Steve and the others didn't stay at Wei Gong's house for a long time, and they came out in less than half an hour.

After walking out of Wei Gong's house, Steve turned his head and asked Medea who was following him: "Do you think he is telling the truth?"

Facing the Master's question, Medea replied without hesitation: "No."

Steve grinned when he got the answer: "I feel the same way. But why?"

"If he is really a traitor to the Einzbern family, then in this Holy Grail War, they should choose to leave here," Medea said sharply, "With the help of the servants, Einzbern The master of the Lun family will definitely come to hunt them down, and they will definitely be in danger if they stay here. Since this is a matter of course, then he must have a reason not to leave if he has not decided to leave."

Steve nodded.

Emiya Kiritsugu is Emiya Kiritsugu after all, even though the past ten years have smoothed his sharpness, the eloquence in his heart cannot be suppressed.That attitude doesn't seem to care, but there must be something hidden, and if he doesn't choose to leave, that is to say...

"...Is there any possibility for him to join the war again?"

"Yes." Medea nodded slightly in affirmation.

After the idea was approved, Steve could only smile and shake his head: "Sure enough, some fun can only be experienced in the one-life mode to get the best experience!"

Medea frowned upon hearing Steve's sudden words: "...Master, what did you just say?"

"It's not interesting." Steve walked forward shaking his head, "I just think that if I were him, I would probably do it again."

After getting this plausible answer, Medea thought for two seconds: "I didn't expect that you, Master, are also the kind of person who affirms dreams. I thought it would be the type closer to satisfying desires."

Hearing what Medea said, Steve stopped in his tracks, tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "No, in fact, I neither affirm desires nor have any particular dreams, I just have something that I have to go beyond. "

"..." Feeling the hidden things in the words, Medea didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing her silent appearance, Steve could only smile in his heart, sure enough, different is different.

Turning around to shake off the thoughts in his heart, Steve decided to go to see Winterhold again.But at this time, just as Steve was driving away, he walked to the end of the outer wall of Wei Gong's house and was about to turn the corner.Suddenly, I felt that I hit something, and then that thing fell directly to the ground.

Steve looked down, wow, wild high school girl!

For a youthful young man, this kind of opportunity can be said to be once in a hundred years. Unless you are a wooden person, you will definitely be able to seize this marriage.However, although Steve is not wood, he is a cube man, so in fact, such a chance meeting was wasted.

"...Uh, Sakura?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Uh, Mr. Steve?" The apology was not over yet, the girl raised her head in astonishment, and it was Sakura Tohsaka.

"Are you okay!" She bumped into Steve, but fell to the ground, and Steve could only reach out to help her up.

"It's okay, I'm sorry..." Sakura responded in a low voice.

This slightly fragile tone made Steve a little puzzled. When he helped her up, Steve noticed that she looked a little haggard, her trembling eyelashes were slightly wet, and her eye circles were a little red, as if she had cried.This made Steve couldn't help frowning: "What's wrong with you? Are you crying?"

"No, I'm fine." After standing up, Tohsaka Sakura pushed Steve away as if refusing to be approached.

But Steve is the kind of herbivorous man who pushes away as soon as he pushes away. He directly came over and grabbed Sakura's shoulder, staring at her eyes when the other party was very flustered: "Tell me what's wrong, who bullied you gone?"

"...No, it's just that I fell and hurt a little bit."

"Don't lie, if you were crying just now, it wouldn't be like this. I helped you get out of the Matou family back then, and now I won't just ignore your affairs." Steve said with a serious face.

Sakura lowered her head and remained silent for a while, before she reluctantly said: "I don't know... Elder sister, I summoned Senior Emiya... I don't know what happened, but it was indeed Senior Emiya..."

The more the girl spoke, the lower her voice became, and finally she began to cry as she spoke.

"Ah? Your sister summoned Emiya-senpai? You also have a senior named Emiya?" Tohsaka Sakura cried pear blossoms, and Steve became more and more confused as he listened. He had no choice but to turn his head. Ask Medea: "Can the Holy Grail War summon the living now?"

"Impossible, not to mention living people, ordinary people cannot be summoned, only those specific people can be summoned." Medea shook her head, "But..."

"Hey, don't talk halfway." Steve couldn't help urging because he was annoyed by Sakura's crying.

After Medea glanced at Steve, she continued: "However, if your Emiya-senpai is destined to become a hero in the future, then it is not impossible for him to be summoned by the current master. The originally summoned hero Not just the past, but also the future.”

"Uh, that's okay too?" Steve had a look of disbelief, and it was the first time he had heard of this setting.

"Of course it's possible, but the chances are really slim. If it's a coincidence, it's like the chance of being hit by a meteor." Medea said.

Although Medea said so, Steve thought otherwise.Since Sakura said so, it should be true. As for being hit by a comet or a meteor, there is no difference.Is it true that the little girl must be stabilized first: "If her sister summons a living person, what will happen to the living person?"

"It doesn't matter," Medea glanced at Tohsaka Sakura who was looking at her with tear-stained eyes, and replied to Steve, "Although they are one person, they are not alone. The biggest difference is that one One is a living being, the other is but a spirit."

After Medea gave such an explanation, Steve turned his face and said seriously to Sakura.

"You heard it too. In fact, it doesn't mean anything. At most, it can only mean that the guy named Emiya will become a hero in the future. Isn't that a good thing..." Halfway through the speech, Steve's expression suddenly froze. After a while, he seemed to realize something: "Wait, don't you like that kid named Emiya?! That kid is also called Emiya, so he can't be the son of that guy Emiya Kiritsugu?!"

Tohsaka Sakura's face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and said nothing, but the answer was self-evident.

Medea, who was watching from the side, retorted in a lightly joking tone: "Master, your EQ reflex arc is really long."

Chapter 475 That Kid Called Emiya Shirou [Part [-]]

For this girl who was rescued by himself and Lily, Steve always got along with a brother-father mentality, so when he realized that Tohsaka Sakura liked the son of the Emiya family, he suddenly felt like "" The father who learned that his family's Chinese cabbage was pushed by the pig next door" was also entangled.

"No, no, you can't like the son of the Emiya family! That fellow Emiya is not a good person!" After saying this, Steve himself was slightly taken aback, "No, how can that fellow Emiya Son? He didn’t have it ten years ago, even if he had it later, his son can’t be more than ten years old at the most, do you like that, Sakura?”

Tohsaka Sakura was blushed by Steve's words, but she still tried her best to defend her sweetheart: "No... no! Senpai...senpai said that he is a stepson, he was adopted, and...and it's just I'm just wishful thinking, the senior doesn't know anything!"

"So it's a stepson? Steps aren't good either! You don't know that guy Emiya..." Speaking of this, Steve felt that he couldn't explain clearly to Sakura about Emiya Kiritsugu. It is the distant past.And it's not enough to explain why Emiya's stepson she likes can't get along...Ah!So annoying, annoying!

Steve scratched the back of his head vigorously. This was probably the most irritating moment in his history. In comparison, evil gods, Aleister, etc. were nothing bothersome at all. If you can’t do it, just slip away, it’s nothing So hesitant.But now, trying to make that so-and-so young girl change her mind, this matter really stumped Steve.

At this time, Steve suddenly felt that Medea next to him patted himself on the shoulder: "Master, this is not a place to talk, since it is a member of the Emiya family, I think we should find a place to learn more about the situation Bar."

Meeting Medea's extremely serious eyes, Steve was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what she meant by "people from the Emiya family".From the bottom of his heart, Steve didn't want to involve Sakura, let alone use her to spy on information, but looking at the current situation, even if he tried his best not to do so, she would still be involved!After all, now her sister and the boy she likes may be participants in the Holy Grail War.


Taking Tohsaka Sakura away from Emiya's house, Steve and the others found a random family restaurant.

At noon, there are quite a lot of housewives with children in the family restaurant, which is a bit noisy.In order to facilitate the conversation, I asked for a box.In order not to make the scene look like an interrogation, Medea chose to sit with Sakura on one side, and Steve sat on the other side, which Steve didn't notice.

Swallowing down a sip of milk tea, Tohsaka Sakura seemed to relax a lot, and began to talk about her, Emiya-senpai.

According to Sakura's description, the protagonist, the young man named Emiya Shirou, is just an ordinary high school sophomore who is good at archery, but recently he was dissuaded from the archery department because of the scar on his body, which violated the "shooting ceremony".On the surface, he looks like a slightly handsome boy (someone's subjective perspective), characterized by a particularly sense of responsibility.The cooking is relatively good, in stark contrast to his mother's disaster-style cooking.The reason why Sakura came here after skipping class is actually because she came here to help, "I was thinking about my seniors, so I came here without knowing it."

But according to Sakura, she mainly wanted to find Steve to ask about Archer, but ended up skipping class but didn't know how to find Steve, so she could only wander aimlessly in the streets like this.

Then, she told about Rin's summoning of Archer last night, which can be said to have sold out what her sister wanted to hide.Rin probably never dreamed that her sister actually knew more than she knew.

After listening to this, Steve has a general understanding of the matter. He himself is not interested in Archer's information, but the problem is that if all of this is true, this Holy Grail War will not be so easy to handle... …

"Sakura." Steve's expression was serious.

"What's the matter, Mr. Steve." Scared by his expression, Sakura looked cautious.

"I might want to kill the heroic spirit of that kid named Emiya Shirou..."

Hearing this, Sakura was stunned for a moment: "'s okay! Didn't Ms. Caster already say that they are not alone? I won't cause trouble for you, Mr. Steve."

"Uh..." This little girl accepted this setting faster than expected!In this way, the serious atmosphere that Steve managed to create suddenly became awkward, "Well, if that's the case, then it doesn't matter."

But when Steve said that, Medea, who was sitting next to Sakura, suddenly said, "No, there is actually a problem."

"What?" Sakura and Steve looked over at the same time.

Noticing the eyes of the two people, Medea sat up straight, nodded slightly and said in a calm and calm tone: "If we can infer from what the Master said about Emiya Kiritsugu, then this Emiya Shirou, his stepson is It is possible to become the master of this Holy Grail War."

Hearing this, Steve blinked, and suddenly felt that this was a possibility.Tohsaka Sakura next to her seemed a little more nervous, she unconsciously grabbed Medea's sleeve: "Miss Caster, will Senior Emiya be the same as sister?"

"Very likely," Medea paused a little when she said this, as if she was worried about something, but when she looked at Steve, Steve didn't stop her, and she still expressed her thoughts Said it out, "If this young man named Emiya Shiro really became a heroic spirit in the end, then the biggest possibility is that he encountered an opportunity to become a super-class magician in this Holy Grail War. This is the basic condition for becoming a heroic spirit. You My sister can summon him, maybe this opportunity has something to do with your sister."

"Huh? Is that so?" Steve stared at the boss.

Of course, compared to Steve who was full of surprise, Tohsaka Sakura's expression could almost be expressed as shock. This news was like a bolt from the blue to her.

"No! Impossible!" Sakura said while shaking her head in a daze, "This kind of thing...this kind of thing that only happens in animations and movies, how is it could it happen in reality..."

Regarding this, Medea just snorted lightly in disdain: "No, things that happen in reality are often more bizarre than those in stories."

Chapter 476 That Kid Named Emiya Shirou [Part [-]]

Medea's cold snort seemed casual, but he could feel the indescribable words behind it. Steve was so clever that he didn't dare to answer the question, but brought the topic back to this matter.

"Now all this is just our speculation, and according to what you said, you just think that these two people may be one person, right!"

"...Yes, it's like this." The girl lowered her head, the red ribbon dangling gently on her cheeks.

"Then that's easy to handle, as long as you confirm whether they are the same person or not," Steve patted the girl on the shoulder and comforted him, "If they are not the same person, then our previous assumptions are not valid, you and Your sister can continue to get along well."

"Yeah," Sakura nodded slightly, "I'm sorry."

Tohsaka Sakura's sudden apology made Steve inexplicable: "What are you sorry for?"

"Because... because I didn't confirm it myself. The best result now is that I think too much, but this is tantamount to trouble Mr. Steve for nothing. It's just my own business..."

Hearing what Sakura said, Steve was happy: "What's the trouble, anyway, before the official start of the Holy Grail War, I have nothing to do, it's a trivial matter!"

"Even so, I still have to say sorry." Tohsaka Sakura bowed to Steve with a little stubbornness.

"Okay!" Since the other party insisted on this, Steve could only accept this apology, "In short, let me help you investigate this matter, and I want to see what the son of the Emiya family looks like."

After talking about this, Steve planned to bid farewell to the other party. After all, this matter was too inconvenient to operate. Let Caster investigate. With her magic, the result should be soon.However, Sakura, who stood up straight, did not leave, but after two seconds of silence, suddenly asked:

"Well, can the investigation take me along?"

"Uh..." Steve was taken aback, feeling inconvenient... He cast a consulting look at Medea.

But unexpectedly, Medea nodded: "Well, I think it's okay."



Steve and Sakura Tohsaka showed completely different reactions.Sakura's surprise is okay, the stunned look on her master's face obviously needs Medea's explanation.But Medea still said righteously: "I just think that a girl needs to know the true face of the man she likes."

"..." Steve was speechless. Although she was right, she always felt that if Lily was there, this would probably not be the case.


Since it is carrying out investigation operations with Sakura Tohsaka, then Steve must also participate. It makes no sense to put himself as the protagonist aside, and Steve is indeed a little bit curious about people who can become heroic spirits in reality. .

According to the request of such members, Medea's battle plan is as follows: just go to the school and find out.

The reason is also very simple.

Since Sister Tohsaka Rin, Archer's master, is still maintaining a normal daily life at this time, then she is bound to regard her school as her "territory". Meet Archer.And to see Emiya's stepson, choosing a school is obviously the best place, because Emiya Kiritsugu is unlikely to expand the scope of surveillance there.

It's just that Steve's appearance like this is definitely not acceptable, after all, he has the appearance of a social person now.But at this point, with Medea's Transfiguration and Steve's own [Cognitive Impairment] skills, it's not difficult to pretend to be a student and sneak in.

After a simple image change, Steve who came out from behind the alley looked like an ordinary student in school uniform.

Seeing Steve like this, Tohsaka Sakura was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.Seeing her laughing at himself, Steve carefully checked his appearance: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Sakura Tohsaka hid her smile embarrassedly, "It's just that your image, Mr. Steve, is very different from my impression in my mind."

"Uh, is it?" Steve flicked his bangs, and now he looks like a high school student in school uniform and glasses.

"Well, you look a lot like our student council president, Yicheng Senior. He has the kind of personality that looks super serious and rigid, and Mr. Steve, you give me the impression that you are closer to The feeling of foreign transfer students... even, a bit... bad?" After uttering this word, Sakura realized that she had slipped her words, "Ah... sorry, I just want to say that your personality feels a little more frank. "

"It's okay to be bad!" Because he has seen a guy like Accelerator, Steve still knows what a bad boy looks like.He pushed his useless glasses, then unbuttoned the neckline and hem, and then stroked his hair back, "Then set it like this, it's only for school anyway, can it be It’s also easier to provoke people.”

Tohsaka Sakura was a little worried about Steve's decision, but she said it herself, but she didn't know how to dissuade him, so she could only silently pray for everything to go well.


The time is in the afternoon, and school will be over after this class.

According to the arrangement, because Emiya Shiro should have no club activities now, but according to Sakura, he is likely to help out in the student union or as a school worker.Steve and the others can only choose to enter the school at this time, so as not to be noticed by the teachers, although Steve himself thinks it doesn't matter at all.

The gate of Hokunhara Academy is tightly closed, so it can only be entered by climbing over the wall.Steve picked up Sakura, and under the blessing of Medea's magic, he just jumped over the high wall.

After successfully entering the campus, separate actions according to the plan.

Medea is in charge of searching for Archer who may also be hidden in the campus in a spirit form, while Steve and Tohsaka Sakura go to the second grade class C to meet Emiya Shiro.Medea's mission is a bit dangerous, so Steve just asks her to confirm, don't fight to the death with the other party, and seeing Emiya Shirou is much simpler, as long as Steve sees him, poke with the [Wand of Discovery] In one click he could tell if he was a magician or not.

If it's just an ordinary person, it's probably because Sakura thinks too much; if she's really a magician, then just abolish that kid named Emiya Shirou, which is considered to be one less potential opponent.

...Although he didn't tell Sakura, it was Steve's intention.

Chapter 477 Academy [[-]]

Walking on the streets of Japan, there is actually a very simple skill to identify whether the person walking across is Japanese or foreigner.

Generally, Japanese people walk fast with their heads down, while foreigners look around with their heads up, just like what Steve looks like now.As he walked, he looked at the school building curiously. In fact, there was nothing special about the building itself, but he just liked to take a second look.If it was a normal class period, there might still be a large number of female high school students wearing short skirts to see, but now the school building is basically empty, and there is no student on the third floor.

"Is he really here? It feels like there's no one here!" Steve questioned the empty place.

Sakura, who was leading the way, turned around and explained, "After school, no one will be there except the students on duty. The third graders are all in the home department because they have to prepare for the exam, so they are on the first floor. The first graders are on the second floor. The second grade is on the third floor, the club area is on the fourth floor, and the sports clubs are in the stadium and the museum department. We are going to the club activities department on the third floor, where the student union is located, at the entrance of the corridor. But pay attention to the teacher, although the classroom office is on the second floor, occasionally there will still be teachers coming to the club department, so we have to be careful."

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