"The sympathy for the character should be the reader's emotion. As a creator, you should let the reader feel this emotion, not stop because of this emotion." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said earnestly, "Like here, after the previous Foreshadowing and exaggeration, the reader has already had a premonition of her tragedy, and the rest is the emotional outburst at the moment the truth is revealed-and you extinguish this emotion."

Bo Dao's eyes flickered out of the sea, and he felt that he had vaguely caught something.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu recalled the scolding and cynicism that Akatsuki Benizaka had scolded and ridiculed her back then.

Time flies, Kasumigaoka Shiwa sees the current wave island out to sea, as if she saw herself when she was making "Huan Yu Chronicle XIII".

Did he finally become the same person as her?

No, it's not the same.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu took a deep breath and suppressed the cynicism, "Your painting style and character design are very good, but you don't understand enough about plot creation. You need to calm down and think carefully. If you can't be cruel If you want to write a cruel story, then write something warm and healing. The result of both sides is to lose both sides.”

Eiriri looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa in surprise.

This woman is too gentle today!

Why are you so gentle with other women?

Kobayashi Kongqing and Kobayashi Hui looked at each other, and they both noticed the abnormality of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Kobayashi blinked, pointed upwards, and then shook her finger.

Kobayashi Kongqing understood.

When guiding HASHIMA to go to sea, Kasumigaoka Shiwa thought of herself when she was guided by Akane Benizaka.

The change of identity made her realize that she was becoming Akane Benizaka.

This is unacceptable to Kasumigaoka Shiwa who wants to defeat Benizaka Zhuyin.

It's not like being in that woman's shape.

This kind of thinking made Kasumigaoka Shiwa forcefully suppress her poisonous tongue, and guided Boshima to go to sea in a gentle way.

Just like she expected back then.


"Ah..." Poshima Izumi was a little dazed, "Well...I see...I'll think about it..."

Ying Lili frowned, keenly aware that the state of Bo Island going to sea was not right.

Ying Lili, who is also a painter and has transformed several times, is too familiar with this dazed state.

It's like grasping something, but not fully grasping it, trying to think about what it is to grasp, but having no clue at all.

I can only keep thinking in confusion, practice day after day, until a certain moment of happiness reaches my soul.

Or never wait for that moment to come.

"Thank you, senior." Izumi Poshima thanked politely, "I'll go back and tidy up first..."

The red eyes reflected the current appearance of HASHIMA Chumi, Kasumigaoka Shiu closed her eyes and sighed.

Is that so...


So this is ah.

I thought I would turn into Hongsaka Zhuyin's appearance, but now that I think about it, I feel a little too high on myself.

My previous self, including my current self, was like an idiot.

"So, do you understand?" Kasumigaoka Shiu opened her eyes, staring at the wave island out to sea, "Do you understand this feeling?"

Bo Dao went out to sea for a moment.

This feeling means...

She recalled what Kasumigaoka Shiyu said just now.

【"After the previous foreshadowing and exaggeration, readers have already had a premonition of her tragedy, and the rest is the emotional outburst at the moment the truth is revealed-and you extinguished this emotion."】

Yes, that's how it feels.

After Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s guidance just now, Izumi HASHIMA has already prepared for her criticism of Kasumigaoka Shiwa, and the rest is to accept her criticism and grow up under her stormy lessons.

Boshima went to sea just now and had such an awareness, and as a result, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu turned into a soft wind and drizzle.

When Poshima goes out to sea to look at the original manuscript, do readers feel the same awkward feeling when they see their own works?

No wonder Ying Lili's expression was so tangled before.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's red eyes narrowed dangerously, "Your exaggerated emotions have blown up the reader's balloon called anticipation, and readers are looking forward to the sound of the balloon bursting, but you let it go at the last moment. Do you think this is fun!"

Bo Dao shrank subconsciously, "I...not..."

"The bigger the balloon of expectation is, the more disappointed you will be when you are discouraged! Are you worthy of the character creation in front of you? Are you worthy of the painstaking emotional rendering? Are you worthy of your own efforts? You are not even worthy of your own efforts. Respect, do you expect readers to respect you?!" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's voice became more severe, not so much a question, but more like an accusation, "Wishful thinking! The grand fireworks flew into the sky but didn't explode, and when I opened the book of Yinglili, the characters were all wearing clothes. Clothes, take off your clothes and there are only cushions inside, you think this kind of thing is funny, it will make people feel happy and healed? What are you kidding!"

Why did I get involved again... Ying Lili habitually wanted to refute, and closed her mouth again.

Let's brew for a while, and then refute her when I go home.

"I...I'm real..." Poshima put his hands on his chest helplessly.

"Take a good look at what you are drawing. You can't keep up with the content! It's like a razor, rubbing around and scraping off a few stray hairs! It's a stupid arrangement that only creates subtle pressure on the reader, neither There is no sense of pleasure and despair, it is simply useless! Subtle bitterness, subtle cruelty, subtle bitterness, and subtle sweetness... There are only seasonings in your paintings! You look down on entertainment works Do you?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu cursed mercilessly, "How dare you show it to others happily, ask for guidance, Ying Lili can guide your painting skills, I can guide your skills, but we can't help you improve your works, because The problem lies with you, instead of having time for someone to direct your work, you should go to the hospital to see your brain first! See if your self-righteous thoughts and inexplicable arrogance can still be cured!"

This sounded familiar.

Kobayashi Hui recalled, is this exactly what Hongsaka Zhuyin taught Xiazhiqiu Shiyu back then?

Kobayashi Kongqing sighed.

Even if Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't want to, it turned out like this in the end.

Eiriri looked at Izumi HASHIMA with some concern. This elementary school girl is not like her, who has a long-term experience of fighting against Kasumigaoka Shiwa for a long time.

The words Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said were a bit too heavy.

I'm afraid the island of Po will go to sea...

Then Ying Lili saw the heartfelt joy that appeared on the face of Bo Island going out to sea.


Chapter 592

Yingriri's dazzling blond hair was full of question marks.

Could it be that some special attribute suddenly awakened when Bo Dao went to sea?

Even Eriri, who has been in line with Kasumigaoka Shiwa for a long time, feels that these words are a bit too hurtful.

HASHIMA went out to sea, but showed such a happy expression.


It looks like even if he is bullied by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu every day, he will still get along with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu day and night, or even live together.

I didn't expect such a person to exist...Huh?

Ying Lili suddenly fell into deep thought.

Noticing the expression on the face of Boshima Chuhai, Kasumigaoka Shiyu paused, "Do you understand?"

"Yeah!" Izumi Boshima nodded vigorously, "Compared with the soft-spoken guidance before, the harsh accusations later are more powerful. After the demonstration by my senior, I finally understand the difference. Creation is to arouse expectations , and then respond to expectations. A story that is anticlimactic is unqualified, and it is disrespectful to yourself, readers, and the story!"

The reason why I couldn't figure it out just now, at the moment when my chaotic thoughts were forcibly curbed by Kasumigaoka Shiyu's curse, I finally figured it out.

When he looked at the manuscript again, he was no longer as dazed as before.

"That's good..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu waved his hand, "Come on."

"Thank you, senior!" Izumi HASHIMA bowed deeply, and happily left with the manuscript, walking briskly.

"Amazing." Kobayashi Kongqing admired, "As expected of you."

Being able to scold people so happily.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu glared at Xiaolin Kongqing and clicked his tongue, "I lost."

Kobayashi Kongqing: "?"

"I was thinking not to become like her, but in the end I still became her." Kasumigaoka Shiyu hammered the table unwillingly, "I thought about using a better method than her, but found that her method is the best. better one."

Whether it was Kasumigaoka Shiwa back then, or the current wave island out to sea, the problems in the works all stem from their own problems.

Heart is too soft.

Not hard enough.

I haven't moved the readers yet, I moved myself first, and then subconsciously softened the story.

It doesn't sound like a big deal.

But from the reader's point of view, the problem is obvious.

The reader has not forgiven the villain yet, the author forgives the villain first, and then gives the villain a happy ending.

This is completely psychopathic.

It is because of being too gentle that this happens.

In the face of such an author, gentle guidance will not work.

The water is already warm, and adding warm water is useless.

Either freeze it in extreme cold, or boil it over high heat.

In short, it is to take strong medicine.

One must be relentless in accusing, in sneering, in cursing without mercy.

Let him feel the tyrannical anger, the reader's anger facing this kind of story, and the protagonist's anger facing the villain, so that the author will realize what stupid things he has done.

Realizing this, Kasumigaoka Shiwa changed her method.

Compared to the joy of going to sea in Boshima, Kasumigaoka Shiwa can be said to be extremely uncomfortable now.

One is to have a clearer awareness of my self-righteousness back then;

The second is to have a clearer understanding of Hongsaka Zhuyin's good intentions;

The third is to realize more clearly how thoroughly you have lost.

He obviously hasn't caught up with the Hongsaka Zhuyin back then, but he wants to surpass the current Hongsaka Zhuyin;

Obviously, he still doesn't understand Benizaka Zhuyin's method, but he wants to use a better method than her;

He obviously didn't want to be like Akane Benizaka, but he had to act like her.

Shame, frustration, unwillingness, anger...

All kinds of surging emotions intertwined and collided on Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face, and finally turned into an extremely ugly expression.



I don't want to know anything about such parents anymore, and I don't want to forgive them at all.


Obviously thinking like this, but the footsteps are not in control.

I walked slowly towards the door.

I can no longer leave U's house without investigating... without searching the rest of the room.

Do you feel that you have already achieved this step, so just keep going?

Or a sense of obligation?



You can already understand it from your own feelings.

In fact, he knew what was going on, but pretended not to see it.

I knew it from the time I got to the second floor.

No, maybe...

It has been since the first time U stabbed her with a knife and brought her home...

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