was a little hesitant when he saw Suitable, and quickly gave more reasons.

Suitable nodded, and he understood what the navy meant.

There are indeed many battleships in the Third Reich Navy that are not suitable to be retained.

For example, the main force There are too many ships and need to be limited. Those P-class battleships have a total of 16 ships. However, they are all equipped with 380 mm main guns and have relatively weak combat effectiveness and can be eliminated after the war. O-class battlecruisers and naval vessels The Admiral-class battlecruiser is also equipped with a 380mm main gun. It can also be eliminated. In addition, the four Richelieu-class battleships and two Dunkirk-class battlecruisers of the Mediterranean Fleet are also among the battleships to be eliminated..

In this case, 29 battleships alone will be eliminated. The number of remaining battleships will naturally be few. If 6 Iowa-class battleships and 5 Montana-class battleships can be supplemented, this will undoubtedly allow The Third Reich Navy has a powerful capital ship fleet. Moreover, due to the increase in the caliber of the main guns, the fleet's combat power cannot be underestimated.

Even if the main force in future naval battles is already a combination of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft. And , missiles have also begun to be used in naval battles. However, these capital ships still have a certain use. Among other things, they are used for air defense and island bombing. Or simply remove some main guns and secondary guns and install missile launchers It's possible.

The same goes for aircraft carriers. Replacing the Goliath-class aircraft carriers with Essex-class aircraft carriers will make the Third Reich Navy more powerful.

These Essex-class aircraft carriers will not serve even if they serve for another thirty years. Problem. At most, after serving for more than ten years, just carry out modern modifications.

From these perspectives, it is also very cost-effective.

After all, as Marshal Dönitz said, after the war, in order to highlight the third The hegemony of the empire further safeguarded and consolidated the interests of the Third Reich overseas. The Third Reich also needed to deploy a large number of warships in various oceans. Just like the Eagle Kingdom in later generations, warships patrolled hot spots all day long.. To ensure that if something happens to overseas interests, aircraft carriers and other warships can arrive immediately.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally necessary for the Third Reich Navy to retain a powerful fleet.

"How complete are the warships of the Eagle Navy?"Hess asked.

Marshal Dönitz and Marshal Albrecht breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what Hess said. They knew that this time they had passed the test and got Hess's approval.

"Your Excellency, because of our pressure, the construction of those warships in the Eagle Country is progressing very quickly. The construction of the six Iowa-class battleships is over 80%. The completion rate of the five Montana-class battleships is slightly behind, reaching 70%. The completion rate of the 12 Essex-class aircraft carriers is generally above 70%. Marshal Albrecht said.

Hess nodded:"Okay, let's continue the construction." The Imperial Navy really needs to have a more powerful force. Only in this way can we ensure the protection of the empire's interests in the future and control the sea power around the world!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"Marshal Dönitz and Marshal Albrecht were all smiling.

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