Non-perception, non-non-conception, people have no self, dharmas have no self, neither arise nor perish, neither come nor go, neither one nor different, neither increase nor decrease, dependent origin and empty nature.

There was a faint Sanskrit singing guiding him in the void, and on the top of Lei Zhe's body in the outside world, the six ring scars enlightened by the Buddha himself shone brightly in the darkness of death.

Lei Zhe's consciousness, which was in the darkness of the curtain of death, once again entered an abyss of nothingness that was even more illusory than the fluctuation of nothingness.

He was sinking, falling, and once lost in nothingness he would be completely silent.

But Lei Zhe won't, his original heart is like a diamond, and he firmly resists Nirvana all the time.

Because there is always the prayer of his beloved in his heart, and the words of prayer with attachment.

"Zhe don't die, don't leave You..."

There is Xiaoyou's gentle and affectionate voice next to his ear, and his memory reflects the face of his beloved with incomparable clarity.

After Lei Zhe had his other half, he was no longer the pure temperament that used to be unscrupulous and regardless of the cost.

He has become weaker, no longer purely lonely, but he has also become stronger, and the desire and effort in his heart have become greater.

He is alone, if he is not successful, he will be benevolent, and if he dies, he will die, which proves that he is just like that.

But his own life no longer belonged to him alone, Lei Zhe disappeared, and his ship's wife would probably kill the sinking ship by herself.

Lei Zhe, who had a heart-to-heart relationship with Xiao You, also understood that if he disappeared, Xiao You would probably turn into a painful appearance like the King of the Night.

If she hadn't met Lei Zhe, a girl who hadn't received warmth and care would have been able to endure long-term loneliness, provided she hadn't been intoxicated by warmth.

"Won't die, won't leave, won't abandon, won't give up..."

Said in such a soft and soft voice, Lei Zhe's soul consciousness is gradually radiating, and is in tune with nothingness, and finally returns to nothingness with oneness.

Soul consciousness can no longer be assimilated by foreign nothingness invasion.

There is one move that can rival the power of Instant Prison Kill, and that is the Void Vajra Body!

Lei Zhe used to ignorantly think that the body forged out of nothingness is a King Kong, which is really a small way among the small ways.

The appearance is a diamond, but the inside is weak, how can it be called a diamond! ?

The current Lei Zhe's spirit after comprehension can be called the real King Kong.

The golden nature is immortal, this name has the artistic conception of being indomitable and indestructible.

But at a deeper level, there is no self, no thoughts, no listening, no thinking, and it is more subtle. What Lei Zhe seeks in his practice is peace of mind, or great freedom.

Nothingness is the realm that his mind wants to cross, not the end point. He wants to achieve it now, which means that there is no hindrance to advance and retreat, and his heart is free from troubles.


Bright light appeared in the darkness in front of me, silvery white light, and the light exploded in the pitch-black abyss, just like the big bang of the universe, silvery white galaxies and star seas spread out.

Lei Zhe's consciousness is bathed in this star sea impulse, he doesn't regard them as foreign objects, but actively accepts them and synchronizes with them.

This is the meaning of great freedom detached from the state of "nothingness".

Lei Zhe, who was in front of the Buddha in the outside world, was completely rotten and dead. Under the envelopment and erosion of death, Lei Zhe found the true meaning of great freedom.

Too much death is overflowing, and under extreme circumstances, the vitality of the silent thought of death burst out again from Lei Zhe's decayed and shriveled body like a corpse.


In the Buddha's gratified eyes, the student in front of him closed his eyes that had been decayed into darkness by death, and the eyes that should have been blind leaked an incomparably bright light from the eye slits.

Lei Zhe raised his withered and withered arms, clasped his palms together, and thanked him for what he longed for, and also thanked the Buddha for guiding him into the Tao.

To be good and to be good, everyone's kind thoughts and hearts are different, but the Buddha guided him to the all-good nature in his soul, allowing Lei Zhe to realize the nature of the true self.

Knowing Lei Zhe's true heart, he is very glad that he still has a pure kindness.

Although it is not the great kindness of self-sacrifice, it is just a dazzling small kindness, the representative point is the light emitted by the soul, he is pure and pure gold.

There are not many things he longs for, he just wants to keep the beautiful things he owns.

Based on this foundation of not losing, Lei Zhe will do good to foreign things.

This is Lei Zhe's spiritual light. He is neither great nor ambitious. I am who I am. I don't want to be someone else, nor do I want to imitate others.

The brilliant silver divine light circulated around Lei Zhe to form a vortex, and that beautiful brilliance reflected the stars and the Milky Way.

Lei Zhe slowly opened those eyes full of snow and silver, calm and empty, looked at the teacher Buddha in front of him, and asked softly:

"Teacher, is this 'thought'?"

My heart, do you 'think' now?This is what Lei Zhe meant.

"Hahaha, no, no, it's not so interesting, it's really rare for you to be able to do this at this age!"

The Buddha looked into Lei Zhe's eyes and laughed, and then his body suddenly burst into a Buddha's light of immeasurable compassion.

The treasure is solemn, and the Buddha with the Buddha wheel behind his head smiled slightly at the student in front of him, and then the Buddha's light around him immediately turned into the snow-silver color of Lei Zhe's body, and his eyes were full of peace and emptiness. meaning.

Non-thinking, non-non-thinking, people have no self, laws have no self, and all dharmas are empty!

Lei Zhe nodded humbly and receptively when he saw it, and his teacher Buddha told him directly with the facts that this is far from the true nature of the heart, and has not yet touched the root of the heart.

Buddha's Taoism is far beyond Lei Zhe's imagination. If calculated according to the depth, Lei Zhe's mind is now in the tens of thousands of layers of the ground, so the Buddha is directly at the bottom of the sky.

The Buddha, who was walking ahead of the road, returned to Lei Zhe's location with practical actions, letting him know that there was still a long way ahead.

"Teacher, please continue to explain to the students." Lei Zhe asked his teacher for advice humbly and studiously: "I want to understand the deeper mysteries and true meaning of cultivation."

"It was supposed to let you stabilize the foundation of your state of mind." The Buddha retracted the light of great ease and sincerity, and his expression was compassionate and happy: "However, your physique and soul are special, and you can directly master them when you enter them. I'm afraid you can do it with other powers as well." This level."

The Buddha's insight directly saw some of Lei Zhe's power from Kirby. Originally, he planned to temporarily end the current tutorial, but Lei Zhe really surprised him.

Now that you have entered this root state of mind, you have gained a firm foothold, so you can continue to practice.

"Appreciate further details."

Lei Zhe nodded respectfully to the Buddha, showing his respect for practice.

Seeing his calm and empty attitude, the Buddha nodded secretly: "Your heart is very devout towards the Tao. If you want to seek true freedom, there is still a long way to go. You still lack a more tenacious belief in seeking the Tao."

"A more tenacious belief in seeking the Tao?" Lei Zhe was taken aback.

He can do everything for what he wants to protect. Isn't such a belief considered tenacity?

The Buddha did not explain in words, but looked at Lei Zhe with the genuine eyes of great enlightenment and great wisdom.

Lei Zhe's eyes went dark, and he felt that he had returned to being a poor and weak mortal. An unclimbable mountain was oppressing him, and he was unable to move his whole body and mind. It was purely spiritual oppression, which made him unable to control his body and move.

He is like Sun Monkey facing the Buddha's Wuzhi Mountain, and the Buddha in front of him is an unattainable mountain.

"Can you cross over?" The Buddha's sacred treasure seemed to have a sympathetic smile, looking down at Lei Zhe from a high position and asking him directly.


Looking up at the Buddha in his heart, Lei Zhe really couldn't say that he could cross this sky-high peak in the face of the other party's condolences.

But he can't retreat, he has millions of ways to go, but there is no way to retreat.

Behind the Buddha is the light of compassion and compassion that is important to countless sentient beings, and behind Lei Zhe is the light that protects the ones he cherishes and eliminates obstacles.

In terms of the weight of the soul alone, Lei Zhe's foundation, quality, and purity are not as good as Buddha's.

But he doesn't have the slightest intention of retreating, even in the face of an insurmountable peak.

Seeing the silence and firmness on Lei Zhe's face, Buddha nodded clearly. He already knew what his student was thinking.

Therefore, he wants to guide his students from the sea of ​​suffering to his own 'Tao'.

"Lei Zhe, although you are talented, in my opinion, your mind is still slightly confused and hesitant. With such a state of mind, even if you are given infinite resources and infinite teaching, your achievements will be limited."

The Buddha restrained his test of Lei Zhe, pointed at the student's self-consciousness and said: "However, most people on the road to seek the Tao are like you. They have to experience the vicissitudes of the world and the changes in the world to understand and cleanse the soul. Xianchen, it is reasonable for you to be confused and hesitant now."

"You just want to become stronger now, but you don't know the true spirit of seeking Tao."

"The spirit of seeking Tao..." Lei Zhe repeatedly chewed these five words, watching the Buddha recall the other party's path of seeking Tao, his heart was shaken violently.

Buddha Sakyamuni became a monk at the age of 29 (the other said 19 years old).

The era in which the other party lives is exactly when the ancient Indian countries fought against each other and annexed each other, and the conflicts between classes and people were very sharp.

The Shakya tribe he belongs to is threatened by the power of the neighboring country and is in danger.

He has foreseen the inevitable end of destruction, so he believes that the world is "impermanent".

In addition, he also witnessed the scenes of old age, sickness, and death that followed after birth, and he thought that he could not escape the same fate.

As a result, he was troubled by suffering in life, and the thoughts and actions of Brahmanism at that time could not enable him to obtain spiritual liberation, so he finally abandoned the throne and became a monk to practice.

This is the great perseverance, firmness, persistence and wisdom of the Buddha.

The other party seeks and seeks the way, not only seeking his own way, but also seeking the way to get rid of troubles for all beings in the world.

After I proved the Tao, I was also thinking about all beings in the world, so I passed down my own Taoism.

Maybe it is because of the ignorance of the world, or the capriciousness of human nature, but the way taught by the Buddha is still suffering.

It caused the disaster of Buddha that Lei Zhedu loathed, and brought civilization into a vicious cycle of stagnation.

Lei Zhe also remembered now, what happened when he accompanied his two teachers to play and take a bath some time ago.

At that time, the Buddha showed the character of ordinary people who were so thrifty and frugal in managing their households that they were a bit stingy, even tens or hundreds of yen, they had to care about spending.

Lei Zhe respected him as a student, but he just smiled like a Buddha again and talked about the truth and refused.

After throwing a hundred yuan coin, he was still depressed for a while.

Both Jesus and Lei Zhe couldn't stand it any longer, and immediately began to persuade him, saying that it's no big deal, just treat it as sesame oil money.

As a result, Lei Zhe's teacher, Buddha, said in a low and low voice, "If the merit box...if there is really money for sesame oil sent to me, I won't be so stingy."

This means, you don't really think that the money in the merit box will go to him, do you?

Not only is he saying that he has not fulfilled his own ideals, but he is also lamenting that everything in the world remains unchanged as usual.

The Buddha wanted to relieve the troubles of the world, but the Buddhism he passed down did not play a very good role.

There are a lot of guys who rely on their status as monks to make money and do evil, even the Christianity of Jesus is like this. Ordinary people have done a lot of outrageous things in the name of gods.

But even so, the Buddha's heart has not changed much. Even though he knows that his ideas may never be realized, he is willing to keep going.

Therefore, in Lei Zhe's eyes, the Buddha is so powerful, so magnificent and insurmountable.

The other party is walking on a hard road that has no end at all, having fun and finding the way in the midst of suffering.

This is the firm belief of the Buddha in seeking the Way.

I can see distant and bright ideals, but I can never reach the end point. There is no way to go in the dark, and I can only keep walking as a road opener.

He has paved a bright path of enlightenment for future generations. Whether one can be liberated or awakened depends entirely on the individual.

I have never said that practicing Buddhism is the way to liberation, and I also encourage people in the world to find their own path.

For Lei Zhe, a student, the Buddha gave him his own open path, but he also hoped that he could take a branch with a completely different ending from his own path.

Having realized this, Lei Zhe bowed solemnly to the Buddha again, expressing his respect and understanding.

Seeing Lei Zhe's hesitation and confusion in his heart, the Buddha saw the blue sky through the clouds and mists, and smiled joyfully at his student's great understanding.

"Mind and mind, to be able to detach the mind to the most holy and the most divine, requires constant sharpening, so that the sharpness and brilliance can be revealed." The Buddha sighed with compassion on his face: "My student Lei Zhe, you still lack a lot. , There is still a long way to go, no one can help you on the way to seek the Tao, only you can help yourself.”

"Then teacher, how should students go deeper into the true nature of their hearts?" Lei Zhe shook his head, calmed down his mind, and began to ask again.

The Buddha spread his clasped hands apart, and a petal of cherry pink fell into his palm through the open window: "A Taoist friend in the East said that nature is the way of Taoism, and people can cultivate by comprehending the vicissitudes of nature, but nature is not for everyone. I am not the ultimate pursuit, and neither are you."

Understanding nature is a process for the Buddha, but not his ultimate goal, and it is also not the ultimate goal for his student Lei Zhe.

Therefore, the saying that Taoism follows nature is suitable for [-]% of people, but not many are the ultimate pursuit of Taoists.

Speaking of this, the Buddha paused for a moment, and then the cherry blossoms in his hands drifted away with the wind: "Now you can use part of your original mind, and you can practice meditation in the unity of nature and phenomena."

The meditation practice of the unity of nature and appearance?

Lei Zhe seemed to understand but didn't understand what he said. He can do it now without desire or thought, but he still has a little doubt about what the Buddha said about entering concentration.

The Buddha directly began to preach for Lei Zhe, with a sacred and solemn Sanskrit voice in his voice: "Since you have learned your true nature, you should now withdraw your spirit and look inside, thinking that your mind is the main body and your body is an illusion."

Hearing this, Lei Zhe paused, then closed his eyes slowly, and within a second he reached the state that the Buddha said.

This kind of spiritual realm is to regard the physical body as an armor, and when the knife and ax are slashed on the armor, it will not cause harm to oneself, so the mountain can collapse in front of it without changing face.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sees that the five aggregates are all empty..."

"Consider impermanence as permanence, suffering as pleasure, non-self as self, impurity as purity..."

"All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such..."

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