"Oh." Steve nodded yes, although he didn't know why he should be careful.

I saw Sakura carefully touching the corner of the corridor entrance, carefully observing the situation inside through the crack of the door of the community department.

Steve felt that he didn't have to join in the fun. Anyway, he was responsible for making sure that the guy was a magician.Just as Steve was looking around boredly, he saw a boy with blue curly hair coming down from the fourth floor.

He didn't give Steve a second look, but Steve noticed that his eyes lit up when he saw Tohsaka Sakura.

"Ah, that's really strange, Sakura, didn't you come to class today?"

When this person spoke like this, Sakura trembled in fright, she quickly turned around, and subconsciously hid behind Steve after seeing that guy, but Steve is now an ordinary student body, not enough to completely Block the girl behind.

Probably because the other party was very dissatisfied with Sakura's reaction, he glanced at Steve with a very unkind look, and suddenly realized what he smiled, and continued to say to Sakura: "You and your sister both skipped class, and Now I follow this kind of bad boy to do sneaky things in the school building, if everyone finds out, I don’t know what will happen!”

"I...I didn't..." Sakura tried to argue.

"Nothing?" The other party was full of contempt: "You are still spying on the activities of the student union? What are you doing? Are you looking for Wei Gong?"

Tohsaka Sakura clenched her fists and trembled slightly after being told the idea.

Steve didn't quite understand campus bullying, but Sakura's reaction made Steve, who didn't want to interfere in the other's normal life, frown: "Sakura, who is he?"

"...Senior Matou from the second grade." Tohsaka Sakura said in a low voice.

Hearing the word Matou, Steve couldn't help laughing: "Oh, so your surname is Matou."

Seeing Steve's expression, the domineering senior just now, that is, Shinji Matou instinctively sensed the danger, but with his always strong character, he was naturally unwilling to show cowardice in front of the other party: "What do you want to do? This is my You will suffer if you meddle in matters with Sakura."

Hearing what Matou Shinji said, Steve smiled even wider: "There are not many people in this world who can make me suffer, but I'm sure those people definitely don't include the Matou family."

"Who are you?" Shinji Matou, who was not used to being bluffed like this by others, asked directly.

"This question..." The face of the delinquent boy suddenly "magnified" in front of Matou Shinji's eyes at the moment he said this sentence, "...you don't need to know anymore."

In the next second, Matou Shinji felt a huge acceleration that almost separated his body.

At this time, Sakura's perspective is more objective.All she saw was Steve grabbing the opponent's head, pulling the opponent's whole body in the air, swung it in a circle, and then slapped it hard on the wall.The tortoise crack accompanied by the violent vibration made the whole school building tremble. Matou Shinji's head had already been inserted into the concrete wall. Although this thing was almost impossible to do, Dali still performed a miracle.

Seeing this scene, Sakura Tohsaka was dumbfounded: "Mr. Steve, you are..."

"It's okay, the Holy Grail War! It's normal for one or two people to die." Steve shook his dusty but bloodless hand.

"But, but...how can you..."

"I'll help you get out of the Matou's house. Of course, I have to do it thoroughly. I can't let these people harm you anymore." Steve glanced casually at the person hanging on the wall, "And the person surnamed Matou There are only two kinds of people, either a good person with ill-fated fate; or a scumbag who has done everything wrong, and this one is obviously the latter."

Tohsaka Sakura opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind: "I said what's wrong, it really was Master who did it!"

"Uh..." Seeing Medea with a bad expression, Steve showed a surprised expression, "Well, what happened?"

"What did you say happened?" Medea glared at Steve angrily, "If I hadn't used the spell to repel people in time, do you know how much commotion what you did just now would have caused?"

"Okay, sorry." Steve apologized honestly.

Steve apologized quickly, and Medea couldn't complain anymore. She glanced at Shinji Matou who was still stuck on the wall: "You guys are done?"

"No, we haven't found the kid yet."

Medea had an expected expression, and she spoke quickly: "But I found Archer, what you did just now has already alarmed him, we don't have time to find someone slowly now."

"But... isn't my sister not coming to school?" It was Sakura who spoke at this time.

"I don't know, maybe she just brought her servants to familiarize herself with the environment! Anyway, we have been discovered, so we need to get out of here quickly." Medea said, holding the two of them one by one, ready to teleport.

"Then what should we do here?" Sakura pointed to the corpse still hanging on the wall.

After frowning, Medea raised her hand and hit Matou Shinji's body with a beam of light, and then the body quickly turned into a pile of sand.

"Okay, let's go."

After the words fell, the three of them disappeared at the entrance of the corridor together.

Just ten seconds after the three of them left, a figure came here panting. Looking at the cracks on the wall, the brows of the other party were frowned: "Archer, you have found the enemy and are ready to fight."

"...Okay, Rin."

Chapter 478 Academy [[-]]

It was past eight o'clock when Rin Tohsaka woke up in the morning, so it only took her a second to decide not to go to school today but to continue to sleep back in the cage.After all, the cost of summoning Archer last night was not small. Compared with this, occasionally absenteeism is actually not a big deal for me, a fake top student.

It was already ten o'clock when I woke up in the morning. After eating the breakfast made by Archer, Rin, who was very satisfied with the breakfast, decided to take Archer for a walk around the street to familiarize himself with the terrain.

After such a sway until the afternoon, I didn't plan to come to the school, but suddenly felt that it was good to observe the school in this way, so Tohsaka Rin quietly brought Archer to the school on a whim.But just after arriving at the school, Archer told himself that there were traces of followers nearby.

Rin suddenly became nervous because her younger sister was still in this school.

So she rushed directly to the archery department, and the second-year leader of the archery department, Mizuru Ayako, told herself that Sakura didn't come to school at all today.Frightened by the news, Rin Tohsaka hurriedly ordered Archer to find the follower lurking in the academy.But before Archer could move out, a powerful exorcism spell enveloped the entire academy in an instant.Seeing the head of the Kyudo club in front of him suddenly collapsed on the ground with blank eyes, Rin rushed to the school building without hesitation, only to find traces on the wall in the corridor on the third floor.

So Rin immediately asked Archer to start searching and chasing that enemy, even if it wasn't the time of the Holy Grail War, he couldn't care less, if something happened to Sakura, he would die of guilt.

After Archer went to chase the enemy, Rin Tohsaka stayed behind to check the traces left on the wall.

The blow that pierced the wall seemed to be caused by brute force, but only Heroic Spirits could have such strength. Could it be Berserker?But could Berserker escape so quickly and astutely?And what is the meaning of what the other party did?Rin was skeptical.When she was thinking, she naturally noticed the puddle of powder on the ground.

"...these don't seem to be on the wall." Grabbing a handful of off-white powder, Tohsaka Rin couldn't see what it was, but it seemed to be caused by some magic.

"Rin." At this moment, Archer came back.

"How, have you caught up?"

"No, the opponent's concealment method is very clever, it may be Assassin or Caster." The archer in red dress judged so.

...Assassins? Caster?Rin frowned, this is completely different from what was left at the scene!Feeling that he had entered a dead end, Rin Tohsaka pointed to the mark left on the wall with his finger holding the white powder, and showed the powder in his hand: "But this mark is unlikely to be made by Assassin or Caster."

In response to Rin's question, Archer didn't speak, but immediately came up to check, simply broke off a few pieces, then insisted on the powder on the ground, and then fell silent: "This is not made by one person."

"Uh, what do you mean?" Tohsaka Rin didn't understand what Archer said.

"You throw away the powder first." Archer took Tohsaka Rin's hand, and in the astonished eyes of the other party, took out a handkerchief and gently wiped off the powder on her hand.

After recovering, Rin hurriedly withdrew her hand: "You...what are you doing!"

Archer was indifferent to the girl's dissatisfaction: "The powder is a person, it should be caused by spells or treasures, but this should be an ordinary person, and followers will not waste magic power on ordinary people, so there is a high probability that it is just a spell."

Hearing Archer's explanation, Rin Tohsaka was taken aback, and she hurriedly began to dust off the powder that no longer existed in her hands: "What? You said they turned an ordinary person into ashes?"

"We all know how the Holy Grail War handles witnesses, so it's not surprising that we would do this."

"But this is a school, not their battlefield!" Tohsaka Rin looked very excited.

On the contrary, Archer was much calmer: "About this point, we will talk about it after we find them; this hole in the wall was made by another person, with great strength, at least much stronger than me, strength...at least A. "


Archer frowned and shook his head: "Not necessarily, Saber is also possible, and if it is Berserker, such skills are too exquisite."


"The dead man was caught by the other party and stuck his head into the wall to die, and then he was turned into ashes by the spell. Although I really want to say that this is Caster's power-enhancing magic, but the strength can be easily transformed into something like this." It really doesn't look like a rough layman." While talking, Archer forgot to glance at the end of the corridor, and there was a little coldness in his resolute eyes.

Rin Tohsaka frowned. According to what Archer said, the enemy he met now was already quite high-profile. Could it be... the one who broke into his home that day?But if it was him, why did he run away?There is no reason!The girl bit her nails, thinking hard but couldn't figure out why.

"Rin, do we still have to chase?" Archer asked.

"Chasing! No matter who it is, we can't let the other party come and don't know who it is!"


Before Tohsaka Rin arrived at the school building, Steve and the others had already teleported outside the school building.As soon as it landed, Medea said: "Let's find a place to hide, as long as the other party sees us, they won't be able to perceive us."

"Oh." Steve nodded, in fact, he thought it was okay not to hide.

Sakura hesitated for a moment, but suggested: "Well, let's go to the Archery Club to hide for a while! I am familiar with the places where the Archery Club can hide people."

"Then you lead the way."


Medea entered the spirit state, and Steve followed Sakura into the dojo on the west side of the school.As soon as the door was opened, the door of this dojo was empty everywhere, and Sakura, who was still worried about how to explain it, froze for a moment.

"Don't worry about the effect of the banishing spell," Steve explained.

"Oh." After taking a reassurance, Sakura nodded again and again, "Mr. Steve will follow me."

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side: "Sakura? Why are you here?"

Chapter 479 Academy [[-]]

The moment the eyes of the two met, the expression on Tohsaka Sakura's face quickly weathered. The boy who spoke was surprised at first, and then puzzled: "Sakura, didn't you come to school today? Why are you here now?"

Steve felt that Sakura didn't need to introduce, because he knew who this was from the expression on her face.He didn't speak, but asked in the contract: "The magic of expelling people is invalid for magicians?"

"Well, yes." Medea's response confirmed Steve's guess.

Steve guessed it, and Sakura must have guessed it too. The girl who couldn't accept the result for a while stared blankly at the orange-haired boy, and couldn't even speak.The boy who didn't get a response glanced over Sakura's face with a strange look, then turned his gaze to Steve.Probably taken aback by Steve's outfit, he frowned slightly, but still asked politely, "Are you... Sakura's friend?"

"It doesn't matter who I am!" Steve took the words naturally, "It's just that I didn't expect you to be a magician, what a pity..."

Hearing the words magician, Emiya Shirou's expression changed: "Who are you?"

"I've said it all, it doesn't matter who I am," Steve flexed his fists casually, "The important thing is that you can't be a magician."

Steve had already put on such a posture, Tohsaka Sakura froze for a moment, and suddenly understood Steve's intention: "No!"


"Yes." Medea didn't even show up, but with a flash of purple light, Tohsaka Sakura suddenly fainted.

Emiya Shiro quickly reached out to catch the girl, and after noticing that Sakura had passed out, he glared at Steve: "Who are you?! What's your purpose!"

"You know it doesn't make sense."

Feeling meaningless, Steve smiled lightly, then lowered his figure in an instant, and shot out like a cheetah in the next second.

Steve's movements were too fast to catch up with his eyes. Emiya Shirou could only use his reflexes to immediately raise his hand to resist, and then he felt as if he had been hit by a car, directly smashing through the sliding door of the tea room that was present, but even In such pain, he still tried his best to protect the unconscious girl in his arms.

Outside the tea room, seeing Steve brushing his hands casually, with no intention of chasing him, Medea couldn't help asking: "Master, why didn't you just knock him out? It's impossible!"

"Well!" Steve rubbed his chin proudly, "I'm doing it for Sakura, after all, she came in with me, it would be bad if she was misunderstood. So let this guy go for a while first." , Let them cultivate some feelings while escaping, and then strike, it will be perfect."

Seeing Steve's proud look, Medea felt a little funny: "I didn't expect you to think so much."

"Of course, although I don't understand your EQ, at least I know the reason!" Steve nodded with satisfaction, "Well, it's almost time to catch up. It's not good if you lose it."

As he spoke, Steve walked in, and sure enough, the messy tea room was empty, and the door leading to another corridor was open.

...everything is going according to plan.

Just when Steve was thinking this way, he suddenly felt someone poke his back: "Why?"

I don't know why the materialized Medea didn't answer him, but pointed to the corner of the tea room closet.Seeing her expression, Steve was taken aback. He didn't understand Medea's meaning, and with an inexplicable expression, he opened the closet - the unconscious Sakura was hidden inside.Seeing this scene, Steve's old face couldn't help but blush.

"Probably from the very beginning, he thought that you would not hurt this girl, and it is indeed a clever way to hide her for insurance. If I am not Caster, Master, you will not notice," Medea said with three Adding the knife in a very joking tone, "The other party knows exactly what to do. It seems that you are thinking too much, Master."

"...Well," Steve spread his hands helplessly, "Since he's so 'smart', then you can't blame me."

With that said, Steve walked towards the door through which Emiya Shiro escaped.


...Sakura, he probably didn't notice it!

In the corridor of the Kyudo Department, Emiya Shirou held the door and panted violently.

Just now I was wondering why I went to the maintenance room, but there was no one there when I came out, so it was because of this.

Although it is not clear why this person has such strong hostility towards him, there is no doubt that his target is himself.I have also heard my father tell me about the world of magicians, but I always feel that it is very far away.but why?Why did it suddenly appear in front of me today?

Emiya Shirou didn't understand, but he didn't have so much time to think about it now.He nervously glanced at the door of the maintenance room, the pursuer hadn't appeared where he came from, and he still had a little time.

Open the storage box in the equipment room and take out the bow and arrows from it.Originally, I just came to the maintenance room to pick up the bow I left here, but I didn't expect that I would need to use it to fight the magician.Speaking of which, Emiya Shirou himself is not a serious magician. The magic he knows is just a little superficial enhanced magic that he learned from his father by pestering him.Can it really defeat such an opponent?Emiya Shirou himself didn't know.

But things have come to this, after all, it is necessary to try.

Emiya Shirou took out the quiver and tied it on his body. Although the bow used by the Kyudo Department is only twenty or thirty pounds strong, it is still capable of killing within 50 meters.Arrows don't have arrowheads, but this can be supplemented by strengthening magic, and there are not so many conditions now, so they can only be treated as dead horses.

After finishing the equipment, leave the maintenance room and go to the shooting range. The shooting range is a relatively open place, and the advantages of bow and arrow can be brought into play. No matter what, let's repel the opponent first.

But when Emiya Shiro just arrived at the shooting range, he noticed that the man was already there, and he didn't seem to notice this side.

...Let's strike first!

Emiya Shirou drew the bow, and the taut bowstring let out a slight hum. Shirou held his breath, trying to calm down his heartbeat.

- Whoosh!

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