This cloud of black mist first appeared in the Temple of Heart. When the big needle bee learned to reverse scales, the strangely shaped big needle bee that was wrapped in black mist appeared in its heart.

The second time it appeared was in the Suzhou rookie league, and it still appeared in the inner world of the big needle bee.

Looking intently, Big Needle Bee saw the figure in the black mist.

The head is streamlined, with blue stripes in the blood-red pupils, bright silver needles resembling European-style spears on the front of the four legs, and silver poisonous needles with spiral stripes on the tail.

This is the "heart demon" that appeared in the temple of the heart, the inner world of the big needle bee!

At that time, it only appeared in the inner world of the big needle bee, but now it actually appeared in the real world.

Maple Leaf is the demon of Big Needle Bee!

Before the big needle bee could react, the black mist rushed in front of the big needle bee, and then the black mist dissipated, and the figure of Maple Leaf reappeared.

She held two European-style long guns in both hands, one of which was aimed at the head of the big needle bee.

In an instant, the threat of death welled up in his heart, and the blue-colored scale-reverse fire exploded instantly, and the big needle bee opened the scale-reverse scale.

Maple Leaf, who was blown away by the fire of Ni Lin, pierced her double needles into the ground and stabilized her figure. She stared at the big needle bee who had awakened Ni Lin, and smiled: "Hey, are you finally cheering up? ?”

At this time, the Big Needle Bee didn't hold back his hands at all, and had already flown into the air. The blue dragon head bit the Big Needle Bee, and swooped down towards the maple leaf, Dragon God swooped down!

"But, that's not enough!" Maple Leaf raised two long spears, crossed them into a cross shape, and pointed them directly at the sky. At the same time, the blood-red lenses of the goggles she wore on her head also turned blue.

Immediately, the blue flames ignited on the spear, and a huge cross formed, directly facing the dragon god of the big needle bee and swooping down.

When the dragon god dived and the cross collided, the big needle bee felt it.

I felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression surpassed the legendary oppression!

The big needle bee sensed from Maple Leaf... a disaster-level coercion!

White light flashed, and violent explosions resounded throughout the forest.

All the elves in the forest were alarmed and began to flee in all directions.

The big needle wasp was covered with wounds, lying on the ground, Maple Leaf dropped a spear, wiped the second spear lightly with a piece of cloth, then aimed the spear at the head of the big needle wasp, closed his eyes, He muttered to himself: "If... I kill you here, maybe it will change... Then, farewell... me!"


The spear in Maple Leaf's hand didn't pierce the head of the big needle bee.

A wave of dragon waves blasted from the depths of the forest, and the colorful dragon bit Maple Leaf and sent her flying.

The Big Needle Bee turned its head in amazement to look in the direction where the wave of the dragon came out. It saw a snake-like elf crawling out of the forest.

This elf is more than five meters tall, with a black head and a green body. The scales on its body are standard hexagons. It looks like a cobra. Its eyes are composed of four green hexagons. It has insect-like compound eyes, a lizard-like black decoration on the back of the head, green hexagons on it, and five branches on the tail.

The several infusion tubes inserted in the back of this elf are constantly delivering green liquid to this elf, and this elf also looks a little tired.

But even though the elf showed such exhaustion, the big needle bee could still feel a sense of oppression from the elf.

The oppressive feeling of a legendary elf!

Feng Ye, who was hit head-on by the wave of the elf dragon, stood up, patted the dust on her body like a normal person, looked directly into the eyes of the elf, and sneered twice: "Don't meddle in your own business, lose your mind at ease!" Go, Ziggard!"

This elf is the god of ecological order in the world, oversees the ecological order of the world, has the power to easily suppress the god of life and the god of death, and even has the disaster-level strength of Kigard in a full body state!

Facing Maple Leaf's words, Kigard replied not to be outdone, and shouted at Maple Leaf with a voice like a man and a woman mixed together: "Get out of this time and space, you have seriously disrupted this timeline. Order is in order, and this is my final warning."


Chapter 290 Six People Abandoned by Reality and Time and Space

"Get out of this time and space? A joke! Where else can I go?!"

Kigurd's words seemed to hit Maple Leaf's bottom line. Black mist enveloped the entire forest in an instant, and Maple Leaf's scarlet eyes also exuded a dangerous aura. Said: "Answer, where else can I go?"

At this time, the elves in the entire forest, except for the big needle bee and Kigard, all lost their fighting ability due to the infiltration of the black mist, but even facing such a maple leaf, Kigard still had no attitude. After a slight change, he took a step forward and said in a strong tone: "This is not within my jurisdiction. One last warning, get out of this time and space, or I will 'erase' you."

Maple Leaf stopped, and after a pause for a few seconds, she couldn't stop sneering, and stared at Kigard with a strange smile: "Erasure me? Haha... look in the mirror to see what you look like now before saying this Well, even the old thing Arceus wants to give me three points, even if I am broken now, dealing with you, a cripple who relies on infusions to survive, is just a matter of moving your fingers..."

Maple Leaf's words really touched Ziggard, and he subconsciously took two steps back, recalling his own memory from another timeline in his mind, and his whole body trembled.

The golden figure that knocked back Arceus in his prime was still lingering in Kigurd's mind.

But even facing Maple Leaf who could easily kill him, Kigard still dragged his weak body forward for a certain distance, raised his head high, and said calmly, "Go back to your own time and space."

The smile on Feng Ye's face disappeared, she lowered her head with a gloomy expression: "I... can't go back..."

The next moment, the black mist covering the entire forest dissipated, and the spear in Feng Ye's hand also turned into black mist and dispersed. She sat on the ground weakly, and murmured: "I can't go back... I can't go back...I'm already homeless now..."

"I have been abandoned by reality, time and space!" Speaking of this, Maple Leaf's voice suddenly amplified, and she stood up, shouting as if venting, her voice resounded through the entire forest, "and Even if I can go back, how do you want me to accept such an ending!? Now you answer me again, where can I go back?!"

After shouting these words, Maple Leaf seemed to calm down again. She fell to the ground, and with a gesture of her hand, she took out a somewhat worn-out peaked cap from the black mist.

She looked at the peaked cap quietly, and some painful memories flashed in her mind again.

At this time, the big needle bee discovered that the peaked cap in Feng Ye's hand was the same style as Xin Yue's peaked cap...

At this time, Kigard slowly crawled over with his weak body, and sat beside Maple Leaf without saying a word.


After an unknown period of time, it seems that because the green light body sent to him was exhausted, Kigard let the vines carry the needle bee and came to the end of those infusion tubes, a cave with him.

For some unknown reason, Maple Leaf followed Kigard to this cave.

This is not a natural cave...

This is clearly a laboratory built in a cave.

Kigard manipulated the vines protruding from the ground, connected his infusion tube to a jar full of green liquid, and smashed the empty jar before.

If you look closely, you can see that there is no liquid in these jars.

It's green "elves", these "elves" seem to be unconscious, just like a lump of mud, but they have eyes.

These are the "cells" that make up the Kigard.

Ziggard leaned against the rock wall, and he glanced at the big needle bee lying on the side.

The Big Needle Bee lost to Maple Leaf in the confrontation with Maple Leaf before, was completely hit by Maple Leaf's attack, and was already crippled. The whole body can turn except the head, and no part can move. If this kind of injury is placed on other elves, it will be Fatal injury... No, it should be dead, but the big needle bee just survived with its amazing vitality, and its consciousness is quite active.

But if it is left alone, it is estimated that it will be picked up by the alpaca in at most three days.

The cells in Ziggard's body turned, and a green tube grew out of its body, piercing directly into the body of the bee.

With the injection of green cells, the wounds on the needle bee began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Big Needle Bee turned his head, looked at Kigard, and thanked him softly.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ye clicked her lips and muttered in a low voice: "A meddling guy... He is clearly the god of order, but he always does things that may affect order... There is nothing more irresponsible than this God?"

"Diyaluka and Palkya, those two little brats always turn time and space upside down." Kigard turned his head to look at Maple Leaf, and replied solemnly, "If you want to say the least The one responsible is Arceus himself, as the God of Creation, he is either sleeping or looking for stone slabs, and even almost destroyed the world a few times because of his petty temper."

Maple Leaf pouted, she really wanted to refute, but what Kigard said was the truth, and she didn't know what to refute.

Listening to the interaction of these two inexplicable guys beside him here, the big needle bee looked puzzled.

Obviously, these two guys were at war with each other before, as if they were about to pinch each other at any time, why are they acting like bad friends now...

Of course, the big needle bee cares most about the maple leaf.

Who is she?

Maple Leaf noticed the gaze of the big needle bee, she looked at the big needle bee, and understood the mind of the big needle bee in a second: "Do you still remember what I said to you when I first met you?" I am your future'."

If the big needle bee can have an expression, then its expression should be very distorted at this time.

According to what Feng Ye said, then she is her future self, but she is obviously an elf, how could she become a human being... And even if Feng Ye is really her future self, why did she want to kill herself directly here before...

Although the big needle bee wanted to use these words to deny Maple Leaf's words, the facts made the big needle bee speechless.

First of all, Maple Leaf's attack method is similar to her own, and the paralyzing toxin she injected into herself can also be found by the big needle bee from the poison. Her attack is clearly covered by the awakened Scale-Backing Flame.

The whole elf of the big needle bee was numb.


Chapter 290 Seven, Kigard Who Resisted Everything Alone

No, no, no... I am an elf, and Maple Leaf is a human being... At most, she is a special human being, I have even seen monsters like Xin Yue, this kind of person is not unusual, not unusual...

While Big Needle Bee was still persuading herself, Maple Leaf once again saw what Big Needle Bee was thinking, and she said a name: "Ida Kagura."

This name directly brought Big Needle Bee back to reality.

That's right... Isn't Ida Kagura an existence with an elf's body and human consciousness...

It has a human body, but the soul is an elf, isn't it not surprising...

The big needle bee gave up hypnotizing itself, it was silent for a long time, then turned its head and looked at Maple Leaf again: "Buzz buzz buzz...?"

It needs to figure out what will happen in the future.

Having experienced various events across time and space with Xin Yue, Big Needle Bee is also very sensitive to the "future" now, and it faintly feels that many big things may happen in the future.

Maple Leaf smiled. She took out a piece of chewing gum from her pocket and threw it into her mouth. While chewing, she said, "Want to know?"

Big Needle Bee nodded.

"You will experience it in the future...experience everything I have experienced." Maple Leaf didn't intend to tell Big Needle Bee everything here, but gave an ambiguous answer.

At this moment, the big needle bee suddenly noticed that there was movement outside the cave.

someone is coming!

Maple Leaf's reaction speed was faster than that of the Big Needle Bee. The black mist instantly enveloped Maple Leaf's whole body, and then disappeared.

I saw a figure dragging a huge wooden box into the cave.

As soon as Big Needle Bee got nervous, Kigard said, "Don't worry, I'm not an enemy."

"Are you still alive? Ziggard?" The footsteps got closer and closer, and the figure gradually became clearer.

The big needle bee was stunned.

This is a young man in a white coat. His hair is as messy as a chicken coop. He is naked and has a decadent expression on his face. Behind the man is an Ice Ibrahimovic.

When the man saw the big needle bee, he was also stunned.

"Aren't you Xin Yue's big needle bee? Why are you here?" The man asked in surprise.

This man was exactly the opponent who had driven Big Needle Bee to a desperate situation in the Suzhou rookie league, Leng Yiyu!My real name is... Oki Aiwa!

Oki Xiangyu didn't worry about why the needle bee appeared beside Kigard for too long. He opened the wooden box, and there were ten barrels of green "cells" inside.

"Zigolde, is it still impossible to transform back into a full body?" Oki Xiangyu looked at Kigurd, who was still in the 50% snake form, and sighed, "But don't worry, the manufacturing speed of 'cells' has increased. Ascension, you will be able to change back soon."

Why did Kigard know Oki Shoyu, and what happened to Oki Shoyu's production of cells?

The big needle bee expressed quite doubts.

Kigard didn't hide much, and told the big needle bee directly through telepathy.

Probably... a year ago...

An ordinary secret land has descended on the imperial capital. This is a large forest secret land, but there is nothing special about it, so it has been designated as an E-level non-threatening secret land.

But what people don't know is that there is an elf living in this ordinary E-level secret territory.

That was Kigard.

Kigard emitted a signal, and this special energy was quickly discovered by the research team, and the research team that discovered this weak signal was Mo Qianyu's research team.

Mo Qianyu pulled Oki Xiangyu on, and two "new generation researchers" entered this secret realm and met Kigard.

When they found Kiggard, Kigurde was in a 0% core state, the Z1 core was dying, and the conscious Z2 core used its last strength to ask Mo Qianyu and Oki Xiangyu to help them collect some " cell".

Although Mo Qianyu and Oki Xiangyu didn't know what the two cores were, they found all the cores scattered in the forest according to its description, and brought them to Z1Z2.

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