Absorbing all the cores, Z1 and Z2 fuse into Ziggard's 15% wolf form, but are still quite weak.

Mo Qianyu and Oki Xiangyu also learned of its identity and why it appeared here from Kigard.

Zygarde is the manager of ecology and order. In layman's terms, he is the god of ecological order. Yveltal often leads to the collapse of the ecology, and the ultra-beasts that often appear across time and space in the Alola region lead to the collapse of order. Zygard split the body into two parts, Z1 and Z2, and split most of them. The cells were put into two regions, focusing on monitoring the ecological environment of the two regions.

But one day, Kigard discovered strange signs appeared in the ecological environment and world order of the whole world. He gathered Z1Z2 together, changed back to a 100% full body form, and directly attacked the entire planet with the core punisher. Planet, hoping to find the cause of ecological collapse.

But it gets nothing.

It watched the turbulence of time and space appear, tearing the elf world into pieces, but it didn't know what to do.

It wants to find Dialga and Palkya, and ask why time and space collapse.

But those two idlers fell into a deep sleep, and then they were also involved in the turbulence of time and space, and they didn't know where they went.

Only then did Kigard realize that he was already alone.

Mengmeng, the Three Divine Birds, the God of the Sea, Shirabi, Liekongzuo, Kyoka, the Three Dragons of Time and Space, and the Three Dragons of Tao all disappeared, and seemed to be involved in the turbulence of time and space. After that, the God of Life and the God of Death God is also missing.

The rest of the beasts, the Phoenix King, did not know where they went, leaving only a few rainbow-colored feathers, the three sacred beasts followed the Phoenix King and disappeared, and the giant Regichkas and the five eternal Pokémon were also involved in time and space In the turbulent flow, Gulardo has not yet returned to Fangyuan, and the scarlet orb disappeared from his body halfway, sinking to the bottom of the sea sadly and falling into a deep sleep.

Afterwards, the other beasts fell asleep and disappeared, and the only one who was still fighting against the collapse of the world was Zygurd.

Ziggard found Arceus, but Arceus said that he couldn't control the matter, and then disappeared.

All the gods seem to be running away, even the God of Creation has given up on this world...

Ziggard also thought about it, let's just fall into a deep sleep.

But when it saw that humans and elves were swept away by the turbulence of time and space, the world became dilapidated, and the screams and cries filled the whole world, it still stood up and scattered the cells in its body to all parts of the world to go Manipulating the ecological environment of various places, and forcibly blocking the turbulent flow of time and space. In this way, under the solitary struggle of Kigard, the speed of the world's collapse was controlled, and the survivors of the elf world resumed their lives.

Until, most of Zygarde's cells died in order to resist the turbulence of time and space...

Ziggard finally couldn't stand it anymore, and it was sucked into the turbulence of time and space.


Chapter 290: The Determined Big Needle Bee

In order to fill the gaps in time and space around the world, Zygard consumed most of the cells in his body, and finally he couldn't hold on any longer, and was sucked in by a space-time turbulence.

But even if he knew that no matter what he did, it would be of no avail. After being caught in the turbulent flow of time and space, Kigard still removed all the remaining cells in his body, filled the gap in time and space, and disappeared into the turbulent flow alone.

When Ziggard came to the earth following the turbulent flow of time and space, the only remaining cells in his body were only enough to maintain 10% of its state, and because of the bruises torn by the turbulent flow of time and space, Ziggard could no longer support his body. The cells in his body were scattered all over the forest, and he himself became two cores.

Afterwards, a core exhausted its vitality and released weak energy outwards, hoping to gather the cells, but failed, but this also attracted Mo Qianyu and Oki Xiangyu by mistake.

After Mo Qianyu and Oki Xiangyu learned everything from Kigurd, they agreed to help Kigard create "cells" to restore his body, and then left. They covered up Kigard's existence and started respective work.

At the end of February 2021, Mo Qianyu successfully produced "artificial cells" through the "cells" of Kigard's body, but Oki Xiangyu's production has reached a bottleneck, and he urgently needs Mo Qianyu's "artificial cells" to develop The "cells" were produced on a large scale, and the "special plaster" researched by Mo Qianyu was also completed at this time, so Mo Qianyu used the cover of escorting the formula of the special plaster, and dragged the toolman Xin Yue to Nihong.

Even though Mo Qianyu and Oki Xiangyu kept Kigard's secrets secret, there are still a group of people who did not know how to know all this, and they planned to use Kigurd's "cells" to copy a bird without The core "Zigold" came to be used by them, so they focused on Mo Qianyu.

This is the truth about the shipwreck of Xin Yue and Mo Qianyu.

This group of people will definitely not be ordinary poachers, but who they are, Mo Qianyu and others still have no idea.

After Oki Xiangyu got the "artificial cells", he traveled to other parts of the world on the grounds of helping Mo Qianyu convey the special plaster formula, and handed over the artificial cells to researchers he trusted in various countries. These researchers were basically the same as Oki Xiangyu. The descendants of the aboriginal doctors in the elf world, under their joint research, a complete "cell" manufacturing chain was born.

After that, things went very smoothly. Mo Qianyu received each batch of cells from Oki Xiangyu and the others, and then handed them over to Kigard, but this time Mo Qianyu was unable to rush to this forest for some reason, so it was Oki Xiangyu. I dragged a batch of cells by myself.

With the help of the two of them, Kigard's state also slowly recovered, and now he has changed back to 50% snake form. According to this efficiency, it will not take long to return to 100% full body.

Time goes back to the present.

After Oki Xiangyu helped Kigard pick up a few jars of cells, he looked at the big needle bee again.

Then, he took out his elf illustrated book.

Oki Xiangyu dialed Xin Yue's phone number, and he wanted to ask why Xin Yue's big needle bee appeared here.

When the big needle bee saw that Oki Xiangyu dialed Xin Yue's number, he wanted to stop Oki Xiangyu, but he couldn't even stand up because his body had not fully recovered.

"Hello, is that Xin Yue? Yes, I'm Da Mu...First of all, congratulations on becoming the champion of the Hua Kingdom. I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you in time because of business issues a month ago...By the way, your big needle bee ran away from home? "

On the other end of the phone, the headquarters of the Huaguo Elf Association.

When Xinyue heard Oki Xiangyu say the word "big needle bee", he stood up directly from the desk, his face was a little serious, and he asked in a calm tone: "Yes, just today, It's gone, and the Pokéball is gone...is it with you now?"

On this morning, when the time for the toxin injected by the big needle bee passed, Xin Yue woke up. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, and then found that the big needle bee's elf ball was missing.

What Xin Yue thought of was to go to the elf center to call up the information of the big needle bee at the first time, but when he found out, it showed that he did not have the big needle bee.

This means that the big needle bee was released...

Who released the big needle bee?

Xin Yue was in a mess, his second thought was to adjust the surveillance to see what happened that night.

But it suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to dismantle the surveillance camera in the office because he hated being watched at work...

Now Xin Yue was completely panicked, since he was born till now, he has never been so panicked.

He planned to leave directly to look for the big needle bee.

But the status of the champion restrained him at the most critical moment. He had to attend a meeting about the candidates for the king of the new era that day, and he had to go.

It can be said that until now Oki Xiangyu called him, Xin Yue's heart was hanging.

Although he tried his best to sound calm now, the anxiety and urgency could still be heard.

When he got the answer of "yes" from Da Mu Xiangyu, Xin Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at least they were not imprisoned in a secret realm...

"Then, do you need me to send it back to you? I happen to be in the imperial capital right now." Oki Xiangyu thought about it, and asked this question anyway.

Even when the big needle bee thought that his "practice" journey would come to an end, Xin Yue on the other end of the phone gave an answer that surprised both Oki Xiangyu and the big needle bee.


Everyone in Oki Xiangyu is stupid, you obviously looked like you lost your baby before, why are you firmly expressing that you don't need it now?

"This is the choice it made by itself. As a trainer, I am not qualified to deny the elf's choice. I will wait here and wait for it to come back by itself."

After Xin Yue knew that the big needle bee was not abducted by someone, but ran away by himself, he felt relieved, and he probably guessed what happened.

The big needle bee chose to release himself and left alone... It's okay, its mentality was too unstable during this time, so it's good to let it calm down for a while.

"That's it. My meeting is not over yet... hang up first." Xin Yue on the other end of the phone didn't wait for Oki Xiangyu to answer, and hung up the phone directly.

What he said was true. When Oki Xiangyu called, Xin Yue was still in a meeting, so he still suspended the meeting and ran out to answer the call.

Looking back to the big needle bee, the big needle bee heard everything Xin Yue said on the phone.

It thought of the terrifying strength of Maple Leaf again in its mind, and then recalled Xin Yue's words, it secretly made up its mind...

Before one's own strength reaches the master level, he will never be defeated.


Chapter 290 IX The Four Heavenly Kings of the New Era

The imperial capital of Huaguo, the headquarters of the Huaguo Elf Association, the meeting room.

"Sorry for the delay." After the call, Xin Yue re-entered the meeting room, apologized to everyone in the meeting room, and took their seats.

Sitting in the conference room were Xin Yue, Xu Yeqing, the Big Three, and the president of the Huaguo Elf Association.

Their meeting has been going on for more than an hour...

The purpose is how to fill the current vacant position of the Four Heavenly Kings in Huaguo.

It is unprecedented for the Four Heavenly Kings to resign three people at once.

And the current time is just around the time of the 2022 World League... We must find three new kings now and put them into training in time...

In such a state, the previous method of allowing those trainers who participated in the Heavenly King Challenge to conduct challenge selection is definitely too late...

Now the position of the Four Heavenly Kings has just been determined.

That was Huo Yun who originally planned to continue challenging for the position of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Huoyun's strength is definitely enough. The ace fire-breathing dragon is a proper king-level combat power. At the same time, there are four king-level elves in the main team. The only one who failed in the last challenge is the super evolution stone. She is definitely qualified for this position .

After getting his consent, Huo Yun can take office and become the king of the fire element...

But the remaining two vacancies are difficult to find.

The first thing a few people thought of was Fujiichi, the current master of the Dark Night Gym. No one knows the specific strength of this guy until now, but the lower limit is on the same level as the previous champion Chen Yu. Chen Yu was tied, and he was only under thirty, which was at his best time. If he agreed to become the King of Hua Kingdom, he would become a general.

Unfortunately, after receiving the invitation, Tengyi refused without saying a word.

The reason is that he is too lazy to play games...

The people in the alliance were still unwilling to give up, so they invited Chen Yu who was on vacation in Hawaii back, and asked Chen Yu to persuade Teng Yi.

However, even if a good friend came to persuade him, Tengyi still maintained the attitude that he would never be the king of heaven. It is said that when Chenyu arrived at Tengyi's residence, Tengyi was still slapping the girl he had never seen before. In the Pokémon battle game, Chen Yu was kicked out because he lost the game...

The people of the alliance had no choice but to give up, and they turned their attention to another gymnasium master who could be the king of heaven.

The current owner of the Dueling Gym is Fang Ping.

Although Fang Ping is known as one of the three strongest Gym Masters in China, he is different from the other two old men. He is very young. He became the Gym Master at the age of 22, and he is only 27 now. Generally older... age is the most suitable for the king of heaven.

And his strength is enough to see, after all, he is the top waveguide emissary in Huaguo, and his waveguide enhancement can directly increase the overall strength of the team by several levels. , if he joins the Four Heavenly Kings, then his role in the World League team battle is simply an SVIP accelerator, which is many times stronger than Li Lukai's accelerator...

But when the Alliance invited Fang Ping with full confidence, Fang Ping refused on the grounds that he had no time to teach his disciples.

The apprentice he mentioned...is Fang Ping's only personal disciple, Li Lukai...

Afterwards, the members of the alliance thought about it carefully, and it was really not good for Fang Ping to be the Four Heavenly Kings, because the Duel Gymnasium does not have anyone who can be the head of the Gymnasium. If Fang Ping leaves, the Gymnasium will be empty again...

Xin Yue and the others discussed for a long time, and screened out most of the candidates, but these two vacancies seemed to be impossible to fill. The trainers of the old era were either incompetent, or they were themselves. don't want to do it.

In the end, it was Xin Yue who came up with an idea.

Let those who have not had time to collect eight badges, but the number of badges are not less than four, want to become a new generation trainer of the Four Heavenly Kings to compete... The final champion and runner-up will fill the two vacancies of the Four Heavenly Kings.

This idea does not seem perfect, but now the alliance has nothing to do, and can only use this method to select two heavenly kings...

So... a battle for the position of the Four Heavenly Kings began...

Competitors from all over the country gathered in the imperial capital. This was an unprecedented special competition with as many as a hundred contestants.

They are all trainers who have collected more than four badges.

But... Most of them got the best four badges and came to refill them.

There are not many trainers who are really favored by the league...

The competition lasts for half a month, and the rules are points system. All trainers will compete with other trainers. If they win, they will get two points. In the battle, the winner becomes the second day king of Huaguo, and the loser becomes the first day king of Huaguo.

This battle attracted many trainers who were not really strong. They all had a fluke mentality, thinking that most of their opponents were just rotten fish and rotten shrimps. If they were lucky, they could become the Four Heavenly Kings.

However, these people are only the majority, and there are also a small number of people who have real strength...

Among these hundred people, the biggest dark horse...is Bai Canghai!

Bai Canghai had just become a professional trainer for less than a month, but he was online with Xin Yue's legend at that time. He collected eight badges in one month. He was also the only one among all the contestants who collected eight badges and could advance to the next level. A trainer for a level [-] trainer...

If it weren't for the dark horses of CNOOC in this competition, Bai Canghai might have become the king of heaven...

Apart from Bai Canghai, there are several other people who are also attracting attention.

The young man who captured the seven gymnasiums, the biological sister of Qing Liuyu, the former king of the water system, and Qing Liuyu, the Interpol of the same period as Xin Yue.

The young trainer who also conquered the seven gyms was born in Zhongzhou, the "clown" Bai Mo who is good at ghost-type elves.

After conquering six gyms, Qiu Feng is a new-generation trainer who just graduated from Shanghai Metropolitan University this year.

Shen Wenxi, a graduate of the Magic University who was at the same time as Qiufeng, conquered five gymnasiums.

Raided five gymnasiums, a new generation of trainers who graduated from Imperial University, the main focus is the mask of steel elves.

These trainers are all very likely to become the existence of the new king.

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