Orario is the center of the world and the capital of heroes. In the past, most people living here were full of self-confidence.

Even if it is difficult to survive in Olalie and the life is not satisfactory, being a resident of Olalie is enough to make many people proud.

Not to mention that it is the Adventurer's Guild that manages Oraris. There are many places in Oraris that are not satisfactory. After all, it is the level of development in the European Middle Ages. Neighbors under conscientious management.

Even monsters born in dungeons like heretics can't compete with the gods, and the guild is working hard to find a living space for heretics.

There may be many aspects that the guild can't think of at the moment or can't do anything about, but with a responsible and experienced manager, at least Olalie's situation is not bad.

Compared with the top countries in the 21st century, Olali is somewhat bullying, but if compared with countries other than Olali in this world, Olali is not a question of whether he is excellent, but a rare one. , there is absolutely no need to compare.

Anyone who can make a living in O'Leary always has some smiles on their faces.

The hero's legend has nothing to do with him, and the adventurer's journey has nothing to do with him. The people who live the most in Orario are still ordinary people.

But living in Orario is equivalent to being a witness of a hero.

Coming and going, they are all adventurers who have created many legends, and meet and talk with the gods from time to time. For many people, this is already considered an honor.

You know, this is about the background of the Middle Ages in Europe, and even worse, there are various kingdoms and empires outside of Orario, and the wars brought about it are extremely prosperous and slavery.

Many people can't wait to kneel down and kiss their shoes when they see nobles. It is a lifetime honor to be eligible to see the king.

There is no way to compare Olali with the counties of some top countries in the 21st century, but compared with other countries, Olali is not only stronger than the military power of adventurers and the economy brought by magic stones.

Olalie's equality and human rights, etc., are already exemplary in this world.

Adventurers living in Orario may not be aware of the good things about Orari.

For example, Riveria is the royal family of the elves, Bert is the son of the patriarch of the orc tribe, and Finn, for example, is not because of his status in the little people, but because he is worried about the future of the little people. O'Leary.

For a powerful adventurer, there are not many simple identities.

Even if you don't count the gods, the earth fault world is also a supernatural world. Bloodline is not something invisible or intangible, but it has something real and represents potential.

The parents are very strong, the descendants waste the talent that did not inherit the parents, and the parents and ancestors are very ordinary, but the descendants have high aptitude explosion for some reason-these all exist, but they are all exceptions.

In Olalie, lv2 and lv3 may not look conspicuous, but if you go to the outside world, let alone lv2, even adventurers with lv1 will be worshiped as messengers of gods in uncivilized villages.

Although in a sense, as long as the favor of God is engraved on the back, it is indeed the messenger of God.

Although the gods have been in the lower realm for 1000 years, for most of the world, the gods are still rumors. In Olalie, the gods are everywhere. In the outside world, they must be nobles at the national level. Have multiple conversations with the gods.

For people living in towns or villages, they may never see a god once in their life.

Happiness is often compared. Many people do not live very well in Olali, but as long as they compare with Olali, they will feel very happy.

But again, happiness is better than coming out.

The changes that happened in the Tower of Babel can make people stronger in an extremely safe and convenient way. Although non-adventurers in Orario do not know the inside story, they will guess that it is the work of the gods.

Even if many gods are trapped in the magic tower.

It's not a god, and there are no other suspects!

Only adventurers can enter the magic tower to fight monsters and upgrade, and the gods divide up the entry share. Many non-adventurers think that I can do it myself. Of course, I feel it is a pity in my heart, but if I really want to say how difficult it is to accept, it is not easy to talk about it. not on.

But by chance, two non-adventurers got in. Although they died before exploring a few floors in the magic tower, they were resurrected at the entrance... After testing, their physique was already comparable to that of an adventurer at level 2.

Now it has been recruited by some third-rate family members.

Many non-adventurers suddenly became unbalanced.

But if I was the one who went in at that time, and chopped down a few slimes and a few bats, wouldn't it be me who rose up now?

No, if I was the one who entered the magic tower at that time, I would definitely be stronger than those two lucky ones - not a few people think so.

The non-adventurers of Orario do not resent adventurers and gods, because those who are a little far away from themselves, even though they are in the same city, they are not people in the same world at all.

But seeing other non-adventurers taking advantage, many people feel more uncomfortable than themselves losing money.

On the second day after the Demon Tower came out, many people felt angry when they saw the two non-adventurers prosper.

At the same time, the raiders reached the middle level of the magic tower.

But visible to the naked eye, the difficulty of the battle is much higher.

On the first day, Ota didn't even explore the middle layer. It was because he was not familiar with the rules of the magic tower, and he waded through too many pits along the way.

The pit he waded into became a lesson for the latecomers. The latecomers could accumulate higher attributes in the early exploration and save more recovery items to face the monsters behind.

But attributes can grow rapidly, but combat experience cannot.

In the early stage of the magic tower, even if the basic attributes of monsters and adventurers are the same, they are no match for adventurers, but after reaching the middle level, the situation is reversed.

Even though the monster does not have a high level of spiritual intelligence, the complexity of the moves and the degree of solidification of power are far from that of an adventurer who has just acquired attributes.

Orari's adventurers are only at this level. The Loki family does not go out, and the Freya family rushes to the two first. Although they are still worried about the main god, they plan to think about it later.

The adventurers who entered the tower generally have the strength of lv4-lv5, which can't even be counted as six figures in Hakoniwa.

After reaching the middle level of the magic tower, the attributes promoted in the tower will be stronger than when they were originally adventurers.

The most important thing is that the adventurers in the wrong world, because of the lock attribute of God's grace, are the type who are not good at power control among the powerhouses of the same level. Change one inch, and then find out how to become stronger.

In the same level, monsters are not as good as humans. After all, monsters have no brains, which is recognized by Orari and even the whole lower world.

But after reaching the middle area of ​​the magic tower, the adventurers are no match for the monsters of the same attributes. Although the monsters lack intelligence and have a single attack mode, at least that single attack mode can at least bring out the power of the monster.

Adventurers can't even do that.

Among the ten people this time, there were adventurers who could not physically break the sound barrier. Relying on their original fighting style, they tried to speed up when facing the enemy and touched the sound barrier.

These adventurers didn't have this concept in their minds at all. When facing the monster's attack, they wanted to speed up and dodge, but they didn't take into account the sudden increase in air resistance around them, and were immediately hacked to death by the monster.

Of this group of adventurers who entered the magic tower, two of them died in the magic tower in such a daze.


Adventurers Guild.

Uranus is no longer as indifferent as before. He has been in the lower realm for a thousand years, and he and his god friends started planning long before he was in the lower realm.

Of course, the most part of his plan at that time was how to target the gods and build a cage that completely sealed the gods in the lower realm, but there were not none that were related to the people of the lower realm.

It can even be said that many of his plans are related to people from the lower world.

According to his plan with his fellow gods, the focus was on the gods, but the lower realms of the gods came to experience human life, so naturally his plan could not have nothing to do with the people of the lower realms.

At critical moments, by guiding the thoughts of the people in the lower world, it can indirectly guide the thoughts of the gods.

With more than a thousand years of accumulation, Uranus has a lot of experience in guiding ordinary people in the lower world, and has made many plans in advance.

Now he has taken out part of the plan, but it is really difficult to compress it into just seven days. He had just played the previous move, and there was no time to ferment it, so the next move had to be made.

It is impossible to make the people of the lower world dissatisfied with the gods of Orario, and to break the phenomenon that the gods are overly deified. Even if it is to arouse the anger of the Central African adventurers in Orario to the gods, it cannot be done in a short time. of.

But he had to do it anyway.

Uranus shook his head. His workload has increased a lot in a short period of time, but he is very relieved that at least victory is on his side. His current work is at best to make up for the hidden dangers after victory.

Uranus looked up at the tower in the distance.

On the first day, Ota, the strongest adventurer, broke the Demon Tower.

On the second day, some high-level adventurers learned from their previous failure experience, and they were exhausted after exploring the middle level of the magic tower.


Uranus took a deep breath.

The third day is the last chance for adventurers.

Not only adventurers can explore the magic tower, but also the gods. Although it is difficult for adventurers to control the sudden surge of power, the gods can control it.

Even the god Zai Cai, after hundreds of millions of years, even if his power control is still average, he can touch the passing line just by instinct.

What's more, in these hundreds of millions of years, who hasn't chosen to exercise themselves when the second middle school broke out?

Until now, no gods have entered the arena, and the reason for entering the magic tower to explore is very simple.

The main character is going to be the last to appear on the stage—Uranus secretly found a few friends of the gods, secretly spread the news, and led it to become a consensus among the gods.

The gods have a high status in the lower world and are universally loved, but universal does not represent all.

With so many people in the lower world, there will always be some people who don't take the gods seriously. Even for thousands of years, some people think that the gods are a scam.

These people feel that there are no gods or gods at all, and the so-called Olalie, the so-called game of the gods, is nothing but a deception carefully prepared by them.

These so-called "gods" are just useless woods with the ability to bestow favor on human beings, falsely claiming that they have omnipotent divine power, and falsely claiming that after human death, the soul will return to the heaven.

They weave this kind of lies just to maintain their rule over the lower world. The so-called gods of Orario only have more advanced technology than today's humans, as well as the ability to give humans strength, and a life span of more than a thousand years.

Perhaps as early as thousands of years ago, there existed a more advanced human civilization, and that civilization became extinct after an accident, leaving only a group of artificial life that assisted human growth... These artificial life found that the past history was buried, and changed their appearance Call yourself a god?

The world is so big, there must be everyone.

When the world recognizes that the earth is square, there are still some people who insist that the earth is round regardless of the risk of persecution. When the world recognizes that the earth is round, there are still some people who ignore the facts and all kinds of evidence and firmly believe that the earth under their feet is square. of.

Faced with such a person, the gods are helpless.

There are not many human beings who question the gods, but there are many after thousands of years, and many gods have met a few of them.

Even though many people do not doubt the authenticity of the gods, some still doubt the power of the gods.

Maybe the gods are just stronger adventurers, and adventurers will live forever after they grow to lv10lv100?

Maybe the gods are just strong talkers, and they can't do anything in practice?

In the lower realm, the gods can be willful, but most of the objects that the gods can be willful are limited to the gods' own family members.

Just because some people from the lower world questioned, the gods couldn't kill themselves by wiping their necks, right?

Wiping his neck to commit suicide, inspired by divine power, and sent back to the heaven, the instantaneous burst of divine power can make the humans on the surface realize that what their gods said is not exaggerated.

Omnipotence may not be mentioned, but it is not false that divine power is omnipotent within a certain range. At least the gods have the power to destroy the lower realm.

In the past, even if the gods boasted that they were great, all the disasters in the dungeon were solved by adventurers.

Some people are born to question authority, and they will shut up when faced with true achievements, but they will question things that seem to have a lot of evidence, but are actually unprovable.

The supernatural power of the gods cannot be proved, and it cannot be proved by killing a god.

Now is the chance for the gods to prove themselves.

In the past, the gods didn't have the chance to do anything, and the dungeon didn't allow the gods to enter, but now the magic tower can!

On the first day, the adventurer fell into the sand in the magic tower, because the adventurer did not understand the rules.

The next day, the adventurer figured out some of the rules, but was still in the stage of exploration.

The third day... is always the true level of an adventurer, right?

The gods don't care how much power they can gain after clearing the magic tower, but some gods are very concerned about proving themselves. Appearing in front of people is a common desire of almost all beings.

The gods thousands of years ago may not care. In the eyes of many gods thousands of years ago, the people of the lower world are ants. Who would show their holiness in front of the ants?

But after spending thousands of years with people from the lower world, it's another matter.

In the past, when facing those who questioned that the gods were lies, the gods simply ignored them. Arguing with fools was equivalent to becoming a fool themselves.

It's shameful to argue with a fool, but it's not shameful to slap evidence on a fool's face.

If... the adventurer reveals his achievements in the magic tower and finds that he can't pass the level at all, the gods will end immediately and pass the trial lightly.

Afterwards, he walked out of the magic tower and told the onlookers that if a god was an adventurer, even without divine power, he would have already passed through the dungeon...

Isn't it installed properly?

This kind of concept has been passed around in the circle of the gods. Today's gods are waiting for the right opportunity to enter.

Uranus shook his head slightly.

In a sense, what he said was not a lie. The appearance of the magic tower gave the gods a chance to end, and it was indeed a chance for the gods to prove themselves.

——But the premise is that the gods can do better than the adventurers.

In case the performance of the gods is not as good as that of adventurers... that is also a chance to prove it.

Proving that the gods are nothing more than such an opportunity.

Uranus just felt that it was a pity, and gave him half a month more time to guide, publicize in place, let the incident ferment, brew a good atmosphere, the gods entered the magic tower... and then immediately overturned.

Those gods will break the defense.

Now the time is too short, he is afraid that the atmosphere will not be in place.

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